blob: bd00fd1766e78660162f14b46051e3de5c6521ea [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/image_shader.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/image_filter.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/display_list_image_gpu.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.h"
#include "third_party/tonic/converter/dart_converter.h"
#include "third_party/tonic/dart_args.h"
#include "third_party/tonic/dart_binding_macros.h"
#include "third_party/tonic/dart_library_natives.h"
using tonic::ToDart;
namespace flutter {
void ImageShader::Create(Dart_Handle wrapper) {
auto res = fml::MakeRefCounted<ImageShader>();
Dart_Handle ImageShader::initWithImage(CanvasImage* image,
SkTileMode tmx,
SkTileMode tmy,
int filter_quality_index,
Dart_Handle matrix_handle) {
if (!image) {
return ToDart("ImageShader constructor called with non-genuine Image.");
image_ = image->image();
tonic::Float64List matrix4(matrix_handle);
SkMatrix local_matrix = ToSkMatrix(matrix4);
sampling_is_locked_ = filter_quality_index >= 0;
DlImageSampling sampling =
sampling_is_locked_ ? ImageFilter::SamplingFromIndex(filter_quality_index)
: DlImageSampling::kLinear;
cached_shader_ = UIDartState::CreateGPUObject(sk_make_sp<DlImageColorSource>(
image_, ToDl(tmx), ToDl(tmy), sampling, &local_matrix));
return Dart_Null();
std::shared_ptr<DlColorSource> ImageShader::shader(DlImageSampling sampling) {
if (sampling_is_locked_) {
return cached_shader_.skia_object()->with_sampling(
// It might seem that if the sampling is locked we can just return the
// cached version, but since we need to hold the cached shader in a
// Skia GPU wrapper, and that wrapper requires an sk_sp<>, we are holding
// an sk_sp<> version of the shared object and we need a shared_ptr version.
// So, either way, we need the with_sampling() method to shared_ptr'ify
// our copy.
// If we can get rid of the need for the GPU unref queue, then this can all
// be simplified down to just a shared_ptr.
return cached_shader_.skia_object()->with_sampling(sampling);
int ImageShader::width() {
return image_->width();
int ImageShader::height() {
return image_->height();
void ImageShader::dispose() {
ImageShader::ImageShader() = default;
ImageShader::~ImageShader() = default;
} // namespace flutter