blob: 1b03cb36f726568997079be5994d68d79957b623 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// This script should be run by every project that consumes Mojom IDL
/// interfaces. It populates the 'mojom' package with the generated Dart
/// bindings for the Mojom IDL files.
/// From a consuming project, it should be invoked as follows:
/// $ dart packages/mojom/generate.dart [-p package-root]
/// [-a additional-dirs]
/// [-m mojo-sdk]
/// [-g] # Generate from .mojom files
/// [-d] # Download from .mojoms files
/// [-v] # verbose
/// [-f] # Fake (dry) run
library generate;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart' as args;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
part 'src/utils.dart';
bool verbose;
bool dryRun;
Map<String, String> duplicateDetection = new Map<String, String>();
/// Searches for .mojom.dart files under [mojomDirectory] and copies them to
/// the 'mojom' packages.
copyAction(PackageIterData data, Directory mojomDirectory) async {
await for (var mojom in mojomDirectory.list(recursive: true)) {
if (mojom is! File) continue;
if (!isMojomDart(mojom.path)) continue;
if (verbose) print("Found $mojom");
final relative = path.relative(mojom.path, from: mojomDirectory.path);
final dest = path.join(data.mojomPackage.path, relative);
final destDirectory = new Directory(path.dirname(dest));
if (duplicateDetection.containsKey(dest)) {
String original = duplicateDetection[dest];
throw new GenerationError('Conflict: Both ${original} and ${mojom.path} supply ${dest}');
duplicateDetection[dest] = mojom.path;
if (verbose || dryRun) {
print('Copying $mojom to $dest');
if (!dryRun) {
final File source = new File(mojom.path);
if (verbose) print("Ensuring $destDirectory exists");
await destDirectory.create(recursive: true);
/// Searches for .mojom files under [mojomDirectory], generates .mojom.dart
/// files for them, and copies them to the 'mojom' package.
generateAction(GenerateIterData data, Directory mojomDirectory) async {
await for (var mojom in mojomDirectory.list(recursive: true)) {
if (mojom is! File) continue;
if (!isMojom(mojom.path)) continue;
if (verbose) print("Found $mojom");
final script = path.join(data.mojoSdk.path,
'tools', 'bindings', '');
final sdkInc = path.normalize(path.join(data.mojoSdk.path, '..', '..'));
final outputDir = await data.mojomPackage.createTemp();
final output = outputDir.path;
final arguments = [
'-g', 'dart',
'-o', output,
// TODO(zra): Are other include paths needed?
'-I', sdkInc,
'-I', mojomDirectory.path,
if (verbose || dryRun) {
print('Generating $mojom');
print('$script ${arguments.join(" ")}');
if (!dryRun) {
final result = await, arguments);
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
throw new GenerationError("$script failed:\n${result.stderr}");
// Generated .mojom.dart is under $output/dart-gen/mojom/lib/X
// Move X to $mojomPackage. Then rm -rf $output
final generatedDirName = path.join(output, 'dart-gen', 'mojom', 'lib');
final generatedDir = new Directory(generatedDirName);
await copyAction(data, generatedDir);
await outputDir.delete(recursive: true);
/// In each package, look for a file named .mojoms. Populate a package's
/// mojom directory with the downloaded mojoms, creating the directory if
/// needed. The .mojoms file should be formatted as follows:
/// '''
/// root:
/// path/to/some/mojom1.mojom
/// path/to/some/other/mojom2.mojom
/// root:
/// path/to/example/two/mojom1.mojom
/// ...
/// Lines beginning with '#' are ignored.
downloadAction(GenerateIterData data, Directory packageDirectory) async {
var mojomsPath = path.join(packageDirectory.path, '.mojoms');
var mojomsFile = new File(mojomsPath);
if (!await mojomsFile.exists()) return;
if (verbose) print("Found .mojoms file: $mojomsPath");
Directory mojomsDir;
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
int repoCount = 0;
int mojomCount = 0;
String repoRoot;
for (String line in await mojomsFile.readAsLines()) {
line = line.trim();
if (line.isEmpty || line.startsWith('#')) continue;
if (line.startsWith('root:')) {
if ((mojomsDir != null) && (mojomCount == 0)) {
throw new DownloadError("root with no mojoms: $repoRoot");
mojomCount = 0;
var rootWords = line.split(" ");
if (rootWords.length != 2) {
throw new DownloadError("Malformed root: $line");
repoRoot = rootWords[1];
if (verbose) print("Found repo root: $repoRoot");
if (!repoRoot.startsWith('http://') &&
!repoRoot.startsWith('https://')) {
throw new DownloadError(
'Mojom repo "root" should be an http or https URL: $line');
mojomsDir = new Directory(path.join(
packageDirectory.parent.path, 'mojm.repo.$repoCount', 'mojom'));
await mojomsDir.create(recursive: true);
} else {
if (mojomsDir == null) {
throw new DownloadError('Malformed .mojoms file: $mojomsPath');
String url = "$repoRoot/$line";
if (verbose) print("Found $url");
String fileString = await getUrl(httpClient, url);
if (verbose) print("Downloaded $url");
String filePath = path.join(mojomsDir.path, line);
var file = new File(filePath);
if (!await file.exists()) {
await file.create(recursive: true);
await file.writeAsString(fileString);
if (verbose) print("Wrote $filePath");
/// Ensures that the directories in [additionalPaths] are absolute and exist,
/// and creates Directories for them, which are returned.
Future<List<Directory>> validateAdditionalDirs(Iterable additionalPaths) async {
var additionalDirs = [];
for (var mojomPath in additionalPaths) {
final mojomDir = new Directory(mojomPath);
if (!mojomDir.isAbsolute) {
throw new CommandLineError(
"All --additional-mojom-dir parameters must be absolute paths.");
if (!(await mojomDir.exists())) {
throw new CommandLineError(
"The additional mojom directory $mojomDir must exist");
if (verbose) print("additional_mojom_dirs = $additionalDirs");
return additionalDirs;
class GenerateOptions {
final Directory packages;
final Directory mojomPackage;
final Directory mojoSdk;
final List<Directory> additionalDirs;
final bool download;
final bool generate;
this.packages, this.mojomPackage, this.mojoSdk, this.additionalDirs,, this.generate);
Future<GenerateOptions> parseArguments(List<String> arguments) async {
final parser = new args.ArgParser()
abbr: 'a',
allowMultiple: true,
help: 'Absolute path to an additional directory containing mojom.dart'
'files to put in the mojom package. May be specified multiple times.')
abbr: 'd',
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Searches packages for a .mojoms file, and downloads .mojom files'
'as speficied in that file. Implies -g.')
abbr: 'f',
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Print the operations that would have been run, but'
'do not run anything.')
abbr: 'g',
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Generate Dart bindings for .mojom files.')
abbr: 'm',
defaultsTo: Platform.environment['MOJO_SDK'],
help: 'Absolute path to the Mojo SDK, which can also be specified '
'with the environment variable MOJO_SDK.')
abbr: 'p',
defaultsTo: path.join(Directory.current.path, 'packages'),
help: 'An absolute path to an application\'s package root')
..addFlag('verbose', abbr: 'v', defaultsTo: false);
final result = parser.parse(arguments);
verbose = result['verbose'];
dryRun = result['fake'];
final packages = new Directory(result['package-root']);
if (!packages.isAbsolute) {
throw new CommandLineError(
"The --package-root parameter must be an absolute path.");
if (verbose) print("packages = $packages");
if (!(await packages.exists())) {
throw new CommandLineError(
"The packages directory $packages must exist");
final mojomPackage = new Directory(path.join(packages.path, 'mojom'));
if (verbose) print("mojom package = $mojomPackage");
if (!(await mojomPackage.exists())) {
throw new CommandLineError(
"The mojom package directory $mojomPackage must exist");
final download = result['download'];
final generate = result['generate'] || download;
var mojoSdk = null;
if (generate) {
final mojoSdkPath = result['mojo-sdk'];
if (mojoSdkPath == null) {
throw new CommandLineError(
"The Mojo SDK directory must be specified with the --mojo-sdk flag or"
"the MOJO_SDK environment variable.");
mojoSdk = new Directory(mojoSdkPath);
if (verbose) print("Mojo SDK = $mojoSdk");
if (!(await mojoSdk.exists())) {
throw new CommandLineError(
"The specified Mojo SDK directory $mojoSdk must exist.");
final additionalDirs =
await validateAdditionalDirs(result['additional-mojom-dir']);
return new GenerateOptions(
packages, mojomPackage, mojoSdk, additionalDirs, download, generate);
main(List<String> arguments) async {
var options = await parseArguments(arguments);
// Copy any pregenerated files form packages.
await mojomDirIter(
new PackageIterData(options.mojomPackage),
// Download .mojom files. These will be picked up by the generation step
// below.
if ( {
await packageDirIter(options.packages, null, downloadAction);
// Generate mojom files.
if (options.generate) {
await mojomDirIter(
new GenerateIterData(options.mojoSdk, options.mojomPackage),
// Copy pregenerated files from specified external directories.
final data = new GenerateIterData(options.mojoSdk, options.mojomPackage);
for (var mojomDir in options.additionalDirs) {
await copyAction(data, mojomDir);
if (options.generate) {
await generateAction(data, mojomDir);