blob: da5559b363a4907db189df9af73fbb95f606daeb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:watcher/src/watch_event.dart';
import 'environment.dart';
import 'exceptions.dart';
import 'felt_config.dart';
import 'generate_builder_json.dart';
import 'pipeline.dart';
import 'steps/compile_bundle_step.dart';
import 'steps/copy_artifacts_step.dart';
import 'steps/run_suite_step.dart';
import 'suite_filter.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// Runs tests.
class TestCommand extends Command<bool> with ArgUtils<bool> {
TestCommand() {
help: 'Pauses the browser before running a test, giving you an '
'opportunity to add breakpoints or inspect loaded code before '
'running the code.',
abbr: 'v',
help: 'Enable verbose output.'
abbr: 'w',
help: 'Run in watch mode so the tests re-run whenever a change is '
'Lists the bundles that would be compiled and the suites that '
'will be run as part of this invocation, without actually '
'compiling or running them.'
'Generates JSON for the engine_v2 builders to build and copy all'
'artifacts, compile all test bundles, and run all test suites on'
'all platforms.'
'Compile test bundles. If this is specified on its own, we will '
'only compile and not run the suites.'
'Run test suites. If this is specified on its own, we will only '
'run the suites and not compile the bundles.'
'Copy artifacts needed for test suites. If this is specified on '
'its own, we will only copy the artifacts and not compile or run'
'the tests bundles or suites.'
'Use artifacts from the profile build instead of release.'
help: 'Use artifacts from the debug build instead of release.'
help: 'Debug wasm modules using embedded DWARF data.'
'Whether we require Skia Gold to be available or not. When this '
'flag is true, the tests will fail if Skia Gold is not available.',
'When running screenshot tests writes them to the file system into '
'.dart_tool/goldens. Use this option to bulk-update all screenshots, '
'for example, when a new browser version affects pixels.',
help: 'Filter test suites by browser.',
help: 'Filter test suites by compiler.',
help: 'Filter test suites by renderer.',
help: 'Filter test suites by CanvasKit variant.',
help: 'Filter test suites by suite name.',
help: 'Filter test suites by bundle name.',
help: 'If set, causes the test runner to exit upon the first test '
'failure. If not set, the test runner will continue running '
'test despite failures and will report them after all tests '
help: 'Optional. The path to a local build of CanvasKit to use in '
'tests. If omitted, the test runner uses the default CanvasKit '
help: 'Whether the test we are running are compiled to webassembly.'
final String name = 'test';
final String description = 'Run tests.';
bool get isWatchMode => boolArg('watch');
bool get isList => boolArg('list');
bool get failEarly => boolArg('fail-early');
/// Whether to start the browser in debug mode.
/// In this mode the browser pauses before running the test to allow
/// you set breakpoints or inspect the code.
bool get startPaused => boolArg('start-paused');
bool get isVerbose => boolArg('verbose');
/// The target test files to run.
List<FilePath> get targetFiles => argResults! t) => FilePath.fromCwd(t)).toList();
/// When running screenshot tests, require Skia Gold to be available and
/// reachable.
bool get requireSkiaGold => boolArg('require-skia-gold');
/// When running screenshot tests writes them to the file system into
/// ".dart_tool/goldens".
bool get doUpdateScreenshotGoldens => boolArg('update-screenshot-goldens');
/// Path to a CanvasKit build. Overrides the default CanvasKit.
String? get overridePathToCanvasKit => argResults!['canvaskit-path'] as String?;
final FeltConfig config = FeltConfig.fromFile(
path.join(environment.webUiTestDir.path, 'felt_config.yaml')
BrowserSuiteFilter? makeBrowserFilter() {
final List<String>? browserArgs = argResults!['browser'] as List<String>?;
if (browserArgs == null || browserArgs.isEmpty) {
return null;
final Set<BrowserName> browserNames = Set<BrowserName>.from( arg) => BrowserName.values.byName(arg)));
return BrowserSuiteFilter(allowList: browserNames);
CompilerFilter? makeCompilerFilter() {
final List<String>? compilerArgs = argResults!['compiler'] as List<String>?;
if (compilerArgs == null || compilerArgs.isEmpty) {
return null;
final Set<Compiler> compilers = Set<Compiler>.from( arg) => Compiler.values.byName(arg)));
return CompilerFilter(allowList: compilers);
RendererFilter? makeRendererFilter() {
final List<String>? rendererArgs = argResults!['renderer'] as List<String>?;
if (rendererArgs == null || rendererArgs.isEmpty) {
return null;
final Set<Renderer> renderers = Set<Renderer>.from( arg) => Renderer.values.byName(arg)));
return RendererFilter(allowList: renderers);
CanvasKitVariantFilter? makeCanvasKitVariantFilter() {
final List<String>? variantArgs = argResults!['canvaskit-variant'] as List<String>?;
if (variantArgs == null || variantArgs.isEmpty) {
return null;
final Set<CanvasKitVariant> variants = Set<CanvasKitVariant>.from( arg) => CanvasKitVariant.values.byName(arg)));
return CanvasKitVariantFilter(allowList: variants);
SuiteNameFilter? makeSuiteNameFilter() {
final List<String>? suiteNameArgs = argResults!['suite'] as List<String>?;
if (suiteNameArgs == null || suiteNameArgs.isEmpty) {
return null;
final Iterable<String> allSuiteNames = suite) =>;
for (final String suiteName in suiteNameArgs) {
if (!allSuiteNames.contains(suiteName)) {
throw ToolExit('No suite found named $suiteName');
return SuiteNameFilter(allowList: Set<String>.from(suiteNameArgs));
BundleNameFilter? makeBundleNameFilter() {
final List<String>? bundleNameArgs = argResults!['bundle'] as List<String>?;
if (bundleNameArgs == null || bundleNameArgs.isEmpty) {
return null;
final Iterable<String> allBundleNames =
(TestSuite suite) =>
for (final String bundleName in bundleNameArgs) {
if (!allBundleNames.contains(bundleName)) {
throw ToolExit('No bundle found named $bundleName');
return BundleNameFilter(allowList: Set<String>.from(bundleNameArgs));
FileFilter? makeFileFilter() {
final List<FilePath> tests = targetFiles;
if (tests.isEmpty) {
return null;
final Set<String> bundleNames = <String>{};
for (final FilePath testPath in tests) {
if (!io.File(testPath.absolute).existsSync()) {
throw ToolExit('Test path not found: $testPath');
bool bundleFound = false;
for (final TestBundle bundle in config.testBundles) {
final String testSetPath = getTestSetDirectory(bundle.testSet).path;
if (path.isWithin(testSetPath, testPath.absolute)) {
bundleFound = true;
if (!bundleFound) {
throw ToolExit('Test path not in any known test bundle: $testPath');
return FileFilter(allowList: bundleNames);
List<SuiteFilter> get suiteFilters {
final BrowserSuiteFilter? browserFilter = makeBrowserFilter();
final CompilerFilter? compilerFilter = makeCompilerFilter();
final RendererFilter? rendererFilter = makeRendererFilter();
final CanvasKitVariantFilter? canvaskitVariantFilter = makeCanvasKitVariantFilter();
final SuiteNameFilter? suiteNameFilter = makeSuiteNameFilter();
final BundleNameFilter? bundleNameFilter = makeBundleNameFilter();
final FileFilter? fileFilter = makeFileFilter();
return <SuiteFilter>[
if (browserFilter != null) browserFilter,
if (compilerFilter != null) compilerFilter,
if (rendererFilter != null) rendererFilter,
if (canvaskitVariantFilter != null) canvaskitVariantFilter,
if (suiteNameFilter != null) suiteNameFilter,
if (bundleNameFilter != null) bundleNameFilter,
if (fileFilter != null) fileFilter,
List<TestSuite> _filterTestSuites() {
if (isVerbose) {
print('Filtering suites...');
final List<SuiteFilter> filters = suiteFilters;
final List<TestSuite> filteredSuites = config.testSuites.where((TestSuite suite) {
for (final SuiteFilter filter in filters) {
final SuiteFilterResult result = filter.filterSuite(suite);
if (!result.isAccepted) {
if (isVerbose) {
print(' ${} rejected for reason: ${result.rejectReason}');
return false;
return true;
return filteredSuites;
List<TestBundle> _filterBundlesForSuites(List<TestSuite> suites) {
final Set<TestBundle> seenBundles =
Set<TestBundle>.from( suite) => suite.testBundle));
return config.testBundles.where((TestBundle bundle) => seenBundles.contains(bundle)).toList();
ArtifactDependencies _artifactsForSuites(List<TestSuite> suites) {
return suites.fold(ArtifactDependencies.none(),
(ArtifactDependencies deps, TestSuite suite) => deps | suite.artifactDependencies);
Future<bool> run() async {
final List<TestSuite> filteredSuites = _filterTestSuites();
final List<TestBundle> bundles = _filterBundlesForSuites(filteredSuites);
final ArtifactDependencies artifacts = _artifactsForSuites(filteredSuites);
if (boolArg('generate-builder-json')) {
final String configString = generateBuilderJson(config);
final io.File configFile = io.File(path.join(
return true;
if (isList || isVerbose) {
for (final TestSuite suite in filteredSuites) {
print(' ${}');
for (final TestBundle bundle in bundles) {
print(' ${}');
if (artifacts.canvasKit) {
print(' canvaskit'.ansiYellow);
if (artifacts.canvasKitChromium) {
print(' canvaskit_chromium'.ansiYellow);
if (artifacts.skwasm) {
print(' skwasm'.ansiYellow);
if (isList) {
return true;
bool shouldRun = boolArg('run');
bool shouldCompile = boolArg('compile');
bool shouldCopyArtifacts = boolArg('copy-artifacts');
if (!shouldRun && !shouldCompile && !shouldCopyArtifacts) {
// If none of these is specified, we should assume we need to do all of them.
shouldRun = true;
shouldCompile = true;
shouldCopyArtifacts = true;
final Set<FilePath>? testFiles = targetFiles.isEmpty ? null : Set<FilePath>.from(targetFiles);
final Pipeline testPipeline = Pipeline(steps: <PipelineStep>[
if (isWatchMode) ClearTerminalScreenStep(),
if (shouldCopyArtifacts) CopyArtifactsStep(artifacts, runtimeMode: runtimeMode),
if (shouldCompile)
for (final TestBundle bundle in bundles)
bundle: bundle,
isVerbose: isVerbose,
testFiles: testFiles,
if (shouldRun)
for (final TestSuite suite in filteredSuites)
startPaused: startPaused,
isVerbose: isVerbose,
doUpdateScreenshotGoldens: doUpdateScreenshotGoldens,
requireSkiaGold: requireSkiaGold,
overridePathToCanvasKit: overridePathToCanvasKit,
testFiles: testFiles,
useDwarf: boolArg('dwarf'),
try {
if (isWatchMode) {
print('Initial test succeeded!');
} catch(error, stackTrace) {
if (isWatchMode) {
// The error is printed but not rethrown in watch mode because
// failures are expected. The idea is that the developer corrects the
// error, saves the file, and the pipeline reruns.
print('Initial test failed!\n');
} else {
if (isWatchMode) {
final FilePath dir = FilePath.fromWebUi('');
'Watching ${dir.relativeToCwd}/lib and ${dir.relativeToCwd}/test to re-run tests');
await PipelineWatcher(
dir: dir.absolute,
pipeline: testPipeline,
ignore: (WatchEvent event) {
// Ignore font files that are copied whenever tests run.
if (event.path.endsWith('.ttf')) {
return true;
// React to changes in lib/ and test/ folders.
final String relativePath =
path.relative(event.path, from: dir.absolute);
if (path.isWithin('lib', relativePath) ||
path.isWithin('test', relativePath)) {
return false;
// Ignore anything else.
return true;
return true;
/// Clears the terminal screen and places the cursor at the top left corner.
/// This works on Linux and Mac. On Windows, it's a no-op.
class ClearTerminalScreenStep implements PipelineStep {
String get description => 'clearing terminal screen';
bool get isSafeToInterrupt => false;
Future<void> interrupt() async {}
Future<void> run() async {
if (!io.Platform.isWindows) {
// See: