blob: ec39d4f8659ba6568c140ed8f5d9012959a7eae1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:sky' as sky;
import 'package:sky/painting/text_style.dart';
// This must be immutable, because we won't notice when it changes
abstract class TextSpan {
sky.Node _toDOM(sky.Document owner);
String toString([String prefix = '']);
void _applyStyleToContainer(sky.Element container) {
class PlainTextSpan extends TextSpan {
PlainTextSpan(this.text) {
assert(text != null);
final String text;
sky.Node _toDOM(sky.Document owner) {
return owner.createText(text);
bool operator ==(other) => other is PlainTextSpan && text == other.text;
int get hashCode => text.hashCode;
String toString([String prefix = '']) => '${prefix}${runtimeType}: "${text}"';
class StyledTextSpan extends TextSpan {
StyledTextSpan(, this.children) {
assert(style != null);
assert(children != null);
final TextStyle style;
final List<TextSpan> children;
sky.Node _toDOM(sky.Document owner) {
sky.Element parent = owner.createElement('t');
for (TextSpan child in children) {
return parent;
void _applyStyleToContainer(sky.Element container) {
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other))
return true;
if (other is! StyledTextSpan
|| style !=
|| children.length != other.children.length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
if (children[i] != other.children[i])
return false;
return true;
int get hashCode {
int value = 373;
value = 37 * value + style.hashCode;
for (TextSpan child in children)
value = 37 * value + child.hashCode;
return value;
String toString([String prefix = '']) {
List<String> result = [];
var indent = '${prefix} ';
for (TextSpan child in children) {
return result.join('\n');
class ParagraphPainter {
ParagraphPainter(TextSpan text) {
_layoutRoot.rootElement = _document.createElement('p');
assert(text != null);
this.text = text;
final sky.Document _document = new sky.Document();
final sky.LayoutRoot _layoutRoot = new sky.LayoutRoot();
TextSpan _text;
TextSpan get text => _text;
void set text(TextSpan value) {
_text = value;
double get minWidth => _layoutRoot.minWidth;
void set minWidth(value) {
_layoutRoot.minWidth = value;
double get maxWidth => _layoutRoot.maxWidth;
void set maxWidth(value) {
_layoutRoot.maxWidth = value;
double get minHeight => _layoutRoot.minHeight;
void set minHeight(value) {
_layoutRoot.minHeight = value;
double get maxHeight => _layoutRoot.maxHeight;
void set maxHeight(value) {
_layoutRoot.maxHeight = value;
double get minContentWidth => _layoutRoot.rootElement.minContentWidth;
double get maxContentWidth => _layoutRoot.rootElement.maxContentWidth;
double get height => _layoutRoot.rootElement.height;
double computeDistanceToActualBaseline(TextBaseline baseline) {
sky.Element root = _layoutRoot.rootElement;
switch (baseline) {
case TextBaseline.alphabetic: return root.alphabeticBaseline;
case TextBaseline.ideographic: return root.ideographicBaseline;
void layout() => _layoutRoot.layout();
void paint(sky.Canvas canvas, sky.Offset offset) {
// TODO(ianh): Make LayoutRoot support a paint offset so we don't
// need to translate for each span of text.
canvas.translate(offset.dx, offset.dy);
canvas.translate(-offset.dx, -offset.dy);