blob: c4048174458b6e4d4738ad5661982bb3eabbefda [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:git_repo_tools/git_repo_tools.dart';
import 'package:litetest/litetest.dart';
import 'package:process_fakes/process_fakes.dart';
void main() {
const String fakeShaHash = 'fake-sha-hash';
test('returns non-deleted files which differ from merge-base with main', () async {
final Fixture fixture = Fixture(
processManager: FakeProcessManager(
onStart: (List<String> command) {
// Succeed calling "git merge-base --fork-point FETCH_HEAD HEAD".
if (command.join(' ').startsWith('git merge-base --fork-point')) {
return FakeProcess(stdout: fakeShaHash);
// Succeed calling "git fetch upstream main".
if (command.join(' ') == 'git fetch upstream main') {
return FakeProcess();
// Succeed calling "git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMRT fake-sha-hash".
if (command.join(' ') == 'git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMRT $fakeShaHash') {
return FakeProcess(stdout: 'file1\nfile2');
// Otherwise, fail.
return FakeProcessManager.unhandledStart(command);
try {
final List<io.File> changedFiles = await fixture.gitRepo.changedFiles;
expect(changedFiles, hasLength(2));
expect(changedFiles[0].path, endsWith('file1'));
expect(changedFiles[1].path, endsWith('file2'));
} finally {
fixture.gitRepo.root.deleteSync(recursive: true);
test('returns non-deleted files which differ from default merge-base', () async {
final Fixture fixture = Fixture(
processManager: FakeProcessManager(
onStart: (List<String> command) {
if (command.join(' ').startsWith('git merge-base --fork-point')) {
return FakeProcess(exitCode: 1);
if (command.join(' ').startsWith('git merge-base')) {
return FakeProcess(stdout: fakeShaHash);
if (command.join(' ') == 'git fetch upstream main') {
return FakeProcess();
if (command.join(' ') == 'git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMRT $fakeShaHash') {
return FakeProcess(stdout: 'file1\nfile2');
// Otherwise, fail.
return FakeProcessManager.unhandledStart(command);
try {
final List<io.File> changedFiles = await fixture.gitRepo.changedFiles;
expect(changedFiles, hasLength(2));
expect(changedFiles[0].path, endsWith('file1'));
expect(changedFiles[1].path, endsWith('file2'));
} finally {
fixture.gitRepo.root.deleteSync(recursive: true);
test('returns non-deleted files which differ from HEAD', () async {
final Fixture fixture = Fixture(
processManager: FakeProcessManager(
onStart: (List<String> command) {
if (command.join(' ') == 'git fetch upstream main') {
return FakeProcess();
if (command.join(' ') == 'git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only --diff-filter=ACMRT -r HEAD') {
return FakeProcess(stdout: 'file1\nfile2');
// Otherwise, fail.
return FakeProcessManager.unhandledStart(command);
try {
final List<io.File> changedFiles = await fixture.gitRepo.changedFilesAtHead;
expect(changedFiles, hasLength(2));
expect(changedFiles[0].path, endsWith('file1'));
expect(changedFiles[1].path, endsWith('file2'));
} finally {
fixture.gitRepo.root.deleteSync(recursive: true);
test('returns non-deleted files which differ from HEAD when merge-base fails', () async {
final Fixture fixture = Fixture(
processManager: FakeProcessManager(
onStart: (List<String> command) {
if (command.join(' ') == 'git fetch upstream main') {
return FakeProcess();
if (command.join(' ') == 'git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only --diff-filter=ACMRT -r HEAD') {
return FakeProcess(stdout: 'file1\nfile2');
if (command.join(' ').startsWith('git merge-base --fork-point')) {
return FakeProcess(exitCode: 1);
if (command.join(' ').startsWith('git merge-base')) {
return FakeProcess(stdout: fakeShaHash);
// Otherwise, fail.
return FakeProcessManager.unhandledStart(command);
try {
final List<io.File> changedFiles = await fixture.gitRepo.changedFilesAtHead;
expect(changedFiles, hasLength(2));
expect(changedFiles[0].path, endsWith('file1'));
expect(changedFiles[1].path, endsWith('file2'));
} finally {
fixture.gitRepo.root.deleteSync(recursive: true);
test('verbose output is captured', () async {
final Fixture fixture = Fixture(
processManager: FakeProcessManager(
onStart: (List<String> command) {
if (command.join(' ').startsWith('git merge-base --fork-point')) {
return FakeProcess(exitCode: 1);
if (command.join(' ').startsWith('git merge-base')) {
return FakeProcess(stdout: fakeShaHash);
if (command.join(' ') == 'git fetch upstream main') {
return FakeProcess();
if (command.join(' ') == 'git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMRT $fakeShaHash') {
return FakeProcess(stdout: 'file1\nfile2');
// Otherwise, fail.
return FakeProcessManager.unhandledStart(command);
verbose: true,
try {
await fixture.gitRepo.changedFiles;
expect(fixture.logSink.toString(), contains('git merge-base --fork-point failed, using default merge-base'));
expect(fixture.logSink.toString(), contains('git diff output:\nfile1\nfile2'));
} finally {
fixture.gitRepo.root.deleteSync(recursive: true);
final class Fixture {
factory Fixture({
FakeProcessManager? processManager,
bool verbose = false,
}) {
final io.Directory root = io.Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('git_repo_tools.test');
final StringBuffer logSink = StringBuffer();
processManager ??= FakeProcessManager();
return Fixture._(
gitRepo: GitRepo.fromRoot(root,
logSink: logSink,
processManager: processManager,
verbose: verbose,
logSink: logSink,
const Fixture._({
required this.gitRepo,
required this.logSink,
final GitRepo gitRepo;
final StringBuffer logSink;