blob: c8083366af5ab3f09062b78efb7b5c8820153d05 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "FlutterDartVMServicePublisher.h"
@implementation FlutterDartVMServicePublisher
- (instancetype)initWithEnableVMServicePublication:(BOOL)enableVMServicePublication {
return [super init];
#import <TargetConditionals.h>
// NSNetService works fine on physical devices before iOS 13.2.
// However, it doesn't expose the services to regular mDNS
// queries on the Simulator or on iOS 13.2+ devices.
// When debugging issues with this implementation, the following is helpful:
// 1) Running `dns-sd -Z _dartVmService`. This is a built-in macOS tool that
// can find advertized observatories using this method. If dns-sd can't find
// it, then the VM service is not getting advertised over any network
// interface that the host machine has access to.
// 2) The Python zeroconf package. The dns-sd tool can sometimes see things
// that aren't advertizing over a network interface - for example, simulators
// using NSNetService has been observed using dns-sd, but doesn't show up in
// the Python package (which is a high quality socket based implementation).
// If that happens, this code should be tweaked such that it shows up in both
// dns-sd's output and Python zeroconf's detection.
// 3) The Dart multicast_dns package, which is what Flutter uses to find the
// port and auth code. If the advertizement shows up in dns-sd and Python
// zeroconf but not multicast_dns, then it is a bug in multicast_dns.
#include <dns_sd.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include "flutter/fml/logging.h"
#include "flutter/fml/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "flutter/fml/message_loop.h"
#include "flutter/fml/platform/darwin/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "flutter/runtime/dart_service_isolate.h"
@protocol FlutterDartVMServicePublisherDelegate
- (void)publishServiceProtocolPort:(NSURL*)uri;
- (void)stopService;
@interface FlutterDartVMServicePublisher ()
+ (NSData*)createTxtData:(NSURL*)url;
@property(readonly, class) NSString* serviceName;
@property(readonly) fml::scoped_nsobject<NSObject<FlutterDartVMServicePublisherDelegate>> delegate;
@property(nonatomic, readwrite) NSURL* url;
@property(readonly) BOOL enableVMServicePublication;
@interface DartVMServiceDNSServiceDelegate : NSObject <FlutterDartVMServicePublisherDelegate>
@implementation DartVMServiceDNSServiceDelegate {
DNSServiceRef _dnsServiceRef;
DNSServiceRef _legacyDnsServiceRef;
- (void)stopService {
if (_dnsServiceRef) {
_dnsServiceRef = NULL;
if (_legacyDnsServiceRef) {
_legacyDnsServiceRef = NULL;
- (void)publishServiceProtocolPort:(NSURL*)url {
DNSServiceFlags flags = kDNSServiceFlagsDefault;
// Simulator needs to use local loopback explicitly to work.
uint32_t interfaceIndex = if_nametoindex("lo0");
// Physical devices need to request all interfaces.
uint32_t interfaceIndex = 0;
const char* registrationType = "_dartVmService._tcp";
const char* legacyRegistrationType = "_dartobservatory._tcp";
const char* domain = "local."; // default domain
uint16_t port = [[url port] unsignedShortValue];
NSData* txtData = [FlutterDartVMServicePublisher createTxtData:url];
int err = DNSServiceRegister(&_dnsServiceRef, flags, interfaceIndex,
registrationType, domain, NULL, htons(port), txtData.length,
txtData.bytes, RegistrationCallback, NULL);
if (err == 0) {
DNSServiceSetDispatchQueue(_dnsServiceRef, dispatch_get_main_queue());
// TODO(bkonyi): remove once flutter_tools no longer looks for the legacy registration type.
// See
// Try to fallback on the legacy registration type.
err = DNSServiceRegister(&_legacyDnsServiceRef, flags, interfaceIndex,
legacyRegistrationType, domain, NULL, htons(port), txtData.length,
txtData.bytes, RegistrationCallback, NULL);
if (err == 0) {
DNSServiceSetDispatchQueue(_legacyDnsServiceRef, dispatch_get_main_queue());
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to register Dart VM Service port with mDNS with error " << err << ".";
if (@available(iOS 14.0, *)) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "On iOS 14+, local network broadcast in apps need to be declared in "
<< "the app's Info.plist. Debug and profile Flutter apps and modules host "
<< "VM services on the local network to support debugging features such "
<< "as hot reload and DevTools. To make your Flutter app or module "
<< "attachable and debuggable, add a '" << registrationType << "' value "
<< "to the 'NSBonjourServices' key in your Info.plist for the Debug/"
<< "Profile configurations. "
<< "For more information, see "
<< ""
static void DNSSD_API RegistrationCallback(DNSServiceRef sdRef,
DNSServiceFlags flags,
DNSServiceErrorType errorCode,
const char* name,
const char* regType,
const char* domain,
void* context) {
if (errorCode == kDNSServiceErr_NoError) {
FML_DLOG(INFO) << "FlutterDartVMServicePublisher is ready!";
} else if (errorCode == kDNSServiceErr_PolicyDenied) {
<< "Could not register as server for FlutterDartVMServicePublisher, permission "
<< "denied. Check your 'Local Network' permissions for this app in the Privacy section of "
<< "the system Settings.";
} else {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not register as server for FlutterDartVMServicePublisher. Check your "
"network settings and relaunch the application.";
@implementation FlutterDartVMServicePublisher {
flutter::DartServiceIsolate::CallbackHandle _callbackHandle;
std::unique_ptr<fml::WeakPtrFactory<FlutterDartVMServicePublisher>> _weakFactory;
- (instancetype)initWithEnableVMServicePublication:(BOOL)enableVMServicePublication {
self = [super init];
NSAssert(self, @"Super must not return null on init.");
_delegate.reset([[DartVMServiceDNSServiceDelegate alloc] init]);
_enableVMServicePublication = enableVMServicePublication;
_weakFactory = std::make_unique<fml::WeakPtrFactory<FlutterDartVMServicePublisher>>(self);
_callbackHandle = flutter::DartServiceIsolate::AddServerStatusCallback(
[weak = _weakFactory->GetWeakPtr(),
runner = fml::MessageLoop::GetCurrent().GetTaskRunner()](const std::string& uri) {
if (!uri.empty()) {
runner->PostTask([weak, uri]() {
// uri comes in as something like '' where XXXXX is the port
// number.
if (weak) {
NSURL* url = [[[NSURL alloc]
initWithString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:uri.c_str()]] autorelease];
weak.get().url = url;
if (weak.get().enableVMServicePublication) {
[[weak.get() delegate] publishServiceProtocolPort:url];
return self;
+ (NSString*)serviceName {
return NSBundle.mainBundle.bundleIdentifier;
+ (NSData*)createTxtData:(NSURL*)url {
// Check to see if there's an authentication code. If there is, we'll provide
// it as a txt record so flutter tools can establish a connection.
NSString* path = [[url path] substringFromIndex:MIN(1, [[url path] length])];
NSData* pathData = [path dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSDictionary<NSString*, NSData*>* txtDict = @{
@"authCode" : pathData,
return [NSNetService dataFromTXTRecordDictionary:txtDict];
- (void)dealloc {
// It will be destroyed and invalidate its weak pointers
// before any other members are destroyed.
[_delegate stopService];
[_url release];
[super dealloc];