blob: 8bebbd335c7ab092f621904587550bfede8c3a1f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:engine_tool/src/gn.dart';
import 'package:engine_tool/src/label.dart';
import 'package:litetest/litetest.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
void main() {
test('gn.desc handles a non-zero exit code', () async {
final TestEnvironment testEnv = TestEnvironment.withTestEngine(
cannedProcesses: <CannedProcess>[
(List<String> command) => command.contains('desc'),
exitCode: 1,
stdout: 'stdout',
stderr: 'stderr',
try {
final Gn gn = Gn.fromEnvironment(testEnv.environment);
await gn.desc('out/Release', TargetPattern('//foo', 'bar'));
fail('Expected an exception');
} catch (e) {
final String message = '$e';
expect(message, contains('Failed to run'));
expect(message, contains('exit code 1'));
expect(message, contains('STDOUT:\nstdout'));
expect(message, contains('STDERR:\nstderr'));
} finally {
test('gn.desc handles unparseable stdout', () async {
final TestEnvironment testEnv = TestEnvironment.withTestEngine(
cannedProcesses: <CannedProcess>[
(List<String> command) => command.contains('desc'),
stdout: 'not json',
try {
final Gn gn = Gn.fromEnvironment(testEnv.environment);
await gn.desc('out/Release', TargetPattern('//foo', 'bar'));
fail('Expected an exception');
} catch (e) {
final String message = '$e';
expect(message, contains('Failed to parse JSON'));
expect(message, contains('not json'));
} finally {
test('gn.desc parses build targets', () async {
final TestEnvironment testEnv = TestEnvironment.withTestEngine(
cannedProcesses: <CannedProcess>[
(List<String> command) => command.contains('desc'),
stdout: '''
"//foo/bar:baz_test": {
"outputs": ["//out/host_debug/foo/bar/baz_test"],
"testonly": true,
"type": "executable"
"//foo/bar:baz_shared_library": {
"testonly": false,
"type": "shared_library"
"//foo/bar:baz_static_library": {
"testonly": false,
"type": "static_library"
try {
final Gn gn = Gn.fromEnvironment(testEnv.environment);
final List<BuildTarget> targets = await gn.desc('out/Release', TargetPattern('//foo', 'bar'));
expect(targets, hasLength(3));
// There should be exactly one binary test target and two library targets.
final ExecutableBuildTarget testTarget = targets.whereType<ExecutableBuildTarget>().single;
expect(testTarget, ExecutableBuildTarget(
label: Label('//foo/bar', 'baz_test'),
testOnly: true,
executable: 'out/host_debug/foo/bar/baz_test',
final List<LibraryBuildTarget> libraryTargets = targets.whereType<LibraryBuildTarget>().toList();
expect(libraryTargets, hasLength(2));
label: Label('//foo/bar', 'baz_shared_library'),
testOnly: false,
)), isTrue);
label: Label('//foo/bar', 'baz_static_library'),
testOnly: false,
)), isTrue);
} finally {