blob: c1e573157f15d6d9bce80ba81098a29ea2bf1482 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'package:litetest/litetest.dart';
import '../bin/utils/adb_logcat_filtering.dart';
import 'src/fake_adb_logcat.dart';
void main() {
/// Simulates the filtering of logcat output [lines].
Iterable<String> filter(Iterable<String> lines, {int? filterProcessId}) {
if (lines.isEmpty) {
throw StateError('No log lines to filter. This is unexpected.');
return lines.where((String line) {
final AdbLogLine? logLine = AdbLogLine.tryParse(line);
if (logLine == null) {
throw StateError('Invalid log line: $line');
final bool isVerbose = logLine.isVerbose(filterProcessId: filterProcessId?.toString());
return !isVerbose;
test('should always retain fatal logs', () {
final FakeAdbLogcat logcat = FakeAdbLogcat();
final FakeAdbProcess process = logcat.process();
process.fatal('Something', 'A bad thing happened');
final Iterable<String> filtered = filter(logcat.drain());
expect(filtered, hasLength(1));
expect(filtered.first, contains('Something: A bad thing happened'));
test('should never retain debug logs', () {
final FakeAdbLogcat logcat = FakeAdbLogcat();
final FakeAdbProcess process = logcat.process();
final String tag = AdbLogLine.knownNoiseTags.first;
process.debug(tag, 'A debug message');
final Iterable<String> filtered = filter(logcat.drain());
expect(filtered, isEmpty);
test('should never retain logs from known "noise" tags', () {
final FakeAdbLogcat logcat = FakeAdbLogcat();
final FakeAdbProcess process = logcat.process();
final String tag = AdbLogLine.knownNoiseTags.first;, 'Flutter flutter flutter');
final Iterable<String> filtered = filter(logcat.drain());
expect(filtered, isEmpty);
test('should always retain logs from known "useful" tags', () {
final FakeAdbLogcat logcat = FakeAdbLogcat();
final FakeAdbProcess process = logcat.process();
final String tag = AdbLogLine.knownUsefulTags.first;, 'A useful message');
final Iterable<String> filtered = filter(logcat.drain());
expect(filtered, hasLength(1));
expect(filtered.first, contains('$tag: A useful message'));
test('if a process ID is passed, retain the log', () {
final FakeAdbLogcat logcat = FakeAdbLogcat();
final FakeAdbProcess process = logcat.process();'SomeTag', 'A message');
final Iterable<String> filtered = filter(logcat.drain(), filterProcessId: process.processId);
expect(filtered, hasLength(1));
expect(filtered.first, contains('SomeTag: A message'));
test('even if a process ID passed, retain logs containing "flutter"', () {
final FakeAdbLogcat logcat = FakeAdbLogcat();
final FakeAdbProcess process = logcat.process();'SomeTag', 'A message with flutter');
final Iterable<String> filtered = filter(logcat.drain(), filterProcessId: process.processId);
expect(filtered, hasLength(1));
expect(filtered.first, contains('SomeTag: A message with flutter'));
test('should retain E-level flags from known "useful" error tags', () {
final FakeAdbLogcat logcat = FakeAdbLogcat();
final FakeAdbProcess process = logcat.process();
final String tag = AdbLogLine.knownUsefulErrorTags.first;
process.error(tag, 'An error message');, 'An info message');
final Iterable<String> filtered = filter(logcat.drain());
expect(filtered, hasLength(1));
expect(filtered.first, contains('$tag: An error message'));
test('should filter out error logs from unimportant processes', () {
final FakeAdbLogcat logcat = FakeAdbLogcat();
final FakeAdbProcess process = logcat.process();
// I hate this one.
const String tag = 'gs.intelligence';
process.error(tag, 'No package ID ff found for resource ID 0xffffffff.');
final Iterable<String> filtered = filter(logcat.drain());
expect(filtered, isEmpty);
test('should filter the flutter-launched process, not just any process', () {
final FakeAdbLogcat logcat = FakeAdbLogcat();
final FakeAdbProcess device = logcat.process();
final FakeAdbProcess unrelated = logcat.process();
final FakeAdbProcess flutter = logcat.process();, 'Start proc ${unrelated.processId}:com.example.unrelated');
List<String> rawLines = logcat.drain();
expect(rawLines, hasLength(1));
AdbLogLine parsedLogLine = AdbLogLine.tryParse(rawLines.single)!;
expect(parsedLogLine.tryParseProcess(), isNull);, 'Start proc ${flutter.processId}:${AdbLogLine.flutterProcessName}');
rawLines = logcat.drain();
expect(rawLines, hasLength(1));
parsedLogLine = AdbLogLine.tryParse(rawLines.single)!;
expect(parsedLogLine.tryParseProcess(), '${flutter.processId}');