blob: 8eca9611f0f4868c5a38ec15b9eb0c20a6f33981 [file] [log] [blame]
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
* Takes care of synchronization between raster and platform thread.
@interface FlutterThreadSynchronizer : NSObject
* Blocks current thread until there is frame available.
* Used in FlutterEngineTest.
- (void)blockUntilFrameAvailable;
* Called from platform thread. Blocks until commit with given size (or empty)
* is requested.
- (void)beginResize:(CGSize)size notify:(nonnull dispatch_block_t)notify;
* Called from raster thread. Schedules the given block on platform thread
* and blocks until it is performed.
* If platform thread is blocked in `beginResize:` for given size (or size is empty),
* unblocks platform thread.
* The notify block is guaranteed to be called within a core animation transaction.
- (void)performCommit:(CGSize)size notify:(nonnull dispatch_block_t)notify;
* Called when shutting down. Unblocks everything and prevents any further synchronization.
- (void)shutdown;