blob: 1568cf2b3d233887fd5dcdfc5ab80a2b9b69ee17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'src/digests_json_format.dart';
/// Uploads the images of digests in [workDirectory] to Skia Gold.
/// The directory is expected to match the following structure:
/// ```txt
/// workDirectory/
/// - digest.json
/// - test_name_1.png
/// - test_name_2.png
/// - ...
/// ```
/// The format of `digest.json` is expected to match the following:
/// ```jsonc
/// {
/// "dimensions": {
/// // Key-value pairs of dimensions to provide to Skia Gold.
/// // For example:
/// "platform": "linux",
/// },
/// "entries": [
/// // Each entry is a test-run with the following format:
/// {
/// // Path must be a direct sibling of digest.json.
/// "filename": "test_name_1.png",
/// // Called `screenshotSize` in Skia Gold (width * height).
/// "width": 100,
/// "height": 100,
/// // Called `differentPixelsRate` in Skia Gold.
/// "maxDiffPixelsPercent": 0.01,
/// // Called `pixelColorDelta` in Skia Gold.
/// "maxColorDelta": 0
/// }
/// ]
/// }
/// ```
Future<void> harvest({
required io.Directory workDirectory,
required AddImageToSkiaGold addImg,
required StringSink stderr,
}) async {
final io.File file = io.File(p.join(workDirectory.path, 'digest.json'));
if (!file.existsSync()) {
// Check if the directory exists or if the file is just missing.
if (!workDirectory.existsSync()) {
throw ArgumentError('Directory not found: ${workDirectory.path}.');
// Lookup sibling files to help the user understand what's missing.
final List<io.FileSystemEntity> files = workDirectory.listSync();
throw StateError(
'File "digest.json" not found in ${workDirectory.path}.\n\n'
'Found files: ${ e) => p.basename(e.path)).join(', ')}',
final Digests digests = Digests.parse(file.readAsStringSync());
final List<Future<void>> pendingComparisons = <Future<void>>[];
for (final DigestEntry entry in digests.entries) {
final io.File goldenFile = io.File(p.join(workDirectory.path, entry.filename));
final Future<void> future = addImg(
screenshotSize: entry.width * entry.height,
differentPixelsRate: entry.maxDiffPixelsPercent,
pixelColorDelta: entry.maxColorDelta,
).catchError((Object e) {
stderr.writeln('Failed to add image to Skia Gold: $e');
throw FailedComparisonException(entry.filename);
await Future.wait(pendingComparisons);
/// An exception thrown when a comparison fails.
final class FailedComparisonException implements Exception {
/// Creates a new instance of [FailedComparisonException].
const FailedComparisonException(this.testName);
/// The test name that failed.
final String testName;
String toString() => 'Failed comparison: $testName';
/// A function that uploads an image to Skia Gold.
typedef AddImageToSkiaGold = Future<void> Function(
String testName,
io.File goldenFile, {
double differentPixelsRate,
int pixelColorDelta,
required int screenshotSize,