blob: c469881cbba0017e377fa98327f0331df612f5ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:sky";
import 'package:sky/animation/curves.dart';
import 'package:sky/animation/direction.dart';
import 'package:sky/base/lerp.dart';
export 'package:sky/animation/curves.dart' show Interval;
abstract class AnimatedVariable {
void setProgress(double t, Direction direction);
String toString();
class AnimationTiming {
AnimationTiming({this.interval, this.reverseInterval, this.curve, this.reverseCurve});
Interval interval;
Interval reverseInterval;
Curve curve;
Curve reverseCurve;
double transform(double t, Direction direction) {
Interval interval = _getInterval(direction);
if (interval != null)
t = interval.transform(t);
if (t == 1.0) // Or should we support inverse curves?
return t;
Curve curve = _getCurve(direction);
if (curve != null)
t = curve.transform(t);
return t;
Interval _getInterval(Direction direction) {
if (direction == Direction.forward || reverseInterval == null)
return interval;
return reverseInterval;
Curve _getCurve(Direction direction) {
if (direction == Direction.forward || reverseCurve == null)
return curve;
return reverseCurve;
class AnimatedValue<T extends dynamic> extends AnimationTiming implements AnimatedVariable {
AnimatedValue(this.begin, { this.end, Interval interval, Curve curve, Curve reverseCurve })
: super(interval: interval, curve: curve, reverseCurve: reverseCurve) {
value = begin;
T value;
T begin;
T end;
T lerp(double t) => begin + (end - begin) * t;
void setProgress(double t, Direction direction) {
if (end != null) {
t = transform(t, direction);
value = (t == 1.0) ? end : lerp(t);
String toString() => 'AnimatedValue(begin=$begin, end=$end, value=$value)';
class AnimatedList extends AnimationTiming implements AnimatedVariable {
List<AnimatedVariable> variables;
AnimatedList(this.variables, { Interval interval, Curve curve, Curve reverseCurve })
: super(interval: interval, curve: curve, reverseCurve: reverseCurve);
void setProgress(double t, Direction direction) {
double adjustedTime = transform(t, direction);
for (AnimatedVariable variable in variables)
variable.setProgress(adjustedTime, direction);
String toString() => 'AnimatedList([$variables])';
class AnimatedColorValue extends AnimatedValue<Color> {
AnimatedColorValue(Color begin, { Color end, Curve curve })
: super(begin, end: end, curve: curve);
Color lerp(double t) => lerpColor(begin, end, t);
class AnimatedRect extends AnimatedValue<Rect> {
AnimatedRect(Rect begin, { Rect end, Curve curve })
: super(begin, end: end, curve: curve);
Rect lerp(double t) => lerpRect(begin, end, t);