blob: 7c3e4774a61f59b1f5ae4466854bec90d463f4f1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// FlutterTesterOptions=--disallow-insecure-connections
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:litetest/litetest.dart';
typedef FutureFunction = Future<Object?> Function();
/// Asserts that `callback` throws an exception of type `T`.
Future<void> asyncExpectThrows<T>(FutureFunction callback) async {
bool threw = false;
try {
await callback();
} catch (e) {
expect(e is T, true);
threw = true;
expect(threw, true);
Future<String> getLocalHostIP() async {
final List<NetworkInterface> interfaces = await NetworkInterface.list(
type: InternetAddressType.IPv4);
return interfaces.first.addresses.first.address;
Future<void> bindServerAndTest(String serverHost,
Future<void> Function(HttpClient client, Uri uri) testCode) async {
final HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient();
final HttpServer server = await HttpServer.bind(serverHost, 0);
final Uri uri = Uri(scheme: 'http', host: serverHost, port: server.port);
try {
await testCode(httpClient, uri);
} finally {
httpClient.close(force: true);
await server.close();
/// Answers the question whether this computer supports binding to IPv6 addresses.
Future<bool> _supportsIPv6() async {
try {
final ServerSocket socket = await ServerSocket.bind(InternetAddress.loopbackIPv6, 0);
await socket.close();
return true;
} on SocketException catch (_) {
return false;
void main() {
test('testWithLocalIP', () async {
await bindServerAndTest(await getLocalHostIP(), (HttpClient httpClient, Uri httpUri) async {
() async => httpClient.getUrl(httpUri));
() async => runZoned(() => httpClient.getUrl(httpUri),
zoneValues: <dynamic, dynamic>{ 'foo'}));
() async => runZoned(() => httpClient.getUrl(httpUri),
zoneValues: <dynamic, dynamic>{ false}));
await runZoned(() => httpClient.getUrl(httpUri),
zoneValues: <dynamic, dynamic>{ true});
test('testWithHostname', () async {
await bindServerAndTest(Platform.localHostname, (HttpClient httpClient, Uri httpUri) async {
() async => httpClient.getUrl(httpUri));
final _MockZoneValue mockFoo = _MockZoneValue('foo');
() async => runZoned(() => httpClient.getUrl(httpUri),
zoneValues: <dynamic, dynamic>{ mockFoo}));
expect(mockFoo.checked, isTrue);
final _MockZoneValue mockFalse = _MockZoneValue(false);
() async => runZoned(() => httpClient.getUrl(httpUri),
zoneValues: <dynamic, dynamic>{ mockFalse}));
expect(mockFalse.checked, isTrue);
final _MockZoneValue mockTrue = _MockZoneValue(true);
await runZoned(() => httpClient.getUrl(httpUri),
zoneValues: <dynamic, dynamic>{ mockTrue});
expect(mockFalse.checked, isTrue);
test('testWithLoopback', () async {
await bindServerAndTest('', (HttpClient httpClient, Uri uri) async {
await httpClient.getUrl(Uri.parse('http://localhost:${uri.port}'));
await httpClient.getUrl(Uri.parse('${uri.port}'));
test('testWithIPV6', () async {
if (await _supportsIPv6()) {
await bindServerAndTest('::1', (HttpClient httpClient, Uri uri) async {
await httpClient.getUrl(uri);
class _MockZoneValue {
final Object? _value;
bool _falseChecked = false;
bool _trueChecked = false;
bool operator ==(Object o) {
if(o == true) {
_trueChecked = true;
if(o == false) {
_falseChecked = true;
return _value == o;
bool get checked => _falseChecked && _trueChecked;
int get hashCode => _value.hashCode;