blob: 9299776e3e6919c5836ebd1b0ad88605ae20cc35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <android/choreographer.h>
#include <android/hardware_buffer.h>
#include <android/surface_control.h>
#include <android/trace.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <optional>
namespace flutter {
using HardwareBufferKey = uint64_t;
enum class ChoreographerSupportStatus {
// Unavailable, API level < 24.
// Available, but only with postFrameCallback.
// Available, but only with postFrameCallback64.
// A collection of NDK functions that are available depending on the version of
// the Android SDK we are linked with at runtime.
class NDKHelpers {
// Safe to call multiple times.
// Normally called from JNI_OnLoad.
static void Init();
// API Version 23
static bool ATrace_isEnabled();
// API Version 24
static ChoreographerSupportStatus ChoreographerSupported();
static AChoreographer* _Nullable AChoreographer_getInstance();
// Deprecated in 29, available since 24.
static void AChoreographer_postFrameCallback(
AChoreographer* _Nonnull choreographer,
AChoreographer_frameCallback _Nonnull callback,
void* _Nullable data);
// API Version 26
static bool HardwareBufferSupported();
static AHardwareBuffer* _Nonnull AHardwareBuffer_fromHardwareBuffer(
JNIEnv* _Nonnull env,
jobject _Nonnull hardwareBufferObj);
static void AHardwareBuffer_release(AHardwareBuffer* _Nonnull buffer);
static void AHardwareBuffer_describe(AHardwareBuffer* _Nonnull buffer,
AHardwareBuffer_Desc* _Nullable desc);
static int AHardwareBuffer_allocate(
const AHardwareBuffer_Desc* _Nonnull desc,
AHardwareBuffer* _Nullable* _Nullable outBuffer);
static EGLClientBuffer _Nonnull eglGetNativeClientBufferANDROID(
AHardwareBuffer* _Nonnull buffer);
// API Version 29
static int AHardwareBuffer_isSupported(
const AHardwareBuffer_Desc* _Nonnull desc);
static void AChoreographer_postFrameCallback64(
AChoreographer* _Nonnull choreographer,
AChoreographer_frameCallback64 _Nonnull callback,
void* _Nullable data);
static bool SurfaceControlAndTransactionSupported();
static ASurfaceControl* _Nonnull ASurfaceControl_createFromWindow(
ANativeWindow* _Nonnull parent,
const char* _Nullable debug_name);
static void ASurfaceControl_release(
ASurfaceControl* _Nonnull surface_control);
static ASurfaceTransaction* _Nonnull ASurfaceTransaction_create();
static void ASurfaceTransaction_delete(
ASurfaceTransaction* _Nonnull surface_transaction);
static void ASurfaceTransaction_apply(
ASurfaceTransaction* _Nonnull surface_transaction);
static void ASurfaceTransaction_setBuffer(
ASurfaceTransaction* _Nonnull transaction,
ASurfaceControl* _Nonnull surface_control,
AHardwareBuffer* _Nonnull buffer,
int acquire_fence_fd);
// API Version 31
// Returns std::nullopt on API version 26 - 30.
static std::optional<HardwareBufferKey> AHardwareBuffer_getId(
AHardwareBuffer* _Nonnull buffer);
} // namespace flutter