blob: bf803b7f239f542766c2e1ec310f668ff551a326 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' show Directory;
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:watcher/src/watch_event.dart';
import 'environment.dart';
import 'pipeline.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
const Map<String, String> targetAliases = <String, String>{
'sdk': 'flutter/web_sdk',
'web_sdk': 'flutter/web_sdk',
'canvaskit': 'flutter/third_party/canvaskit:canvaskit_group',
'canvaskit_chromium': 'flutter/third_party/canvaskit:canvaskit_chromium_group',
'skwasm': 'flutter/lib/web_ui/skwasm',
class BuildCommand extends Command<bool> with ArgUtils<bool> {
BuildCommand() {
abbr: 'w',
help: 'Run the build in watch mode so it rebuilds whenever a change is '
'made. Disabled by default.',
help: 'Build the host build instead of the wasm build, which is '
'currently needed for `flutter run --local-engine` to work.'
String get name => 'build';
String get description => 'Build the Flutter web engine.';
bool get isWatchMode => boolArg('watch');
bool get host => boolArg('host');
List<String> get targets => argResults?.rest ?? <String>[];
FutureOr<bool> run() async {
final FilePath libPath = FilePath.fromWebUi('lib');
final List<PipelineStep> steps = <PipelineStep>[
GnPipelineStep(host: host),
buildDirectory: host ? environment.hostDebugUnoptDir : environment.wasmReleaseOutDir,
targets: target) => targetAliases[target] ?? target),
final Pipeline buildPipeline = Pipeline(steps: steps);
if (isWatchMode) {
print('Initial build done!');
print('Watching directory: ${libPath.relativeToCwd}/');
await PipelineWatcher(
dir: libPath.absolute,
pipeline: buildPipeline,
// Ignore font files that are copied whenever tests run.
ignore: (WatchEvent event) => event.path.endsWith('.ttf'),
return true;
/// Runs `gn`.
/// Not safe to interrupt as it may leave the `out/` directory in a corrupted
/// state. GN is pretty quick though, so it's OK to not support interruption.
class GnPipelineStep extends ProcessStep {
final bool host;
String get description => 'gn';
bool get isSafeToInterrupt => false;
List<String> get _gnArgs {
if (host) {
return <String>[
} else {
return <String>[
Future<ProcessManager> createProcess() {
print('Running gn...');
return startProcess(
path.join(environment.flutterDirectory.path, 'tools', 'gn'),
/// Runs `autoninja`.
/// Can be safely interrupted.
class NinjaPipelineStep extends ProcessStep {
NinjaPipelineStep({required this.buildDirectory, required this.targets});
String get description => 'ninja';
bool get isSafeToInterrupt => true;
/// The directory to build.
final Directory buildDirectory;
final Iterable<String> targets;
Future<ProcessManager> createProcess() {
print('Running autoninja...');
return startProcess(