blob: 612473e9567b08239626c9f9cce414ecee445a8c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import '../../engine.dart' show registerHotRestartListener;
import '../dom.dart';
import '../services.dart';
import '../util.dart';
/// Singleton for accessing accessibility announcements from the platform.
final AccessibilityAnnouncements accessibilityAnnouncements =
/// Attaches accessibility announcements coming from the 'flutter/accessibility'
/// channel as temporary elements to the DOM.
class AccessibilityAnnouncements {
/// Initializes the [AccessibilityAnnouncements] singleton if it is not
/// already initialized.
static AccessibilityAnnouncements get instance {
return _instance ??= AccessibilityAnnouncements._();
static AccessibilityAnnouncements? _instance;
AccessibilityAnnouncements._() {
registerHotRestartListener(() {
/// Timer that times when the accessibility element should be removed from the
/// DOM.
/// The element is added to the DOM temporarily for announcing the
/// message to the assistive technology.
Timer? _removeElementTimer;
/// The duration the accessibility announcements stay on the DOM.
/// It is removed after this time expired.
Duration durationA11yMessageIsOnDom = const Duration(seconds: 5);
/// Element which is used to communicate the message from the
/// 'flutter/accessibility' to the assistive technologies.
/// This element gets attached to the DOM temporarily. It gets removed
/// after a duration. See [durationA11yMessageIsOnDom].
/// This element has aria-live attribute.
/// It also has id 'accessibility-element' for testing purposes.
DomHTMLElement? _element;
DomHTMLElement get _domElement => _element ??= _createElement();
/// Decodes the message coming from the 'flutter/accessibility' channel.
void handleMessage(StandardMessageCodec codec, ByteData? data) {
final Map<dynamic, dynamic> inputMap =
codec.decodeMessage(data) as Map<dynamic, dynamic>;
final Map<dynamic, dynamic> dataMap = inputMap.readDynamicJson('data');
final String? message = dataMap.tryString('message');
if (message != null && message.isNotEmpty) {
_removeElementTimer = Timer(durationA11yMessageIsOnDom, () {
void _initLiveRegion(String message) {
_domElement.setAttribute('aria-live', 'polite');
_domElement.text = message;
DomHTMLLabelElement _createElement() {
final DomHTMLLabelElement liveRegion = createDomHTMLLabelElement();
liveRegion.setAttribute('id', 'accessibility-element');
..position = 'fixed'
..overflow = 'hidden'
..transform = 'translate(-99999px, -99999px)'
..width = '1px'
..height = '1px';
return liveRegion;