blob: ef2ff5d40cbb950a5fde469d8e0972ef7b4d254d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "fml/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/vulkan/fence_waiter_vk.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/vulkan/test/mock_vulkan.h"
namespace impeller {
namespace testing {
TEST(FenceWaiterVKTest, IgnoresNullFence) {
auto const context = MockVulkanContextBuilder().Build();
auto const waiter = context->GetFenceWaiter();
EXPECT_FALSE(waiter->AddFence(vk::UniqueFence(), []() {}));
TEST(FenceWaiterVKTest, IgnoresNullCallback) {
auto const context = MockVulkanContextBuilder().Build();
auto const device = context->GetDevice();
auto const waiter = context->GetFenceWaiter();
auto fence = device.createFenceUnique({}).value;
EXPECT_FALSE(waiter->AddFence(std::move(fence), nullptr));
TEST(FenceWaiterVKTest, ExecutesFenceCallback) {
auto const context = MockVulkanContextBuilder().Build();
auto const device = context->GetDevice();
auto const waiter = context->GetFenceWaiter();
auto signal = fml::ManualResetWaitableEvent();
auto fence = device.createFenceUnique({}).value;
waiter->AddFence(std::move(fence), [&signal]() { signal.Signal(); });
TEST(FenceWaiterVKTest, ExecutesFenceCallbackX2) {
auto const context = MockVulkanContextBuilder().Build();
auto const device = context->GetDevice();
auto const waiter = context->GetFenceWaiter();
auto signal = fml::ManualResetWaitableEvent();
auto fence = device.createFenceUnique({}).value;
waiter->AddFence(std::move(fence), [&signal]() { signal.Signal(); });
auto signal2 = fml::ManualResetWaitableEvent();
auto fence2 = device.createFenceUnique({}).value;
waiter->AddFence(std::move(fence2), [&signal2]() { signal2.Signal(); });
TEST(FenceWaiterVKTest, ExecutesNewFenceThenOldFence) {
auto const context = MockVulkanContextBuilder().Build();
auto const device = context->GetDevice();
auto const waiter = context->GetFenceWaiter();
auto signal = fml::ManualResetWaitableEvent();
auto fence = device.createFenceUnique({}).value;
MockFence::SetStatus(fence, vk::Result::eNotReady);
auto raw_fence = MockFence::GetRawPointer(fence);
waiter->AddFence(std::move(fence), [&signal]() { signal.Signal(); });
// The easiest way to verify that the callback was _not_ called is to wait
// for a timeout, but that could introduce flakiness. Instead, we'll add a
// second fence that will signal immediately, and wait for that one instead.
auto signal2 = fml::ManualResetWaitableEvent();
auto fence2 = device.createFenceUnique({}).value;
MockFence::SetStatus(fence2, vk::Result::eSuccess);
waiter->AddFence(std::move(fence2), [&signal2]() { signal2.Signal(); });
// Now, we'll signal the first fence, and wait for the callback to be called.
// Now, we'll signal the first fence, and wait for the callback to be called.
TEST(FenceWaiterVKTest, AddFenceDoesNothingIfTerminating) {
auto signal = fml::ManualResetWaitableEvent();
auto const context = MockVulkanContextBuilder().Build();
auto const device = context->GetDevice();
auto const waiter = context->GetFenceWaiter();
auto fence = device.createFenceUnique({}).value;
waiter->AddFence(std::move(fence), [&signal]() { signal.Signal(); });
// Ensure the fence did _not_ signal.
TEST(FenceWaiterVKTest, InProgressFencesStillWaitIfTerminated) {
MockFence* raw_fence = nullptr;
auto signal = fml::ManualResetWaitableEvent();
auto const context = MockVulkanContextBuilder().Build();
auto const device = context->GetDevice();
auto const waiter = context->GetFenceWaiter();
// Add a fence that isn't signalled yet.
auto fence = device.createFenceUnique({}).value;
// Even if the fence is eSuccess, it's not guaranteed to be called in time.
MockFence::SetStatus(fence, vk::Result::eNotReady);
raw_fence = MockFence::GetRawPointer(fence);
waiter->AddFence(std::move(fence), [&signal]() { signal.Signal(); });
// Terminate the waiter.
// Signal the fence.
// This will hang if the fence was not signalled.
} // namespace testing
} // namespace impeller