blob: be11912f2b841d0b49e529bec88bbd687853d39c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <mutex>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "flutter/fml/task_runner.h"
namespace flutter {
/// A task runner which delegates responsibility of task execution to an
/// embedder. This is done by managing a dispatch table to the embedder.
class EmbedderTaskRunner final : public fml::TaskRunner {
/// @brief A
struct DispatchTable {
/// Delegates responsibility of deferred task execution to the embedder.
/// Once the embedder gets the task, it must call
/// `EmbedderTaskRunner::PostTask` with the supplied `task_baton` on the
/// correct thread after the tasks `target_time` point expires.
std::function<void(EmbedderTaskRunner* task_runner,
uint64_t task_baton,
fml::TimePoint target_time)>
/// Asks the embedder if tasks posted to it on this task task runner via the
/// `post_task_callback` will be executed (after task expiry) on the calling
/// thread.
std::function<bool(void)> runs_task_on_current_thread_callback;
/// @brief Create a task runner with a dispatch table for delegation of
/// task runner responsibility to the embedder. When embedders
/// specify task runner dispatch tables that service tasks on the
/// same thread, they also must ensure that their
/// `embedder_idetifier`s match. This allows the engine to
/// determine task runner equality without actually posting tasks
/// to the task runner.
/// @param[in] table The task runner dispatch table.
/// @param[in] embedder_identifier The embedder identifier
EmbedderTaskRunner(DispatchTable table, size_t embedder_identifier);
// |fml::TaskRunner|
~EmbedderTaskRunner() override;
/// @brief The unique identifier provided by the embedder for the task
/// runner. Embedders whose dispatch tables service tasks on the
/// same underlying OS thread must ensure that their identifiers
/// match. This allows the engine to determine task runner
/// equality without posting tasks on the thread.
/// @return The embedder identifier.
size_t GetEmbedderIdentifier() const;
bool PostTask(uint64_t baton);
const size_t embedder_identifier_;
DispatchTable dispatch_table_;
std::mutex tasks_mutex_;
uint64_t last_baton_ = 0;
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, fml::closure> pending_tasks_;
fml::TaskQueueId placeholder_id_;
// |fml::TaskRunner|
void PostTask(const fml::closure& task) override;
// |fml::TaskRunner|
void PostTaskForTime(const fml::closure& task,
fml::TimePoint target_time) override;
// |fml::TaskRunner|
void PostDelayedTask(const fml::closure& task, fml::TimeDelta delay) override;
// |fml::TaskRunner|
bool RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() override;
// |fml::TaskRunner|
fml::TaskQueueId GetTaskQueueId() override;
} // namespace flutter