blob: f52cf8a6c4329da1168a39cee5f2de64eaa0f954 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// A minimal library for discovering and probing a local engine repository.
/// This library is intended to be used by tools that need to interact with a
/// local engine repository, such as `clang_tidy` or `githooks`. For example,
/// finding the `compile_commands.json` file for the most recently built output:
/// ```dart
/// final Engine engine = Engine.findWithin();
/// final Output? output = engine.latestOutput();
/// if (output == null) {
/// print('No output targets found.');
/// } else {
/// final io.File? compileCommandsJson = output.compileCommandsJson;
/// if (compileCommandsJson == null) {
/// print('No compile_commands.json file found.');
/// } else {
/// print('Found compile_commands.json file at ${compileCommandsJson.path}');
/// }
/// }
/// ```
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
/// Represents the `$ENGINE` directory (i.e. a checked-out Flutter engine).
/// If you have a path to the `$ENGINE/src` directory, use [Engine.fromSrcPath].
/// If you have a path to a directory within the `$ENGINE/src` directory, or
/// want to use the current working directory, use [Engine.findWithin].
final class Engine {
const Engine._({
required this.srcDir,
required this.flutterDir,
required this.outDir,
/// Creates an [Engine] from a path such as `/Users/.../flutter/engine/src`.
/// ```dart
/// final Engine engine = Engine.findWithin('/Users/.../engine/src');
/// print(engine.srcDir.path); // /Users/.../engine/src
/// ```
/// Throws a [InvalidEngineException] if the path is not a valid engine root.
factory Engine.fromSrcPath(String srcPath) {
// If the path does not end in `/src`, fail.
if (p.basename(srcPath) != 'src') {
throw InvalidEngineException.doesNotEndWithSrc(srcPath);
// If the directory does not exist, or is not a directory, fail.
final io.Directory srcDir = io.Directory(srcPath);
if (!srcDir.existsSync()) {
throw InvalidEngineException.notADirectory(srcPath);
// Check for the existence of a `flutter` directory within `src`.
final io.Directory flutterDir = io.Directory(p.join(srcPath, 'flutter'));
if (!flutterDir.existsSync()) {
throw InvalidEngineException.missingFlutterDirectory(srcPath);
// We do **NOT** check for the existence of a `out` directory within `src`,
// it's not required to exist (i.e. a new checkout of the engine), and we
// don't want to fail if it doesn't exist.
final io.Directory outDir = io.Directory(p.join(srcPath, 'out'));
return Engine._(
srcDir: srcDir,
flutterDir: flutterDir,
outDir: outDir,
/// Creates an [Engine] by looking for a `src/` directory in the given path.
/// Similar to [tryFindWithin], but throws a [StateError] if the path is not
/// within a valid engine. This is useful for tools that require an engine
/// and do not have a reasonable fallback or recovery path.
factory Engine.findWithin([String? path]) {
final Engine? engine = tryFindWithin(path);
if (engine == null) {
throw StateError('The path "$path" is not within a valid engine.');
return engine;
/// Creates an [Engine] by looking for a `src/` directory in the given [path].
/// ```dart
/// // Use the current working directory.
/// final Engine engine = Engine.findWithin();
/// print(engine.srcDir.path); // /Users/.../engine/src
/// // Use a specific directory.
/// final Engine engine = Engine.findWithin('/Users/.../engine/src/foo/bar');
/// print(engine.srcDir.path); // /Users/.../engine/src
/// ```
/// If a [path] is not provided, the current working directory is used.
/// If path does not exist, or is not a directory, an error is thrown.
/// Returns `null` if the path is not within a valid engine.
static Engine? tryFindWithin([String? path]) {
path ??= p.current;
// Search parent directories for a `src` directory.
io.Directory maybeSrcDir = io.Directory(path);
if (!maybeSrcDir.existsSync()) {
throw StateError(
'The path "$path" does not exist or is not a directory.'
do {
try {
return Engine.fromSrcPath(maybeSrcDir.path);
} on InvalidEngineException {
// Ignore, we'll keep searching.
maybeSrcDir = maybeSrcDir.parent;
} while (maybeSrcDir.parent.path != maybeSrcDir.path /* at root */);
return null;
/// The path to the `$ENGINE/src` directory.
final io.Directory srcDir;
/// The path to the `$ENGINE/src/flutter` directory.
final io.Directory flutterDir;
/// The path to the `$ENGINE/src/out` directory.
/// **NOTE**: This directory may not exist.
final io.Directory outDir;
/// Returns a list of all output targets in [outDir].
List<Output> outputs() {
return outDir
/// Returns the most recently modified output target in [outDir].
/// If there are no output targets, returns `null`.
Output? latestOutput() {
final List<Output> outputs = this.outputs();
if (outputs.isEmpty) {
return null;
outputs.sort((Output a, Output b) {
return b.path.statSync().modified.compareTo(a.path.statSync().modified);
return outputs.first;
/// An implementation of [Engine] that has pre-defined outputs for testing.
final class TestEngine extends Engine {
/// Creates a [TestEngine] with pre-defined paths.
/// The [srcDir] and [flutterDir] must exist, but the [outDir] is optional.
/// Optionally, provide a list of [outputs] to use, otherwise it is empty.
required super.srcDir,
required super.flutterDir,
required super.outDir,
List<TestOutput> outputs = const <TestOutput>[],
}) : _outputs = outputs, super._() {
if (!srcDir.existsSync()) {
throw ArgumentError.value(srcDir, 'srcDir', 'does not exist');
if (!flutterDir.existsSync()) {
throw ArgumentError.value(flutterDir, 'flutterDir', 'does not exist');
/// Creates a [TestEngine] within a temporary directory.
/// The [rootDir] is the temporary directory that will contain the engine.
/// Optionally, provide a list of [outputs] to use, otherwise it is empty.
factory TestEngine.createTemp({
required io.Directory rootDir,
List<TestOutput> outputs = const <TestOutput>[],
}) {
final io.Directory srcDir = io.Directory(p.join(rootDir.path, 'src'));
final io.Directory flutterDir = io.Directory(p.join(srcDir.path, 'flutter'));
final io.Directory outDir = io.Directory(p.join(srcDir.path, 'out'));
srcDir.createSync(recursive: true);
flutterDir.createSync(recursive: true);
outDir.createSync(recursive: true);
return TestEngine.withPaths(
srcDir: srcDir,
flutterDir: flutterDir,
outDir: outDir,
outputs: outputs,
final List<TestOutput> _outputs;
List<Output> outputs() => List<Output>.unmodifiable(_outputs);
Output? latestOutput() {
if (_outputs.isEmpty) {
return null;
_outputs.sort((TestOutput a, TestOutput b) {
return b.lastModified.compareTo(a.lastModified);
return _outputs.first;
/// An implementation of [Output] that has a pre-defined path for testing.
final class TestOutput extends Output {
/// Creates a [TestOutput] with a pre-defined path.
/// Optionally, provide a [lastModified] date.
TestOutput(super.path, {DateTime? lastModified})
: lastModified = lastModified ?? _defaultLastModified,
static final DateTime _defaultLastModified =;
/// The last modified date of the output target.
final DateTime lastModified;
/// Thrown when an [Engine] could not be created from a path.
sealed class InvalidEngineException implements Exception {
/// Thrown when an [Engine] was created from a path not ending in `src`.
factory InvalidEngineException.doesNotEndWithSrc(String path) {
return InvalidEngineSrcPathException._(path);
/// Thrown when an [Engine] was created from a directory that does not exist.
factory InvalidEngineException.notADirectory(String path) {
return InvalidEngineNotADirectoryException._(path);
/// Thrown when an [Engine] was created from a path not containing `flutter/`.
factory InvalidEngineException.missingFlutterDirectory(String path) {
return InvalidEngineMissingFlutterDirectoryException._(path);
/// Thrown when an [Engine] was created from a path not ending in `src`.
final class InvalidEngineSrcPathException implements InvalidEngineException {
/// The path that was used to create the [Engine].
final String path;
String toString() {
return 'The path $path does not end in `${p.separator}src`.';
/// Thrown when an [Engine] was created from a path that is not a directory.
final class InvalidEngineNotADirectoryException implements InvalidEngineException {
/// The path that was used to create the [Engine].
final String path;
String toString() {
return 'The path "$path" does not exist or is not a directory.';
/// Thrown when an [Engine] was created from a path not containing `flutter/`.
final class InvalidEngineMissingFlutterDirectoryException implements InvalidEngineException {
/// The path that was used to create the [Engine].
final String path;
String toString() {
return 'The path "$path" does not contain a "flutter" directory.';
/// Represents a single output target in the `$ENGINE/src/out` directory.
final class Output {
const Output._(this.path);
/// The directory containing the output target.
final io.Directory path;
/// The `compile_commands.json` file that should exist for this output target.
/// The file may not exist.
io.File get compileCommandsJson {
return io.File(p.join(path.path, 'compile_commands.json'));