blob: e9859ff9390a59b2ab753f9de4cc1a0742bd5b06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/vulkan/device_buffer_vk.h"
#include "fml/logging.h"
#include "vulkan/vulkan_handles.hpp"
namespace impeller {
DeviceBufferVK::DeviceBufferVK(DeviceBufferDescriptor desc,
std::weak_ptr<Context> context,
VmaAllocator allocator,
VmaAllocation allocation,
VmaAllocationInfo info,
vk::Buffer buffer)
: DeviceBuffer(desc),
buffer_(buffer) {}
DeviceBufferVK::~DeviceBufferVK() {
if (buffer_) {
uint8_t* DeviceBufferVK::OnGetContents() const {
return static_cast<uint8_t*>(info_.pMappedData);
bool DeviceBufferVK::OnCopyHostBuffer(const uint8_t* source,
Range source_range,
size_t offset) {
uint8_t* dest = OnGetContents();
if (!dest) {
return false;
if (source) {
::memmove(dest + offset, source + source_range.offset, source_range.length);
return true;
bool DeviceBufferVK::SetLabel(const std::string& label) {
auto context = context_.lock();
if (!context || !buffer_) {
// The context could have died at this point.
return false;
::vmaSetAllocationName(allocator_, allocation_, label.c_str());
return ContextVK::Cast(*context).SetDebugName(buffer_, label);
bool DeviceBufferVK::SetLabel(const std::string& label, Range range) {
// We do not have the ability to name ranges. Just name the whole thing.
return SetLabel(label);
vk::Buffer DeviceBufferVK::GetBuffer() const {
return buffer_;
} // namespace impeller