blob: 03a41c9a09d3e3268f014582e6a0d2a0d36dff45 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/runtime/platform_isolate_manager.h"
#include "flutter/runtime/dart_isolate.h"
namespace flutter {
bool PlatformIsolateManager::HasShutdown() {
// TODO(flutter/flutter#136314): Assert that we're on the platform thread.
std::scoped_lock lock(lock_);
return is_shutdown_;
bool PlatformIsolateManager::HasShutdownMaybeFalseNegative() {
std::scoped_lock lock(lock_);
return is_shutdown_;
bool PlatformIsolateManager::RegisterPlatformIsolate(Dart_Isolate isolate) {
std::scoped_lock lock(lock_);
if (is_shutdown_) {
// It's possible shutdown occured while we were trying to aquire the lock.
return false;
FML_DCHECK(platform_isolates_.find(isolate) == platform_isolates_.end());
return true;
void PlatformIsolateManager::RemovePlatformIsolate(Dart_Isolate isolate) {
// This method is only called by DartIsolate::OnShutdownCallback() during
// isolate shutdown. This can happen either during the ordinary platform
// isolate shutdown, or during ShutdownPlatformIsolates(). In either case
// we're on the platform thread.
// TODO(flutter/flutter#136314): Assert that we're on the platform thread.
// Need a method that works for ShutdownPlatformIsolates() too.
std::scoped_lock lock(lock_);
if (is_shutdown_) {
// Removal during ShutdownPlatformIsolates. Ignore, to avoid modifying
// platform_isolates_ during iteration.
FML_DCHECK(platform_isolates_.find(isolate) != platform_isolates_.end());
void PlatformIsolateManager::ShutdownPlatformIsolates() {
// TODO(flutter/flutter#136314): Assert that we're on the platform thread.
// There's no current UIDartState here, so's method won't
// work.
std::scoped_lock lock(lock_);
is_shutdown_ = true;
std::unordered_set<Dart_Isolate> platform_isolates;
std::swap(platform_isolates_, platform_isolates);
for (Dart_Isolate isolate : platform_isolates) {
bool PlatformIsolateManager::IsRegisteredForTestingOnly(Dart_Isolate isolate) {
std::scoped_lock lock(lock_);
return platform_isolates_.find(isolate) != platform_isolates_.end();
} // namespace flutter