blob: 579c0167fc33b3cac73404cd214b4907ccdc685c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/entity/contents/text_contents.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <optional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "impeller/core/formats.h"
#include "impeller/core/sampler_descriptor.h"
#include "impeller/entity/contents/content_context.h"
#include "impeller/entity/entity.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/render_pass.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/sampler_library.h"
#include "impeller/typographer/glyph_atlas.h"
#include "impeller/typographer/lazy_glyph_atlas.h"
namespace impeller {
TextContents::TextContents() = default;
TextContents::~TextContents() = default;
void TextContents::SetTextFrame(const std::shared_ptr<TextFrame>& frame) {
frame_ = frame;
std::shared_ptr<GlyphAtlas> TextContents::ResolveAtlas(
Context& context,
GlyphAtlas::Type type,
const std::shared_ptr<LazyGlyphAtlas>& lazy_atlas) const {
if (lazy_atlas) {
return lazy_atlas->CreateOrGetGlyphAtlas(context, type);
return nullptr;
void TextContents::SetColor(Color color) {
color_ = color;
Color TextContents::GetColor() const {
return color_.WithAlpha(color_.alpha * inherited_opacity_);
bool TextContents::CanInheritOpacity(const Entity& entity) const {
return !frame_->MaybeHasOverlapping();
void TextContents::SetInheritedOpacity(Scalar opacity) {
inherited_opacity_ = opacity;
void TextContents::SetOffset(Vector2 offset) {
offset_ = offset;
std::optional<Rect> TextContents::GetCoverage(const Entity& entity) const {
return frame_->GetBounds().TransformBounds(entity.GetTransform());
void TextContents::PopulateGlyphAtlas(
const std::shared_ptr<LazyGlyphAtlas>& lazy_glyph_atlas,
Scalar scale) {
lazy_glyph_atlas->AddTextFrame(*frame_, scale);
scale_ = scale;
bool TextContents::Render(const ContentContext& renderer,
const Entity& entity,
RenderPass& pass) const {
auto color = GetColor();
if (color.IsTransparent()) {
return true;
auto type = frame_->GetAtlasType();
auto atlas =
ResolveAtlas(*renderer.GetContext(), type, renderer.GetLazyGlyphAtlas());
if (!atlas || !atlas->IsValid()) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Cannot render glyphs without prepared atlas.";
return false;
// Information shared by all glyph draw calls.
Command cmd;
DEBUG_COMMAND_INFO(cmd, "TextFrame");
auto opts = OptionsFromPassAndEntity(pass, entity);
opts.primitive_type = PrimitiveType::kTriangle;
if (type == GlyphAtlas::Type::kAlphaBitmap) {
cmd.pipeline = renderer.GetGlyphAtlasPipeline(opts);
} else {
cmd.pipeline = renderer.GetGlyphAtlasColorPipeline(opts);
cmd.stencil_reference = entity.GetClipDepth();
using VS = GlyphAtlasPipeline::VertexShader;
using FS = GlyphAtlasPipeline::FragmentShader;
// Common vertex uniforms for all glyphs.
VS::FrameInfo frame_info;
frame_info.mvp = Matrix::MakeOrthographic(pass.GetRenderTargetSize());
frame_info.atlas_size =
frame_info.offset = offset_;
frame_info.is_translation_scale =
frame_info.entity_transform = entity.GetTransform();
frame_info.text_color = ToVector(color.Premultiply());
VS::BindFrameInfo(cmd, pass.GetTransientsBuffer().EmplaceUniform(frame_info));
SamplerDescriptor sampler_desc;
if (frame_info.is_translation_scale) {
sampler_desc.min_filter = MinMagFilter::kNearest;
sampler_desc.mag_filter = MinMagFilter::kNearest;
} else {
// Currently, we only propagate the scale of the transform to the atlas
// renderer, so if the transform has more than just a translation, we turn
// on linear sampling to prevent crunchiness caused by the pixel grid not
// being perfectly aligned.
// The downside is that this slightly over-blurs rotated/skewed text.
sampler_desc.min_filter = MinMagFilter::kLinear;
sampler_desc.mag_filter = MinMagFilter::kLinear;
sampler_desc.mip_filter = MipFilter::kNearest;
cmd, // command
atlas->GetTexture(), // texture
sampler_desc) // sampler
// Common vertex information for all glyphs.
// All glyphs are given the same vertex information in the form of a
// unit-sized quad. The size of the glyph is specified in per instance data
// and the vertex shader uses this to size the glyph correctly. The
// interpolated vertex information is also used in the fragment shader to
// sample from the glyph atlas.
constexpr std::array<Point, 6> unit_points = {Point{0, 0}, Point{1, 0},
Point{0, 1}, Point{1, 0},
Point{0, 1}, Point{1, 1}};
auto& host_buffer = pass.GetTransientsBuffer();
size_t vertex_count = 0;
for (const auto& run : frame_->GetRuns()) {
vertex_count += run.GetGlyphPositions().size();
vertex_count *= 6;
auto buffer_view = host_buffer.Emplace(
vertex_count * sizeof(VS::PerVertexData), alignof(VS::PerVertexData),
[&](uint8_t* contents) {
VS::PerVertexData vtx;
VS::PerVertexData* vtx_contents =
for (const TextRun& run : frame_->GetRuns()) {
const Font& font = run.GetFont();
Scalar rounded_scale = TextFrame::RoundScaledFontSize(
scale_, font.GetMetrics().point_size);
const FontGlyphAtlas* font_atlas =
atlas->GetFontGlyphAtlas(font, rounded_scale);
if (!font_atlas) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Could not find font in the atlas.";
for (const TextRun::GlyphPosition& glyph_position :
run.GetGlyphPositions()) {
std::optional<Rect> maybe_atlas_glyph_bounds =
if (!maybe_atlas_glyph_bounds.has_value()) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Could not find glyph position in the atlas.";
const Rect& atlas_glyph_bounds = maybe_atlas_glyph_bounds.value();
vtx.atlas_glyph_bounds = Vector4(
atlas_glyph_bounds.origin.x, atlas_glyph_bounds.origin.y,
atlas_glyph_bounds.size.width, atlas_glyph_bounds.size.height);
vtx.glyph_bounds = Vector4(glyph_position.glyph.bounds.origin.x,
vtx.glyph_position = glyph_position.position;
for (const Point& point : unit_points) {
vtx.unit_position = point;
std::memcpy(vtx_contents++, &vtx, sizeof(VS::PerVertexData));
.vertex_buffer = buffer_view,
.index_buffer = {},
.vertex_count = vertex_count,
.index_type = IndexType::kNone,
return pass.AddCommand(std::move(cmd));
} // namespace impeller