blob: 1816489ad2fee4dbe280f61daed6a380b3617916 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/lib/ui/semantics/custom_accessibility_action.h"
#include "flutter/lib/ui/semantics/semantics_node.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/embedder.h"
namespace flutter {
// A semantic update, used by the embedder API's v1 and v2 semantic update
// callbacks.
class EmbedderSemanticsUpdate {
EmbedderSemanticsUpdate(const SemanticsNodeUpdates& nodes,
const CustomAccessibilityActionUpdates& actions);
// Get the semantic update. The pointer is only valid while
// |EmbedderSemanticsUpdate| exists.
FlutterSemanticsUpdate* get() { return &update_; }
FlutterSemanticsUpdate update_;
std::vector<FlutterSemanticsNode> nodes_;
std::vector<FlutterSemanticsCustomAction> actions_;
// Translates engine semantic nodes to embedder semantic nodes.
void AddNode(const SemanticsNode& node);
// Translates engine semantic custom actions to embedder semantic custom
// actions.
void AddAction(const CustomAccessibilityAction& action);
// A semantic update, used by the embedder API's v3 semantic update callback.
class EmbedderSemanticsUpdate2 {
EmbedderSemanticsUpdate2(const SemanticsNodeUpdates& nodes,
const CustomAccessibilityActionUpdates& actions);
// Get the semantic update. The pointer is only valid while
// |EmbedderSemanticsUpdate2| exists.
FlutterSemanticsUpdate2* get() { return &update_; }
FlutterSemanticsUpdate2 update_;
std::vector<FlutterSemanticsNode2> nodes_;
std::vector<FlutterSemanticsNode2*> node_pointers_;
std::vector<FlutterSemanticsCustomAction2> actions_;
std::vector<FlutterSemanticsCustomAction2*> action_pointers_;
// Translates engine semantic nodes to embedder semantic nodes.
void AddNode(const SemanticsNode& node);
// Translates engine semantic custom actions to embedder semantic custom
// actions.
void AddAction(const CustomAccessibilityAction& action);
} // namespace flutter