blob: 6a0b6dd22dc1beedb1f94a9300be96f41275c9a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flatland_connection.h"
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/async/default.h>
#include <zircon/rights.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <utility>
#include "flutter/fml/logging.h"
namespace flutter_runner {
namespace {
// Helper function for traces.
double DeltaFromNowInNanoseconds(const fml::TimePoint& now,
const fml::TimePoint& time) {
return (time - now).ToNanoseconds();
} // namespace
const std::string& debug_label,
fuchsia::ui::composition::FlatlandHandle flatland,
fml::closure error_callback,
on_frame_presented_event on_frame_presented_callback,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher)
: dispatcher_(dispatcher),
on_frame_presented_callback_(std::move(on_frame_presented_callback)) {
flatland_.set_error_handler([callback = error_callback_](zx_status_t status) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Flatland disconnected: " << zx_status_get_string(status);
debug_label_ = debug_label;
flatland_->SetDebugName(debug_label); =
fit::bind_member(this, &FlatlandConnection::OnError); =
fit::bind_member(this, &FlatlandConnection::OnFramePresented); =
fit::bind_member(this, &FlatlandConnection::OnNextFrameBegin);
FlatlandConnection::~FlatlandConnection() = default;
// This method is called from the raster thread.
void FlatlandConnection::Present() {
TRACE_DURATION("flutter", "FlatlandConnection::Present");
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock(threadsafe_state_.mutex_);
if (threadsafe_state_.present_credits_ > 0) {
} else {
present_waiting_for_credit_ = true;
// This method is called from the raster thread.
void FlatlandConnection::DoPresent() {
TRACE_DURATION("flutter", "FlatlandConnection::DoPresent");
std::string per_app_tracing_name =
"Flatland::PerAppPresent[" + debug_label_ + "]";
TRACE_FLOW_BEGIN("gfx", per_app_tracing_name.c_str(), next_present_trace_id_);
FML_CHECK(threadsafe_state_.present_credits_ > 0);
fuchsia::ui::composition::PresentArgs present_args;
// Schedule acquire fence overflow signaling if there is one.
if (acquire_overflow_ != nullptr) {
async::PostTask(dispatcher_, [dispatcher = dispatcher_,
overflow = acquire_overflow_]() {
const size_t fences_size = overflow->fences_.size();
std::shared_ptr<size_t> fences_completed = std::make_shared<size_t>(0);
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<async::WaitOnce>> closures;
for (auto i = 0u; i < fences_size; i++) {
auto wait = std::make_unique<async::WaitOnce>(
overflow->fences_[i].get(), ZX_EVENT_SIGNALED, 0u);
auto wait_ptr = wait.get();
[wait = std::move(wait), overflow, fences_size, fences_completed,
closures](async_dispatcher_t*, async::WaitOnce*,
zx_status_t status, const zx_packet_signal_t*) {
FML_CHECK(status == ZX_OK)
<< "status: " << zx_status_get_string(status);
if (*fences_completed == fences_size) {
// Signal the acquire fence passed on to Flatland.
const zx_status_t status =
overflow->event_.signal(0, ZX_EVENT_SIGNALED);
FML_CHECK(status == ZX_OK)
<< "status: " << zx_status_get_string(status);
FML_CHECK(acquire_overflow_ == nullptr);
// Frame rate over latency.
// In Flatland, release fences apply to the content of the previous present.
// Keeping track of the old frame's release fences and swapping ensure we set
// the correct ones for VulkanSurface's interpretation.
previous_release_overflow_ = current_release_overflow_;
current_release_overflow_ = nullptr;
// Similar to the treatment of acquire_fences_overflow_ above. Except in
// the other direction.
if (previous_release_overflow_ != nullptr) {
std::shared_ptr<Overflow> fences = previous_release_overflow_;
async::PostTask(dispatcher_, [dispatcher = dispatcher_,
fences = previous_release_overflow_]() {
FML_CHECK(fences != nullptr);
auto wait = std::make_unique<async::WaitOnce>(fences->event_.get(),
auto wait_ptr = wait.get();
dispatcher, [_wait = std::move(wait), fences](
async_dispatcher_t*, async::WaitOnce*,
zx_status_t status, const zx_packet_signal_t*) {
FML_CHECK(status == ZX_OK)
<< "status: " << zx_status_get_string(status);
// Multiplex signaling all events.
for (auto& event : fences->fences_) {
const zx_status_t status = event.signal(0, ZX_EVENT_SIGNALED);
FML_CHECK(status == ZX_OK)
<< "status: " << zx_status_get_string(status);
previous_release_overflow_ = nullptr;
FML_CHECK(previous_release_overflow_ == nullptr); // Moved.
// This method is called from the UI thread.
void FlatlandConnection::AwaitVsync(FireCallbackCallback callback) {
TRACE_DURATION("flutter", "FlatlandConnection::AwaitVsync");
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock(threadsafe_state_.mutex_);
threadsafe_state_.pending_fire_callback_ = nullptr;
const auto now = fml::TimePoint::Now();
// Initial case.
if (MaybeRunInitialVsyncCallback(now, callback)) {
// Throttle case.
if (threadsafe_state_.present_credits_ == 0) {
threadsafe_state_.pending_fire_callback_ = std::move(callback);
// Regular case.
RunVsyncCallback(now, callback);
// This method is called from the UI thread.
void FlatlandConnection::AwaitVsyncForSecondaryCallback(
FireCallbackCallback callback) {
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock(threadsafe_state_.mutex_);
const auto now = fml::TimePoint::Now();
// Initial case.
if (MaybeRunInitialVsyncCallback(now, callback)) {
// Regular case.
RunVsyncCallback(now, callback);
// This method is called from the raster thread.
void FlatlandConnection::OnError(
fuchsia::ui::composition::FlatlandError error) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Flatland error: " << static_cast<int>(error);
// This method is called from the raster thread.
void FlatlandConnection::OnNextFrameBegin(
fuchsia::ui::composition::OnNextFrameBeginValues values) {
// Collect now before locking because this is an important timing information
// from Scenic.
const auto now = fml::TimePoint::Now();
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock(threadsafe_state_.mutex_);
threadsafe_state_.first_feedback_received_ = true;
threadsafe_state_.present_credits_ += values.additional_present_credits();
TRACE_DURATION("flutter", "FlatlandConnection::OnNextFrameBegin",
"present_credits", threadsafe_state_.present_credits_);
if (present_waiting_for_credit_ && threadsafe_state_.present_credits_ > 0) {
present_waiting_for_credit_ = false;
// Update vsync_interval_ by calculating the difference between the first two
// presentation times. Flatland always returns >1 presentation_infos, so this
// check is to guard against any changes to this assumption.
if (values.has_future_presentation_infos() &&
values.future_presentation_infos().size() > 1) {
threadsafe_state_.vsync_interval_ = fml::TimeDelta::FromNanoseconds(
values.future_presentation_infos().at(1).presentation_time() -
} else {
<< "Flatland didn't send enough future_presentation_infos to update "
"vsync interval.";
// Update next_presentation_times_.
std::queue<fml::TimePoint> new_times;
for (const auto& info : values.future_presentation_infos()) {
// Update vsync_offset_.
// We use modulo here because Flatland may point to the following vsync if
// OnNextFrameBegin() is called after the current frame's latch point.
auto vsync_offset =
values.future_presentation_infos().front().presentation_time())) -
now) %
// Thread contention may result in OnNextFrameBegin() being called after the
// presentation time. Ignore these outliers.
if (vsync_offset > fml::TimeDelta::Zero()) {
threadsafe_state_.vsync_offset_ = vsync_offset;
// Throttle case.
if (threadsafe_state_.pending_fire_callback_ &&
threadsafe_state_.present_credits_ > 0) {
RunVsyncCallback(now, threadsafe_state_.pending_fire_callback_);
threadsafe_state_.pending_fire_callback_ = nullptr;
// This method is called from the raster thread.
void FlatlandConnection::OnFramePresented(
fuchsia::scenic::scheduling::FramePresentedInfo info) {
// Parses and updates next_presentation_times_.
fml::TimePoint FlatlandConnection::GetNextPresentationTime(
const fml::TimePoint& now) {
const fml::TimePoint& cutoff =
now > threadsafe_state_.last_presentation_time_
? now
: threadsafe_state_.last_presentation_time_;
// Remove presentation times that may have been passed. This may happen after
// a long draw call.
while (!threadsafe_state_.next_presentation_times_.empty() &&
threadsafe_state_.next_presentation_times_.front() <= cutoff) {
// Calculate a presentation time based on
// |threadsafe_state_.last_presentation_time_| that is later than cutoff using
// |vsync_interval| increments if we don't have any future presentation times
// left.
if (threadsafe_state_.next_presentation_times_.empty()) {
auto result = threadsafe_state_.last_presentation_time_;
while (result <= cutoff) {
result = result + threadsafe_state_.vsync_interval_;
return result;
// Return the next presentation time in the queue for the regular case.
const auto result = threadsafe_state_.next_presentation_times_.front();
return result;
// This method is called from the UI thread.
bool FlatlandConnection::MaybeRunInitialVsyncCallback(
const fml::TimePoint& now,
FireCallbackCallback& callback) {
if (!threadsafe_state_.first_feedback_received_) {
const auto frame_end = now + kInitialFlatlandVsyncOffset;
threadsafe_state_.last_presentation_time_ = frame_end;
callback(now, frame_end);
return true;
return false;
// This method may be called from the raster or UI thread, but it is safe
// because VsyncWaiter posts the vsync callback on UI thread.
void FlatlandConnection::RunVsyncCallback(const fml::TimePoint& now,
FireCallbackCallback& callback) {
const auto& frame_end = GetNextPresentationTime(now);
const auto& frame_start = frame_end - threadsafe_state_.vsync_offset_;
threadsafe_state_.last_presentation_time_ = frame_end;
TRACE_DURATION("flutter", "FlatlandConnection::RunVsyncCallback",
DeltaFromNowInNanoseconds(now, frame_start), "frame_end_delta",
DeltaFromNowInNanoseconds(now, frame_end));
callback(frame_start, frame_end);
// Enqueue a single fence into either the "base" vector of fences, or a
// "special" overflow multiplexer.
// Args:
// - fence: the fence to add
// - fences: the "regular" fences vector to add to.
// - overflow: the overflow fences vector. Fences added here if there are
// more than can fit in `fences`.
static void Enqueue(zx::event fence,
std::vector<zx::event>* fences,
std::shared_ptr<Overflow>* overflow) {
constexpr size_t kMaxFences =
// Number of all previously added fences, plus this one.
const auto num_all_fences =
fences->size() + 1 +
((*overflow == nullptr) ? 0 : (*overflow)->fences_.size());
// If more than max number of fences come in, schedule any further fences into
// an overflow. The overflow fences are scheduled for processing here, but are
// processed in DoPresent().
if (num_all_fences <= kMaxFences) {
} else if (num_all_fences == kMaxFences + 1) {
// The ownership of the overflow will be handed over to the signaling
// closure on DoPresent call. So we always expect that we enter here with
// overflow not set.
FML_CHECK((*overflow) == nullptr) << "overflow is still active";
*overflow = std::make_shared<Overflow>();
// Set up the overflow fences. Creates an overflow handle, places it
// into `fences` instead of the previous fence, and puts the prior fence
// and this one into overflow.
zx::event overflow_handle = std::move(fences->back());
zx::event overflow_fence;
zx_status_t status = zx::event::create(0, &overflow_fence);
FML_CHECK(status == ZX_OK) << "status: " << zx_status_get_string(status);
// Every DoPresent should invalidate this handle. Holler if not.
FML_CHECK(!(*overflow)->event_.is_valid()) << "overflow valid";
status =
overflow_fence.duplicate(ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &(*overflow)->event_);
FML_CHECK(status == ZX_OK) << "status: " << zx_status_get_string(status);
// Prepare for wait_many call.
FML_LOG(INFO) << "Enqueue using fence overflow, expect a performance hit.";
} else {
FML_CHECK((*overflow) != nullptr);
// Just add to the overflow fences.
// This method is called from the raster thread.
void FlatlandConnection::EnqueueAcquireFence(zx::event fence) {
Enqueue(std::move(fence), &acquire_fences_, &acquire_overflow_);
// This method is called from the raster thread.
void FlatlandConnection::EnqueueReleaseFence(zx::event fence) {
Enqueue(std::move(fence), &current_present_release_fences_,
} // namespace flutter_runner