blob: 04a113794ea66abc281b50934a768b93955af5cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(mdebbar): To reduce the size of generated code, we could pack the data
// into a smaller format, e.g:
// ```dart
// const _rawData = [
// 0x000A, 0x000A, 1,
// 0x000B, 0x000C, 2,
// 0x000D, 0x000D, 3,
// 0x0020, 0x0020, 4,
// // ...
// ];
// ```
// Then we could lazily build the lookup instance on demand.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
/// A tuple that holds a [start] and [end] of a unicode range and a [property].
class PropertyTuple {
const PropertyTuple(this.start, this.end,;
final int start;
final int end;
final String property;
/// Checks if there's an overlap between this tuple's range and [other]'s
/// range.
bool isOverlapping(PropertyTuple other) {
return start <= other.end && end >= other.start;
/// Checks if the [other] tuple is adjacent to this tuple.
/// Two tuples are considered adjacent if:
/// - The new tuple's range immediately follows this tuple's range, and
/// - The new tuple has the same property as this tuple.
bool isAdjacent(PropertyTuple other) {
return other.start == end + 1 && property ==;
/// Merges the ranges of the 2 [PropertyTuples] if they are adjacent.
PropertyTuple extendRange(PropertyTuple extension) {
return PropertyTuple(start, extension.end, property);
/// Usage (from the root of the project):
/// ```
/// dart tool/unicode_sync_script.dart <path/to/word/break/properties>
/// ```
/// This script parses the unicode word break properties(1) and generates Dart
/// code(2) that can perform lookups in the unicode ranges to find what property
/// a letter has.
/// (1) The properties file can be downloaded from:
/// (2) The codegen'd Dart file is located at:
/// lib/src/text/word_break_properties.dart
void main(List<String> arguments) async {
final String propertiesFile = arguments[0];
final String codegenFile = path.join(
WordBreakPropertiesSyncer(propertiesFile, codegenFile).perform();
/// Base class that provides common logic for syncing all kinds of unicode
/// properties (e.g. word break properties, line break properties, etc).
/// Subclasses implement the [template] method which receives as argument the
/// list of data parsed by [processLines].
abstract class PropertiesSyncer {
PropertiesSyncer(this._src, this._dest);
final String _src;
final String _dest;
void perform() async {
final List<String> lines = await File(_src).readAsLines();
final List<String> header = extractHeader(lines);
final List<PropertyTuple> data = processLines(lines);
final IOSink sink = File(_dest).openWrite();
sink.write(template(header, data));
String template(List<String> header, List<PropertyTuple> data);
/// Syncs Unicode's word break properties.
class WordBreakPropertiesSyncer extends PropertiesSyncer {
WordBreakPropertiesSyncer(String src, String dest) : super(src, dest);
String template(List<String> header, List<PropertyTuple> data) {
return '''
// Generated by: bin/unicode_sync_script.dart
// Source:
// ${header.join('\n// ')}
import 'unicode_range.dart';
CharProperty getCharProperty(String text, int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= text.length) {
return null;
return lookup.find(text.codeUnitAt(index));
enum CharProperty {
${getEnumValues(data).join(',\n ')}
const UnicodePropertyLookup<CharProperty> lookup =
${getLookupEntries(data).join(',\n ')}
Iterable<String> getEnumValues(List<PropertyTuple> data) {
return Set<String>.from(<String>((PropertyTuple tuple) =>
Iterable<String> getLookupEntries(List<PropertyTuple> data) {
// Ranges don't overlap so it's safe to sort based on the start of each
// range.
(PropertyTuple tuple1, PropertyTuple tuple2) =>
return combineAdjacentRanges(data)
.map((PropertyTuple tuple) => generateLookupEntry(tuple));
String generateLookupEntry(PropertyTuple tuple) {
final String propertyStr =
return 'UnicodeRange(${toHex(tuple.start)}, ${toHex(tuple.end)}, $propertyStr)';
/// Example:
/// UnicodeRange(0x01C4, 0x0293, CharProperty.ALetter),
/// UnicodeRange(0x0294, 0x0294, CharProperty.ALetter),
/// UnicodeRange(0x0295, 0x02AF, CharProperty.ALetter),
/// will get combined into:
/// UnicodeRange(0x01C4, 0x02AF, CharProperty.ALetter)
List<PropertyTuple> combineAdjacentRanges(List<PropertyTuple> data) {
final List<PropertyTuple> result = <PropertyTuple>[data.first];
for (int i = 1; i < data.length; i++) {
if (result.last.isAdjacent(data[i])) {
result.last = result.last.extendRange(data[i]);
} else {
return result;
int getRangeStart(String range) {
return int.parse(range.split('..')[0], radix: 16);
int getRangeEnd(String range) {
if (range.contains('..')) {
return int.parse(range.split('..')[1], radix: 16);
return int.parse(range, radix: 16);
String toHex(int value) {
return '0x${value.toRadixString(16).padLeft(4, '0').toUpperCase()}';
void verifyNoOverlappingRanges(List<PropertyTuple> data) {
for (int i = 1; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].isOverlapping(data[i - 1])) {
throw Exception('Data contains overlapping ranges.');
List<String> extractHeader(List<String> lines) {
final List<String> headerLines = <String>[];
for (String line in lines) {
if (line.contains('=======')) {
if (line.isNotEmpty) {
return headerLines;
List<PropertyTuple> processLines(List<String> lines) {
return lines
.where((String line) => line.isNotEmpty)
String normalizePropertyName(String property) {
return property.replaceAll('_', '');
String removeCommentFromLine(String line) {
final int poundIdx = line.indexOf('#');
return (poundIdx == -1) ? line : line.substring(0, poundIdx);
/// Examples:
/// 00C0..00D6 ; ALetter
/// 037F ; ALetter
/// Would be parsed into:
/// ```dart
/// PropertyTuple(192, 214, 'ALetter');
/// PropertyTuple(895, 895, 'ALetter');
/// ```
PropertyTuple parseLineIntoPropertyTuple(String line) {
final List<String> split = line.split(';');
final String rangeStr = split[0].trim();
final String propertyStr = split[1].trim();
final List<String> rangeSplit = rangeStr.contains('..')
? rangeStr.split('..')
: <String>[rangeStr, rangeStr];
return PropertyTuple(
int.parse(rangeSplit[0], radix: 16),
int.parse(rangeSplit[1], radix: 16),