blob: 03fde2f798bf9c38a3b18abb157d6ae538dd995d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ui' as ui show Image;
import 'package:flutter/animation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'box.dart';
import 'object.dart';
export 'package:flutter/painting.dart' show
/// An image in the render tree.
/// The render image attempts to find a size for itself that fits in the given
/// constraints and preserves the image's intrinsic aspect ratio.
/// The image is painted using [paintImage], which describes the meanings of the
/// various fields on this class in more detail.
class RenderImage extends RenderBox {
/// Creates a render box that displays an image.
/// The [textDirection] argument must not be null if [alignment] will need
/// resolving or if [matchTextDirection] is true.
ui.Image? image,
double? width,
double? height,
double scale = 1.0,
Color? color,
Animation<double>? opacity,
BlendMode? colorBlendMode,
BoxFit? fit,
AlignmentGeometry alignment =,
ImageRepeat repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat,
Rect? centerSlice,
bool matchTextDirection = false,
TextDirection? textDirection,
bool invertColors = false,
bool isAntiAlias = false,
FilterQuality filterQuality = FilterQuality.medium,
}) : _image = image,
_width = width,
_height = height,
_scale = scale,
_color = color,
_opacity = opacity,
_colorBlendMode = colorBlendMode,
_fit = fit,
_alignment = alignment,
_repeat = repeat,
_centerSlice = centerSlice,
_matchTextDirection = matchTextDirection,
_invertColors = invertColors,
_textDirection = textDirection,
_isAntiAlias = isAntiAlias,
_filterQuality = filterQuality {
Alignment? _resolvedAlignment;
bool? _flipHorizontally;
void _resolve() {
if (_resolvedAlignment != null) {
_resolvedAlignment = alignment.resolve(textDirection);
_flipHorizontally = matchTextDirection && textDirection == TextDirection.rtl;
void _markNeedResolution() {
_resolvedAlignment = null;
_flipHorizontally = null;
/// The image to display.
ui.Image? get image => _image;
ui.Image? _image;
set image(ui.Image? value) {
if (value == _image) {
// If we get a clone of our image, it's the same underlying native data -
// dispose of the new clone and return early.
if (value != null && _image != null && value.isCloneOf(_image!)) {
final bool sizeChanged = _image?.width != value?.width || _image?.height != value?.height;
_image = value;
if (sizeChanged && (_width == null || _height == null)) {
/// A string used to identify the source of the image.
String? debugImageLabel;
/// If non-null, requires the image to have this width.
/// If null, the image will pick a size that best preserves its intrinsic
/// aspect ratio.
double? get width => _width;
double? _width;
set width(double? value) {
if (value == _width) {
_width = value;
/// If non-null, require the image to have this height.
/// If null, the image will pick a size that best preserves its intrinsic
/// aspect ratio.
double? get height => _height;
double? _height;
set height(double? value) {
if (value == _height) {
_height = value;
/// Specifies the image's scale.
/// Used when determining the best display size for the image.
double get scale => _scale;
double _scale;
set scale(double value) {
if (value == _scale) {
_scale = value;
ColorFilter? _colorFilter;
void _updateColorFilter() {
if (_color == null) {
_colorFilter = null;
} else {
_colorFilter = ColorFilter.mode(_color!, _colorBlendMode ?? BlendMode.srcIn);
/// If non-null, this color is blended with each image pixel using [colorBlendMode].
Color? get color => _color;
Color? _color;
set color(Color? value) {
if (value == _color) {
_color = value;
/// If non-null, the value from the [Animation] is multiplied with the opacity
/// of each image pixel before painting onto the canvas.
Animation<double>? get opacity => _opacity;
Animation<double>? _opacity;
set opacity(Animation<double>? value) {
if (value == _opacity) {
if (attached) {
_opacity = value;
if (attached) {
/// Used to set the filterQuality of the image.
/// Defaults to [FilterQuality.medium].
FilterQuality get filterQuality => _filterQuality;
FilterQuality _filterQuality;
set filterQuality(FilterQuality value) {
if (value == _filterQuality) {
_filterQuality = value;
/// Used to combine [color] with this image.
/// The default is [BlendMode.srcIn]. In terms of the blend mode, [color] is
/// the source and this image is the destination.
/// See also:
/// * [BlendMode], which includes an illustration of the effect of each blend mode.
BlendMode? get colorBlendMode => _colorBlendMode;
BlendMode? _colorBlendMode;
set colorBlendMode(BlendMode? value) {
if (value == _colorBlendMode) {
_colorBlendMode = value;
/// How to inscribe the image into the space allocated during layout.
/// The default varies based on the other fields. See the discussion at
/// [paintImage].
BoxFit? get fit => _fit;
BoxFit? _fit;
set fit(BoxFit? value) {
if (value == _fit) {
_fit = value;
/// How to align the image within its bounds.
/// If this is set to a text-direction-dependent value, [textDirection] must
/// not be null.
AlignmentGeometry get alignment => _alignment;
AlignmentGeometry _alignment;
set alignment(AlignmentGeometry value) {
if (value == _alignment) {
_alignment = value;
/// How to repeat this image if it doesn't fill its layout bounds.
ImageRepeat get repeat => _repeat;
ImageRepeat _repeat;
set repeat(ImageRepeat value) {
if (value == _repeat) {
_repeat = value;
/// The center slice for a nine-patch image.
/// The region of the image inside the center slice will be stretched both
/// horizontally and vertically to fit the image into its destination. The
/// region of the image above and below the center slice will be stretched
/// only horizontally and the region of the image to the left and right of
/// the center slice will be stretched only vertically.
Rect? get centerSlice => _centerSlice;
Rect? _centerSlice;
set centerSlice(Rect? value) {
if (value == _centerSlice) {
_centerSlice = value;
/// Whether to invert the colors of the image.
/// Inverting the colors of an image applies a new color filter to the paint.
/// If there is another specified color filter, the invert will be applied
/// after it. This is primarily used for implementing smart invert on iOS.
bool get invertColors => _invertColors;
bool _invertColors;
set invertColors(bool value) {
if (value == _invertColors) {
_invertColors = value;
/// Whether to paint the image in the direction of the [TextDirection].
/// If this is true, then in [TextDirection.ltr] contexts, the image will be
/// drawn with its origin in the top left (the "normal" painting direction for
/// images); and in [TextDirection.rtl] contexts, the image will be drawn with
/// a scaling factor of -1 in the horizontal direction so that the origin is
/// in the top right.
/// This is occasionally used with images in right-to-left environments, for
/// images that were designed for left-to-right locales. Be careful, when
/// using this, to not flip images with integral shadows, text, or other
/// effects that will look incorrect when flipped.
/// If this is set to true, [textDirection] must not be null.
bool get matchTextDirection => _matchTextDirection;
bool _matchTextDirection;
set matchTextDirection(bool value) {
if (value == _matchTextDirection) {
_matchTextDirection = value;
/// The text direction with which to resolve [alignment].
/// This may be changed to null, but only after the [alignment] and
/// [matchTextDirection] properties have been changed to values that do not
/// depend on the direction.
TextDirection? get textDirection => _textDirection;
TextDirection? _textDirection;
set textDirection(TextDirection? value) {
if (_textDirection == value) {
_textDirection = value;
/// Whether to paint the image with anti-aliasing.
/// Anti-aliasing alleviates the sawtooth artifact when the image is rotated.
bool get isAntiAlias => _isAntiAlias;
bool _isAntiAlias;
set isAntiAlias(bool value) {
if (_isAntiAlias == value) {
_isAntiAlias = value;
/// Find a size for the render image within the given constraints.
/// - The dimensions of the RenderImage must fit within the constraints.
/// - The aspect ratio of the RenderImage matches the intrinsic aspect
/// ratio of the image.
/// - The RenderImage's dimension are maximal subject to being smaller than
/// the intrinsic size of the image.
Size _sizeForConstraints(BoxConstraints constraints) {
// Folds the given |width| and |height| into |constraints| so they can all
// be treated uniformly.
constraints = BoxConstraints.tightFor(
width: _width,
height: _height,
if (_image == null) {
return constraints.smallest;
return constraints.constrainSizeAndAttemptToPreserveAspectRatio(Size(
_image!.width.toDouble() / _scale,
_image!.height.toDouble() / _scale,
double computeMinIntrinsicWidth(double height) {
assert(height >= 0.0);
if (_width == null && _height == null) {
return 0.0;
return _sizeForConstraints(BoxConstraints.tightForFinite(height: height)).width;
double computeMaxIntrinsicWidth(double height) {
assert(height >= 0.0);
return _sizeForConstraints(BoxConstraints.tightForFinite(height: height)).width;
double computeMinIntrinsicHeight(double width) {
assert(width >= 0.0);
if (_width == null && _height == null) {
return 0.0;
return _sizeForConstraints(BoxConstraints.tightForFinite(width: width)).height;
double computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(double width) {
assert(width >= 0.0);
return _sizeForConstraints(BoxConstraints.tightForFinite(width: width)).height;
bool hitTestSelf(Offset position) => true;
Size computeDryLayout(covariant BoxConstraints constraints) {
return _sizeForConstraints(constraints);
void performLayout() {
size = _sizeForConstraints(constraints);
void attach(covariant PipelineOwner owner) {
void detach() {
void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
if (_image == null) {
assert(_resolvedAlignment != null);
assert(_flipHorizontally != null);
canvas: context.canvas,
rect: offset & size,
image: _image!,
debugImageLabel: debugImageLabel,
scale: _scale,
opacity: _opacity?.value ?? 1.0,
colorFilter: _colorFilter,
fit: _fit,
alignment: _resolvedAlignment!,
centerSlice: _centerSlice,
repeat: _repeat,
flipHorizontally: _flipHorizontally!,
invertColors: invertColors,
filterQuality: _filterQuality,
isAntiAlias: _isAntiAlias,
void dispose() {
_image = null;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<ui.Image>('image', image));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('width', width, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('height', height, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('scale', scale, defaultValue: 1.0));
properties.add(ColorProperty('color', color, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Animation<double>?>('opacity', opacity, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(EnumProperty<BlendMode>('colorBlendMode', colorBlendMode, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(EnumProperty<BoxFit>('fit', fit, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<AlignmentGeometry>('alignment', alignment, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(EnumProperty<ImageRepeat>('repeat', repeat, defaultValue: ImageRepeat.noRepeat));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Rect>('centerSlice', centerSlice, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(FlagProperty('matchTextDirection', value: matchTextDirection, ifTrue: 'match text direction'));
properties.add(EnumProperty<TextDirection>('textDirection', textDirection, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<bool>('invertColors', invertColors));
properties.add(EnumProperty<FilterQuality>('filterQuality', filterQuality));