| // Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| /// @docImport 'card_theme.dart'; |
| /// @docImport 'data_table_theme.dart'; |
| /// @docImport 'text_button.dart'; |
| library; |
| |
| import 'dart:math' as math; |
| |
| import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart' show DragStartBehavior; |
| import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; |
| |
| import 'card.dart'; |
| import 'constants.dart'; |
| import 'data_table.dart'; |
| import 'data_table_source.dart'; |
| import 'debug.dart'; |
| import 'dropdown.dart'; |
| import 'icon_button.dart'; |
| import 'icons.dart'; |
| import 'ink_decoration.dart'; |
| import 'material_localizations.dart'; |
| import 'material_state.dart'; |
| import 'progress_indicator.dart'; |
| import 'theme.dart'; |
| |
| /// A table that follows the |
| /// [Material 2](https://material.io/go/design-data-tables) |
| /// design specification, using multiple pages to display data. |
| /// |
| /// A paginated data table shows [rowsPerPage] rows of data per page and |
| /// provides controls for showing other pages. |
| /// |
| /// Data is read lazily from a [DataTableSource]. The widget is presented |
| /// as a [Card]. |
| /// |
| /// If the [key] is a [PageStorageKey], the [initialFirstRowIndex] is persisted |
| /// to [PageStorage]. |
| /// |
| /// {@tool dartpad} |
| /// |
| /// This sample shows how to display a [DataTable] with three columns: name, |
| /// age, and role. The columns are defined by three [DataColumn] objects. The |
| /// table contains three rows of data for three example users, the data for |
| /// which is defined by three [DataRow] objects. |
| /// |
| /// ** See code in examples/api/lib/material/paginated_data_table/paginated_data_table.0.dart ** |
| /// {@end-tool} |
| /// |
| /// {@tool dartpad} |
| /// |
| /// This example shows how paginated data tables can supported sorted data. |
| /// |
| /// ** See code in examples/api/lib/material/paginated_data_table/paginated_data_table.1.dart ** |
| /// {@end-tool} |
| /// |
| /// See also: |
| /// |
| /// * [DataTable], which is not paginated. |
| /// * `TableView` from the |
| /// [two_dimensional_scrollables](https://pub.dev/packages/two_dimensional_scrollables) |
| /// package, for displaying large amounts of data without pagination. |
| /// * <https://material.io/go/design-data-tables> |
| class PaginatedDataTable extends StatefulWidget { |
| /// Creates a widget describing a paginated [DataTable] on a [Card]. |
| /// |
| /// The [header] should give the card's header, typically a [Text] widget. |
| /// |
| /// The [columns] argument must be a list of as many [DataColumn] objects as |
| /// the table is to have columns, ignoring the leading checkbox column if any. |
| /// The [columns] argument must have a length greater than zero and cannot be |
| /// null. |
| /// |
| /// If the table is sorted, the column that provides the current primary key |
| /// should be specified by index in [sortColumnIndex], 0 meaning the first |
| /// column in [columns], 1 being the next one, and so forth. |
| /// |
| /// The actual sort order can be specified using [sortAscending]; if the sort |
| /// order is ascending, this should be true (the default), otherwise it should |
| /// be false. |
| /// |
| /// The [source] should be a long-lived [DataTableSource]. The same source |
| /// should be provided each time a particular [PaginatedDataTable] widget is |
| /// created; avoid creating a new [DataTableSource] with each new instance of |
| /// the [PaginatedDataTable] widget unless the data table really is to now |
| /// show entirely different data from a new source. |
| /// |
| /// Themed by [DataTableTheme]. [DataTableThemeData.decoration] is ignored. |
| /// To modify the border or background color of the [PaginatedDataTable], use |
| /// [CardTheme], since a [Card] wraps the inner [DataTable]. |
| PaginatedDataTable({ |
| super.key, |
| this.header, |
| this.actions, |
| required this.columns, |
| this.sortColumnIndex, |
| this.sortAscending = true, |
| this.onSelectAll, |
| @Deprecated( |
| 'Migrate to use dataRowMinHeight and dataRowMaxHeight instead. ' |
| 'This feature was deprecated after v3.7.0-5.0.pre.', |
| ) |
| double? dataRowHeight, |
| double? dataRowMinHeight, |
| double? dataRowMaxHeight, |
| this.headingRowHeight = 56.0, |
| this.horizontalMargin = 24.0, |
| this.columnSpacing = 56.0, |
| this.showCheckboxColumn = true, |
| this.showFirstLastButtons = false, |
| this.initialFirstRowIndex = 0, |
| this.onPageChanged, |
| this.rowsPerPage = defaultRowsPerPage, |
| this.availableRowsPerPage = const <int>[defaultRowsPerPage, defaultRowsPerPage * 2, defaultRowsPerPage * 5, defaultRowsPerPage * 10], |
| this.onRowsPerPageChanged, |
| this.dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start, |
| this.arrowHeadColor, |
| required this.source, |
| this.checkboxHorizontalMargin, |
| this.controller, |
| this.primary, |
| this.headingRowColor, |
| this.dividerThickness, |
| this.showEmptyRows = true, |
| }) : assert(actions == null || (header != null)), |
| assert(columns.isNotEmpty), |
| assert(sortColumnIndex == null || (sortColumnIndex >= 0 && sortColumnIndex < columns.length)), |
| assert(dataRowMinHeight == null || dataRowMaxHeight == null || dataRowMaxHeight >= dataRowMinHeight), |
| assert(dataRowHeight == null || (dataRowMinHeight == null && dataRowMaxHeight == null), |
| 'dataRowHeight ($dataRowHeight) must not be set if dataRowMinHeight ($dataRowMinHeight) or dataRowMaxHeight ($dataRowMaxHeight) are set.'), |
| dataRowMinHeight = dataRowHeight ?? dataRowMinHeight, |
| dataRowMaxHeight = dataRowHeight ?? dataRowMaxHeight, |
| assert(rowsPerPage > 0), |
| assert(dividerThickness == null || dividerThickness >= 0), |
| assert(() { |
| if (onRowsPerPageChanged != null) { |
| assert(availableRowsPerPage.contains(rowsPerPage)); |
| } |
| return true; |
| }()), |
| assert(!(controller != null && (primary ?? false)), |
| 'Primary ScrollViews obtain their ScrollController via inheritance from a PrimaryScrollController widget. ' |
| 'You cannot both set primary to true and pass an explicit controller.', |
| ); |
| |
| /// The table card's optional header. |
| /// |
| /// This is typically a [Text] widget, but can also be a [Row] of |
| /// [TextButton]s. To show icon buttons at the top end side of the table with |
| /// a header, set the [actions] property. |
| /// |
| /// If items in the table are selectable, then, when the selection is not |
| /// empty, the header is replaced by a count of the selected items. The |
| /// [actions] are still visible when items are selected. |
| final Widget? header; |
| |
| /// Icon buttons to show at the top end side of the table. The [header] must |
| /// not be null to show the actions. |
| /// |
| /// Typically, the exact actions included in this list will vary based on |
| /// whether any rows are selected or not. |
| /// |
| /// These should be size 24.0 with default padding (8.0). |
| final List<Widget>? actions; |
| |
| /// The configuration and labels for the columns in the table. |
| final List<DataColumn> columns; |
| |
| /// The current primary sort key's column. |
| /// |
| /// See [DataTable.sortColumnIndex] for details. |
| /// |
| /// The direction of the sort is specified using [sortAscending]. |
| final int? sortColumnIndex; |
| |
| /// Whether the column mentioned in [sortColumnIndex], if any, is sorted |
| /// in ascending order. |
| /// |
| /// See [DataTable.sortAscending] for details. |
| final bool sortAscending; |
| |
| /// Invoked when the user selects or unselects every row, using the |
| /// checkbox in the heading row. |
| /// |
| /// See [DataTable.onSelectAll]. |
| final ValueSetter<bool?>? onSelectAll; |
| |
| /// The height of each row (excluding the row that contains column headings). |
| /// |
| /// This value is optional and defaults to kMinInteractiveDimension if not |
| /// specified. |
| @Deprecated( |
| 'Migrate to use dataRowMinHeight and dataRowMaxHeight instead. ' |
| 'This feature was deprecated after v3.7.0-5.0.pre.', |
| ) |
| double? get dataRowHeight => dataRowMinHeight == dataRowMaxHeight ? dataRowMinHeight : null; |
| |
| /// The minimum height of each row (excluding the row that contains column headings). |
| /// |
| /// This value is optional and defaults to [kMinInteractiveDimension] if not |
| /// specified. |
| final double? dataRowMinHeight; |
| |
| /// The maximum height of each row (excluding the row that contains column headings). |
| /// |
| /// This value is optional and defaults to [kMinInteractiveDimension] if not |
| /// specified. |
| final double? dataRowMaxHeight; |
| |
| /// The height of the heading row. |
| /// |
| /// This value is optional and defaults to 56.0 if not specified. |
| final double headingRowHeight; |
| |
| /// The horizontal margin between the edges of the table and the content |
| /// in the first and last cells of each row. |
| /// |
| /// When a checkbox is displayed, it is also the margin between the checkbox |
| /// the content in the first data column. |
| /// |
| /// This value defaults to 24.0 to adhere to the Material Design specifications. |
| /// |
| /// If [checkboxHorizontalMargin] is null, then [horizontalMargin] is also the |
| /// margin between the edge of the table and the checkbox, as well as the |
| /// margin between the checkbox and the content in the first data column. |
| final double horizontalMargin; |
| |
| /// The horizontal margin between the contents of each data column. |
| /// |
| /// This value defaults to 56.0 to adhere to the Material Design specifications. |
| final double columnSpacing; |
| |
| /// {@macro flutter.material.dataTable.showCheckboxColumn} |
| final bool showCheckboxColumn; |
| |
| /// Flag to display the pagination buttons to go to the first and last pages. |
| final bool showFirstLastButtons; |
| |
| /// The index of the first row to display when the widget is first created. |
| final int? initialFirstRowIndex; |
| |
| |
| /// {@macro flutter.material.dataTable.dividerThickness} |
| /// |
| /// If null, [DataTableThemeData.dividerThickness] is used. This value |
| /// defaults to 1.0. |
| final double? dividerThickness; |
| |
| /// Invoked when the user switches to another page. |
| /// |
| /// The value is the index of the first row on the currently displayed page. |
| final ValueChanged<int>? onPageChanged; |
| |
| /// The number of rows to show on each page. |
| /// |
| /// See also: |
| /// |
| /// * [onRowsPerPageChanged] |
| /// * [defaultRowsPerPage] |
| final int rowsPerPage; |
| |
| /// The default value for [rowsPerPage]. |
| /// |
| /// Useful when initializing the field that will hold the current |
| /// [rowsPerPage], when implemented [onRowsPerPageChanged]. |
| static const int defaultRowsPerPage = 10; |
| |
| /// The options to offer for the rowsPerPage. |
| /// |
| /// The current [rowsPerPage] must be a value in this list. |
| /// |
| /// The values in this list should be sorted in ascending order. |
| final List<int> availableRowsPerPage; |
| |
| /// Invoked when the user selects a different number of rows per page. |
| /// |
| /// If this is null, then the value given by [rowsPerPage] will be used |
| /// and no affordance will be provided to change the value. |
| final ValueChanged<int?>? onRowsPerPageChanged; |
| |
| /// The data source which provides data to show in each row. |
| /// |
| /// This object should generally have a lifetime longer than the |
| /// [PaginatedDataTable] widget itself; it should be reused each time the |
| /// [PaginatedDataTable] constructor is called. |
| final DataTableSource source; |
| |
| /// {@macro flutter.widgets.scrollable.dragStartBehavior} |
| final DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior; |
| |
| /// Horizontal margin around the checkbox, if it is displayed. |
| /// |
| /// If null, then [horizontalMargin] is used as the margin between the edge |
| /// of the table and the checkbox, as well as the margin between the checkbox |
| /// and the content in the first data column. This value defaults to 24.0. |
| final double? checkboxHorizontalMargin; |
| |
| /// Defines the color of the arrow heads in the footer. |
| final Color? arrowHeadColor; |
| |
| /// {@macro flutter.widgets.scroll_view.controller} |
| final ScrollController? controller; |
| |
| /// {@macro flutter.widgets.scroll_view.primary} |
| final bool? primary; |
| |
| /// {@macro flutter.material.dataTable.headingRowColor} |
| final MaterialStateProperty<Color?>? headingRowColor; |
| |
| /// Controls the visibility of empty rows on the last page of a |
| /// [PaginatedDataTable]. |
| /// |
| /// Defaults to `true`, which means empty rows will be populated on the |
| /// last page of the table if there is not enough content. |
| /// When set to `false`, empty rows will not be created. |
| final bool showEmptyRows; |
| |
| @override |
| PaginatedDataTableState createState() => PaginatedDataTableState(); |
| } |
| |
| /// Holds the state of a [PaginatedDataTable]. |
| /// |
| /// The table can be programmatically paged using the [pageTo] method. |
| class PaginatedDataTableState extends State<PaginatedDataTable> { |
| late int _firstRowIndex; |
| late int _rowCount; |
| late bool _rowCountApproximate; |
| int _selectedRowCount = 0; |
| final Map<int, DataRow?> _rows = <int, DataRow?>{}; |
| |
| @override |
| void initState() { |
| super.initState(); |
| _firstRowIndex = PageStorage.maybeOf(context)?.readState(context) as int? ?? widget.initialFirstRowIndex ?? 0; |
| widget.source.addListener(_handleDataSourceChanged); |
| _handleDataSourceChanged(); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void didUpdateWidget(PaginatedDataTable oldWidget) { |
| super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); |
| if (oldWidget.source != widget.source) { |
| oldWidget.source.removeListener(_handleDataSourceChanged); |
| widget.source.addListener(_handleDataSourceChanged); |
| _updateCaches(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void reassemble() { |
| super.reassemble(); |
| // This function is called during hot reload. |
| // |
| // Normally, if the data source changes, it would notify its listeners and |
| // thus trigger _handleDataSourceChanged(), which clears the row cache and |
| // causes the widget to rebuild. |
| // |
| // During a hot reload, though, a data source can change in ways that will |
| // invalidate the row cache (e.g. adding or removing columns) without ever |
| // triggering a notification, leaving the PaginatedDataTable in an invalid |
| // state. This method handles this case by clearing the cache any time the |
| // widget is involved in a hot reload. |
| _updateCaches(); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void dispose() { |
| widget.source.removeListener(_handleDataSourceChanged); |
| super.dispose(); |
| } |
| |
| void _handleDataSourceChanged() { |
| setState(_updateCaches); |
| } |
| |
| void _updateCaches() { |
| _rowCount = widget.source.rowCount; |
| _rowCountApproximate = widget.source.isRowCountApproximate; |
| _selectedRowCount = widget.source.selectedRowCount; |
| _rows.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| /// Ensures that the given row is visible. |
| void pageTo(int rowIndex) { |
| final int oldFirstRowIndex = _firstRowIndex; |
| setState(() { |
| final int rowsPerPage = widget.rowsPerPage; |
| _firstRowIndex = (rowIndex ~/ rowsPerPage) * rowsPerPage; |
| }); |
| if ((widget.onPageChanged != null) && |
| (oldFirstRowIndex != _firstRowIndex)) { |
| widget.onPageChanged!(_firstRowIndex); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| DataRow _getBlankRowFor(int index) { |
| return DataRow.byIndex( |
| index: index, |
| cells: widget.columns.map<DataCell>((DataColumn column) => DataCell.empty).toList(), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| DataRow _getProgressIndicatorRowFor(int index) { |
| bool haveProgressIndicator = false; |
| final List<DataCell> cells = widget.columns.map<DataCell>((DataColumn column) { |
| if (!column.numeric) { |
| haveProgressIndicator = true; |
| return const DataCell(CircularProgressIndicator()); |
| } |
| return DataCell.empty; |
| }).toList(); |
| if (!haveProgressIndicator) { |
| haveProgressIndicator = true; |
| cells[0] = const DataCell(CircularProgressIndicator()); |
| } |
| return DataRow.byIndex( |
| index: index, |
| cells: cells, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| List<DataRow> _getRows(int firstRowIndex, int rowsPerPage) { |
| final List<DataRow> result = <DataRow>[]; |
| final int nextPageFirstRowIndex = firstRowIndex + rowsPerPage; |
| bool haveProgressIndicator = false; |
| for (int index = firstRowIndex; index < nextPageFirstRowIndex; index += 1) { |
| DataRow? row; |
| if (index < _rowCount || _rowCountApproximate) { |
| row = _rows.putIfAbsent(index, () => widget.source.getRow(index)); |
| if (row == null && !haveProgressIndicator) { |
| row ??= _getProgressIndicatorRowFor(index); |
| haveProgressIndicator = true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (widget.showEmptyRows) { |
| row ??= _getBlankRowFor(index); |
| } |
| |
| if (row != null) { |
| result.add(row); |
| } |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| void _handleFirst() { |
| pageTo(0); |
| } |
| |
| void _handlePrevious() { |
| pageTo(math.max(_firstRowIndex - widget.rowsPerPage, 0)); |
| } |
| |
| void _handleNext() { |
| pageTo(_firstRowIndex + widget.rowsPerPage); |
| } |
| |
| void _handleLast() { |
| pageTo(((_rowCount - 1) / widget.rowsPerPage).floor() * widget.rowsPerPage); |
| } |
| |
| bool _isNextPageUnavailable() => !_rowCountApproximate && |
| (_firstRowIndex + widget.rowsPerPage >= _rowCount); |
| |
| final GlobalKey _tableKey = GlobalKey(); |
| |
| @override |
| Widget build(BuildContext context) { |
| // TODO(ianh): This whole build function doesn't handle RTL yet. |
| assert(debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations(context)); |
| final ThemeData themeData = Theme.of(context); |
| final MaterialLocalizations localizations = MaterialLocalizations.of(context); |
| // HEADER |
| final List<Widget> headerWidgets = <Widget>[]; |
| if (_selectedRowCount == 0 && widget.header != null) { |
| headerWidgets.add(Expanded(child: widget.header!)); |
| } else if (widget.header != null) { |
| headerWidgets.add(Expanded( |
| child: Text(localizations.selectedRowCountTitle(_selectedRowCount)), |
| )); |
| } |
| if (widget.actions != null) { |
| headerWidgets.addAll( |
| widget.actions!.map<Widget>((Widget action) { |
| return Padding( |
| // 8.0 is the default padding of an icon button |
| padding: const EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: 24.0 - 8.0 * 2.0), |
| child: action, |
| ); |
| }).toList(), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| // FOOTER |
| final TextStyle? footerTextStyle = themeData.textTheme.bodySmall; |
| final List<Widget> footerWidgets = <Widget>[]; |
| if (widget.onRowsPerPageChanged != null) { |
| final List<Widget> availableRowsPerPage = widget.availableRowsPerPage |
| .where((int value) => value <= _rowCount || value == widget.rowsPerPage) |
| .map<DropdownMenuItem<int>>((int value) { |
| return DropdownMenuItem<int>( |
| value: value, |
| child: Text('$value'), |
| ); |
| }) |
| .toList(); |
| footerWidgets.addAll(<Widget>[ |
| // Match trailing padding, in case we overflow and end up scrolling. |
| const SizedBox(width: 14.0), |
| Text(localizations.rowsPerPageTitle), |
| ConstrainedBox( |
| constraints: const BoxConstraints(minWidth: 64.0), // 40.0 for the text, 24.0 for the icon |
| child: Align( |
| alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerEnd, |
| child: DropdownButtonHideUnderline( |
| child: DropdownButton<int>( |
| items: availableRowsPerPage.cast<DropdownMenuItem<int>>(), |
| value: widget.rowsPerPage, |
| onChanged: widget.onRowsPerPageChanged, |
| style: footerTextStyle, |
| ), |
| ), |
| ), |
| ), |
| ]); |
| } |
| footerWidgets.addAll(<Widget>[ |
| const SizedBox(width: 32.0), |
| Text( |
| localizations.pageRowsInfoTitle( |
| _firstRowIndex + 1, |
| math.min(_firstRowIndex + widget.rowsPerPage, _rowCount), |
| _rowCount, |
| _rowCountApproximate, |
| ), |
| ), |
| const SizedBox(width: 32.0), |
| if (widget.showFirstLastButtons) |
| IconButton( |
| icon: Icon(Icons.skip_previous, color: widget.arrowHeadColor), |
| padding: EdgeInsets.zero, |
| tooltip: localizations.firstPageTooltip, |
| onPressed: _firstRowIndex <= 0 ? null : _handleFirst, |
| ), |
| IconButton( |
| icon: Icon(Icons.chevron_left, color: widget.arrowHeadColor), |
| padding: EdgeInsets.zero, |
| tooltip: localizations.previousPageTooltip, |
| onPressed: _firstRowIndex <= 0 ? null : _handlePrevious, |
| ), |
| const SizedBox(width: 24.0), |
| IconButton( |
| icon: Icon(Icons.chevron_right, color: widget.arrowHeadColor), |
| padding: EdgeInsets.zero, |
| tooltip: localizations.nextPageTooltip, |
| onPressed: _isNextPageUnavailable() ? null : _handleNext, |
| ), |
| if (widget.showFirstLastButtons) |
| IconButton( |
| icon: Icon(Icons.skip_next, color: widget.arrowHeadColor), |
| padding: EdgeInsets.zero, |
| tooltip: localizations.lastPageTooltip, |
| onPressed: _isNextPageUnavailable() |
| ? null |
| : _handleLast, |
| ), |
| const SizedBox(width: 14.0), |
| ]); |
| |
| // CARD |
| return Card( |
| semanticContainer: false, |
| child: LayoutBuilder( |
| builder: (BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) { |
| return Column( |
| crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch, |
| children: <Widget>[ |
| if (headerWidgets.isNotEmpty) |
| Semantics( |
| container: true, |
| child: DefaultTextStyle( |
| // These typographic styles aren't quite the regular ones. We pick the closest ones from the regular |
| // list and then tweak them appropriately. |
| // See https://material.io/design/components/data-tables.html#tables-within-cards |
| style: _selectedRowCount > 0 ? themeData.textTheme.titleMedium!.copyWith(color: themeData.colorScheme.secondary) |
| : themeData.textTheme.titleLarge!.copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.w400), |
| child: IconTheme.merge( |
| data: const IconThemeData( |
| opacity: 0.54, |
| ), |
| child: Ink( |
| height: 64.0, |
| color: _selectedRowCount > 0 ? themeData.secondaryHeaderColor : null, |
| child: Padding( |
| padding: const EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: 24, end: 14.0), |
| child: Row( |
| mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end, |
| children: headerWidgets, |
| ), |
| ), |
| ), |
| ), |
| ), |
| ), |
| SingleChildScrollView( |
| scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal, |
| primary: widget.primary, |
| controller: widget.controller, |
| dragStartBehavior: widget.dragStartBehavior, |
| child: ConstrainedBox( |
| constraints: BoxConstraints(minWidth: constraints.minWidth), |
| child: DataTable( |
| key: _tableKey, |
| columns: widget.columns, |
| sortColumnIndex: widget.sortColumnIndex, |
| sortAscending: widget.sortAscending, |
| onSelectAll: widget.onSelectAll, |
| dividerThickness: widget.dividerThickness, |
| // Make sure no decoration is set on the DataTable |
| // from the theme, as its already wrapped in a Card. |
| decoration: const BoxDecoration(), |
| dataRowMinHeight: widget.dataRowMinHeight, |
| dataRowMaxHeight: widget.dataRowMaxHeight, |
| headingRowHeight: widget.headingRowHeight, |
| horizontalMargin: widget.horizontalMargin, |
| checkboxHorizontalMargin: widget.checkboxHorizontalMargin, |
| columnSpacing: widget.columnSpacing, |
| showCheckboxColumn: widget.showCheckboxColumn, |
| showBottomBorder: true, |
| rows: _getRows(_firstRowIndex, widget.rowsPerPage), |
| headingRowColor: widget.headingRowColor, |
| ), |
| ), |
| ), |
| if (!widget.showEmptyRows) |
| SizedBox( |
| height: (widget.dataRowMaxHeight ?? kMinInteractiveDimension) * (widget.rowsPerPage - _rowCount + _firstRowIndex).clamp(0, widget.rowsPerPage)), |
| DefaultTextStyle( |
| style: footerTextStyle!, |
| child: IconTheme.merge( |
| data: const IconThemeData( |
| opacity: 0.54, |
| ), |
| child: SizedBox( |
| // TODO(bkonyi): this won't handle text zoom correctly, |
| // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/48522 |
| height: 56.0, |
| child: SingleChildScrollView( |
| dragStartBehavior: widget.dragStartBehavior, |
| scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal, |
| reverse: true, |
| child: Row( |
| children: footerWidgets, |
| ), |
| ), |
| ), |
| ), |
| ), |
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