blob: c61f5670ba7f2c86c0823d01cb2b08768b5a4225 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "flutter/flow/compositor_context.h"
#include "flutter/flow/raster_cache_key.h"
#include "flutter/fml/compiler_specific.h"
#include "flutter/fml/logging.h"
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "lib/ui/scenic/cpp/resources.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRect.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkSurface.h"
namespace flutter {
class Layer;
class SceneUpdateContext {
class SurfaceProducerSurface {
virtual ~SurfaceProducerSurface() = default;
virtual size_t AdvanceAndGetAge() = 0;
virtual bool FlushSessionAcquireAndReleaseEvents() = 0;
virtual bool IsValid() const = 0;
virtual SkISize GetSize() const = 0;
virtual void SignalWritesFinished(
const std::function<void(void)>& on_writes_committed) = 0;
virtual scenic::Image* GetImage() = 0;
virtual sk_sp<SkSurface> GetSkiaSurface() const = 0;
class SurfaceProducer {
virtual ~SurfaceProducer() = default;
// The produced surface owns the entity_node and has a layer_key for
// retained rendering. The surface will only be retained if the layer_key
// has a non-null layer pointer (
virtual std::unique_ptr<SurfaceProducerSurface> ProduceSurface(
const SkISize& size,
const LayerRasterCacheKey& layer_key,
std::unique_ptr<scenic::EntityNode> entity_node) = 0;
// Query a retained entity node (owned by a retained surface) for retained
// rendering.
virtual bool HasRetainedNode(const LayerRasterCacheKey& key) const = 0;
virtual const scenic::EntityNode& GetRetainedNode(
const LayerRasterCacheKey& key) = 0;
virtual void SubmitSurface(
std::unique_ptr<SurfaceProducerSurface> surface) = 0;
class Entity {
Entity(SceneUpdateContext& context);
virtual ~Entity();
SceneUpdateContext& context() { return context_; }
scenic::EntityNode& entity_node() { return entity_node_; }
virtual scenic::ContainerNode& embedder_node() { return entity_node_; }
SceneUpdateContext& context_;
Entity* const previous_entity_;
scenic::EntityNode entity_node_;
class Transform : public Entity {
Transform(SceneUpdateContext& context, const SkMatrix& transform);
Transform(SceneUpdateContext& context,
float scale_x,
float scale_y,
float scale_z);
virtual ~Transform();
float const previous_scale_x_;
float const previous_scale_y_;
class Shape : public Entity {
Shape(SceneUpdateContext& context);
virtual ~Shape() = default;
scenic::ShapeNode& shape_node() { return shape_node_; }
scenic::ShapeNode shape_node_;
class Frame : public Shape {
// When layer is not nullptr, the frame is associated with a layer subtree
// rooted with that layer. The frame may then create a surface that will be
// retained for that layer.
Frame(SceneUpdateContext& context,
const SkRRect& rrect,
SkColor color,
float local_elevation = 0.0f,
float parent_elevation = 0.0f,
float depth = 0.0f,
Layer* layer = nullptr);
virtual ~Frame();
void AddPaintLayer(Layer* layer);
const SkRRect rrect_;
SkColor const color_;
std::vector<Layer*> paint_layers_;
SkRect paint_bounds_;
Layer* layer_;
class Clip : public Entity {
Clip(SceneUpdateContext& context, const SkRect& shape_bounds);
~Clip() = default;
SceneUpdateContext(scenic::Session* session,
SurfaceProducer* surface_producer);
~SceneUpdateContext() = default;
scenic::Session* session() { return session_; }
Entity* top_entity() { return top_entity_; }
bool has_metrics() const { return !!metrics_; }
void set_metrics(fuchsia::ui::gfx::MetricsPtr metrics) {
metrics_ = std::move(metrics);
const fuchsia::ui::gfx::MetricsPtr& metrics() const { return metrics_; }
// TODO(chinmaygarde): This method must submit the surfaces as soon as paint
// tasks are done. However, given that there is no support currently for
// Vulkan semaphores, we need to submit all the surfaces after an explicit
// CPU wait. Once Vulkan semaphores are available, this method must return
// void and the implementation must submit surfaces on its own as soon as the
// specific canvas operations are done.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SurfaceProducerSurface>> ExecutePaintTasks(
CompositorContext::ScopedFrame& frame);
float ScaleX() const { return metrics_->scale_x * top_scale_x_; }
float ScaleY() const { return metrics_->scale_y * top_scale_y_; }
// The transformation matrix of the current context. It's used to construct
// the LayerRasterCacheKey for a given layer.
SkMatrix Matrix() const { return SkMatrix::MakeScale(ScaleX(), ScaleY()); }
bool HasRetainedNode(const LayerRasterCacheKey& key) const {
return surface_producer_->HasRetainedNode(key);
const scenic::EntityNode& GetRetainedNode(const LayerRasterCacheKey& key) {
return surface_producer_->GetRetainedNode(key);
struct PaintTask {
std::unique_ptr<SurfaceProducerSurface> surface;
SkScalar left;
SkScalar top;
SkScalar scale_x;
SkScalar scale_y;
SkColor background_color;
std::vector<Layer*> layers;
// Setup the entity_node as a frame that materialize all the paint_layers. In
// most cases, this creates a VulkanSurface (SurfaceProducerSurface) by
// calling SetShapeTextureOrColor and GenerageImageIfNeeded. Such surface will
// own the associated entity_node. If the layer pointer isn't nullptr, the
// surface (and thus the entity_node) will be retained for that layer to
// improve the performance.
void CreateFrame(scenic::EntityNode entity_node,
scenic::ShapeNode shape_node,
const SkRRect& rrect,
SkColor color,
const SkRect& paint_bounds,
std::vector<Layer*> paint_layers,
Layer* layer);
void SetShapeTextureAndColor(scenic::ShapeNode& shape_node,
SkColor color,
SkScalar scale_x,
SkScalar scale_y,
const SkRect& paint_bounds,
std::vector<Layer*> paint_layers,
Layer* layer,
scenic::EntityNode entity_node);
void SetShapeColor(scenic::ShapeNode& shape_node, SkColor color);
scenic::Image* GenerateImageIfNeeded(SkColor color,
SkScalar scale_x,
SkScalar scale_y,
const SkRect& paint_bounds,
std::vector<Layer*> paint_layers,
Layer* layer,
scenic::EntityNode entity_node);
Entity* top_entity_ = nullptr;
float top_scale_x_ = 1.f;
float top_scale_y_ = 1.f;
scenic::Session* const session_;
SurfaceProducer* const surface_producer_;
fuchsia::ui::gfx::MetricsPtr metrics_;
std::vector<PaintTask> paint_tasks_;
} // namespace flutter