blob: a31b4f174cfbaaa6da4da2f119ad2f110e7d5921 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
void main() {
group('$WordBreaker', () {
test('Does not go beyond the ends of a string', () {
expect(WordBreaker.prevBreakIndex('foo', 0), 0);
expect(WordBreaker.nextBreakIndex('foo', 'foo'.length), 'foo'.length);
test('Words and spaces', () {
expectWords('foo bar', ['foo', ' ', 'bar']);
expectWords('foo bar', ['foo', ' ', 'bar']);
test('Single-letter words', () {
expectWords('foo a bar', ['foo', ' ', 'a', ' ', 'bar']);
expectWords('a b c', ['a', ' ', 'b', ' ', 'c']);
expectWords(' a b ', [' ', 'a', ' ', 'b', ' ']);
test('Multiple consecutive spaces', () {
// Different types of whitespace:
final String oghamSpace = String.fromCharCode(0x1680);
final String punctuationSpace = String.fromCharCode(0x2008);
final String mathSpace = String.fromCharCode(0x205F);
final String ideographicSpace = String.fromCharCode(0x3000);
'foo${oghamSpace} ${punctuationSpace}bar',
['foo', '${oghamSpace} ${punctuationSpace}', 'bar'],
['${mathSpace}${ideographicSpace}${oghamSpace}', 'foo'],
'foo${punctuationSpace}${mathSpace} ',
['foo', '${punctuationSpace}${mathSpace} '],
'${oghamSpace} ${punctuationSpace}${mathSpace}${ideographicSpace}',
['${oghamSpace} ${punctuationSpace}${mathSpace}${ideographicSpace}'],
test('Punctuation', () {
expectWords('foo,bar.baz', ['foo', ',', 'bar.baz']);
expectWords('foo_bar', ['foo_bar']);
expectWords('foo-bar', ['foo', '-', 'bar']);
test('Numeric', () {
expectWords('12ab ab12', ['12ab', ' ', 'ab12']);
expectWords('ab12,34cd', ['ab12,34cd']);
expectWords('123,456_789.0', ['123,456_789.0']);
test('Quotes', () {
expectWords("Mike's bike", ["Mike's", ' ', 'bike']);
expectWords("Students' grades", ['Students', "'", ' ', 'grades']);
'Joe said: "I\'m here"',
['Joe', ' ', 'said', ':', ' ', '"', "I\'m", ' ', 'here', '"'],
// Hebrew letters have the same rules as other letters, except
// when they are around quotes. So we need to test those rules separately.
test('Hebrew with quotes', () {
// A few hebrew letters:
final String h1 = 'א';
final String h2 = 'ל';
final String h3 = 'ט';
// Test the single quote behavior that should be the same as other letters.
expectWords("$h1$h2'$h3", ["$h1$h2'$h3"]);
// Single quote following a hebrew shouldn't break.
expectWords("$h1$h2'", ["$h1$h2'"]);
expectWords("$h1$h2' $h3", ["$h1$h2'", ' ', h3]);
// Double quotes around hebrew words should break.
expectWords('"$h1$h3"', ['"', '$h1$h3', '"']);
// Double quotes within hebrew words shouldn't break.
expectWords('$h3"$h2', ['$h3"$h2']);
test('Newline, CR and LF', () {
final String newline = String.fromCharCode(0x000B);
// The only sequence of new lines that isn't a word boundary is CR×LF.
expectWords('foo\r\nbar', ['foo', '\r\n', 'bar']);
// All other sequences are considered word boundaries.
expectWords('foo\n\nbar', ['foo', '\n', '\n', 'bar']);
expectWords('foo\r\rbar', ['foo', '\r', '\r', 'bar']);
'foo${newline}${newline}bar', ['foo', newline, newline, 'bar']);
expectWords('foo\n\rbar', ['foo', '\n', '\r', 'bar']);
expectWords('foo${newline}\rbar', ['foo', newline, '\r', 'bar']);
expectWords('foo\r${newline}bar', ['foo', '\r', newline, 'bar']);
expectWords('foo${newline}\nbar', ['foo', newline, '\n', 'bar']);
expectWords('foo\n${newline}bar', ['foo', '\n', newline, 'bar']);
test('katakana', () {
// Katakana letters should stick together but not with other letters.
expectWords('ナヌ', ['ナヌ']);
expectWords('ナabcヌ', ['ナ', 'abc', 'ヌ']);
// Katakana sometimes behaves the same as other letters.
expectWords('ナ,ヌ_イ', ['ナ', ',', 'ヌ_イ']);
// Katakana sometimes behaves differently from other letters.
expectWords('ナ.ヌ', ['ナ', '.', 'ヌ']);
expectWords("ナ'ヌ", ['ナ', "'", 'ヌ']);
expectWords('ナ12ヌ', ['ナ', '12', 'ヌ']);
void expectWords(String text, List<String> expectedWords) {
int strIndex = 0;
// Forward word break lookup.
for (String word in expectedWords) {
int nextBreak = WordBreaker.nextBreakIndex(text, strIndex);
expect(nextBreak, strIndex + word.length);
strIndex += word.length;
// Backward word break lookup.
strIndex = text.length;
for (String word in expectedWords.reversed) {
int prevBreak = WordBreaker.prevBreakIndex(text, strIndex);
expect(prevBreak, strIndex - word.length);
strIndex -= word.length;