blob: d4c88998b1de2333358fdfe16217920ee26145e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/geometry/color.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <sstream>
#include <type_traits>
#include "impeller/base/strings.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/constants.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/scalar.h"
#include "impeller/geometry/vector.h"
namespace impeller {
#define _IMPELLER_ASSERT_BLEND_MODE(blend_mode) \
auto enum_##blend_mode = static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<BlendMode>>( \
BlendMode::k##blend_mode); \
if (i != enum_##blend_mode) { \
return false; \
} \
static constexpr inline bool ValidateBlendModes() {
std::underlying_type_t<BlendMode> i = 0;
// Ensure the order of the blend modes match.
// Ensure the total number of blend modes match.
if (i - 1 !=
static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<BlendMode>>(BlendMode::kLast)) {
return false;
return true;
"IMPELLER_FOR_EACH_BLEND_MODE must match impeller::BlendMode.");
#define _IMPELLER_BLEND_MODE_NAME_LIST(blend_mode) #blend_mode,
static constexpr const char* kBlendModeNames[] = {
const char* BlendModeToString(BlendMode blend_mode) {
return kBlendModeNames[static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<BlendMode>>(
ColorHSB ColorHSB::FromRGB(Color rgb) {
Scalar R =;
Scalar G =;
Scalar B =;
Scalar v = 0.0;
Scalar x = 0.0;
Scalar f = 0.0;
int64_t i = 0;
x = fmin(R, G);
x = fmin(x, B);
v = fmax(R, G);
v = fmax(v, B);
if (v == x) {
return ColorHSB(0.0, 0.0, v, rgb.alpha);
f = (R == x) ? G - B : ((G == x) ? B - R : R - G);
i = (R == x) ? 3 : ((G == x) ? 5 : 1);
return ColorHSB(((i - f / (v - x)) / 6.0), (v - x) / v, v, rgb.alpha);
Color ColorHSB::ToRGBA() const {
Scalar h = hue * 6.0;
Scalar s = saturation;
Scalar v = brightness;
Scalar m = 0.0;
Scalar n = 0.0;
Scalar f = 0.0;
int64_t i = 0;
if (h == 0) {
h = 0.01;
if (h == 0.0) {
return Color(v, v, v, alpha);
i = static_cast<int64_t>(floor(h));
f = h - i;
if (!(i & 1)) {
f = 1 - f;
m = v * (1 - s);
n = v * (1 - s * f);
switch (i) {
case 6:
case 0:
return Color(v, n, m, alpha);
case 1:
return Color(n, v, m, alpha);
case 2:
return Color(m, v, n, alpha);
case 3:
return Color(m, n, v, alpha);
case 4:
return Color(n, m, v, alpha);
case 5:
return Color(v, m, n, alpha);
return Color(0, 0, 0, alpha);
Color Color::operator+(const Color& c) const {
return Color(Vector4(*this) + Vector4(c));
Color Color::operator-(const Color& c) const {
return Color(Vector4(*this) - Vector4(c));
Color Color::operator*(Scalar value) const {
return Color(red * value, green * value, blue * value, alpha * value);
Color::Color(const ColorHSB& hsbColor) : Color(hsbColor.ToRGBA()) {}
Color::Color(const Vector4& value)
: red(value.x), green(value.y), blue(value.z), alpha(value.w) {}
static constexpr Color Min(Color c, float threshold) {
return Color(std::min(, threshold), std::min(, threshold),
std::min(, threshold), std::min(c.alpha, threshold));
// The following HSV utilities correspond to the W3C blend definitions
// implemented in: impeller/compiler/shader_lib/impeller/blending.glsl
static constexpr Scalar Luminosity(Vector3 color) {
return color.x * 0.3 + color.y * 0.59 + color.z * 0.11;
static constexpr Vector3 ClipColor(Vector3 color) {
Scalar lum = Luminosity(color);
Scalar mn = std::min(std::min(color.x, color.y), color.z);
Scalar mx = std::max(std::max(color.x, color.y), color.z);
if (mn < 0.0) {
color = lum + (((color - lum) * lum) / (lum - mn + kEhCloseEnough));
if (mx > 1.0) {
color = lum + (((color - lum) * (1.0 - lum)) / (mx - lum + kEhCloseEnough));
return Vector3();
static constexpr Vector3 SetLuminosity(Vector3 color, Scalar luminosity) {
Scalar relative_lum = luminosity - Luminosity(color);
return ClipColor(color + relative_lum);
static constexpr Scalar Saturation(Vector3 color) {
return std::max(std::max(color.x, color.y), color.z) -
std::min(std::min(color.x, color.y), color.z);
static constexpr Vector3 SetSaturation(Vector3 color, Scalar saturation) {
Scalar mn = std::min(std::min(color.x, color.y), color.z);
Scalar mx = std::max(std::max(color.x, color.y), color.z);
return (mn < mx) ? ((color - mn) * saturation) / (mx - mn) : Vector3();
static constexpr Vector3 ComponentChoose(Vector3 a,
Vector3 b,
Vector3 value,
Scalar cutoff) {
return Vector3(value.x > cutoff ? b.x : a.x, //
value.y > cutoff ? b.y : a.y, //
value.z > cutoff ? b.z : a.z //
static constexpr Vector3 ToRGB(Color color) {
return {,,};
static constexpr Color FromRGB(Vector3 color, Scalar alpha) {
return {color.x, color.y, color.z, alpha};
Color Color::Blend(const Color& src, BlendMode blend_mode) const {
const Color& dst = *this;
static auto apply_rgb_srcover_alpha = [&](auto f) -> Color {
return Color(f(,, f(,,
dst.alpha * (1 - src.alpha) + src.alpha // srcOver alpha
switch (blend_mode) {
case BlendMode::kClear:
return Color::BlackTransparent();
case BlendMode::kSource:
return src;
case BlendMode::kDestination:
return dst;
case BlendMode::kSourceOver:
// r = s + (1-sa)*d
return src + dst * (1 - src.alpha);
case BlendMode::kDestinationOver:
// r = d + (1-da)*s
return dst + src * (1 - dst.alpha);
case BlendMode::kSourceIn:
// r = s * da
return src * dst.alpha;
case BlendMode::kDestinationIn:
// r = d * sa
return dst * src.alpha;
case BlendMode::kSourceOut:
// r = s * ( 1- da)
return src * (1 - dst.alpha);
case BlendMode::kDestinationOut:
// r = d * (1-sa)
return dst * (1 - src.alpha);
case BlendMode::kSourceATop:
// r = s*da + d*(1-sa)
return src * dst.alpha + dst * (1 - src.alpha);
case BlendMode::kDestinationATop:
// r = d*sa + s*(1-da)
return dst * src.alpha + src * (1 - dst.alpha);
case BlendMode::kXor:
// r = s*(1-da) + d*(1-sa)
return src * (1 - dst.alpha) + dst * (1 - src.alpha);
case BlendMode::kPlus:
// r = min(s + d, 1)
return Min(src + dst, 1);
case BlendMode::kModulate:
// r = s*d
return src * dst;
case BlendMode::kScreen: {
// r = s + d - s*d
return src + dst - src * dst;
case BlendMode::kOverlay:
return apply_rgb_srcover_alpha([&](auto s, auto d) {
if (d * 2 < dst.alpha) {
return 2 * s * d;
return src.alpha * dst.alpha - 2 * (dst.alpha - s) * (src.alpha - d);
case BlendMode::kDarken: {
return apply_rgb_srcover_alpha([&](auto s, auto d) {
return (1 - dst.alpha) * s + (1 - src.alpha) * d + std::min(s, d);
case BlendMode::kLighten:
return apply_rgb_srcover_alpha([&](auto s, auto d) {
return (1 - dst.alpha) * s + (1 - src.alpha) * d + std::max(s, d);
case BlendMode::kColorDodge:
return apply_rgb_srcover_alpha([&](auto s, auto d) {
if (d == 0) {
return s * (1 - src.alpha);
if (s == src.alpha) {
return s + dst.alpha * (1 - src.alpha);
return src.alpha *
std::min(dst.alpha, d * src.alpha / (src.alpha - s)) +
s * (1 - dst.alpha + dst.alpha * (1 - src.alpha));
case BlendMode::kColorBurn:
return apply_rgb_srcover_alpha([&](auto s, auto d) {
if (s == 0) {
return dst.alpha * (1 - src.alpha);
if (d == dst.alpha) {
return d + s * (1 - dst.alpha);
// s.a * (d.a - min(d.a, (d.a - s) * s.a/s)) + s * (1-d.a) + d.a * (1 -
// s.a)
return src.alpha *
(dst.alpha -
std::min(dst.alpha, (dst.alpha - d) * src.alpha / s)) +
s * (1 - dst.alpha) + dst.alpha * (1 - src.alpha);
case BlendMode::kHardLight:
return apply_rgb_srcover_alpha([&](auto s, auto d) {
if (src.alpha >= s * (1 - dst.alpha) + d * (1 - src.alpha) + 2 * s) {
return 2 * s * d;
// s.a * d.a - 2 * (d.a - d) * (s.a - s)
return src.alpha * dst.alpha - 2 * (dst.alpha - d) * (src.alpha - s);
case BlendMode::kSoftLight: {
Vector3 dst_rgb = ToRGB(dst);
Vector3 src_rgb = ToRGB(src);
Vector3 d = ComponentChoose(
((16.0 * dst_rgb - 12.0) * dst_rgb + 4.0) * dst_rgb, //
Vector3(std::sqrt(dst_rgb.x), std::sqrt(dst_rgb.y),
std::sqrt(dst_rgb.z)), //
dst_rgb, //
Color blended =
dst_rgb - (1.0 - 2.0 * src) * dst * (1.0 - dst_rgb), //
dst_rgb + (2.0 * src_rgb - 1.0) * (d - dst_rgb), //
src_rgb, //
return blended + dst * (1 - blended.alpha);
case BlendMode::kDifference:
return apply_rgb_srcover_alpha([&](auto s, auto d) {
// s + d - 2 * min(s * d.a, d * s.a);
return s + d - 2 * std::min(s * dst.alpha, d * src.alpha);
case BlendMode::kExclusion:
return apply_rgb_srcover_alpha([&](auto s, auto d) {
// s + d - 2 * s * d
return s + d - 2 * s * d;
case BlendMode::kMultiply:
return apply_rgb_srcover_alpha([&](auto s, auto d) {
// s * (1 - d.a) + d * (1 - s.a) + (s * d)
return s * (1 - dst.alpha) + d * (1 - src.alpha) + (s * d);
case BlendMode::kHue: {
Vector3 dst_rgb = ToRGB(dst);
Vector3 src_rgb = ToRGB(src);
Color blended =
FromRGB(SetLuminosity(SetSaturation(src_rgb, Saturation(dst_rgb)),
return blended + dst * (1 - blended.alpha);
case BlendMode::kSaturation: {
Vector3 dst_rgb = ToRGB(dst);
Vector3 src_rgb = ToRGB(src);
Color blended =
FromRGB(SetLuminosity(SetSaturation(dst_rgb, Saturation(src_rgb)),
return blended + dst * (1 - blended.alpha);
case BlendMode::kColor: {
Vector3 dst_rgb = ToRGB(dst);
Vector3 src_rgb = ToRGB(src);
Color blended =
FromRGB(SetLuminosity(src_rgb, Luminosity(dst_rgb)), dst.alpha);
return blended + dst * (1 - blended.alpha);
case BlendMode::kLuminosity: {
Vector3 dst_rgb = ToRGB(dst);
Vector3 src_rgb = ToRGB(src);
Color blended =
FromRGB(SetLuminosity(dst_rgb, Luminosity(src_rgb)), dst.alpha);
return blended + dst * (1 - blended.alpha);
Color Color::ApplyColorMatrix(const ColorMatrix& color_matrix) const {
auto* c = color_matrix.array;
return Color(
c[0] * red + c[1] * green + c[2] * blue + c[3] * alpha + c[4],
c[5] * red + c[6] * green + c[7] * blue + c[8] * alpha + c[9],
c[10] * red + c[11] * green + c[12] * blue + c[13] * alpha + c[14],
c[15] * red + c[16] * green + c[17] * blue + c[18] * alpha + c[19])
Color Color::LinearToSRGB() const {
static auto conversion = [](Scalar component) {
if (component <= 0.0031308) {
return component * 12.92;
return 1.055 * pow(component, (1.0 / 2.4)) - 0.055;
return Color(conversion(red), conversion(green), conversion(blue), alpha);
Color Color::SRGBToLinear() const {
static auto conversion = [](Scalar component) {
if (component <= 0.04045) {
return component / 12.92;
return pow((component + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
return Color(conversion(red), conversion(green), conversion(blue), alpha);
std::string ColorToString(const Color& color) {
return SPrintF("R=%.1f,G=%.1f,B=%.1f,A=%.1f", //, //, //, //
color.alpha //
} // namespace impeller