blob: 332973e3c2a999c386c75c319e69cbdaf0a80601 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/aiks/paint.h"
#include <memory>
#include "impeller/entity/contents/color_source_contents.h"
#include "impeller/entity/contents/filters/color_filter_contents.h"
#include "impeller/entity/contents/filters/filter_contents.h"
#include "impeller/entity/contents/solid_color_contents.h"
#include "impeller/entity/geometry/geometry.h"
namespace impeller {
/// A color matrix which inverts colors.
// clang-format off
constexpr ColorMatrix kColorInversion = {
.array = {
-1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, //
0, -1.0, 0, 1.0, 0, //
0, 0, -1.0, 1.0, 0, //
1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0 //
// clang-format on
std::shared_ptr<Contents> Paint::CreateContentsForEntity(const Path& path,
bool cover) const {
std::unique_ptr<Geometry> geometry;
switch (style) {
case Style::kFill:
geometry = cover ? Geometry::MakeCover() : Geometry::MakeFillPath(path);
case Style::kStroke:
geometry =
cover ? Geometry::MakeCover()
: Geometry::MakeStrokePath(path, stroke_width, stroke_miter,
stroke_cap, stroke_join);
return CreateContentsForGeometry(std::move(geometry));
std::shared_ptr<Contents> Paint::CreateContentsForGeometry(
std::shared_ptr<Geometry> geometry) const {
auto contents = color_source.GetContents(*this);
// Attempt to apply the color filter on the CPU first.
// Note: This is not just an optimization; some color sources rely on
// CPU-applied color filters to behave properly.
auto color_filter = GetColorFilter();
bool needs_color_filter = !!color_filter;
if (color_filter &&
contents->ApplyColorFilter(color_filter->GetCPUColorFilterProc())) {
needs_color_filter = false;
if (mask_blur_descriptor.has_value()) {
// If there's a mask blur and we need to apply the color filter on the GPU,
// we need to be careful to only apply the color filter to the source
// colors. CreateMaskBlur is able to handle this case.
return mask_blur_descriptor->CreateMaskBlur(
contents, needs_color_filter ? color_filter : nullptr);
return contents;
std::shared_ptr<Contents> Paint::WithFilters(
std::shared_ptr<Contents> input) const {
input = WithColorFilter(input, ColorFilterContents::AbsorbOpacity::kYes);
auto image_filter =
WithImageFilter(input, Matrix(), Entity::RenderingMode::kDirect);
if (image_filter) {
input = image_filter;
return input;
std::shared_ptr<Contents> Paint::WithFiltersForSubpassTarget(
std::shared_ptr<Contents> input,
const Matrix& effect_transform) const {
auto image_filter =
WithImageFilter(input, effect_transform, Entity::RenderingMode::kSubpass);
if (image_filter) {
input = image_filter;
input = WithColorFilter(input, ColorFilterContents::AbsorbOpacity::kYes);
return input;
std::shared_ptr<Contents> Paint::WithMaskBlur(std::shared_ptr<Contents> input,
bool is_solid_color) const {
if (mask_blur_descriptor.has_value()) {
input = mask_blur_descriptor->CreateMaskBlur(FilterInput::Make(input),
return input;
std::shared_ptr<FilterContents> Paint::WithImageFilter(
const FilterInput::Variant& input,
const Matrix& effect_transform,
Entity::RenderingMode rendering_mode) const {
if (!image_filter) {
return nullptr;
auto filter = image_filter->WrapInput(FilterInput::Make(input));
return filter;
std::shared_ptr<Contents> Paint::WithColorFilter(
std::shared_ptr<Contents> input,
ColorFilterContents::AbsorbOpacity absorb_opacity) const {
// Image input types will directly set their color filter,
// if any. See `TiledTextureContents.SetColorFilter`.
if (color_source.GetType() == ColorSource::Type::kImage) {
return input;
auto color_filter = GetColorFilter();
if (!color_filter) {
return input;
// Attempt to apply the color filter on the CPU first.
// Note: This is not just an optimization; some color sources rely on
// CPU-applied color filters to behave properly.
if (input->ApplyColorFilter(color_filter->GetCPUColorFilterProc())) {
return input;
return color_filter->WrapWithGPUColorFilter(FilterInput::Make(input),
std::shared_ptr<FilterContents> Paint::MaskBlurDescriptor::CreateMaskBlur(
std::shared_ptr<ColorSourceContents> color_source_contents,
const std::shared_ptr<ColorFilter>& color_filter) const {
// If it's a solid color and there is no color filter, then we can just get
// away with doing one Gaussian blur.
if (color_source_contents->IsSolidColor() && !color_filter) {
return FilterContents::MakeGaussianBlur(
FilterInput::Make(color_source_contents), sigma, sigma, style,
/// 1. Create an opaque white mask of the original geometry.
auto mask = std::make_shared<SolidColorContents>();
/// 2. Blur the mask.
auto blurred_mask = FilterContents::MakeGaussianBlur(
FilterInput::Make(mask), sigma, sigma, style, Entity::TileMode::kDecal);
/// 3. Replace the geometry of the original color source with a rectangle that
/// covers the full region of the blurred mask. Note that geometry is in
/// local bounds.
auto expanded_local_bounds = blurred_mask->GetCoverage({});
if (!expanded_local_bounds.has_value()) {
return nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<Contents> color_contents = color_source_contents;
/// 4. Apply the user set color filter on the GPU, if applicable.
if (color_filter) {
color_contents = color_filter->WrapWithGPUColorFilter(
/// 5. Composite the color source with the blurred mask.
return ColorFilterContents::MakeBlend(
{FilterInput::Make(blurred_mask), FilterInput::Make(color_contents)});
std::shared_ptr<FilterContents> Paint::MaskBlurDescriptor::CreateMaskBlur(
const FilterInput::Ref& input,
bool is_solid_color) const {
if (is_solid_color) {
return FilterContents::MakeGaussianBlur(input, sigma, sigma, style,
return FilterContents::MakeBorderMaskBlur(input, sigma, sigma, style);
std::shared_ptr<ColorFilter> Paint::GetColorFilter() const {
if (invert_colors && color_filter) {
auto filter = ColorFilter::MakeMatrix(kColorInversion);
return ColorFilter::MakeComposed(filter, color_filter);
if (invert_colors) {
return ColorFilter::MakeMatrix(kColorInversion);
if (color_filter) {
return color_filter;
return nullptr;
bool Paint::HasColorFilter() const {
return !!color_filter || invert_colors;
} // namespace impeller