blob: 8c0e89c0c271693f96d177d978b39bf448148a72 [file] [log] [blame]
{%- set class_name = ~ "_Data" -%}
{%- set enum_name = ~ "_Tag" -%}
{%- import "struct_macros.tmpl" as struct_macros %}
class {{class_name}} {
// Used to identify Mojom Union Data Classes.
typedef void MojomUnionDataType;
static {{class_name}}* New(mojo::internal::Buffer* buf);
// Do nothing in the destructor since it won't be called.
~{{class_name}}() {}
static bool Validate(const void* data,
mojo::internal::BoundsChecker* bounds_checker,
bool inlined);
bool is_null() const {
return size == 0;
void set_null();
enum class {{enum_name}} : uint32_t {
{% for field in union.fields %}
{%- endfor %}
// A note on layout:
// "Each non-static data member is allocated as if it were the sole member of
// a struct." - Section 9.5.2 ISO/IEC 14882:2011 (The C++ Spec)
union MOJO_ALIGNAS(8) Union_ {
{%- for field in union.fields %}
{%- if field.kind.spec == 'b' %}
uint8_t f_{{}} : 1;
{%- else %}
{{field.kind|cpp_union_field_type}} f_{{}};
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
uint64_t unknown;
uint32_t size;
{{enum_name}} tag;
Union_ data;
void EncodePointersAndHandles(std::vector<mojo::Handle>* handles);
void DecodePointersAndHandles(std::vector<mojo::Handle>* handles);
static_assert(sizeof({{class_name}}) == 16,
"Bad sizeof({{class_name}})");
static_assert(sizeof({{class_name}}::Union_) == 8,
"Bad sizeof({{class_name}}::Union_)");