blob: 41231a6d611d40b009b0177b5b52d58d5548b9d3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/shell/platform/common/cpp/text_input_model.h"
#include <iostream>
// TODO(awdavies): Need to fix this regarding issue #47.
static constexpr char kComposingBaseKey[] = "composingBase";
static constexpr char kComposingExtentKey[] = "composingExtent";
static constexpr char kSelectionAffinityKey[] = "selectionAffinity";
static constexpr char kAffinityDownstream[] = "TextAffinity.downstream";
static constexpr char kSelectionBaseKey[] = "selectionBase";
static constexpr char kSelectionExtentKey[] = "selectionExtent";
static constexpr char kSelectionIsDirectionalKey[] = "selectionIsDirectional";
static constexpr char kTextKey[] = "text";
// Input client configuration keys.
static constexpr char kTextInputAction[] = "inputAction";
static constexpr char kTextInputType[] = "inputType";
static constexpr char kTextInputTypeName[] = "name";
namespace flutter {
TextInputModel::TextInputModel(int client_id, const rapidjson::Value& config)
: text_(""),
selection_extent_(text_.begin()) {
// TODO: Improve error handling during refactoring; this is just minimal
// checking to avoid asserts since RapidJSON is stricter than jsoncpp.
if (config.IsObject()) {
auto input_action = config.FindMember(kTextInputAction);
if (input_action != config.MemberEnd() && input_action->value.IsString()) {
input_action_ = input_action->value.GetString();
auto input_type_info = config.FindMember(kTextInputType);
if (input_type_info != config.MemberEnd() &&
input_type_info->value.IsObject()) {
auto input_type = input_type_info->value.FindMember(kTextInputTypeName);
if (input_type != input_type_info->value.MemberEnd() &&
input_type->value.IsString()) {
input_type_ = input_type->value.GetString();
TextInputModel::~TextInputModel() = default;
bool TextInputModel::SetEditingState(size_t selection_base,
size_t selection_extent,
const std::string& text) {
if (selection_base > selection_extent) {
return false;
// Only checks extent since it is implicitly greater-than-or-equal-to base.
if (selection_extent > text.size()) {
return false;
text_ = std::string(text);
selection_base_ = text_.begin() + selection_base;
selection_extent_ = text_.begin() + selection_extent;
return true;
void TextInputModel::DeleteSelected() {
selection_base_ = text_.erase(selection_base_, selection_extent_);
// Moves extent back to base, so that it is a single cursor placement again.
selection_extent_ = selection_base_;
void TextInputModel::AddCharacter(char c) {
if (selection_base_ != selection_extent_) {
selection_extent_ = text_.insert(selection_extent_, c);
selection_base_ = selection_extent_;
bool TextInputModel::Backspace() {
if (selection_base_ != selection_extent_) {
return true;
if (selection_base_ != text_.begin()) {
selection_base_ = text_.erase(selection_base_ - 1, selection_base_);
selection_extent_ = selection_base_;
return true;
return false; // No edits happened.
bool TextInputModel::Delete() {
if (selection_base_ != selection_extent_) {
return true;
if (selection_base_ != text_.end()) {
selection_base_ = text_.erase(selection_base_, selection_base_ + 1);
selection_extent_ = selection_base_;
return true;
return false;
void TextInputModel::MoveCursorToBeginning() {
selection_base_ = text_.begin();
selection_extent_ = text_.begin();
void TextInputModel::MoveCursorToEnd() {
selection_base_ = text_.end();
selection_extent_ = text_.end();
bool TextInputModel::MoveCursorForward() {
// If about to move set to the end of the highlight (when not selecting).
if (selection_base_ != selection_extent_) {
selection_base_ = selection_extent_;
return true;
// If not at the end, move the extent forward.
if (selection_extent_ != text_.end()) {
return true;
return false;
bool TextInputModel::MoveCursorBack() {
// If about to move set to the beginning of the highlight
// (when not selecting).
if (selection_base_ != selection_extent_) {
selection_extent_ = selection_base_;
return true;
// If not at the start, move the beginning backward.
if (selection_base_ != text_.begin()) {
return true;
return false;
std::unique_ptr<rapidjson::Document> TextInputModel::GetState() const {
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Move client_id out up to the plugin so that this
// function just returns the editing state.
auto args = std::make_unique<rapidjson::Document>(rapidjson::kArrayType);
auto& allocator = args->GetAllocator();
args->PushBack(client_id_, allocator);
rapidjson::Value editing_state(rapidjson::kObjectType);
// TODO(awdavies): Most of these are hard-coded for now.
editing_state.AddMember(kComposingBaseKey, -1, allocator);
editing_state.AddMember(kComposingExtentKey, -1, allocator);
editing_state.AddMember(kSelectionAffinityKey, kAffinityDownstream,
static_cast<int>(selection_base_ - text_.begin()),
static_cast<int>(selection_extent_ - text_.begin()),
editing_state.AddMember(kSelectionIsDirectionalKey, false, allocator);
editing_state.AddMember(kTextKey, rapidjson::Value(text_, allocator).Move(),
args->PushBack(editing_state, allocator);
return args;
} // namespace flutter