blob: b4ea3fdfba2a9cddb83366cb06fda88b0d1a9099 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.base.library_loader;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.AccessedByNative;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Technical note:
* The point of this class is to provide an alternative to System.loadLibrary()
* to load native shared libraries. One specific feature that it supports is the
* ability to save RAM by sharing the ELF RELRO sections between renderer
* processes.
* When two processes load the same native library at the _same_ memory address,
* the content of their RELRO section (which includes C++ vtables or any
* constants that contain pointers) will be largely identical [1].
* By default, the RELRO section is backed by private RAM in each process,
* which is still significant on mobile (e.g. 1.28 MB / process on Chrome 30 for
* Android).
* However, it is possible to save RAM by creating a shared memory region,
* copy the RELRO content into it, then have each process swap its private,
* regular RELRO, with a shared, read-only, mapping of the shared one.
* This trick saves 98% of the RELRO section size per extra process, after the
* first one. On the other hand, this requires careful communication between
* the process where the shared RELRO is created and the one(s) where it is used.
* Note that swapping the regular RELRO with the shared one is not an atomic
* operation. Care must be taken that no other thread tries to run native code
* that accesses it during it. In practice, this means the swap must happen
* before library native code is executed.
* [1] The exceptions are pointers to external, randomized, symbols, like
* those from some system libraries, but these are very few in practice.
* Security considerations:
* - Whether the browser process loads its native libraries at the same
* addresses as the service ones (to save RAM by sharing the RELRO too)
* depends on the configuration variable BROWSER_SHARED_RELRO_CONFIG below.
* Not using fixed library addresses in the browser process is preferred
* for regular devices since it maintains the efficacy of ASLR as an
* exploit mitigation across the render <-> browser privilege boundary.
* - The shared RELRO memory region is always forced read-only after creation,
* which means it is impossible for a compromised service process to map
* it read-write (e.g. by calling mmap() or mprotect()) and modify its
* content, altering values seen in other service processes.
* - Unfortunately, certain Android systems use an old, buggy kernel, that
* doesn't check Ashmem region permissions correctly. See CVE-2011-1149
* for details. This linker probes the system on startup and will completely
* disable shared RELROs if it detects the problem. For the record, this is
* common for Android emulator system images (which are still based on 2.6.29)
* - Once the RELRO ashmem region is mapped into a service process' address
* space, the corresponding file descriptor is immediately closed. The
* file descriptor is kept opened in the browser process, because a copy needs
* to be sent to each new potential service process.
* - The common library load addresses are randomized for each instance of
* the program on the device. See computeRandomBaseLoadAddress() for more
* details on how this is computed.
* - When loading several libraries in service processes, a simple incremental
* approach from the original random base load address is used. This is
* sufficient to deal correctly with component builds (which can use dozens
* of shared libraries), while regular builds always embed a single shared
* library per APK.
* Here's an explanation of how this class is supposed to be used:
* - Native shared libraries should be loaded with Linker.loadLibrary(),
* instead of System.loadLibrary(). The two functions take the same parameter
* and should behave the same (at a high level).
* - Before loading any library, prepareLibraryLoad() should be called.
* - After loading all libraries, finishLibraryLoad() should be called, before
* running any native code from any of the libraries (except their static
* constructors, which can't be avoided).
* - A service process shall call either initServiceProcess() or
* disableSharedRelros() early (i.e. before any loadLibrary() call).
* Otherwise, the linker considers that it is running inside the browser
* process. This is because various Chromium projects have vastly
* different initialization paths.
* disableSharedRelros() completely disables shared RELROs, and loadLibrary()
* will behave exactly like System.loadLibrary().
* initServiceProcess(baseLoadAddress) indicates that shared RELROs are to be
* used in this process.
* - The browser is in charge of deciding where in memory each library should
* be loaded. This address must be passed to each service process (see
* in content for a helper class to do so).
* - The browser will also generate shared RELROs for each library it loads.
* More specifically, by default when in the browser process, the linker
* will:
* - Load libraries randomly (just like System.loadLibrary()).
* - Compute the fixed address to be used to load the same library
* in service processes.
* - Create a shared memory region populated with the RELRO region
* content pre-relocated for the specific fixed address above.
* Note that these shared RELRO regions cannot be used inside the browser
* process. They are also never mapped into it.
* This behaviour is altered by the BROWSER_SHARED_RELRO_CONFIG configuration
* variable below, which may force the browser to load the libraries at
* fixed addresses too.
* - Once all libraries are loaded in the browser process, one can call
* getSharedRelros() which returns a Bundle instance containing a map that
* links each loaded library to its shared RELRO region.
* This Bundle must be passed to each service process, for example through
* a Binder call (note that the Bundle includes file descriptors and cannot
* be added as an Intent extra).
* - In a service process, finishLibraryLoad() will block until the RELRO
* section Bundle is received. This is typically done by calling
* useSharedRelros() from another thread.
* This method also ensures the process uses the shared RELROs.
public abstract class Linker {
// Log tag for this class.
private static final String TAG = "cr.library_loader";
// Set to true to enable debug logs.
protected static final boolean DEBUG = false;
// Used to pass the shared RELRO Bundle through Binder.
public static final String EXTRA_LINKER_SHARED_RELROS =
// Guards all access to the linker.
protected final Object mLock = new Object();
// Constants used to control the behaviour of the browser process with
// regards to the shared RELRO section.
// NEVER -> The browser never uses it itself.
// LOW_RAM_ONLY -> It is only used on devices with low RAM.
// ALWAYS -> It is always used.
// NOTE: These names are known and expected by the Linker test scripts.
public static final int BROWSER_SHARED_RELRO_CONFIG_NEVER = 0;
public static final int BROWSER_SHARED_RELRO_CONFIG_LOW_RAM_ONLY = 1;
public static final int BROWSER_SHARED_RELRO_CONFIG_ALWAYS = 2;
// Configuration variable used to control how the browser process uses the
// shared RELRO. Only change this while debugging linker-related issues.
// NOTE: This variable's name is known and expected by the Linker test scripts.
public static final int BROWSER_SHARED_RELRO_CONFIG =
// Constants used to control the value of sMemoryDeviceConfig.
// INIT -> Value is undetermined (will check at runtime).
// LOW -> This is a low-memory device.
// NORMAL -> This is not a low-memory device.
public static final int MEMORY_DEVICE_CONFIG_INIT = 0;
public static final int MEMORY_DEVICE_CONFIG_LOW = 1;
public static final int MEMORY_DEVICE_CONFIG_NORMAL = 2;
// Indicates if this is a low-memory device or not. The default is to
// determine this by probing the system at runtime, but this can be forced
// for testing by calling setMemoryDeviceConfig().
protected int mMemoryDeviceConfig = MEMORY_DEVICE_CONFIG_INIT;
// Singleton.
private static Linker sSingleton = null;
private static Object sSingletonLock = new Object();
// Protected singleton constructor.
protected Linker() { }
// Get singleton instance.
public static final Linker getInstance() {
synchronized (sSingletonLock) {
if (sSingleton == null) {
// TODO(simonb): Extend later to return either a LegacyLinker
// or a ModernLinker instance.
sSingleton = new LegacyLinker();
return sSingleton;
* A public interface used to run runtime linker tests after loading
* libraries. Should only be used to implement the linker unit tests,
* which is controlled by the value of NativeLibraries.sEnableLinkerTests
* configured at build time.
public interface TestRunner {
* Run runtime checks and return true if they all pass.
* @param memoryDeviceConfig The current memory device configuration.
* @param inBrowserProcess true iff this is the browser process.
public boolean runChecks(int memoryDeviceConfig, boolean inBrowserProcess);
// The name of a class that implements TestRunner.
String mTestRunnerClassName = null;
* Set the TestRunner by its class name. It will be instantiated at
* runtime after all libraries are loaded.
* @param testRunnerClassName null or a String for the class name of the
* TestRunner to use.
public void setTestRunnerClassName(String testRunnerClassName) {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.i(TAG, "setTestRunnerByClassName(" + testRunnerClassName + ") called");
if (!NativeLibraries.sEnableLinkerTests) {
// Ignore this in production code to prevent malevolent runtime injection.
synchronized (mLock) {
assert mTestRunnerClassName == null;
mTestRunnerClassName = testRunnerClassName;
* Call this to retrieve the name of the current TestRunner class name
* if any. This can be useful to pass it from the browser process to
* child ones.
* @return null or a String holding the name of the class implementing
* the TestRunner set by calling setTestRunnerClassName() previously.
public String getTestRunnerClassName() {
synchronized (mLock) {
return mTestRunnerClassName;
* Call this method before any other Linker method to force a specific
* memory device configuration. Should only be used for testing.
public void setMemoryDeviceConfig(int memoryDeviceConfig) {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.i(TAG, "setMemoryDeviceConfig(" + memoryDeviceConfig + ") called");
// Sanity check. This method should only be called during tests.
assert NativeLibraries.sEnableLinkerTests;
synchronized (mLock) {
assert mMemoryDeviceConfig == MEMORY_DEVICE_CONFIG_INIT;
assert memoryDeviceConfig == MEMORY_DEVICE_CONFIG_LOW
|| memoryDeviceConfig == MEMORY_DEVICE_CONFIG_NORMAL;
if (DEBUG) {
if (memoryDeviceConfig == MEMORY_DEVICE_CONFIG_LOW) {
Log.i(TAG, "Simulating a low-memory device");
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "Simulating a regular-memory device");
mMemoryDeviceConfig = memoryDeviceConfig;
* Call this method to determine if this chromium project must
* use this linker. If not, System.loadLibrary() should be used to load
* libraries instead.
public abstract boolean isUsed();
* Call this method to determine if the linker will try to use shared RELROs
* for the browser process.
public abstract boolean isUsingBrowserSharedRelros();
* Call this method to determine if the chromium project must load
* the library directly from the zip file.
public abstract boolean isInZipFile();
* Call this method just before loading any native shared libraries in this process.
public abstract void prepareLibraryLoad();
* Call this method just after loading all native shared libraries in this process.
* Note that when in a service process, this will block until the RELRO bundle is
* received, i.e. when another thread calls useSharedRelros().
public abstract void finishLibraryLoad();
* Call this to send a Bundle containing the shared RELRO sections to be
* used in this process. If initServiceProcess() was previously called,
* finishLibraryLoad() will not exit until this method is called in another
* thread with a non-null value.
* @param bundle The Bundle instance containing a map of shared RELRO sections
* to use in this process.
public abstract void useSharedRelros(Bundle bundle);
* Call this to retrieve the shared RELRO sections created in this process,
* after loading all libraries.
* @return a new Bundle instance, or null if RELRO sharing is disabled on
* this system, or if initServiceProcess() was called previously.
public abstract Bundle getSharedRelros();
* Call this method before loading any libraries to indicate that this
* process shall neither create or reuse shared RELRO sections.
public abstract void disableSharedRelros();
* Call this method before loading any libraries to indicate that this
* process is ready to reuse shared RELRO sections from another one.
* Typically used when starting service processes.
* @param baseLoadAddress the base library load address to use.
public abstract void initServiceProcess(long baseLoadAddress);
* Retrieve the base load address of all shared RELRO sections.
* This also enforces the creation of shared RELRO sections in
* prepareLibraryLoad(), which can later be retrieved with getSharedRelros().
* @return a common, random base load address, or 0 if RELRO sharing is
* disabled.
public abstract long getBaseLoadAddress();
* Load a native shared library with the Chromium linker. If the zip file
* is not null, the shared library must be uncompressed and page aligned
* inside the zipfile. Note the crazy linker treats libraries and files as
* equivalent, so you can only open one library in a given zip file. The
* library must not be the Chromium linker library.
* @param zipFilePath The path of the zip file containing the library (or null).
* @param libFilePath The path of the library (possibly in the zip file).
public abstract void loadLibrary(@Nullable String zipFilePath, String libFilePath);
* Determine whether a library is the linker library. Also deal with the
* component build that adds a .cr suffix to the name.
public abstract boolean isChromiumLinkerLibrary(String library);
* Record information for a given library.
* IMPORTANT: Native code knows about this class's fields, so
* don't change them without modifying the corresponding C++ sources.
* Also, the LibInfo instance owns the ashmem file descriptor.
public static class LibInfo implements Parcelable {
public LibInfo() {
mLoadAddress = 0;
mLoadSize = 0;
mRelroStart = 0;
mRelroSize = 0;
mRelroFd = -1;
public void close() {
if (mRelroFd >= 0) {
try {
} catch ( e) {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to close fd: " + mRelroFd);
mRelroFd = -1;
// from Parcelable
public LibInfo(Parcel in) {
mLoadAddress = in.readLong();
mLoadSize = in.readLong();
mRelroStart = in.readLong();
mRelroSize = in.readLong();
ParcelFileDescriptor fd = ParcelFileDescriptor.CREATOR.createFromParcel(in);
// If CreateSharedRelro fails, the OS file descriptor will be -1 and |fd| will be null.
mRelroFd = (fd == null) ? -1 : fd.detachFd();
// from Parcelable
public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) {
if (mRelroFd >= 0) {
try {
ParcelFileDescriptor fd = ParcelFileDescriptor.fromFd(mRelroFd);
fd.writeToParcel(out, 0);
} catch ( e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Cant' write LibInfo file descriptor to parcel", e);
// from Parcelable
public int describeContents() {
// from Parcelable
public static final Parcelable.Creator<LibInfo> CREATOR =
new Parcelable.Creator<LibInfo>() {
public LibInfo createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new LibInfo(in);
public LibInfo[] newArray(int size) {
return new LibInfo[size];
public String toString() {
return String.format(Locale.US,
"[load=0x%x-0x%x relro=0x%x-0x%x fd=%d]",
mLoadAddress + mLoadSize,
mRelroStart + mRelroSize,
// IMPORTANT: Don't change these fields without modifying the
// native code that accesses them directly!
public long mLoadAddress; // page-aligned library load address.
public long mLoadSize; // page-aligned library load size.
public long mRelroStart; // page-aligned address in memory, or 0 if none.
public long mRelroSize; // page-aligned size in memory, or 0.
public int mRelroFd; // ashmem file descriptor, or -1
// Create a Bundle from a map of LibInfo objects.
protected Bundle createBundleFromLibInfoMap(HashMap<String, LibInfo> map) {
Bundle bundle = new Bundle(map.size());
for (Map.Entry<String, LibInfo> entry : map.entrySet()) {
bundle.putParcelable(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return bundle;
// Create a new LibInfo map from a Bundle.
protected HashMap<String, LibInfo> createLibInfoMapFromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
HashMap<String, LibInfo> map = new HashMap<String, LibInfo>();
for (String library : bundle.keySet()) {
LibInfo libInfo = bundle.getParcelable(library);
map.put(library, libInfo);
return map;
// Call the close() method on all values of a LibInfo map.
protected void closeLibInfoMap(HashMap<String, LibInfo> map) {
for (Map.Entry<String, LibInfo> entry : map.entrySet()) {