blob: c90ebf2d9b946b7d931fe246b0fc43be65223736 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.base.test;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.test.AndroidTestRunner;
import android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner;
import android.util.Log;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestResult;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.MinAndroidSdkLevel;
import org.chromium.test.reporter.TestStatusListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
// TODO(jbudorick): Add support for on-device handling of timeouts.
* An Instrumentation test runner that checks SDK level for tests with specific requirements.
public class BaseInstrumentationTestRunner extends InstrumentationTestRunner {
private static final String TAG = "BaseInstrumentationTestRunner";
* An interface for classes that check whether a test case should be skipped.
public interface SkipCheck {
* Checks whether the given test case should be skipped.
* @param testCase The test case to check.
* @return Whether the test case should be skipped.
public boolean shouldSkip(TestCase testCase);
* A test result that can skip tests.
public class SkippingTestResult extends TestResult {
private final List<SkipCheck> mSkipChecks;
* Creates an instance of SkippingTestResult.
public SkippingTestResult() {
mSkipChecks = new ArrayList<SkipCheck>();
* Adds a check for whether a test should run.
* @param skipCheck The check to add.
public void addSkipCheck(SkipCheck skipCheck) {
private boolean shouldSkip(final TestCase test) {
for (SkipCheck s : mSkipChecks) {
if (s.shouldSkip(test)) return true;
return false;
protected void run(final TestCase test) {
if (shouldSkip(test)) {
Bundle skipResult = new Bundle();
skipResult.putString("class", test.getClass().getName());
skipResult.putString("test", test.getName());
skipResult.putBoolean("test_skipped", true);
sendStatus(0, skipResult);
} else {;
protected AndroidTestRunner getAndroidTestRunner() {
AndroidTestRunner runner = new AndroidTestRunner() {
protected TestResult createTestResult() {
SkippingTestResult r = new SkippingTestResult();
return r;
runner.addTestListener(new TestStatusListener(getContext()));
return runner;
* Adds the desired SkipChecks to result. Subclasses can add additional SkipChecks.
protected void addSkipChecks(SkippingTestResult result) {
result.addSkipCheck(new MinAndroidSdkLevelSkipCheck());
* Checks the device's SDK level against any specified minimum requirement.
public static class MinAndroidSdkLevelSkipCheck implements SkipCheck {
* If {@link org.chromium.base.test.util.MinAndroidSdkLevel} is present, checks its value
* against the device's SDK level.
* @param testCase The test to check.
* @return true if the device's SDK level is below the specified minimum.
public boolean shouldSkip(TestCase testCase) {
Class<?> testClass = testCase.getClass();
if (testClass.isAnnotationPresent(MinAndroidSdkLevel.class)) {
MinAndroidSdkLevel v = testClass.getAnnotation(MinAndroidSdkLevel.class);
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < v.value()) {
Log.i(TAG, "Test " + testClass.getName() + "#" + testCase.getName()
+ " is not enabled at SDK level " + Build.VERSION.SDK_INT
+ ".");
return true;
return false;