blob: 95df4f14ccd398995422ef1a817fd37d11448cc1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/lib/gpu/shader.h"
#include <utility>
#include "flutter/lib/gpu/formats.h"
#include "fml/make_copyable.h"
#include "impeller/core/runtime_types.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/shader_function.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/shader_library.h"
#include "tonic/converter/dart_converter.h"
namespace flutter {
namespace gpu {
Shader::Shader() = default;
Shader::~Shader() = default;
fml::RefPtr<Shader> Shader::Make(
std::string entrypoint,
impeller::ShaderStage stage,
std::shared_ptr<fml::Mapping> code_mapping,
std::vector<impeller::RuntimeUniformDescription> uniforms,
std::shared_ptr<impeller::VertexDescriptor> vertex_desc) {
// Sampler/texture slots start at 0. See
// TODO(bdero): I'm skeptical about the correctness of this. Verify what
// happens with multiple texture samplers spaced apart with other
// uniforms in-between.
size_t minimum_sampler_index = 100000000;
for (const auto& uniform : uniforms) {
if (uniform.type == impeller::kSampledImage &&
uniform.location < minimum_sampler_index) {
minimum_sampler_index = uniform.location;
for (auto& uniform : uniforms) {
if (uniform.type == impeller::kSampledImage) {
uniform.location -= minimum_sampler_index;
auto shader = fml::MakeRefCounted<Shader>();
shader->entrypoint_ = std::move(entrypoint);
shader->stage_ = stage;
shader->code_mapping_ = std::move(code_mapping);
shader->uniforms_ = std::move(uniforms);
shader->vertex_desc_ = std::move(vertex_desc);
return shader;
std::shared_ptr<const impeller::ShaderFunction> Shader::GetFunctionFromLibrary(
impeller::ShaderLibrary& library) {
return library.GetFunction(entrypoint_, stage_);
bool Shader::IsRegistered(Context& context) {
auto& lib = *context.GetContext()->GetShaderLibrary();
return GetFunctionFromLibrary(lib) != nullptr;
bool Shader::RegisterSync(Context& context) {
if (IsRegistered(context)) {
return true; // Already registered.
auto& lib = *context.GetContext()->GetShaderLibrary();
std::promise<bool> promise;
auto future = promise.get_future();
entrypoint_, stage_, code_mapping_,
fml::MakeCopyable([promise = std::move(promise)](bool result) mutable {
if (!future.get()) {
return false; // Registration failed.
return true;
std::shared_ptr<impeller::VertexDescriptor> Shader::GetVertexDescriptor()
const {
return vertex_desc_;
impeller::ShaderStage Shader::GetShaderStage() const {
return stage_;
int Shader::GetUniformSlot(const std::string& name) const {
for (const auto& uniform : uniforms_) {
if (name == {
return uniform.location;
return -1;
} // namespace gpu
} // namespace flutter
/// Exports
int InternalFlutterGpu_Shader_GetShaderStage(flutter::gpu::Shader* wrapper) {
return static_cast<int>(
int InternalFlutterGpu_Shader_GetUniformSlot(flutter::gpu::Shader* wrapper,
Dart_Handle name_handle) {
auto name = tonic::StdStringFromDart(name_handle);
return wrapper->GetUniformSlot(name);