blob: c23df2b7940cc8aeb2cafdd7570174eead1473a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:engine_tool/src/typed_json.dart';
import 'package:litetest/litetest.dart';
void main() {
group('JsonObject.string', () {
test('returns string value', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': 'value'});
expect(jsonObject.string('key'), 'value');
test('throws due to missing key', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': 'value'});
expect(() => jsonObject.string('missing'), throwsA(isInstanceOf<MissingKeyJsonReadException>()));
test('throws due to wrong type', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': 42});
expect(() => jsonObject.string('key'), throwsA(isInstanceOf<InvalidTypeJsonReadException>()));
group('JsonObject.integer', () {
test('returns integer value', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': 42});
expect(jsonObject.integer('key'), 42);
test('throws due to missing key', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': 42});
expect(() => jsonObject.integer('missing'), throwsA(isInstanceOf<MissingKeyJsonReadException>()));
test('throws due to wrong type', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': 'value'});
expect(() => jsonObject.integer('key'), throwsA(isInstanceOf<InvalidTypeJsonReadException>()));
group('JsonObject.boolean', () {
test('returns boolean value', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': true});
expect(jsonObject.boolean('key'), true);
test('throws due to missing key', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': true});
expect(() => jsonObject.boolean('missing'), throwsA(isInstanceOf<MissingKeyJsonReadException>()));
test('throws due to wrong type', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': 'value'});
expect(() => jsonObject.boolean('key'), throwsA(isInstanceOf<InvalidTypeJsonReadException>()));
group('JsonObject.stringList', () {
test('returns string list value', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': <Object?>['value1', 'value2']});
expect(jsonObject.stringList('key'), <String>['value1', 'value2']);
test('throws due to missing key', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': <Object?>['value1', 'value2']});
expect(() => jsonObject.stringList('missing'), throwsA(isInstanceOf<MissingKeyJsonReadException>()));
test('throws due to wrong type', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': 'value'});
expect(() => jsonObject.stringList('key'), throwsA(isInstanceOf<InvalidTypeJsonReadException>()));
test('throws due to wrong element type', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': <Object?>['value1', 42]});
expect(() => jsonObject.stringList('key'), throwsA(isInstanceOf<InvalidTypeJsonReadException>()));
group('JsonObject.stringOrNull', () {
test('returns string value', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': 'value'});
expect(jsonObject.stringOrNull('key'), 'value');
test('returns null due to missing key', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': 'value'});
expect(jsonObject.stringOrNull('missing'), isNull);
test('throws due to wrong type', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': 42});
expect(() => jsonObject.stringOrNull('key'), throwsA(isInstanceOf<InvalidTypeJsonReadException>()));
group('JsonObject.integerOrNull', () {
test('returns integer value', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': 42});
expect(jsonObject.integerOrNull('key'), 42);
test('returns null due to missing key', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': 42});
expect(jsonObject.integerOrNull('missing'), isNull);
test('throws due to wrong type', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': 'value'});
expect(() => jsonObject.integerOrNull('key'), throwsA(isInstanceOf<InvalidTypeJsonReadException>()));
group('JsonObject.booleanOrNull', () {
test('returns boolean value', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': true});
expect(jsonObject.booleanOrNull('key'), true);
test('returns null due to missing key', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': true});
expect(jsonObject.booleanOrNull('missing'), isNull);
test('throws due to wrong type', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': 'value'});
expect(() => jsonObject.booleanOrNull('key'), throwsA(isInstanceOf<InvalidTypeJsonReadException>()));
group('JsonObject.stringListOrNull', () {
test('returns string list value', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': <Object?>['value1', 'value2']});
expect(jsonObject.stringListOrNull('key'), <String>['value1', 'value2']);
test('returns null due to missing key', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': <Object?>['value1', 'value2']});
expect(jsonObject.stringListOrNull('missing'), isNull);
test('throws due to wrong type', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': 'value'});
expect(() => jsonObject.stringListOrNull('key'), throwsA(isInstanceOf<InvalidTypeJsonReadException>()));
test('throws due to wrong element type', () {
const JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject(<String, Object?>{'key': <Object?>['value1', 42]});
expect(() => jsonObject.stringListOrNull('key'), throwsA(isInstanceOf<InvalidTypeJsonReadException>()));
group('', () {
test('returns multiple fields', () {
final (String name, int age, bool isStudent) = const JsonObject(<String, Object?>{
'name': 'Alice',
'age': 42,
'isStudent': true,
}).map((JsonObject json) {
return (
expect(name, 'Alice');
expect(age, 42);
expect(isStudent, true);
test('throws due to missing keys', () {
try {
const JsonObject(<String, Object?>{
'age': 42,
}).map((JsonObject json) {
return (
fail('Expected JsonMapException');
} on JsonMapException catch (e) {
expect( e) => (e as MissingKeyJsonReadException).key).toList(),
containsStringsInOrder(<String>['name', 'isStudent'],
test('throws due to wrong types', () {
try {
const JsonObject(<String, Object?>{
'name': 42,
'age': '42',
'isStudent': false,
}).map((JsonObject json) {
return (
fail('Expected JsonMapException');
} on JsonMapException catch (e) {
expect( e) => switch (e) {
final InvalidTypeJsonReadException e => e.key,
final MissingKeyJsonReadException e => e.key,
_ => throw StateError('Unexpected exception type: $e'),
containsStringsInOrder(<String>['name', 'age'],
test('allows a default with onError', () {
final (String name, int age, bool isStudent) = const JsonObject(<String, Object?>{
'name': 'Alice',
'age': 42,
'isStudent': 'true',
}).map((JsonObject json) {
return (
}, onError: expectAsync2((_, JsonMapException e) {
expect( e) => switch (e) {
final InvalidTypeJsonReadException e => e.key,
final MissingKeyJsonReadException e => e.key,
_ => throw StateError('Unexpected exception type: $e'),
return ('Bob', 0, false);
expect(name, 'Bob');
expect(age, 0);
expect(isStudent, false);
test('disallows a return type of Future<*>', () {
expect(() {
const JsonObject(<String, Object?>{
'name': 'Alice',
'age': 42,
'isStudent': true,
}).map((JsonObject json) async {
return (
}, throwsA(isInstanceOf<ArgumentError>()));