blob: a1e885b1d85cd8f66a23b334bca4d8dbba18d7eb [file] [log] [blame]
# This file is automatically processed to create .DEPS.git which is the file
# that gclient uses under git.
# See
# To test manually, run:
# python tools/deps2git/ -o .DEPS.git -w <gclientdir>
# where <gcliendir> is the absolute path to the directory containing the
# .gclient file (the parent of 'src').
# Then commit .DEPS.git locally (gclient doesn't like dirty trees) and run
# gclient sync
# Verify the thing happened you wanted. Then revert your .DEPS.git change
# DO NOT CHECK IN CHANGES TO .DEPS.git upstream. It will be automatically
# updated by a bot when you modify this one.
# When adding a new dependency, please update the top-level .gitignore file
# to list the dependency's destination directory.
vars = {
'chromium_git': '',
'dart_git': '',
'fuchsia_git': '',
'github_git': '',
'skia_git': '',
'skia_revision': '420696961c8c36299d3b712b1e34811ac5bb8cf5',
# When updating the Dart revision, ensure that all entries that are
# dependencies of Dart are also updated to match the entries in the
# Dart SDK's DEPS file for that revision of Dart. The DEPS file for
# Dart is:
# You can use //tools/dart/ to produce
# updated revision list of existing dependencies.
'dart_revision': 'ccb16f72824374163562364bf19dd18e8a882fab',
'dart_args_tag': '1.4.4',
'dart_async_tag': '2.0.8',
'dart_bazel_worker_tag': '0.1.11',
'dart_boolean_selector_tag': '1.0.4',
'dart_boringssl_gen_rev': 'fc47eaa1a245d858bae462cd64d4155605b850ea',
'dart_boringssl_rev': '189270cd190267f5bd60cfe8f8ce7a61d07ba6f4',
'dart_charcode_tag': 'v1.1.2',
'dart_cli_util_rev': '4ad7ccbe3195fd2583b30f86a86697ef61e80f41',
'dart_collection_tag': '1.14.11',
'dart_convert_tag': '2.0.2',
'dart_crypto_tag': '2.0.6',
'dart_csslib_tag': '0.14.4+1',
'dart_dart2js_info_tag': '0.5.6+4',
'dart_dart_style_tag': '1.1.3',
'dart_dartdoc_tag': 'v0.20.2',
'dart_fixnum_tag': '0.10.8',
'dart_glob_tag': '1.1.7',
'dart_html_tag': '0.13.3+2',
'dart_http_multi_server_tag': '2.0.5',
'dart_http_parser_tag': '3.1.1',
'dart_http_retry_tag': '0.1.1',
'dart_http_tag': '0.11.3+17',
'dart_http_throttle_tag': '1.0.2',
'dart_intl_tag': '0.15.6',
'dart_json_rpc_2_tag': '2.0.9',
'dart_linter_tag': '0.1.59',
'dart_logging_tag': '0.11.3+2',
'dart_markdown_tag': '2.0.2',
'dart_matcher_tag': '0.12.3',
'dart_mime_tag': '0.9.6+2',
'dart_mockito_tag': 'd39ac507483b9891165e422ec98d9fb480037c8b',
'dart_mustache4dart_tag': 'v2.1.2',
'dart_oauth2_tag': '1.2.1',
'dart_observatory_pub_packages_rev': '0894122173b0f98eb08863a7712e78407d4477bc',
'dart_package_config_tag': '1.0.5',
'dart_package_resolver_tag': '1.0.4',
'dart_path_tag': '1.6.2',
'dart_plugin_tag': 'f5b4b0e32d1406d62daccea030ba6457d14b1c47',
'dart_pool_tag': '1.3.6',
'dart_protobuf_tag': '0.9.0',
'dart_pub_rev': '9f00679ef47bc79cadc18e143720ade6c06c0100',
'dart_pub_semver_tag': '1.4.2',
'dart_quiver_tag': '0.29.0+2',
'dart_resource_rev': '2.1.5',
'dart_root_certificates_rev': '16ef64be64c7dfdff2b9f4b910726e635ccc519e',
'dart_shelf_packages_handler_tag': '1.0.4',
'dart_shelf_static_rev': 'v0.2.8',
'dart_shelf_tag': '0.7.3+3',
'dart_shelf_web_socket_tag': '0.2.2+3',
'dart_source_map_stack_trace_tag': '1.1.5',
'dart_source_maps_tag': '8af7cc1a1c3a193c1fba5993ce22a546a319c40e',
'dart_source_span_tag': '1.4.1',
'dart_stack_trace_tag': '1.9.3',
'dart_stream_channel_tag': '1.6.8',
'dart_string_scanner_tag': '1.0.3',
'dart_term_glyph_tag': '1.0.1',
'dart_test_reflective_loader_tag': '0.1.8',
'dart_test_tag': '1.0.0',
'dart_tuple_tag': 'v1.0.1',
'dart_typed_data_tag': '1.1.6',
'dart_usage_tag': '3.4.0',
'dart_utf_tag': '0.9.0+5',
'dart_watcher_rev': '0.9.7+10',
'dart_web_socket_channel_tag': '1.0.9',
'dart_yaml_tag': '2.1.15',
# Build bot tooling for iOS
'ios_tools_revision': '69b7c1b160e7107a6a98d948363772dc9caea46f',
'buildtools_revision': 'ae85410691b10aa2469695c2421b1fe751843e64',
# Only these hosts are allowed for dependencies in this DEPS file.
# If you need to add a new host, contact chrome infrastructure team.
allowed_hosts = [
deps = {
'src': '' + '@' + '4fd7a2738de8fc8f9b498437cde96c1bf7562a04',
# Fuchsia compatibility
# The dependencies in this section should match the layout in the Fuchsia gn
# build. Eventually, we'll manage these dependencies together with Fuchsia
# and not have to specific specific hashes.
Var('fuchsia_git') + '/tonic' + '@' + '6bab0f304b043d8cf09900334e78b63111f76c5c',
Var('fuchsia_git') + '/third_party/benchmark' + '@' + '296537bc48d380adf21567c5d736ab79f5363d22',
Var('fuchsia_git') + '/third_party/googletest' + '@' + '2072b0053d3537fa5e8d222e34c759987aae1320',
Var('fuchsia_git') + '/third_party/rapidjson' + '@' + '9defbb0209a534ffeb3a2b79d5ee440a77407292',
Var('fuchsia_git') + '/third_party/harfbuzz' + '@' + 'd837034f09a957faf2814002e8ebd81da6151d1b',
# Chromium-style
# As part of integrating with Fuchsia, we should eventually remove all these
# Chromium-style dependencies.
Var('fuchsia_git') + '/buildtools' + '@' + Var('buildtools_revision'),
Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/src/ios.git' + '@' + Var('ios_tools_revision'),
Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/deps/icu.git' + '@' + '6cf2ab2580888e520683c2d993133018c91e612c',
Var('dart_git') + '/sdk.git' + '@' + Var('dart_revision'),
Var('github_git') + '/dart-lang/boringssl_gen.git' + '@' + Var('dart_boringssl_gen_rev'),
'' + '@' + Var('dart_boringssl_rev'),
Var('dart_git') + '/observatory_pub_packages.git' + '@' + Var('dart_observatory_pub_packages_rev'),
Var('dart_git') + '/oauth2.git' + '@' + Var('dart_oauth2_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/args.git' + '@' + Var('dart_args_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/async.git' + '@' + Var('dart_async_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/bazel_worker.git' + '@' + Var('dart_bazel_worker_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/boolean_selector.git' + '@' + Var('dart_boolean_selector_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/charcode.git' + '@' + Var('dart_charcode_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/cli_util.git' + '@' + Var('dart_cli_util_rev'),
Var('dart_git') + '/collection.git' + '@' + Var('dart_collection_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/convert.git' + '@' + Var('dart_convert_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/crypto.git' + '@' + Var('dart_crypto_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/csslib.git' + '@' + Var('dart_csslib_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/dart2js_info.git' + '@' + Var('dart_dart2js_info_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/dartdoc.git' + '@' + Var('dart_dartdoc_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/json_rpc_2.git' + '@' + Var('dart_json_rpc_2_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/intl.git' + '@' + Var('dart_intl_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/fixnum.git' + '@' + Var('dart_fixnum_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/glob.git' + '@' + Var('dart_glob_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/html.git' + '@' + Var('dart_html_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/http.git' + '@' + Var('dart_http_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/http_parser.git' + '@' + Var('dart_http_parser_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/http_retry.git' + '@' + Var('dart_http_retry_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/http_throttle.git' + '@' + Var('dart_http_throttle_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/http_multi_server.git' + '@' + Var('dart_http_multi_server_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/logging.git' + '@' + Var('dart_logging_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/linter.git' + '@' + Var('dart_linter_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/markdown.git' + '@' + Var('dart_markdown_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/matcher.git' + '@' + Var('dart_matcher_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/mime.git' + '@' + Var('dart_mime_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/mockito.git' + '@' + Var('dart_mockito_tag'),
Var('chromium_git') + '/external/' + '@' + Var('dart_mustache4dart_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/package_config.git' + '@' + Var('dart_package_config_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/package_resolver.git' + '@' + Var('dart_package_resolver_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/path.git' + '@' + Var('dart_path_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/pool.git' + '@' + Var('dart_pool_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/plugin.git' + '@' + Var('dart_plugin_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/protobuf.git' + '@' + Var('dart_protobuf_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/pub_semver.git' + '@' + Var('dart_pub_semver_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/pub.git' + '@' + Var('dart_pub_rev'),
Var('chromium_git') + '/external/' + '@' + Var('dart_quiver_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/resource.git' + '@' + Var('dart_resource_rev'),
Var('dart_git') + '/shelf.git' + '@' + Var('dart_shelf_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/shelf_packages_handler.git' + '@' + Var('dart_shelf_packages_handler_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/shelf_static.git' + '@' + Var('dart_shelf_static_rev'),
Var('dart_git') + '/shelf_web_socket.git' + '@' + Var('dart_shelf_web_socket_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/source_span.git' + '@' + Var('dart_source_span_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/source_map_stack_trace.git' + '@' + Var('dart_source_map_stack_trace_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/source_maps.git' + '@' + Var('dart_source_maps_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/string_scanner.git' + '@' + Var('dart_string_scanner_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/stream_channel.git' + '@' + Var('dart_stream_channel_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/stack_trace.git' + '@' + Var('dart_stack_trace_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/dart_style.git' + '@' + Var('dart_dart_style_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/typed_data.git' + '@' + Var('dart_typed_data_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/term_glyph.git' + '@' + Var('dart_term_glyph_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/test_reflective_loader.git' + '@' + Var('dart_test_reflective_loader_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/test.git' + '@' + Var('dart_test_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/tuple.git' + '@' + Var('dart_tuple_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/utf.git' + '@' + Var('dart_utf_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/usage.git' + '@' + Var('dart_usage_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/watcher.git' + '@' + Var('dart_watcher_rev'),
Var('dart_git') + '/web_socket_channel.git' + '@' + Var('dart_web_socket_channel_tag'),
Var('dart_git') + '/yaml.git' + '@' + Var('dart_yaml_tag'),
Var('chromium_git') + '/external/colorama.git' + '@' + '799604a1041e9b3bc5d2789ecbd7e8db2e18e6b8',
Var('fuchsia_git') + '/third_party/freetype2' + '@' + '3515a77bb83002b69a2957efdbcb764de4de07da',
Var('dart_git') + '/root_certificates.git' + '@' + Var('dart_root_certificates_rev'),
Var('skia_git') + '/skia.git' + '@' + Var('skia_revision'),
Var('fuchsia_git') + '/third_party/libjpeg-turbo' + '@' + '9587e51cf946f1a1d19bb596bc31ba4e6c9d8893',
Var('chromium_git') + '/webm/libwebp.git' + '@' + '0.6.0',
Var('chromium_git') + '/external/gyp.git' + '@' + '4801a5331ae62da9769a327f11c4213d32fb0dad',
# Headers for Vulkan 1.0
Var('github_git') + '/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs.git' + '@' + 'e29c2489e238509c41aeb8c7bce9d669a496344b',
Var('dart_git') + '/when.git' + '@' + '0.2.0',
recursedeps = [
hooks = [
# This clobbers when necessary (based on It must be the
# first hook so that other things that get/generate into the output
# directory will not subsequently be clobbered.
'name': 'landmines',
'pattern': '.',
'action': [
# Update the Windows toolchain if necessary.
'name': 'win_toolchain',
'pattern': '.',
'action': ['python', 'src/build/', 'update'],
'name': 'download_android_tools',
'pattern': '.',
'action': [
'name': 'buildtools',
'pattern': '.',
'action': [
# Pull dart sdk if needed
'name': 'dart',
'pattern': '.',
'action': ['python', 'src/tools/dart/'],
'name': 'generate_package_files',
'pattern': '.',
'cwd': 'src/',
'action': ['python', 'flutter/tools/'],
# Ensure that we don't accidentally reference any .pyc files whose
# corresponding .py files have already been deleted.
'name': 'remove_stale_pyc_files',
'pattern': 'src/tools/.*\\.py',
'action': [
"name": "7zip",
"pattern": ".",
"action": [