blob: 37cb47bd05e69163fac709baab5d20be361770c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Maintains a connection to Fuchsia's Flatland protocol used for rendering
// 2D graphics scenes.
#include <fuchsia/ui/composition/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/default.h>
#include "flutter/fml/closure.h"
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "flutter/fml/time/time_delta.h"
#include "flutter/fml/time/time_point.h"
#include "vsync_waiter.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
namespace flutter_runner {
// The maximum number of fences that can be signaled at a time.
static constexpr size_t kMaxFences =
// A helper to ferry around multiplexed events for signaling. Helps move
// non-copyable events into closures.
class Overflow {
std::vector<zx::event> fences_;
zx::event event_;
Overflow() { fences_.reserve(kMaxFences); };
using on_frame_presented_event =
// 10ms interval to target vsync is only used until Scenic sends presentation
// feedback.
static constexpr fml::TimeDelta kInitialFlatlandVsyncOffset =
// The component residing on the raster thread that is responsible for
// maintaining the Flatland instance connection and presenting updates.
class FlatlandConnection final {
const std::string& debug_label,
fuchsia::ui::composition::FlatlandHandle flatland,
fml::closure error_callback,
on_frame_presented_event on_frame_presented_callback,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = async_get_default_dispatcher());
void Present();
// Used to implement VsyncWaiter functionality.
// Note that these two methods are called from the UI thread while the
// rest of the methods on this class are called from the raster thread.
void AwaitVsync(FireCallbackCallback callback);
void AwaitVsyncForSecondaryCallback(FireCallbackCallback callback);
fuchsia::ui::composition::Flatland* flatland() { return flatland_.get(); }
fuchsia::ui::composition::TransformId NextTransformId() {
return {++next_transform_id_};
fuchsia::ui::composition::ContentId NextContentId() {
return {++next_content_id_};
// Adds a new acquire fence to be sent out to the next Present() call.
// Acquire fences must all be signaled by the user.
// Enqueuing more than 16 fences per frame incurs a performance penalty, so
// use them sparingly.
// Skipped frames may cause the number of fences to increase, leading to
// more performance issues. Ideally, the flow of the frames should be smooth.
void EnqueueAcquireFence(zx::event fence);
// Adds a new release fence to be sent out to the next Present() call.
// Release fences are all signaled by Scenic (Flatland server).
// See the performance notes on EnqueueAcquireFence for performance details.
void EnqueueReleaseFence(zx::event fence);
void OnError(fuchsia::ui::composition::FlatlandError error);
void OnNextFrameBegin(
fuchsia::ui::composition::OnNextFrameBeginValues values);
void OnFramePresented(fuchsia::scenic::scheduling::FramePresentedInfo info);
void DoPresent();
fml::TimePoint GetNextPresentationTime(const fml::TimePoint& now);
bool MaybeRunInitialVsyncCallback(const fml::TimePoint& now,
FireCallbackCallback& callback);
void RunVsyncCallback(const fml::TimePoint& now,
FireCallbackCallback& callback);
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
fuchsia::ui::composition::FlatlandPtr flatland_;
fml::closure error_callback_;
uint64_t next_transform_id_ = 0;
uint64_t next_content_id_ = 0;
on_frame_presented_event on_frame_presented_callback_;
bool present_waiting_for_credit_ = false;
// A flow event trace id for following |Flatland::Present| calls into Scenic.
uint64_t next_present_trace_id_ = 0;
// This struct contains state that is accessed from both from the UI thread
// (in AwaitVsync) and the raster thread (in OnNextFrameBegin and Present).
// You should always lock mutex_ before touching anything in this struct
struct {
std::mutex mutex_;
std::queue<fml::TimePoint> next_presentation_times_;
fml::TimeDelta vsync_interval_ = kInitialFlatlandVsyncOffset;
fml::TimeDelta vsync_offset_ = kInitialFlatlandVsyncOffset;
fml::TimePoint last_presentation_time_;
FireCallbackCallback pending_fire_callback_;
uint32_t present_credits_ = 1;
bool first_feedback_received_ = false;
} threadsafe_state_;
// Acquire fences sent to Flatland.
std::vector<zx::event> acquire_fences_;
// Multiplexed acquire fences over the critical number of ~16.
std::shared_ptr<Overflow> acquire_overflow_;
// Release fences sent to Flatland. Similar to acquire fences above.
std::vector<zx::event> current_present_release_fences_;
std::shared_ptr<Overflow> current_release_overflow_;
// Release fences from the prior call to DoPresent().
// Similar to acquire fences above.
std::vector<zx::event> previous_present_release_fences_;
std::shared_ptr<Overflow> previous_release_overflow_;
std::string debug_label_;
} // namespace flutter_runner