blob: f50175d5b0bf5e4478c7e3ef26c5a6886bf21223 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' as io show Directory, File, Platform, stderr;
import 'package:clang_tidy/clang_tidy.dart';
import 'package:clang_tidy/src/command.dart';
import 'package:clang_tidy/src/lint_target.dart';
import 'package:clang_tidy/src/options.dart';
import 'package:engine_repo_tools/engine_repo_tools.dart';
import 'package:litetest/litetest.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import 'package:process_fakes/process_fakes.dart';
import 'package:process_runner/process_runner.dart';
/// A test fixture for the `clang-tidy` tool.
final class Fixture {
/// Simulates running the tool with the given [args].
factory Fixture.fromCommandLine(List<String> args, {
ProcessManager? processManager,
Engine? engine,
}) {
processManager ??= FakeProcessManager();
final StringBuffer outBuffer = StringBuffer();
final StringBuffer errBuffer = StringBuffer();
return Fixture._(ClangTidy.fromCommandLine(
outSink: outBuffer,
errSink: errBuffer,
processManager: processManager,
engine: engine,
), errBuffer);
/// Simulates running the tool with the given [options].
factory Fixture.fromOptions(Options options, {
ProcessManager? processManager,
}) {
processManager ??= FakeProcessManager();
final StringBuffer outBuffer = StringBuffer();
final StringBuffer errBuffer = StringBuffer();
return Fixture._(ClangTidy(
buildCommandsPath: options.buildCommandsPath,
lintTarget: options.lintTarget,
fix: options.fix,
outSink: outBuffer,
errSink: errBuffer,
processManager: processManager,
), errBuffer);
/// The `clang-tidy` tool.
final ClangTidy tool;
/// Captured `stderr` from the tool.
final StringBuffer errBuffer;
// Recorded locally from clang-tidy.
const String _tidyOutput = '''
/runtime.dart_isolate.o" in /Users/aaclarke/dev/engine/src/out/host_debug exited with code 1
3467 warnings generated.
/Users/aaclarke/dev/engine/src/flutter/runtime/ error: std::move of the const variable 'dart_entrypoint_args' has no effect; remove std::move() or make the variable non-const [performance-move-const-arg,-warnings-as-errors]
std::move(dart_entrypoint_args))) {
^~~~~~~~~~ ~
Suppressed 3474 warnings (3466 in non-user code, 8 NOLINT).
Use -header-filter=.* to display errors from all non-system headers. Use -system-headers to display errors from system headers as well.
1 warning treated as error
3467 warnings generated.
Suppressed 3474 warnings (3466 in non-user code, 8 NOLINT).
Use -header-filter=.* to display errors from all non-system headers. Use -system-headers to display errors from system headers as well.
1 warning treated as error
const String _tidyTrimmedOutput = '''
/Users/aaclarke/dev/engine/src/flutter/runtime/ error: std::move of the const variable 'dart_entrypoint_args' has no effect; remove std::move() or make the variable non-const [performance-move-const-arg,-warnings-as-errors]
std::move(dart_entrypoint_args))) {
^~~~~~~~~~ ~
Suppressed 3474 warnings (3466 in non-user code, 8 NOLINT).
Use -header-filter=.* to display errors from all non-system headers. Use -system-headers to display errors from system headers as well.
1 warning treated as error''';
void _withTempFile(String prefix, void Function(String path) func) {
final String filePath =
path.join(io.Directory.systemTemp.path, '$prefix-temp-file');
final io.File file = io.File(filePath);
try {
} finally {
Future<int> main(List<String> args) async {
final String? buildCommands =
args.firstOrNull ??
if (buildCommands == null || args.length > 1) {
'Usage: clang_tidy_test.dart [path/to/compile_commands.json]',
return 1;
test('--help gives help, and uses host_debug by default outside of an engine root', () async {
final io.Directory rootDir = io.Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('clang_tidy_test');
try {
final Fixture fixture = Fixture.fromCommandLine(
engine: TestEngine.createTemp(rootDir: rootDir)
final int result = await;
expect(, isTrue);
expect(result, equals(0));
final String errors = fixture.errBuffer.toString();
expect(errors, contains('Usage: '));
expect(errors, contains('defaults to "host_debug"'));
} finally {
rootDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
test('--help gives help, and uses the latest build by default outside in an engine root', () async {
final io.Directory rootDir = io.Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('clang_tidy_test');
final io.Directory buildDir = io.Directory(path.join(rootDir.path, 'out', 'host_debug_unopt_arm64'))..createSync(recursive: true);
try {
final Fixture fixture = Fixture.fromCommandLine(
engine: TestEngine.createTemp(rootDir: rootDir, outputs: <TestOutput>[
final int result = await;
expect(, isTrue);
expect(result, equals(0));
final String errors = fixture.errBuffer.toString();
expect(errors, contains('Usage: '));
expect(errors, contains('defaults to "host_debug_unopt_arm64"'));
} finally {
rootDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
test('trimmed clang-tidy output', () {
expect(_tidyTrimmedOutput, equals(ClangTidy.trimOutput(_tidyOutput)));
test('Error when --compile-commands and --target-variant are used together', () async {
final Fixture fixture = Fixture.fromCommandLine(
final int result = await;
expect(result, equals(1));
expect(fixture.errBuffer.toString(), contains(
'ERROR: --compile-commands option cannot be used with --target-variant.',
test('Error when --compile-commands and --src-dir are used together', () async {
final Fixture fixture = Fixture.fromCommandLine(
final int result = await;
expect(result, equals(1));
expect(fixture.errBuffer.toString(), contains(
'ERROR: --compile-commands option cannot be used with --src-dir.',
test('shard-id valid', () async {
_withTempFile('shard-id-valid', (String path) {
final Options options = Options.fromCommandLine( <String>[
expect(options.errorMessage, isNull);
expect(options.shardId, equals(1));
test('clang-tidy specified', () async {
_withTempFile('shard-id-valid', (String path) {
final Options options = Options.fromCommandLine( <String>[
expect(options.clangTidyPath, isNotNull);
expect(options.clangTidyPath!.path, equals('foo/bar'));
test('clang-tidy unspecified', () async {
_withTempFile('shard-id-valid', (String path) {
final Options options = Options.fromCommandLine( <String>[],);
expect(options.clangTidyPath, isNull);
test('shard-id invalid', () async {
_withTempFile('shard-id-valid', (String path) {
final StringBuffer errBuffer = StringBuffer();
final Options options = Options.fromCommandLine(<String>[
], errSink: errBuffer);
expect(options.errorMessage, isNotNull);
expect(options.shardId, isNull);
expect(options.errorMessage, contains('Invalid shard-id value'));
test('Error when --compile-commands path does not exist', () async {
final Fixture fixture = Fixture.fromCommandLine(
final int result = await;
expect(result, equals(1));
expect(fixture.errBuffer.toString().split('\n')[0], hasMatch(
r"ERROR: Build commands path .*/does/not/exist doesn't exist.",
test('Error when --src-dir path does not exist, uses target variant in path', () async {
final Fixture fixture = Fixture.fromCommandLine(
final int result = await;
expect(result, equals(1));
expect(fixture.errBuffer.toString().split('\n')[0], hasMatch(
r'ERROR: Build commands path .*/does/not/exist'
r" doesn't exist.",
test('Error when --lint-all and --lint-head are used together', () async {
final Fixture fixture = Fixture.fromCommandLine(
final int result = await;
expect(result, equals(1));
expect(fixture.errBuffer.toString(), contains(
'ERROR: At most one of --lint-all, --lint-head, --lint-regex can be passed.',
test('Error when --lint-all and --lint-regex are used together', () async {
final Fixture fixture = Fixture.fromCommandLine(
final int result = await;
expect(result, equals(1));
expect(fixture.errBuffer.toString(), contains(
'ERROR: At most one of --lint-all, --lint-head, --lint-regex can be passed.',
test('lintAll=true checks all files', () async {
final Fixture fixture = Fixture.fromOptions(
buildCommandsPath: io.File(buildCommands),
lintTarget: const LintAll(),
final List<io.File> fileList = await fixture.tool.computeFilesOfInterest();
expect(fileList.length, greaterThan(1000));
test('lintAll=false does not check all files', () async {
final Fixture fixture = Fixture.fromOptions(
buildCommandsPath: io.File(buildCommands),
// Intentional:
// ignore: avoid_redundant_argument_values
lintTarget: const LintChanged(),
processManager: FakeProcessManager(
onStart: (List<String> command) {
if (command.first == 'git') {
// This just allows git to not actually be called.
return FakeProcess();
return FakeProcessManager.unhandledStart(command);
final List<io.File> fileList = await fixture.tool.computeFilesOfInterest();
expect(fileList.length, lessThan(300));
test('lintAll=pattern checks based on a RegEx', () async {
final Fixture fixture = Fixture.fromOptions(
buildCommandsPath: io.File(buildCommands),
lintTarget: const LintRegex(r'.*test.*\.cc$'),
processManager: FakeProcessManager(
onStart: (List<String> command) {
if (command.first == 'git') {
// This just allows git to not actually be called.
return FakeProcess();
return FakeProcessManager.unhandledStart(command);
final List<io.File> fileList = await fixture.tool.computeFilesOfInterest();
expect(fileList.length, lessThan(1000));
test('Sharding', () async {
final Fixture fixture = Fixture.fromOptions(
buildCommandsPath: io.File(buildCommands),
lintTarget: const LintAll(),
processManager: FakeProcessManager(
onStart: (List<String> command) {
if (command.first == 'git') {
// This just allows git to not actually be called.
return FakeProcess();
return FakeProcessManager.unhandledStart(command);
Map<String, String> makeBuildCommandEntry(String filePath) {
return <String, String>{
'directory': '/unused',
'command': '../../buildtools/mac-x64/clang/bin/clang $filePath',
'file': filePath,
final List<String> filePaths = <String>[
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) '/path/to/a/source_file_$'
final List<Map<String, String>> buildCommandsData = e) => makeBuildCommandEntry(e)).toList();
final List<Map<String, String>> shardBuildCommandsData =
filePaths.sublist(6).map((String e) => makeBuildCommandEntry(e)).toList();
final List<Command> commands = await fixture.tool.getLintCommandsForFiles(
buildCommandsData, e) => io.File(e)).toList(),
final Iterable<String> commandFilePaths = e) => e.filePath);
expect(commands.length, equals(8));
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), true);
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), true);
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), true);
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), true);
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), true);
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), true);
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), true);
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), false);
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), true);
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), false);
final List<Command> commands = await fixture.tool.getLintCommandsForFiles(
buildCommandsData, e) => io.File(e)).toList(),
<List<Map<String, String>>>[shardBuildCommandsData],
final Iterable<String> commandFilePaths = e) => e.filePath);
expect(commands.length, equals(8));
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), true);
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), true);
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), true);
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), true);
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), true);
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), true);
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), false);
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), true);
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), false);
expect(commandFilePaths.contains('/path/to/a/'), true);
test('No Commands are produced when no files changed', () async {
final Fixture fixture = Fixture.fromOptions(
buildCommandsPath: io.File(buildCommands),
lintTarget: const LintAll(),
const String filePath = '/path/to/a/';
final List<dynamic> buildCommandsData = <Map<String, dynamic>>[
<String, dynamic>{
'directory': '/unused',
'command': '../../buildtools/mac-x64/clang/bin/clang $filePath',
'file': filePath,
final List<Command> commands = await fixture.tool.getLintCommandsForFiles(
expect(commands, isEmpty);
test('A Command is produced when a file is changed', () async {
final Fixture fixture = Fixture.fromOptions(
buildCommandsPath: io.File(buildCommands),
lintTarget: const LintAll(),
// This file needs to exist, and be UTF8 line-parsable.
final String filePath = io.Platform.script.toFilePath();
final List<dynamic> buildCommandsData = <Map<String, dynamic>>[
<String, dynamic>{
'directory': '/unused',
'command': '../../buildtools/mac-x64/clang/bin/clang $filePath',
'file': filePath,
final List<Command> commands = await fixture.tool.getLintCommandsForFiles(
expect(commands, isNotEmpty);
final Command command = commands.first;
expect(command.tidyPath, contains('clang/bin/clang-tidy'));
final Options noFixOptions = Options(buildCommandsPath: io.File('.'));
expect(noFixOptions.fix, isFalse);
final WorkerJob jobNoFix = command.createLintJob(noFixOptions);
expect(jobNoFix.command[0], endsWith('../../buildtools/mac-x64/clang/bin/clang-tidy'));
expect(jobNoFix.command[1], endsWith(filePath.replaceAll('/', io.Platform.pathSeparator)));
expect(jobNoFix.command[2], '--warnings-as-errors=*');
expect(jobNoFix.command[3], '--');
expect(jobNoFix.command[4], '');
expect(jobNoFix.command[5], endsWith(filePath));
final Options fixOptions = Options(buildCommandsPath: io.File('.'), fix: true);
final WorkerJob jobWithFix = command.createLintJob(fixOptions);
expect(jobWithFix.command[0], endsWith('../../buildtools/mac-x64/clang/bin/clang-tidy'));
expect(jobWithFix.command[1], endsWith(filePath.replaceAll('/', io.Platform.pathSeparator)));
expect(jobWithFix.command[2], '--warnings-as-errors=*');
expect(jobWithFix.command[3], '--fix');
expect(jobWithFix.command[4], '--format-style=file');
expect(jobWithFix.command[5], '--');
expect(jobWithFix.command[6], '');
expect(jobWithFix.command[7], endsWith(filePath));
test('Command getLintAction flags third_party files', () async {
final LintAction lintAction = await Command.getLintAction(
expect(lintAction, equals(LintAction.skipThirdParty));
test('Command getLintAction flags missing files', () async {
final LintAction lintAction = await Command.getLintAction(
expect(lintAction, equals(LintAction.skipMissing));
test('Command getLintActionFromContents flags FLUTTER_NOLINT', () async {
final LintAction lintAction = await Command.lintActionFromContents(
'// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.\n',
'// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\n',
'// found in the LICENSE file.\n',
'#include "flutter/shell/version/version.h"\n',
expect(lintAction, equals(LintAction.skipNoLint));
test('Command getLintActionFromContents flags malformed FLUTTER_NOLINT', () async {
final LintAction lintAction = await Command.lintActionFromContents(
'// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.\n',
'// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\n',
'// found in the LICENSE file.\n',
'// FLUTTER_NOLINT: https://gir/flutter/issues/68332\n',
'#include "flutter/shell/version/version.h"\n',
expect(lintAction, equals(LintAction.failMalformedNoLint));
test('Command getLintActionFromContents flags that we should lint', () async {
final LintAction lintAction = await Command.lintActionFromContents(
'// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.\n',
'// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\n',
'// found in the LICENSE file.\n',
'#include "flutter/shell/version/version.h"\n',
expect(lintAction, equals(LintAction.lint));
return 0;