blob: c585553aa9497ecf2868347b1ddb3f10a394dbdc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package system
// ConsumerHandle is a handle for the consumer part of a data pipe.
type ConsumerHandle interface {
// ReadData reads data from the data pipe consumer handle with the
// given flags. On success, returns the data that was read.
ReadData(flags MojoReadDataFlags) (MojoResult, []byte)
// BeginReadData begins a two-phase read from the data pipe consumer.
// On success, returns a slice from which the caller can read up to its
// length bytes of data. If flags has |MOJO_READ_DATA_FLAG_ALL_OR_NONE|
// set, then the slice length will be at least as large as |numBytes|,
// which must also be a multiple of the element size (otherwise the
// caller must check the length of the slice).
// During a two-phase read, this handle is *not* readable. E.g., read
// from this handle will return |MOJO_RESULT_BUSY|.
// Once the caller has finished reading data from the slice, it should
// call |EndReadData()| to specify the amount read and to complete the
// two-phase read.
BeginReadData(numBytes int, flags MojoReadDataFlags) (MojoResult, []byte)
// EndReadData ends a two-phase read from the data pipe consumer that
// was begun by a call to |BeginReadData()| on the same handle.
// |numBytesRead| should indicate the amount of data actually read; it
// must be less than or equal to the length of the slice returned by
// |BeginReadData()| and must be a multiple of the element size.
// On failure, the two-phase read (if any) is ended (so the handle may
// become readable again) but no data is "removed" from the data pipe.
EndReadData(numBytesRead int) MojoResult
// ProducerHandle is a handle for the producer part of a data pipe.
type ProducerHandle interface {
// WriteData writes data to the data pipe producer handle with the
// given flags. On success, returns the number of bytes that were
// actually written.
WriteData(data []byte, flags MojoWriteDataFlags) (MojoResult, int)
// BeginWriteData begins a two-phase write to the data pipe producer.
// On success, returns a slice to which the caller can write. If flags
// has |MOJO_READ_DATA_FLAG_ALL_OR_NONE| set, then the slice length will
// be at least as large as |numBytes|, which must also be a multiple of
// the element size (otherwise the caller must check the length of the
// slice).
// During a two-phase write, this handle is *not* writable. E.g., write
// to this handle will return |MOJO_RESULT_BUSY|.
// Once the caller has finished writing data to the buffer, it should
// call |EndWriteData()| to specify the amount written and to complete
// the two-phase write.
BeginWriteData(numBytes int, flags MojoWriteDataFlags) (MojoResult, []byte)
// EndWriteData ends a two-phase write to the data pipe producer that
// was begun by a call to |BeginWriteData()| on the same handle.
// |numBytesWritten| should indicate the amount of data actually
// written; it must be less than or equal to the length of the slice
// returned by |BeginWriteData()| and must be a multiple of the element
// size. The slice returned from |BeginWriteData()| must have been
// filled with exactly |numBytesWritten| bytes of data.
// On failure, the two-phase write (if any) is ended (so the handle may
// become writable again, if there's space available) but no data
// written to the slice is "put into" the data pipe.
EndWriteData(numBytesWritten int) MojoResult
type dataPipeConsumer struct {
// baseHandle should always be the first component of this struct,
// see |finalizeHandle()| for more details.
func (h *dataPipeConsumer) ReadData(flags MojoReadDataFlags) (MojoResult, []byte) {
r, buf := sysImpl.ReadData(uint32(h.mojoHandle), uint32(flags))
return MojoResult(r), buf
func (h *dataPipeConsumer) BeginReadData(numBytes int, flags MojoReadDataFlags) (MojoResult, []byte) {
r, buf := sysImpl.BeginReadData(uint32(h.mojoHandle), uint32(numBytes), uint32(flags))
return MojoResult(r), buf
func (h *dataPipeConsumer) EndReadData(numBytesRead int) MojoResult {
r := sysImpl.EndReadData(uint32(h.mojoHandle), uint32(numBytesRead))
return MojoResult(r)
type dataPipeProducer struct {
// baseHandle should always be the first component of this struct,
// see |finalizeHandle()| for more details.
func (h *dataPipeProducer) WriteData(data []byte, flags MojoWriteDataFlags) (MojoResult, int) {
r, bytesWritten := sysImpl.WriteData(uint32(h.mojoHandle), data, uint32(flags))
return MojoResult(r), int(bytesWritten)
func (h *dataPipeProducer) BeginWriteData(numBytes int, flags MojoWriteDataFlags) (MojoResult, []byte) {
r, buf := sysImpl.BeginWriteData(uint32(h.mojoHandle), uint32(numBytes), uint32(flags))
return MojoResult(r), buf
func (h *dataPipeProducer) EndWriteData(numBytesWritten int) MojoResult {
r := sysImpl.EndWriteData(uint32(h.mojoHandle), uint32(numBytesWritten))
return MojoResult(r)