blob: 38b5439ede7e83c66141338e873da170d1092ee6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
* A Flutter-specific subclass of NSApplication that overrides |terminate| and
* provides an additional |terminateApplication| method so that Flutter can
* handle requests for termination in an asynchronous fashion.
* When a call to |terminate| comes in, either from the OS through a Quit menu
* item, through the Quit item in the dock context menu, or from the application
* itself, a request is sent to the Flutter framework. If that request is
* granted, this subclass will (in |terminateApplication|) call
* |NSApplication|'s version of |terminate| to proceed with terminating the
* application normally by calling |applicationShouldTerminate|, etc.
* If the termination request is denied by the framework, then the application
* will continue to execute normally, as if no |terminate| call were made.
* The |FlutterAppDelegate| always returns |NSTerminateNow| from
* |applicationShouldTerminate|, since it has already decided by that point that
* it should terminate.
* In order for this class to be used in place of |NSApplication|, the
* "NSPrincipalClass" entry in the Info.plist for the application must be set to
* "FlutterApplication". If it is not, then the application will not be given
* the chance to deny a termination request, and calls to requestAppExit on the
* engine (from the framework, typically) will simply exit the application
* without ceremony.
* If the |NSApp| global isn't of type |FlutterApplication|, a log message will
* be printed once in debug mode when the application is first accessed through
* the singleton's |sharedApplication|, describing how to fix this.
* Flutter applications are *not* required to inherit from this class.
* Developers of custom |NSApplication| subclasses should copy and paste code as
* necessary from
@interface FlutterApplication : NSApplication