blob: f6ee4735bf21fe81e16121e1016ccc958c7daf8a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of application;
class _ApplicationImpl implements application_mojom.Application {
application_mojom.ApplicationStub _stub;
shell_mojom.ShellProxy shell;
Application _application;
Application application, core.MojoMessagePipeEndpoint endpoint) {
_application = application;
_stub = new application_mojom.ApplicationStub.fromEndpoint(endpoint, this);
_stub.onError = close;
_ApplicationImpl.fromHandle(Application application, core.MojoHandle handle) {
_application = application;
_stub = new application_mojom.ApplicationStub.fromHandle(handle, this);
_stub.onError = close;
set onError(core.ErrorHandler f) {
_stub.onError = f;
void initialize(
bindings.ProxyBase shellProxy, List<String> args, String url) {
assert(shell == null);
shell = shellProxy;
_application.initialize(args, url);
void acceptConnection(String requestorUrl, ServiceProviderStub services,
bindings.ProxyBase exposedServices, String resolvedUrl) => _application
._acceptConnection(requestorUrl, services, exposedServices, resolvedUrl);
void requestQuit() => _application._requestQuitAndClose();
Future close({bool immediate: false}) {
if (shell != null) {
shell.close(immediate: immediate);
return _stub.close(immediate: immediate);
// TODO(zra): Better documentation and examples.
// To implement, do the following:
// - Optionally override initialize() to process command-line args.
// - Optionally override acceptConnection() if services are to be provided.
// - Optionally override close() to clean up application resources.
abstract class Application {
_ApplicationImpl _applicationImpl;
List<ApplicationConnection> _applicationConnections;
Function onError;
Application(core.MojoMessagePipeEndpoint endpoint) {
_applicationConnections = [];
_applicationImpl = new _ApplicationImpl(this, endpoint);
_applicationImpl.onError = _errorHandler;
Application.fromHandle(core.MojoHandle appHandle) {
_applicationConnections = [];
_applicationImpl = new _ApplicationImpl.fromHandle(this, appHandle);
_applicationImpl.onError = _errorHandler;
void initialize(List<String> args, String url) {}
// TODO(skydart): This is a temporary fix to allow sky application to consume
// mojo services. Do not use for any other purpose.
void initializeFromShellProxy(
shell_mojom.ShellProxy shellProxy, List<String> args, String url) =>
_applicationImpl.initialize(shellProxy, args, url);
// Returns a connection to the app at |url|.
ApplicationConnection connectToApplication(String url) {
var proxy = new ServiceProviderProxy.unbound();
var stub = new ServiceProviderStub.unbound();, proxy, stub);
var connection = new ApplicationConnection(stub, proxy);
return connection;
void connectToService(String url, bindings.ProxyBase proxy) {
void requestQuit() {}
void _requestQuitAndClose() {
void _errorHandler() {
close().then((_) {
if (onError != null) onError();
Future close({bool immediate: false}) {
assert(_applicationImpl != null);
_applicationConnections.forEach((c) => c.close(immediate: immediate));
return _applicationImpl.close(immediate: immediate);
// This method closes all the application connections. Used during apptesting.
void resetConnections() {
assert(_applicationImpl != null);
_applicationConnections.forEach((c) => c.close());
void _acceptConnection(String requestorUrl, ServiceProviderStub services,
ServiceProviderProxy exposedServices, String resolvedUrl) {
var connection = new ApplicationConnection(services, exposedServices);
acceptConnection(requestorUrl, resolvedUrl, connection);
// Override this method to provide services on |connection|.
void acceptConnection(String requestorUrl, String resolvedUrl,
ApplicationConnection connection) {}