blob: 2469e24f7b6ef351505741010f441a5675809b7e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "third_party/dart/runtime/include/dart_api.h"
#include "tonic/converter/dart_converter.h"
#include "tonic/dart_wrappable.h"
namespace tonic {
class DartArgIterator {
explicit DartArgIterator(Dart_NativeArguments args, int start_index = 1)
: args_(args), index_(start_index), had_exception_(false) {}
template <typename T>
T GetNext() {
if (had_exception_)
return T();
Dart_Handle exception = nullptr;
T arg = DartConverter<T>::FromArguments(args_, index_++, exception);
if (exception) {
had_exception_ = true;
return arg;
bool had_exception() const { return had_exception_; }
Dart_NativeArguments args() const { return args_; }
Dart_NativeArguments args_;
int index_;
bool had_exception_;
// Classes for generating and storing an argument pack of integer indices
// (based on well-known "indices trick", see:
template <size_t... indices>
struct IndicesHolder {};
template <size_t requested_index, size_t... indices>
struct IndicesGenerator {
using type = typename IndicesGenerator<requested_index - 1,
requested_index - 1,
template <size_t... indices>
struct IndicesGenerator<0, indices...> {
using type = IndicesHolder<indices...>;
template <typename T>
class IndicesForSignature {};
template <typename ResultType, typename... ArgTypes>
struct IndicesForSignature<ResultType (*)(ArgTypes...)> {
static const size_t count = sizeof...(ArgTypes);
using type = typename IndicesGenerator<count>::type;
template <typename C, typename ResultType, typename... ArgTypes>
struct IndicesForSignature<ResultType (C::*)(ArgTypes...)> {
static const size_t count = sizeof...(ArgTypes);
using type = typename IndicesGenerator<count>::type;
template <typename C, typename ResultType, typename... ArgTypes>
struct IndicesForSignature<ResultType (C::*)(ArgTypes...) const> {
static const size_t count = sizeof...(ArgTypes);
using type = typename IndicesGenerator<count>::type;
template <size_t index, typename ArgType>
struct DartArgHolder {
using ValueType = typename std::remove_const<
typename std::remove_reference<ArgType>::type>::type;
ValueType value;
explicit DartArgHolder(DartArgIterator* it)
: value(it->GetNext<ValueType>()) {}
template <typename T>
void DartReturn(T result, Dart_NativeArguments args) {
DartConverter<T>::SetReturnValue(args, std::move(result));
template <typename IndicesType, typename T>
class DartDispatcher {};
// Match functions on the form:
// `void f(ArgTypes...)`
template <size_t... indices, typename... ArgTypes>
struct DartDispatcher<IndicesHolder<indices...>, void (*)(ArgTypes...)>
: public DartArgHolder<indices, ArgTypes>... {
using FunctionPtr = void (*)(ArgTypes...);
DartArgIterator* it_;
explicit DartDispatcher(DartArgIterator* it)
: DartArgHolder<indices, ArgTypes>(it)..., it_(it) {}
void Dispatch(FunctionPtr func) {
(*func)(DartArgHolder<indices, ArgTypes>::value...);
// Match functions on the form:
// `ResultType f(ArgTypes...)`
template <size_t... indices, typename ResultType, typename... ArgTypes>
struct DartDispatcher<IndicesHolder<indices...>, ResultType (*)(ArgTypes...)>
: public DartArgHolder<indices, ArgTypes>... {
using FunctionPtr = ResultType (*)(ArgTypes...);
using CtorResultType = ResultType;
DartArgIterator* it_;
explicit DartDispatcher(DartArgIterator* it)
: DartArgHolder<indices, ArgTypes>(it)..., it_(it) {}
void Dispatch(FunctionPtr func) {
DartReturn((*func)(DartArgHolder<indices, ArgTypes>::value...),
ResultType DispatchCtor(FunctionPtr func) {
return (*func)(DartArgHolder<indices, ArgTypes>::value...);
// Match instance methods on the form:
// `void C::m(ArgTypes...)`
template <size_t... indices, typename C, typename... ArgTypes>
struct DartDispatcher<IndicesHolder<indices...>, void (C::*)(ArgTypes...)>
: public DartArgHolder<indices, ArgTypes>... {
using FunctionPtr = void (C::*)(ArgTypes...);
DartArgIterator* it_;
explicit DartDispatcher(DartArgIterator* it)
: DartArgHolder<indices, ArgTypes>(it)..., it_(it) {}
void Dispatch(FunctionPtr func) {
DartArgHolder<indices, ArgTypes>::value...);
// Match instance methods on the form:
// `ReturnType (C::m)(ArgTypes...) const`
template <size_t... indices,
typename C,
typename ReturnType,
typename... ArgTypes>
struct DartDispatcher<IndicesHolder<indices...>,
ReturnType (C::*)(ArgTypes...) const>
: public DartArgHolder<indices, ArgTypes>... {
using FunctionPtr = ReturnType (C::*)(ArgTypes...) const;
DartArgIterator* it_;
explicit DartDispatcher(DartArgIterator* it)
: DartArgHolder<indices, ArgTypes>(it)..., it_(it) {}
void Dispatch(FunctionPtr func) {
DartArgHolder<indices, ArgTypes>::value...),
// Match instance methods on the form:
// `ReturnType (C::m)(ArgTypes...)`
template <size_t... indices,
typename C,
typename ResultType,
typename... ArgTypes>
struct DartDispatcher<IndicesHolder<indices...>, ResultType (C::*)(ArgTypes...)>
: public DartArgHolder<indices, ArgTypes>... {
using FunctionPtr = ResultType (C::*)(ArgTypes...);
DartArgIterator* it_;
explicit DartDispatcher(DartArgIterator* it)
: DartArgHolder<indices, ArgTypes>(it)..., it_(it) {}
void Dispatch(FunctionPtr func) {
DartArgHolder<indices, ArgTypes>::value...),
template <typename Sig>
void DartCall(Sig func, Dart_NativeArguments args) {
DartArgIterator it(args);
using Indices = typename IndicesForSignature<Sig>::type;
DartDispatcher<Indices, Sig> decoder(&it);
if (it.had_exception())
template <typename Sig>
void DartCallStatic(Sig func, Dart_NativeArguments args) {
DartArgIterator it(args, 0);
using Indices = typename IndicesForSignature<Sig>::type;
DartDispatcher<Indices, Sig> decoder(&it);
if (it.had_exception())
template <typename Sig>
void DartCallConstructor(Sig func, Dart_NativeArguments args) {
DartArgIterator it(args);
using Indices = typename IndicesForSignature<Sig>::type;
using Wrappable = typename DartDispatcher<Indices, Sig>::CtorResultType;
Wrappable wrappable;
DartDispatcher<Indices, Sig> decoder(&it);
if (it.had_exception())
wrappable = decoder.DispatchCtor(func);
Dart_Handle wrapper = Dart_GetNativeArgument(args, 0);
intptr_t native_fields[DartWrappable::kNumberOfNativeFields];
args, 0, DartWrappable::kNumberOfNativeFields, native_fields)));
// Templates to automatically setup static entry points for FFI Native
// functions.
// Entry points for instance methods take the instance as the first argument and
// call the given method with the remaining arguments.
// Arguments will automatically get converted to and from their FFI
// representations with the DartConverter templates.
// @tparam C The type of the receiver. Or `void` if there is no receiver.
// @tparam Signature The signature of the function being dispatched to.
// @tparam function The function pointer being dispatched to.
template <typename C, typename Signature, Signature function>
struct FfiDispatcher;
// Concatenate the FFI representation of each argument to the stream,
// serialising them into a comma separated list.
// Example: "Handle, Bool, Uint64"
template <typename Arg, typename... Args>
void WriteFfiArguments(std::ostringstream* stream) {
*stream << tonic::DartConverter<typename std::remove_const<
typename std::remove_reference<Arg>::type>::type>::GetFfiRepresentation();
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) {
*stream << ", ";
// Concatenate the Dart representation of each argument to the stream,
// serialising them into a comma separated list.
// Example: "Object, bool, int"
template <typename Arg, typename... Args>
void WriteDartArguments(std::ostringstream* stream) {
*stream << tonic::DartConverter<
typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<Arg>::type>::
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) {
*stream << ", ";
// Logical 'and' together whether each argument is allowed in a leaf call.
template <typename Arg, typename... Args>
bool AllowedInLeafCall() {
bool result = tonic::DartConverter<typename std::remove_const<
typename std::remove_reference<Arg>::type>::type>::AllowedInLeafCall();
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) {
result &= AllowedInLeafCall<Args...>();
return result;
// Match `Return function(...)`.
template <typename Return, typename... Args, Return (*function)(Args...)>
struct FfiDispatcher<void, Return (*)(Args...), function> {
using FfiReturn = typename DartConverter<Return>::FfiType;
static const size_t n_args = sizeof...(Args);
// Static C entry-point with Dart FFI signature.
static FfiReturn Call(
typename DartConverter<typename std::remove_const<
typename std::remove_reference<Args>::type>::type>::FfiType... args) {
// Call C++ function, forwarding converted native arguments.
return DartConverter<Return>::ToFfi(function(
DartConverter<typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<
static bool AllowedAsLeafCall() {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) {
return AllowedInLeafCall<Return>() && AllowedInLeafCall<Args...>();
return AllowedInLeafCall<Return>();
static const char* GetReturnFfiRepresentation() {
return tonic::DartConverter<Return>::GetFfiRepresentation();
static const char* GetReturnDartRepresentation() {
return tonic::DartConverter<Return>::GetDartRepresentation();
static void WriteFfiArguments(std::ostringstream* stream) {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) {
static void WriteDartArguments(std::ostringstream* stream) {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) {
// Match `Return C::method(...)`.
template <typename C,
typename Return,
typename... Args,
Return (C::*method)(Args...)>
struct FfiDispatcher<C, Return (C::*)(Args...), method> {
using FfiReturn = typename DartConverter<Return>::FfiType;
static const size_t n_args = sizeof...(Args);
// Static C entry-point with Dart FFI signature.
static FfiReturn Call(
C* receiver,
typename DartConverter<typename std::remove_const<
typename std::remove_reference<Args>::type>::type>::FfiType... args) {
// Call C++ method on receiver, forwarding converted native arguments.
return DartConverter<Return>::ToFfi((receiver->*method)(
DartConverter<typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<
static bool AllowedAsLeafCall() {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) {
return AllowedInLeafCall<Return>() && AllowedInLeafCall<Args...>();
return AllowedInLeafCall<Return>();
static const char* GetReturnFfiRepresentation() {
return tonic::DartConverter<Return>::GetFfiRepresentation();
static const char* GetReturnDartRepresentation() {
return tonic::DartConverter<Return>::GetDartRepresentation();
static void WriteFfiArguments(std::ostringstream* stream) {
*stream << tonic::DartConverter<C*>::GetFfiRepresentation();
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) {
*stream << ", ";
static void WriteDartArguments(std::ostringstream* stream) {
*stream << tonic::DartConverter<C*>::GetDartRepresentation();
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) {
*stream << ", ";
// Match `Return C::method(...) const`.
template <typename C,
typename Return,
typename... Args,
Return (C::*method)(Args...) const>
struct FfiDispatcher<C, Return (C::*)(Args...) const, method> {
using FfiReturn = typename DartConverter<Return>::FfiType;
static const size_t n_args = sizeof...(Args);
// Static C entry-point with Dart FFI signature.
static FfiReturn Call(
C* receiver,
typename DartConverter<typename std::remove_const<
typename std::remove_reference<Args>::type>::type>::FfiType... args) {
// Call C++ method on receiver, forwarding converted native arguments.
return DartConverter<Return>::ToFfi((receiver->*method)(
DartConverter<typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<
static bool AllowedAsLeafCall() {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) {
return AllowedInLeafCall<Return>() && AllowedInLeafCall<Args...>();
return AllowedInLeafCall<Return>();
static const char* GetReturnFfiRepresentation() {
return tonic::DartConverter<Return>::GetFfiRepresentation();
static const char* GetReturnDartRepresentation() {
return tonic::DartConverter<Return>::GetDartRepresentation();
static void WriteFfiArguments(std::ostringstream* stream) {
*stream << tonic::DartConverter<C*>::GetFfiRepresentation();
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) {
*stream << ", ";
static void WriteDartArguments(std::ostringstream* stream) {
*stream << tonic::DartConverter<C*>::GetDartRepresentation();
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) {
*stream << ", ";
// `void` specialisation since we can't declare `ToFfi` to take void rvalues.
// Match `void function(...)`.
template <typename... Args, void (*function)(Args...)>
struct FfiDispatcher<void, void (*)(Args...), function> {
static const size_t n_args = sizeof...(Args);
// Static C entry-point with Dart FFI signature.
static void Call(
typename DartConverter<typename std::remove_const<
typename std::remove_reference<Args>::type>::type>::FfiType... args) {
// Call C++ function, forwarding converted native arguments.
DartConverter<typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<
static bool AllowedAsLeafCall() {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) {
return AllowedInLeafCall<Args...>();
return true;
static const char* GetReturnFfiRepresentation() {
return tonic::DartConverter<void>::GetFfiRepresentation();
static const char* GetReturnDartRepresentation() {
return tonic::DartConverter<void>::GetDartRepresentation();
static void WriteFfiArguments(std::ostringstream* stream) {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) {
static void WriteDartArguments(std::ostringstream* stream) {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) {
// `void` specialisation since we can't declare `ToFfi` to take void rvalues.
// Match `void C::method(...)`.
template <typename C, typename... Args, void (C::*method)(Args...)>
struct FfiDispatcher<C, void (C::*)(Args...), method> {
static const size_t n_args = sizeof...(Args);
// Static C entry-point with Dart FFI signature.
static void Call(
C* receiver,
typename DartConverter<typename std::remove_const<
typename std::remove_reference<Args>::type>::type>::FfiType... args) {
// Call C++ method on receiver, forwarding converted native arguments.
DartConverter<typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<
static bool AllowedAsLeafCall() {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) {
return AllowedInLeafCall<Args...>();
return true;
static const char* GetReturnFfiRepresentation() {
return tonic::DartConverter<void>::GetFfiRepresentation();
static const char* GetReturnDartRepresentation() {
return tonic::DartConverter<void>::GetDartRepresentation();
static void WriteFfiArguments(std::ostringstream* stream) {
*stream << tonic::DartConverter<C*>::GetFfiRepresentation();
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) {
*stream << ", ";
static void WriteDartArguments(std::ostringstream* stream) {
*stream << tonic::DartConverter<C*>::GetDartRepresentation();
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0) {
*stream << ", ";
} // namespace tonic