blob: d25d1e162e32eaab087c4edd79deef9ed0c2cff9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/rect.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/pipeline.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/texture.h"
#include "impeller/typographer/font_glyph_pair.h"
class SkBitmap;
namespace skgpu {
class Rectanizer;
namespace impeller {
/// @brief A texture containing the bitmap representation of glyphs in
/// different fonts along with the ability to query the location of
/// specific font glyphs within the texture.
class GlyphAtlas {
/// @brief Describes how the glyphs are represented in the texture.
enum class Type {
/// The glyphs are represented at a fixed size in an 8-bit grayscale texture
/// where the value of each pixel represents a signed-distance field that
/// stores the glyph outlines.
/// The glyphs are reprsented at their requested size using only an 8-bit
/// alpha channel.
/// The glyphs are reprsented at their requested size using N32 premul
/// colors.
/// @brief Create an empty glyph atlas.
/// @param[in] type How the glyphs are represented in the texture.
explicit GlyphAtlas(Type type);
bool IsValid() const;
/// @brief Describes how the glyphs are represented in the texture.
Type GetType() const;
/// @brief Set the texture for the glyph atlas.
/// @param[in] texture The texture
void SetTexture(std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture);
/// @brief Get the texture for the glyph atlas.
/// @return The texture.
const std::shared_ptr<Texture>& GetTexture() const;
/// @brief Record the location of a specific font-glyph pair within the
/// atlas.
/// @param[in] pair The font-glyph pair
/// @param[in] rect The rectangle
void AddTypefaceGlyphPosition(const FontGlyphPair& pair, Rect rect);
/// @brief Get the number of unique font-glyph pairs in this atlas.
/// @return The glyph count.
size_t GetGlyphCount() const;
/// @brief Iterate of all the glyphs along with their locations in the
/// atlas.
/// @param[in] iterator The iterator. Return `false` from the iterator to
/// stop iterating.
/// @return The number of glyphs iterated over.
size_t IterateGlyphs(
const std::function<bool(const FontGlyphPair& pair, const Rect& rect)>&
iterator) const;
/// @brief Find the location of a specific font-glyph pair in the atlas.
/// @param[in] pair The font-glyph pair
/// @return The location of the font-glyph pair in the atlas.
/// `std::nullopt` of the pair in not in the atlas.
std::optional<Rect> FindFontGlyphPosition(const FontGlyphPair& pair) const;
/// @brief whether this atlas contains all of the same font-glyph pairs
/// as the vector.
/// @param[in] new_glyphs The full set of new glyphs
/// @return A vector containing the glyphs from new_glyphs that are not
/// present in the existing atlas. May be empty of there are none.
FontGlyphPair::Vector HasSamePairs(const FontGlyphPair::Vector& new_glyphs);
const Type type_;
std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture_;
/// @brief A container for caching a glyph atlas across frames.
class GlyphAtlasContext {
/// @brief Retrieve the current glyph atlas.
std::shared_ptr<GlyphAtlas> GetGlyphAtlas() const;
/// @brief Retrieve the size of the current glyph atlas.
const ISize& GetAtlasSize() const;
/// @brief Retrieve the previous (if any) SkBitmap instance.
std::shared_ptr<SkBitmap> GetBitmap() const;
/// @brief Retrieve the previous (if any) rect packer.
std::shared_ptr<skgpu::Rectanizer> GetRectPacker() const;
/// @brief Update the context with a newly constructed glyph atlas.
void UpdateGlyphAtlas(std::shared_ptr<GlyphAtlas> atlas, ISize size);
void UpdateBitmap(std::shared_ptr<SkBitmap> bitmap);
void UpdateRectPacker(std::shared_ptr<skgpu::Rectanizer> rect_packer);
std::shared_ptr<GlyphAtlas> atlas_;
ISize atlas_size_;
std::shared_ptr<SkBitmap> bitmap_;
std::shared_ptr<skgpu::Rectanizer> rect_packer_;
} // namespace impeller