blob: 264772916343070408128c4ed1e5cdf2cfac17d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.ui;
/// An opaque object representing a composited scene.
/// To create a Scene object, use a [SceneBuilder].
/// Scene objects can be displayed on the screen using the
/// [Window.render] method.
class Scene extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
/// This class is created by the engine, and should not be instantiated
/// or extended directly.
/// To create a Scene object, use a [SceneBuilder].
/// Creates a raster image representation of the current state of the scene.
/// This is a slow operation that is performed on a background thread.
Future<Image> toImage(int width, int height) {
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
throw new Exception('Invalid image dimensions.');
return _futurize(
(_Callback<Image> callback) => _toImage(width, height, callback)
String _toImage(int width, int height, _Callback<Image> callback) native 'Scene_toImage';
/// Releases the resources used by this scene.
/// After calling this function, the scene is cannot be used further.
void dispose() native 'Scene_dispose';
/// Builds a [Scene] containing the given visuals.
/// A [Scene] can then be rendered using [Window.render].
/// To draw graphical operations onto a [Scene], first create a
/// [Picture] using a [PictureRecorder] and a [Canvas], and then add
/// it to the scene using [addPicture].
class SceneBuilder extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
/// Creates an empty [SceneBuilder] object.
SceneBuilder() { _constructor(); }
void _constructor() native 'SceneBuilder_constructor';
/// Pushes a transform operation onto the operation stack.
/// The objects are transformed by the given matrix before rasterization.
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack.
EngineLayer pushTransform(Float64List matrix4) {
if (matrix4 == null)
throw new ArgumentError('"matrix4" argument cannot be null');
if (matrix4.length != 16)
throw new ArgumentError('"matrix4" must have 16 entries.');
return _pushTransform(matrix4);
EngineLayer _pushTransform(Float64List matrix4) native 'SceneBuilder_pushTransform';
/// Pushes an offset operation onto the operation stack.
/// This is equivalent to [pushTransform] with a matrix with only translation.
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack.
EngineLayer pushOffset(double dx, double dy) native 'SceneBuilder_pushOffset';
/// Pushes a rectangular clip operation onto the operation stack.
/// Rasterization outside the given rectangle is discarded.
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack, and [Clip] for different clip modes.
/// By default, the clip will be anti-aliased (clip = [Clip.antiAlias]).
EngineLayer pushClipRect(Rect rect, {Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias}) {
assert(clipBehavior != null);
assert(clipBehavior != Clip.none);
return _pushClipRect(rect.left, rect.right,, rect.bottom, clipBehavior.index);
EngineLayer _pushClipRect(double left,
double right,
double top,
double bottom,
int clipBehavior) native 'SceneBuilder_pushClipRect';
/// Pushes a rounded-rectangular clip operation onto the operation stack.
/// Rasterization outside the given rounded rectangle is discarded.
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack, and [Clip] for different clip modes.
/// By default, the clip will be anti-aliased (clip = [Clip.antiAlias]).
EngineLayer pushClipRRect(RRect rrect, {Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias}) {
assert(clipBehavior != null);
assert(clipBehavior != Clip.none);
return _pushClipRRect(rrect._value, clipBehavior.index);
EngineLayer _pushClipRRect(Float32List rrect, int clipBehavior) native 'SceneBuilder_pushClipRRect';
/// Pushes a path clip operation onto the operation stack.
/// Rasterization outside the given path is discarded.
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack. See [Clip] for different clip modes.
/// By default, the clip will be anti-aliased (clip = [Clip.antiAlias]).
EngineLayer pushClipPath(Path path, {Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias}) {
assert(clipBehavior != null);
assert(clipBehavior != Clip.none);
return _pushClipPath(path, clipBehavior.index);
EngineLayer _pushClipPath(Path path, int clipBehavior) native 'SceneBuilder_pushClipPath';
/// Pushes an opacity operation onto the operation stack.
/// The given alpha value is blended into the alpha value of the objects'
/// rasterization. An alpha value of 0 makes the objects entirely invisible.
/// An alpha value of 255 has no effect (i.e., the objects retain the current
/// opacity).
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack.
EngineLayer pushOpacity(int alpha, {Offset offset =}) {
return _pushOpacity(alpha, offset.dx, offset.dy);
EngineLayer _pushOpacity(int alpha, double dx, double dy) native 'SceneBuilder_pushOpacity';
/// Pushes a color filter operation onto the operation stack.
/// The given color is applied to the objects' rasterization using the given
/// blend mode.
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack.
EngineLayer pushColorFilter(Color color, BlendMode blendMode) {
return _pushColorFilter(color.value, blendMode.index);
EngineLayer _pushColorFilter(int color, int blendMode) native 'SceneBuilder_pushColorFilter';
/// Pushes a backdrop filter operation onto the operation stack.
/// The given filter is applied to the current contents of the scene prior to
/// rasterizing the given objects.
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack.
EngineLayer pushBackdropFilter(ImageFilter filter) native 'SceneBuilder_pushBackdropFilter';
/// Pushes a shader mask operation onto the operation stack.
/// The given shader is applied to the object's rasterization in the given
/// rectangle using the given blend mode.
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack.
EngineLayer pushShaderMask(Shader shader, Rect maskRect, BlendMode blendMode) {
return _pushShaderMask(shader,
EngineLayer _pushShaderMask(Shader shader,
double maskRectLeft,
double maskRectRight,
double maskRectTop,
double maskRectBottom,
int blendMode) native 'SceneBuilder_pushShaderMask';
/// Pushes a physical layer operation for an arbitrary shape onto the
/// operation stack.
/// By default, the layer's content will not be clipped (clip = [Clip.none]).
/// If clip equals [Clip.hardEdge], [Clip.antiAlias], or [Clip.antiAliasWithSaveLayer],
/// then the content is clipped to the given shape defined by [path].
/// If [elevation] is greater than 0.0, then a shadow is drawn around the layer.
/// [shadowColor] defines the color of the shadow if present and [color] defines the
/// color of the layer background.
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack, and [Clip] for different clip modes.
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
EngineLayer pushPhysicalShape({ Path path, double elevation, Color color, Color shadowColor, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none}) {
return _pushPhysicalShape(path, elevation, color.value, shadowColor?.value ?? 0xFF000000, clipBehavior.index);
EngineLayer _pushPhysicalShape(Path path, double elevation, int color, int shadowColor, int clipBehavior) native
/// Ends the effect of the most recently pushed operation.
/// Internally the scene builder maintains a stack of operations. Each of the
/// operations in the stack applies to each of the objects added to the scene.
/// Calling this function removes the most recently added operation from the
/// stack.
void pop() native 'SceneBuilder_pop';
/// Add a retained engine layer subtree from previous frames.
/// All the engine layers that are in the subtree of the retained layer will
/// be automatically appended to the current engine layer tree.
/// Therefore, when implementing a subclass of the [Layer] concept defined in
/// the rendering layer of Flutter's framework, once this is called, there's
/// no need to call [addToScene] for its children layers.
EngineLayer addRetained(EngineLayer retainedLayer) native 'SceneBuilder_addRetained';
/// Adds an object to the scene that displays performance statistics.
/// Useful during development to assess the performance of the application.
/// The enabledOptions controls which statistics are displayed. The bounds
/// controls where the statistics are displayed.
/// enabledOptions is a bit field with the following bits defined:
/// - 0x01: displayRasterizerStatistics - show GPU thread frame time
/// - 0x02: visualizeRasterizerStatistics - graph GPU thread frame times
/// - 0x04: displayEngineStatistics - show UI thread frame time
/// - 0x08: visualizeEngineStatistics - graph UI thread frame times
/// Set enabledOptions to 0x0F to enable all the currently defined features.
/// The "UI thread" is the thread that includes all the execution of
/// the main Dart isolate (the isolate that can call
/// [Window.render]). The UI thread frame time is the total time
/// spent executing the [Window.onBeginFrame] callback. The "GPU
/// thread" is the thread (running on the CPU) that subsequently
/// processes the [Scene] provided by the Dart code to turn it into
/// GPU commands and send it to the GPU.
/// See also the [PerformanceOverlayOption] enum in the rendering library.
/// for more details.
// Values above must match constants in //engine/src/sky/compositor/performance_overlay_layer.h
void addPerformanceOverlay(int enabledOptions, Rect bounds) {
void _addPerformanceOverlay(int enabledOptions,
double left,
double right,
double top,
double bottom) native 'SceneBuilder_addPerformanceOverlay';
/// Adds a [Picture] to the scene.
/// The picture is rasterized at the given offset.
void addPicture(Offset offset, Picture picture, { bool isComplexHint: false, bool willChangeHint: false }) {
int hints = 0;
if (isComplexHint)
hints |= 1;
if (willChangeHint)
hints |= 2;
_addPicture(offset.dx, offset.dy, picture, hints);
void _addPicture(double dx, double dy, Picture picture, int hints) native 'SceneBuilder_addPicture';
/// Adds a backend texture to the scene.
/// The texture is scaled to the given size and rasterized at the given offset.
/// If `freeze` is true the texture that is added to the scene will not
/// be updated with new frames. `freeze` is used when resizing an embedded
/// Android view: When resizing an Android view there is a short period during
/// which the framework cannot tell if the newest texture frame has the
/// previous or new size, to workaround this the framework "freezes" the
/// texture just before resizing the Android view and unfreezes it when it is
/// certain that a frame with the new size is ready.
void addTexture(int textureId, { Offset offset:, double width: 0.0, double height: 0.0 , bool freeze: false}) {
assert(offset != null, 'Offset argument was null');
_addTexture(offset.dx, offset.dy, width, height, textureId, freeze);
void _addTexture(double dx, double dy, double width, double height, int textureId, bool freeze) native 'SceneBuilder_addTexture';
/// Adds a platform view (e.g an iOS UIView) to the scene.
/// Only supported on iOS, this is currently a no-op on other platforms.
/// On iOS this layer splits the current output surface into two surfaces, one for the scene nodes
/// preceding the platform view, and one for the scene nodes following the platform view.
/// ## Performance impact
/// Adding an additional surface doubles the amount of graphics memory directly used by Flutter
/// for output buffers. Quartz might allocated extra buffers for compositing the Flutter surfaces
/// and the platform view.
/// With a platform view in the scene, Quartz has to composite the two Flutter surfaces and the
/// embedded UIView. In addition to that, on iOS versions greater than 9, the Flutter frames are
/// synchronized with the UIView frames adding additional performance overhead.
void addPlatformView(int viewId, { Offset offset:, double width: 0.0, double height: 0.0}) {
assert(offset != null, 'Offset argument was null');
_addPlatformView(offset.dx, offset.dy, width, height, viewId);
void _addPlatformView(double dx, double dy, double width, double height, int viewId) native 'SceneBuilder_addPlatformView';
/// (Fuchsia-only) Adds a scene rendered by another application to the scene
/// for this application.
void addChildScene({
Offset offset:,
double width: 0.0,
double height: 0.0,
SceneHost sceneHost,
bool hitTestable: true
}) {
void _addChildScene(double dx,
double dy,
double width,
double height,
SceneHost sceneHost,
bool hitTestable) native 'SceneBuilder_addChildScene';
/// Sets a threshold after which additional debugging information should be recorded.
/// Currently this interface is difficult to use by end-developers. If you're
/// interested in using this feature, please contact [flutter-dev](!forum/flutter-dev).
/// We'll hopefully be able to figure out how to make this feature more useful
/// to you.
void setRasterizerTracingThreshold(int frameInterval) native 'SceneBuilder_setRasterizerTracingThreshold';
/// Sets whether the raster cache should checkerboard cached entries. This is
/// only useful for debugging purposes.
/// The compositor can sometimes decide to cache certain portions of the
/// widget hierarchy. Such portions typically don't change often from frame to
/// frame and are expensive to render. This can speed up overall rendering. However,
/// there is certain upfront cost to constructing these cache entries. And, if
/// the cache entries are not used very often, this cost may not be worth the
/// speedup in rendering of subsequent frames. If the developer wants to be certain
/// that populating the raster cache is not causing stutters, this option can be
/// set. Depending on the observations made, hints can be provided to the compositor
/// that aid it in making better decisions about caching.
/// Currently this interface is difficult to use by end-developers. If you're
/// interested in using this feature, please contact [flutter-dev](!forum/flutter-dev).
void setCheckerboardRasterCacheImages(bool checkerboard) native 'SceneBuilder_setCheckerboardRasterCacheImages';
/// Sets whether the compositor should checkerboard layers that are rendered
/// to offscreen bitmaps.
/// This is only useful for debugging purposes.
void setCheckerboardOffscreenLayers(bool checkerboard) native 'SceneBuilder_setCheckerboardOffscreenLayers';
/// Finishes building the scene.
/// Returns a [Scene] containing the objects that have been added to
/// this scene builder. The [Scene] can then be displayed on the
/// screen with [Window.render].
/// After calling this function, the scene builder object is invalid and
/// cannot be used further.
Scene build() native 'SceneBuilder_build';
/// (Fuchsia-only) Hosts content provided by another application.
class SceneHost extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
/// Creates a host for a child scene.
/// The export token is bound to a scene graph node which acts as a container
/// for the child's content. The creator of the scene host is responsible for
/// sending the corresponding import token (the other endpoint of the event pair)
/// to the child.
/// The export token is a dart:zircon Handle, but that type isn't
/// available here. This is called by ChildViewConnection in
/// //topaz/public/lib/ui/flutter/.
/// The scene host takes ownership of the provided export token handle.
SceneHost(dynamic exportTokenHandle) {
void _constructor(dynamic exportTokenHandle) native 'SceneHost_constructor';
/// Releases the resources associated with the child scene host.
/// After calling this function, the child scene host cannot be used further.
void dispose() native 'SceneHost_dispose';