blob: 7551e84aced0aefa916268c852c8c50dea643982 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// @docImport 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
/// @docImport 'package:flutter/material.dart';
/// @docImport 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'dart:ui' as ui;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'binding.dart';
import 'debug.dart';
import 'raw_keyboard.dart';
import 'raw_keyboard_android.dart';
import 'system_channels.dart';
export 'dart:ui' show KeyData;
export 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder;
export 'keyboard_key.g.dart' show LogicalKeyboardKey, PhysicalKeyboardKey;
// When using _keyboardDebug, always call it like so:
// assert(_keyboardDebug(() => 'Blah $foo'));
// It needs to be inside the assert in order to be removed in release mode, and
// it needs to use a closure to generate the string in order to avoid string
// interpolation when debugPrintKeyboardEvents is false.
// It will throw a StateError if you try to call it when the app is in release
// mode.
bool _keyboardDebug(
String Function() messageFunc, [
Iterable<Object> Function()? detailsFunc,
]) {
if (kReleaseMode) {
throw StateError(
'_keyboardDebug was called in Release mode, which means they are called '
'without being wrapped in an assert. Always call _keyboardDebug like so:\n'
r" assert(_keyboardDebug(() => 'Blah $foo'));"
if (!debugPrintKeyboardEvents) {
return true;
debugPrint('KEYBOARD: ${messageFunc()}');
final Iterable<Object> details = detailsFunc?.call() ?? const <Object>[];
if (details.isNotEmpty) {
for (final Object detail in details) {
debugPrint(' $detail');
// Return true so that it can be used inside of an assert.
return true;
/// Represents a lock mode of a keyboard, such as [KeyboardLockMode.capsLock].
/// A lock mode locks some of a keyboard's keys into a distinct mode of operation,
/// depending on the lock settings selected. The status of the mode is toggled
/// with each key down of its corresponding logical key. A [KeyboardLockMode]
/// object is used to query whether this mode is enabled on the keyboard.
/// Only a limited number of modes are supported, which are enumerated as
/// static members of this class. Manual constructing of this class is
/// prohibited.
enum KeyboardLockMode {
/// Represents the number lock mode on the keyboard.
/// On supporting systems, enabling number lock mode usually allows key
/// presses of the number pad to input numbers, instead of acting as up, down,
/// left, right, page up, end, etc.
/// Represents the scrolling lock mode on the keyboard.
/// On supporting systems and applications (such as a spreadsheet), enabling
/// scrolling lock mode usually allows key presses of the cursor keys to
/// scroll the document instead of the cursor.
/// Represents the capital letters lock mode on the keyboard.
/// On supporting systems, enabling capital lock mode allows key presses of
/// the letter keys to input uppercase letters instead of lowercase.
// KeyboardLockMode has a fixed pool of supported keys, enumerated as static
// members of this class, therefore constructing is prohibited.
const KeyboardLockMode._(this.logicalKey);
/// The logical key that triggers this lock mode.
final LogicalKeyboardKey logicalKey;
static final Map<int, KeyboardLockMode> _knownLockModes = <int, KeyboardLockMode>{
numLock.logicalKey.keyId: numLock,
scrollLock.logicalKey.keyId: scrollLock,
capsLock.logicalKey.keyId: capsLock,
/// Returns the [KeyboardLockMode] constant from the logical key, or
/// null, if not found.
static KeyboardLockMode? findLockByLogicalKey(LogicalKeyboardKey logicalKey) => _knownLockModes[logicalKey.keyId];
/// Defines the interface for keyboard key events.
/// The [KeyEvent] provides a universal model for key event information from a
/// hardware keyboard across platforms.
/// See also:
/// * [HardwareKeyboard] for full introduction to key event model and handling.
/// * [KeyDownEvent], a subclass for events representing the user pressing a
/// key.
/// * [KeyRepeatEvent], a subclass for events representing the user holding a
/// key, causing repeated events.
/// * [KeyUpEvent], a subclass for events representing the user releasing a
/// key.
abstract class KeyEvent with Diagnosticable {
/// Create a const KeyEvent by providing each field.
const KeyEvent({
required this.physicalKey,
required this.logicalKey,
required this.timeStamp,
this.deviceType = ui.KeyEventDeviceType.keyboard,
this.synthesized = false,
/// Returns an object representing the physical location of this key.
/// A [PhysicalKeyboardKey] represents a USB HID code sent from the keyboard,
/// ignoring the key map, modifier keys (like SHIFT), and the label on the key.
/// [PhysicalKeyboardKey]s are used to describe and test for keys in a
/// particular location. A [PhysicalKeyboardKey] may have a name, but the name
/// is a mnemonic ("keyA" is easier to remember than 0x70004), derived from the
/// key's effect on a QWERTY keyboard. The name does not represent the key's
/// effect whatsoever (a physical "keyA" can be the Q key on an AZERTY
/// keyboard).
/// For instance, if you wanted to make a game where the key to the right of
/// the CAPS LOCK key made the player move left, you would be comparing a
/// physical key with [PhysicalKeyboardKey.keyA], since that is the key next to
/// the CAPS LOCK key on a QWERTY keyboard. This would return the same thing
/// even on an AZERTY keyboard where the key next to the CAPS LOCK produces a
/// "Q" when pressed.
/// If you want to make your app respond to a key with a particular character
/// on it regardless of location of the key, use [KeyEvent.logicalKey] instead.
/// Also, even though physical keys are defined with USB HID codes, their
/// values are not necessarily the same HID codes produced by the hardware and
/// presented to the driver. On most platforms, Flutter has to map the
/// platform representation back to a HID code because the original HID
/// code is not provided. USB HID was chosen because it is a well-defined
/// standard for referring to keys such as those a Flutter app may encounter.
/// See also:
/// * [logicalKey] for the non-location specific key generated by this event.
/// * [character] for the character generated by this keypress (if any).
final PhysicalKeyboardKey physicalKey;
/// Returns an object representing the logical key that was pressed.
/// {@template}
/// This method takes into account the key map and modifier keys (like SHIFT)
/// to determine which logical key to return.
/// If you are looking for the character produced by a key event, use
/// [KeyEvent.character] instead.
/// If you are collecting text strings, use the [TextField] or
/// [CupertinoTextField] widgets, since those automatically handle many of the
/// complexities of managing keyboard input, like showing a soft keyboard or
/// interacting with an input method editor (IME).
/// {@endtemplate}
final LogicalKeyboardKey logicalKey;
/// Returns the Unicode character (grapheme cluster) completed by this
/// keystroke, if any.
/// This will only return a character if this keystroke, combined with any
/// preceding keystroke(s), generates a character, and only on a "key down"
/// event. It will return null if no character has been generated by the
/// keystroke (e.g. a "dead" or "combining" key), or if the corresponding key
/// is a key without a visual representation, such as a modifier key or a
/// control key. It will also return null if this is a "key up" event.
/// This can return multiple Unicode code points, since some characters (more
/// accurately referred to as grapheme clusters) are made up of more than one
/// code point.
/// The [character] doesn't take into account edits by an input method editor
/// (IME), or manage the visibility of the soft keyboard on touch devices. For
/// composing text, use the [TextField] or [CupertinoTextField] widgets, since
/// those automatically handle many of the complexities of managing keyboard
/// input.
/// The [character] is not available on [KeyUpEvent]s.
final String? character;
/// Time of event, relative to an arbitrary start point.
/// All events share the same timeStamp origin.
final Duration timeStamp;
/// The source device type for the key event.
/// Not all platforms supply an accurate type.
/// Defaults to [ui.KeyEventDeviceType.keyboard].
final ui.KeyEventDeviceType deviceType;
/// Whether this event is synthesized by Flutter to synchronize key states.
/// An non-[synthesized] event is converted from a native event, and a native
/// event can only be converted to one non-[synthesized] event. Some properties
/// might be changed during the conversion (for example, a native repeat event
/// might be converted to a Flutter down event when necessary.)
/// A [synthesized] event is created without a source native event in order to
/// synchronize key states. For example, if the native platform shows that a
/// shift key that was previously held has been released somehow without the
/// key up event dispatched (probably due to loss of focus), a synthesized key
/// up event will be added to regularized the event stream.
/// For detailed introduction to the regularized event model, see
/// [HardwareKeyboard].
/// Defaults to false.
final bool synthesized;
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<PhysicalKeyboardKey>('physicalKey', physicalKey));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<LogicalKeyboardKey>('logicalKey', logicalKey));
properties.add(StringProperty('character', character));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Duration>('timeStamp', timeStamp));
properties.add(FlagProperty('synthesized', value: synthesized, ifTrue: 'synthesized'));
/// An event indicating that the user has pressed a key down on the keyboard.
/// See also:
/// * [KeyRepeatEvent], a key event representing the user
/// holding a key, causing repeated events.
/// * [KeyUpEvent], a key event representing the user
/// releasing a key.
/// * [HardwareKeyboard], which produces this event.
class KeyDownEvent extends KeyEvent {
/// Creates a key event that represents the user pressing a key.
const KeyDownEvent({
required super.physicalKey,
required super.logicalKey,
required super.timeStamp,
/// An event indicating that the user has released a key on the keyboard.
/// See also:
/// * [KeyDownEvent], a key event representing the user
/// pressing a key.
/// * [KeyRepeatEvent], a key event representing the user
/// holding a key, causing repeated events.
/// * [HardwareKeyboard], which produces this event.
class KeyUpEvent extends KeyEvent {
/// Creates a key event that represents the user pressing a key.
const KeyUpEvent({
required super.physicalKey,
required super.logicalKey,
required super.timeStamp,
/// An event indicating that the user has been holding a key on the keyboard
/// and causing repeated events.
/// Repeat events are not guaranteed and are provided only if supported by the
/// underlying platform.
/// See also:
/// * [KeyDownEvent], a key event representing the user
/// pressing a key.
/// * [KeyUpEvent], a key event representing the user
/// releasing a key.
/// * [HardwareKeyboard], which produces this event.
class KeyRepeatEvent extends KeyEvent {
/// Creates a key event that represents the user pressing a key.
const KeyRepeatEvent({
required super.physicalKey,
required super.logicalKey,
required super.timeStamp,
/// The signature for [HardwareKeyboard.addHandler], a callback to decide whether
/// the entire framework handles a key event.
typedef KeyEventCallback = bool Function(KeyEvent event);
/// Manages key events from hardware keyboards.
/// [HardwareKeyboard] manages all key events of the Flutter application from
/// hardware keyboards (in contrast to on-screen keyboards). It receives key
/// data from the native platform, dispatches key events to registered
/// handlers, and records the keyboard state.
/// To stay notified whenever keys are pressed, held, or released, add a
/// handler with [addHandler]. To only be notified when a specific part of the
/// app is focused, use a [Focus] widget's `onFocusChanged` attribute instead
/// of [addHandler]. Handlers should be removed with [removeHandler] when
/// notification is no longer necessary, or when the handler is being disposed.
/// To query whether a key is being held, or a lock mode is enabled, use
/// [physicalKeysPressed], [logicalKeysPressed], or [lockModesEnabled].
/// These states will have been updated with the event when used during a key
/// event handler.
/// The singleton [HardwareKeyboard] instance is held by the [ServicesBinding]
/// as [ServicesBinding.keyboard], and can be conveniently accessed using the
/// [HardwareKeyboard.instance] static accessor.
/// ## Event model
/// Flutter uses a universal event model ([KeyEvent]) and key options
/// ([LogicalKeyboardKey] and [PhysicalKeyboardKey]) regardless of the native
/// platform, while preserving platform-specific features as much as
/// possible.
/// [HardwareKeyboard] guarantees that the key model is "regularized": The key
/// event stream consists of "key tap sequences", where a key tap sequence is
/// defined as one [KeyDownEvent], zero or more [KeyRepeatEvent]s, and one
/// [KeyUpEvent] in order, all with the same physical key and logical key.
/// Example:
/// * Tap and hold key A, US layout:
/// * KeyDownEvent(physicalKey: keyA, logicalKey: keyA, character: "a")
/// * KeyRepeatEvent(physicalKey: keyA, logicalKey: keyA, character: "a")
/// * KeyUpEvent(physicalKey: keyA, logicalKey: keyA)
/// * Press ShiftLeft, tap key A, then release ShiftLeft, US layout:
/// * KeyDownEvent(physicalKey: shiftLeft, logicalKey: shiftLeft)
/// * KeyDownEvent(physicalKey: keyA, logicalKey: keyA, character: "A")
/// * KeyRepeatEvent(physicalKey: keyA, logicalKey: keyA, character: "A")
/// * KeyUpEvent(physicalKey: keyA, logicalKey: keyA)
/// * KeyUpEvent(physicalKey: shiftLeft, logicalKey: shiftLeft)
/// * Tap key Q, French layout:
/// * KeyDownEvent(physicalKey: keyA, logicalKey: keyQ, character: "q")
/// * KeyUpEvent(physicalKey: keyA, logicalKey: keyQ)
/// * Tap CapsLock:
/// * KeyDownEvent(physicalKey: capsLock, logicalKey: capsLock)
/// * KeyUpEvent(physicalKey: capsLock, logicalKey: capsLock)
/// When the Flutter application starts, all keys are released, and all lock
/// modes are disabled. Upon key events, [HardwareKeyboard] will update its
/// states, then dispatch callbacks: [KeyDownEvent]s and [KeyUpEvent]s set
/// or reset the pressing state, while [KeyDownEvent]s also toggle lock modes.
/// Flutter will try to synchronize with the ground truth of keyboard states
/// using synthesized events ([KeyEvent.synthesized]), subject to the
/// availability of the platform. The desynchronization can be caused by
/// non-empty initial state or a change in the focused window or application.
/// For example, if CapsLock is enabled when the application starts, then
/// immediately before the first key event, a synthesized [KeyDownEvent] and
/// [KeyUpEvent] of CapsLock will be dispatched.
/// The resulting event stream does not map one-to-one to the native key event
/// stream. Some native events might be skipped, while some events might be
/// synthesized and do not correspond to native events. Synthesized events will
/// be indicated by [KeyEvent.synthesized].
/// Example:
/// * Flutter starts with CapsLock on, the first press of keyA:
/// * KeyDownEvent(physicalKey: capsLock, logicalKey: capsLock, synthesized: true)
/// * KeyUpEvent(physicalKey: capsLock, logicalKey: capsLock, synthesized: true)
/// * KeyDownEvent(physicalKey: keyA, logicalKey: keyA, character: "a")
/// * While holding ShiftLeft, lose window focus, release shiftLeft, then focus
/// back and press keyA:
/// * KeyUpEvent(physicalKey: shiftLeft, logicalKey: shiftLeft, synthesized: true)
/// * KeyDownEvent(physicalKey: keyA, logicalKey: keyA, character: "a")
/// Flutter does not distinguish between multiple keyboards. Flutter will
/// process all events as if they come from a single keyboard, and try to
/// resolve any conflicts and provide a regularized key event stream, which
/// can deviate from the ground truth.
/// See also:
/// * [KeyDownEvent], [KeyRepeatEvent], and [KeyUpEvent], the classes used to
/// describe specific key events.
/// * [instance], the singleton instance of this class.
class HardwareKeyboard {
/// Provides convenient access to the current [HardwareKeyboard] singleton from
/// the [ServicesBinding] instance.
static HardwareKeyboard get instance => ServicesBinding.instance.keyboard;
final Map<PhysicalKeyboardKey, LogicalKeyboardKey> _pressedKeys = <PhysicalKeyboardKey, LogicalKeyboardKey>{};
/// The set of [PhysicalKeyboardKey]s that are pressed.
/// If called from a key event handler, the result will already include the effect
/// of the event.
/// See also:
/// * [logicalKeysPressed], which tells if a logical key is being pressed.
Set<PhysicalKeyboardKey> get physicalKeysPressed => _pressedKeys.keys.toSet();
/// The set of [LogicalKeyboardKey]s that are pressed.
/// If called from a key event handler, the result will already include the effect
/// of the event.
/// See also:
/// * [physicalKeysPressed], which tells if a physical key is being pressed.
Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> get logicalKeysPressed => _pressedKeys.values.toSet();
/// Returns the logical key that corresponds to the given pressed physical key.
/// Returns null if the physical key is not currently pressed.
LogicalKeyboardKey? lookUpLayout(PhysicalKeyboardKey physicalKey) => _pressedKeys[physicalKey];
final Set<KeyboardLockMode> _lockModes = <KeyboardLockMode>{};
/// The set of [KeyboardLockMode] that are enabled.
/// Lock keys, such as CapsLock, are logical keys that toggle their
/// respective boolean states on key down events. Such flags are usually used
/// as modifier to other keys or events.
/// If called from a key event handler, the result will already include the effect
/// of the event.
Set<KeyboardLockMode> get lockModesEnabled => _lockModes;
/// Returns true if the given [LogicalKeyboardKey] is pressed, according to
/// the [HardwareKeyboard].
bool isLogicalKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey key) => _pressedKeys.values.contains(key);
/// Returns true if the given [PhysicalKeyboardKey] is pressed, according to
/// the [HardwareKeyboard].
bool isPhysicalKeyPressed(PhysicalKeyboardKey key) => _pressedKeys.containsKey(key);
/// Returns true if a logical CTRL modifier key is pressed, regardless of
/// which side of the keyboard it is on.
/// Use [isLogicalKeyPressed] if you need to know which control key was
/// pressed.
bool get isControlPressed {
return isLogicalKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey.controlLeft) || isLogicalKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey.controlRight);
/// Returns true if a logical SHIFT modifier key is pressed, regardless of
/// which side of the keyboard it is on.
/// Use [isLogicalKeyPressed] if you need to know which shift key was pressed.
bool get isShiftPressed {
return isLogicalKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftLeft) || isLogicalKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey.shiftRight);
/// Returns true if a logical ALT modifier key is pressed, regardless of which
/// side of the keyboard it is on.
/// The `AltGr` key that appears on some keyboards is considered to be the
/// same as [LogicalKeyboardKey.altRight] on some platforms (notably Android).
/// On platforms that can distinguish between `altRight` and `altGr`, a press
/// of `AltGr` will not return true here, and will need to be tested for
/// separately.
/// Use [isLogicalKeyPressed] if you need to know which alt key was pressed.
bool get isAltPressed {
return isLogicalKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey.altLeft) || isLogicalKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey.altRight);
/// Returns true if a logical META modifier key is pressed, regardless of
/// which side of the keyboard it is on.
/// Use [isLogicalKeyPressed] if you need to know which meta key was pressed.
bool get isMetaPressed {
return isLogicalKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey.metaLeft) || isLogicalKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey.metaRight);
void _assertEventIsRegular(KeyEvent event) {
assert(() {
const String common = 'If this occurs in real application, please report this '
'bug to Flutter. If this occurs in unit tests, please ensure that '
"simulated events follow Flutter's event model as documented in "
'`HardwareKeyboard`. This was the event: ';
if (event is KeyDownEvent) {
'A ${event.runtimeType} is dispatched, but the state shows that the physical '
'key is already pressed. $common$event');
} else if (event is KeyRepeatEvent || event is KeyUpEvent) {
'A ${event.runtimeType} is dispatched, but the state shows that the physical '
'key is not pressed. $common$event');
assert(_pressedKeys[event.physicalKey] == event.logicalKey,
'A ${event.runtimeType} is dispatched, but the state shows that the physical '
'key is pressed on a different logical key. $common$event '
'and the recorded logical key ${_pressedKeys[event.physicalKey]}');
} else {
assert(false, 'Unexpected key event class ${event.runtimeType}');
return true;
List<KeyEventCallback> _handlers = <KeyEventCallback>[];
bool _duringDispatch = false;
List<KeyEventCallback>? _modifiedHandlers;
/// Register a listener that is called every time a hardware key event
/// occurs.
/// All registered handlers will be invoked in order regardless of
/// their return value. The return value indicates whether Flutter
/// "handles" the event. If any handler returns true, the event
/// will not be propagated to other native components in the add-to-app
/// scenario.
/// If an object added a handler, it must remove the handler before it is
/// disposed.
/// If used during event dispatching, the addition will not take effect
/// until after the dispatching.
/// See also:
/// * [removeHandler], which removes the handler.
void addHandler(KeyEventCallback handler) {
if (_duringDispatch) {
_modifiedHandlers ??= <KeyEventCallback>[..._handlers];
} else {
/// Stop calling the given listener every time a hardware key event
/// occurs.
/// The `handler` argument must be [identical] to the one used in
/// [addHandler]. If multiple exist, the first one will be removed.
/// If none is found, then this method is a no-op.
/// If used during event dispatching, the removal will not take effect
/// until after the event has been dispatched.
void removeHandler(KeyEventCallback handler) {
if (_duringDispatch) {
_modifiedHandlers ??= <KeyEventCallback>[..._handlers];
} else {
/// Query the engine and update _pressedKeys accordingly to the engine answer.
/// Both the framework and the engine maintain a state of the current pressed
/// keys. There are edge cases, related to startup and restart, where the framework
/// needs to resynchronize its keyboard state.
Future<void> syncKeyboardState() async {
final Map<int, int>? keyboardState = await SystemChannels.keyboard.invokeMapMethod<int, int>(
if (keyboardState != null) {
for (final int key in keyboardState.keys) {
final PhysicalKeyboardKey physicalKey = PhysicalKeyboardKey(key);
final LogicalKeyboardKey logicalKey = LogicalKeyboardKey(keyboardState[key]!);
_pressedKeys[physicalKey] = logicalKey;
bool _dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
// This dispatching could have used the same algorithm as [ChangeNotifier],
// but since 1) it shouldn't be necessary to support reentrantly
// dispatching, 2) there shouldn't be many handlers (most apps should use
// only 1, this function just uses a simpler algorithm.
assert(!_duringDispatch, 'Nested keyboard dispatching is not supported');
_duringDispatch = true;
bool handled = false;
for (final KeyEventCallback handler in _handlers) {
try {
final bool thisResult = handler(event);
handled = handled || thisResult;
} catch (exception, stack) {
InformationCollector? collector;
assert(() {
collector = () => <DiagnosticsNode>[
DiagnosticsProperty<KeyEvent>('Event', event),
return true;
exception: exception,
stack: stack,
library: 'services library',
context: ErrorDescription('while processing a key handler'),
informationCollector: collector,
_duringDispatch = false;
if (_modifiedHandlers != null) {
_handlers = _modifiedHandlers!;
_modifiedHandlers = null;
return handled;
List<String> _debugPressedKeysDetails() {
return <String>[
if (_pressedKeys.isEmpty)
for (final PhysicalKeyboardKey physicalKey in _pressedKeys.keys)
'$physicalKey: ${_pressedKeys[physicalKey]}',
/// Process a new [KeyEvent] by recording the state changes and dispatching
/// to handlers.
bool handleKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
assert(_keyboardDebug(() => 'Key event received: $event'));
assert(_keyboardDebug(() => 'Pressed state before processing the event:', _debugPressedKeysDetails));
final PhysicalKeyboardKey physicalKey = event.physicalKey;
final LogicalKeyboardKey logicalKey = event.logicalKey;
if (event is KeyDownEvent) {
_pressedKeys[physicalKey] = logicalKey;
final KeyboardLockMode? lockMode = KeyboardLockMode.findLockByLogicalKey(event.logicalKey);
if (lockMode != null) {
if (_lockModes.contains(lockMode)) {
} else {
} else if (event is KeyUpEvent) {
} else if (event is KeyRepeatEvent) {
// Empty
assert(_keyboardDebug(() => 'Pressed state after processing the event:', _debugPressedKeysDetails));
return _dispatchKeyEvent(event);
/// Clear all keyboard states and additional handlers.
/// All handlers are removed except for the first one, which is added by
/// [ServicesBinding].
/// This is used by the testing framework to make sure that tests are hermetic.
void clearState() {
assert(_modifiedHandlers == null);
/// The mode in which information of key messages is delivered.
/// This enum is deprecated and will be removed. There is no direct substitute
/// planned, since this enum will no longer be necessary once [RawKeyEvent] and
/// associated APIs are removed.
/// Different platforms use different methods, classes, and models to inform the
/// framework of native key events, which is called "transit mode".
/// The framework must determine which transit mode the current platform
/// implements and behave accordingly (such as transforming and synthesizing
/// events if necessary). Unit tests related to keyboard might also want to
/// simulate platform of each transit mode.
/// The transit mode of the current platform is inferred by [KeyEventManager] at
/// the start of the application.
/// See also:
/// * [KeyEventManager], which infers the transit mode of the current platform
/// and guides how key messages are dispatched.
/// * [debugKeyEventSimulatorTransitModeOverride], overrides the transit mode
/// used to simulate key events.
/// * [KeySimulatorTransitModeVariant], an easier way to set
/// [debugKeyEventSimulatorTransitModeOverride] in widget tests.
'No longer supported. Transit mode is always key data only. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.18.0-2.0.pre.',
enum KeyDataTransitMode {
/// Key event information is delivered as raw key data.
/// Raw key data is platform's native key event information sent in JSON
/// through a method channel, which is then interpreted as a platform subclass
/// of [RawKeyEventData].
/// If the current transit mode is [rawKeyData], the raw key data is converted
/// to both [] and [KeyMessage.rawEvent].
'No longer supported. Transit mode is always key data only. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.18.0-2.0.pre.',
/// Key event information is delivered as converted key data, followed by raw
/// key data.
/// Key data ([ui.KeyData]) is a standardized event stream converted from
/// platform's native key event information, sent through the embedder API.
/// Its event model is described in [HardwareKeyboard].
/// Raw key data is platform's native key event information sent in JSON
/// through a method channel. It is interpreted by subclasses of
/// [RawKeyEventData].
/// If the current transit mode is [keyDataThenRawKeyData], then the
/// [KeyEventManager] will use the [ui.KeyData] for [], and
/// the raw data for [KeyMessage.rawEvent].
'No longer supported. Transit mode is always key data only. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.18.0-2.0.pre.',
/// The assembled information converted from a native key message.
/// This class is deprecated, and will be removed. There is no direct substitute
/// planned, since this class will no longer be necessary once [RawKeyEvent] and
/// associated APIs are removed.
/// Native key messages, produced by physically pressing or releasing keyboard
/// keys, are translated into two different event streams in Flutter:
/// * The [KeyEvent] stream, represented by [] (recommended).
/// * The [RawKeyEvent] stream, represented by [KeyMessage.rawEvent] (legacy, to
/// be deprecated).
/// Either the [KeyEvent] stream or the [RawKeyEvent] stream alone provides a
/// complete description of the keyboard messages, but in different event
/// models. Flutter is still transitioning from the legacy model to the new
/// model, therefore it dispatches both streams simultaneously until the
/// transition is completed. [KeyMessage] is used to bundle the stream segments
/// of both models from a native key message together for the convenience of
/// propagation.
/// Typically, an application either processes [] or
/// [KeyMessage.rawEvent], not both. For example, handling a [KeyMessage], means
/// handling each event in [].
/// In advanced cases, a widget needs to process both streams at the same time.
/// For example, [FocusNode] has an `onKey` that dispatches [RawKeyEvent]s and
/// an `onKeyEvent` that dispatches [KeyEvent]s. To processes a [KeyMessage], it
/// first calls `onKeyEvent` with each [KeyEvent] of [events], and then `onKey`
/// with [rawEvent]. All callbacks are invoked regardless of their
/// [KeyEventResult]. Their results are combined into the result of the node
/// using [combineKeyEventResults].
/// ```dart
/// void handleMessage(FocusNode node, KeyMessage message) {
/// final List<KeyEventResult> results = <KeyEventResult>[];
/// if (node.onKeyEvent != null) {
/// for (final KeyEvent event in {
/// results.add(node.onKeyEvent!(node, event));
/// }
/// }
/// if (node.onKey != null && message.rawEvent != null) {
/// results.add(node.onKey!(node, message.rawEvent!));
/// }
/// final KeyEventResult result = combineKeyEventResults(results);
/// // Progress based on `result`...
/// }
/// ```
'No longer supported. Once RawKeyEvent is removed, it will no longer be needed. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.18.0-2.0.pre.',
class KeyMessage {
/// Create a [KeyMessage] by providing all information.
/// The [events] might be empty.
'No longer supported. Once RawKeyEvent is removed, will no longer be needed. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.18.0-2.0.pre.',
const KeyMessage(, this.rawEvent);
/// The list of [KeyEvent]s converted from the native key message.
/// A native key message is converted into multiple [KeyEvent]s in a regular
/// event model. The [events] might contain zero or any number of
/// [KeyEvent]s.
/// See also:
/// * [HardwareKeyboard], which describes the regular event model.
/// * [HardwareKeyboard.addHandler], [KeyboardListener], [Focus.onKeyEvent],
/// where [KeyEvent]s are commonly used.
final List<KeyEvent> events;
/// The native key message in the form of a raw key event.
/// A native key message is sent to the framework in JSON and represented
/// in a platform-specific form as [RawKeyEventData] and a platform-neutral
/// form as [RawKeyEvent]. Their stream is not as regular as [KeyEvent]'s,
/// but keeps as much native information and structure as possible.
/// The [rawEvent] field might be empty, for example, when the event
/// converting system dispatches solitary synthesized events.
/// The [rawEvent] field will be deprecated in the future.
/// See also:
/// * [RawKeyboard.addListener], [RawKeyboardListener], [Focus.onKey],
/// where [RawKeyEvent]s are commonly used.
final RawKeyEvent? rawEvent;
String toString() {
return 'KeyMessage($events)';
/// The signature for [KeyEventManager.keyMessageHandler].
/// A [KeyMessageHandler] processes a [KeyMessage] and returns whether the
/// message is considered handled. Handled messages should not be propagated to
/// other native components.
/// This message handler signature is deprecated, and will be removed. There is
/// no direct substitute planned, since this handler type will no longer be
/// necessary once [RawKeyEvent] and associated APIs are removed.
'No longer supported. Once KeyMessage is removed, will no longer be needed. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.18.0-2.0.pre.',
typedef KeyMessageHandler = bool Function(KeyMessage message);
/// A singleton class that processes key messages from the platform and
/// dispatches converted messages accordingly.
/// This class is deprecated, and will be removed. There is no direct substitute
/// planned, since this class will no longer be necessary once [RawKeyEvent] and
/// associated APIs are removed.
/// [KeyEventManager] receives platform key messages by [handleKeyData] and
/// [handleRawKeyMessage], sends converted events to [HardwareKeyboard] and
/// [RawKeyboard] for recording keeping, and then dispatches the [KeyMessage] to
/// [keyMessageHandler], the global message handler.
/// [KeyEventManager] is typically created, owned, and invoked by
/// [ServicesBinding].
/// ## On embedder implementation
/// Currently, Flutter has two sets of key event API pathways running in
/// parallel.
/// * The "hardware key event" pathway receives messages from the
/// "flutter/keydata" message channel (embedder API
/// `FlutterEngineSendKeyEvent`) and dispatches [KeyEvent] to
/// [HardwareKeyboard] and some methods such as [Focus.onKeyEvent].
/// * The deprecated "raw key event" pathway receives messages from the
/// "flutter/keyevent" message channel ([SystemChannels.keyEvent]) and
/// dispatches [RawKeyEvent] to [RawKeyboard] and [Focus.onKey] as well as
/// similar methods. This pathway will be removed at a future date.
/// [KeyEventManager] resolves cross-platform compatibility of keyboard
/// implementations, since legacy platforms might have not implemented the new
/// key data API and only send raw key data on each key message.
/// [KeyEventManager] recognizes the platform support by detecting whether a
/// message comes from platform channel "flutter/keyevent" before one from
/// "flutter/keydata", or vice versa, at the beginning of the app.
/// * If a "flutter/keydata" message is received first, then this platform is
/// considered a modern platform. The hardware key events are stored, and
/// dispatched only when a raw key message is received.
/// * If a "flutter/keyevent" message is received first, then this platform is
/// considered a legacy platform. The raw key event is transformed into a
/// hardware key event at best effort. No messages from "flutter/keydata" are
/// expected. This behavior has been deprecated, and will be removed at a
/// future date.
/// Therefore, to correctly implement a platform that supports
/// `FlutterEngineSendKeyEvent`, the platform must ensure that
/// `FlutterEngineSendKeyEvent` is called before sending a message to
/// "flutter/keyevent" at the beginning of the app, and every physical key event
/// is ended with a "flutter/keyevent" message.
'No longer supported. Once RawKeyEvent is removed, will no longer be needed. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.18.0-2.0.pre.',
class KeyEventManager {
/// Create an instance.
/// This is typically only called by [ServicesBinding].
'No longer supported. Once RawKeyEvent is removed, will no longer be needed. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.18.0-2.0.pre.',
KeyEventManager(this._hardwareKeyboard, this._rawKeyboard);
/// The global entrance which handles all key events sent to Flutter.
/// This handler is deprecated and will be removed. Use
/// [HardwareKeyboard.addHandler]/[HardwareKeyboard.removeHandler] instead.
/// Typical applications use [WidgetsBinding], where this field is set by the
/// focus system (see `FocusManager`) on startup to a function that dispatches
/// incoming events to the focus system, including `FocusNode.onKey`,
/// `FocusNode.onKeyEvent`, and `Shortcuts`. In this case, the application
/// does not need to read, assign, or invoke this value.
/// For advanced uses, the application can "patch" this callback. See below
/// for details.
/// ## Handlers and event results
/// Roughly speaking, Flutter processes each native key event with the
/// following phases:
/// 1. Platform-side pre-filtering, sometimes used for IME.
/// 2. The key event system.
/// 3. The text input system.
/// 4. Other native components (possibly non-Flutter).
/// Each phase will conclude with a boolean called an "event result". If the
/// result is true, this phase _handles_ the event and prevents the event from
/// being propagated to the next phase. This mechanism allows shortcuts such
/// as "Ctrl-C" to not generate a text "C" in the text field, or shortcuts
/// that are not handled by any components to trigger special alerts (such as
/// the "bonk" noise on macOS).
/// In the second phase, known as "the key event system", the event is
/// dispatched to several destinations: [RawKeyboard]'s listeners,
/// [HardwareKeyboard]'s handlers, and [keyMessageHandler]. All destinations
/// will always receive the event regardless of the handlers' results. If any
/// handler's result is true, then the overall result of the second phase is
/// true, and event propagation is stopped.
/// See also:
/// * [RawKeyboard.addListener], which adds a raw keyboard listener.
/// * [RawKeyboardListener], which is also implemented by adding a raw
/// keyboard listener.
/// * [HardwareKeyboard.addHandler], which adds a hardware keyboard handler.
/// ## Advanced usages: Manual assignment or patching
/// If you are not using the focus system to manage focus, set this attribute
/// to a [KeyMessageHandler] that returns true if the propagation on the
/// platform should not be continued. If this field is null, key events will
/// be assumed to not have been handled by Flutter, a result of "false".
/// Even if you are using the focus system, you might also want to do more
/// than the focus system allows. In these cases, you can _patch_
/// [keyMessageHandler] by setting it to a callback that performs your tasks
/// and calls the original callback in between (or not at all.)
/// Patching [keyMessageHandler] can not be reverted. You should always assume
/// that another component might have patched it before you and after you.
/// This means that you might want to write your own global notification
/// manager, to which callbacks can be added and removed.
/// You should not patch [keyMessageHandler] until the `FocusManager` has
/// assigned its callback. This is assured during any time within the widget
/// lifecycle (such as `initState`), or after calling
/// `WidgetManager.instance`.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This example shows how to process key events that are not
/// handled by any focus handler (such as `Shortcuts`) by patching
/// [keyMessageHandler].
/// The app prints out any key events that are not handled by the app body.
/// Try typing something in the first text field. These key presses are not
/// handled by `Shortcuts` and will be sent to the fallback handler and
/// printed out. Now try some text shortcuts, such as Ctrl+A. The KeyA press
/// is handled as a shortcut, and is not sent to the fallback handler and so
/// is not printed out.
/// The key widget is `FallbackKeyEventRegistrar`, a necessity class to allow
/// reversible patching. `FallbackFocus` and `FallbackFocusNode` are also
/// useful to recognize the widget tree's structure. `FallbackDemo` is an
/// example of using them in an app.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/hardware_keyboard/key_event_manager.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [HardwareKeyboard.addHandler], which accepts multiple global handlers to
/// process [KeyEvent]s
'No longer supported. Once RawKeyEvent is removed, will no longer be needed. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.18.0-2.0.pre.',
KeyMessageHandler? keyMessageHandler;
final HardwareKeyboard _hardwareKeyboard;
final RawKeyboard _rawKeyboard;
// The [KeyDataTransitMode] of the current platform.
// The `_transitMode` is guaranteed to be non-null during key event callbacks.
// The `_transitMode` is null before the first event, after which it is inferred
// and will not change throughout the lifecycle of the application.
// The `_transitMode` can be reset to null in tests using [clearState].
KeyDataTransitMode? _transitMode;
// The accumulated [KeyEvent]s since the last time the message is dispatched.
// If _transitMode is [KeyDataTransitMode.keyDataThenRawKeyData], then [KeyEvent]s
// are directly received from [handleKeyData]. If _transitMode is
// [KeyDataTransitMode.rawKeyData], then [KeyEvent]s are converted from the raw
// key data of [handleRawKeyMessage]. Either way, the accumulated key
// events are only dispatched along with the next [KeyMessage] when a
// dispatchable [RawKeyEvent] is available.
final List<KeyEvent> _keyEventsSinceLastMessage = <KeyEvent>[];
// When a RawKeyDownEvent is skipped ([RawKeyEventData.shouldDispatchEvent]
// is false), its physical key will be recorded here, so that its up event
// can also be properly skipped.
final Set<PhysicalKeyboardKey> _skippedRawKeysPressed = <PhysicalKeyboardKey>{};
/// Dispatch a key data to global and leaf listeners.
/// This method is the handler to the global `onKeyData` API.
/// This handler is deprecated, and will be removed. Use
/// [HardwareKeyboard.addHandler] instead.
'No longer supported. Use HardwareKeyboard.instance.addHandler instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.18.0-2.0.pre.',
bool handleKeyData(ui.KeyData data) {
_transitMode ??= KeyDataTransitMode.keyDataThenRawKeyData;
switch (_transitMode!) {
case KeyDataTransitMode.rawKeyData:
assert(false, 'Should never encounter KeyData when transitMode is rawKeyData.');
return false;
case KeyDataTransitMode.keyDataThenRawKeyData:
// Having 0 as the physical and logical ID indicates an empty key data
// (the only occasion either field can be 0,) transmitted to ensure
// that the transit mode is correctly inferred. These events should be
// ignored.
if (data.physical == 0 && data.logical == 0) {
return false;
assert(data.physical != 0 && data.logical != 0);
final KeyEvent event = _eventFromData(data);
if (data.synthesized && _keyEventsSinceLastMessage.isEmpty) {
// Dispatch the event instantly if both conditions are met:
// - The event is synthesized, therefore the result does not matter.
// - The current queue is empty, therefore the order does not matter.
// This allows solitary synthesized `KeyEvent`s to be dispatched,
// since they won't be followed by `RawKeyEvent`s.
_dispatchKeyMessage(<KeyEvent>[event], null);
} else {
// Otherwise, postpone key event dispatching until the next raw
// event. Normal key presses always send 0 or more `KeyEvent`s first,
// then 1 `RawKeyEvent`.
return false;
bool _dispatchKeyMessage(List<KeyEvent> keyEvents, RawKeyEvent? rawEvent) {
if (keyMessageHandler != null) {
final KeyMessage message = KeyMessage(keyEvents, rawEvent);
try {
return keyMessageHandler!(message);
} catch (exception, stack) {
InformationCollector? collector;
assert(() {
collector = () => <DiagnosticsNode>[
DiagnosticsProperty<KeyMessage>('KeyMessage', message),
return true;
exception: exception,
stack: stack,
library: 'services library',
context: ErrorDescription('while processing the key message handler'),
informationCollector: collector,
return false;
/// Handles a raw key message.
/// This method is the handler to [SystemChannels.keyEvent], processing the
/// JSON form of the native key message and returns the responds for the
/// channel.
/// This handler is deprecated, and will be removed. Use
/// [HardwareKeyboard.addHandler] instead.
'No longer supported. Use HardwareKeyboard.instance.addHandler instead. '
'This feature was deprecated after v3.18.0-2.0.pre.',
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> handleRawKeyMessage(dynamic message) async {
if (_transitMode == null) {
_transitMode = KeyDataTransitMode.rawKeyData;
// Convert raw events using a listener so that conversion only occurs if
// the raw event should be dispatched.
final RawKeyEvent rawEvent = RawKeyEvent.fromMessage(message as Map<String, dynamic>);
bool shouldDispatch = true;
if (rawEvent is RawKeyDownEvent) {
if (! {
shouldDispatch = false;
} else {
} else if (rawEvent is RawKeyUpEvent) {
if (_skippedRawKeysPressed.contains(rawEvent.physicalKey)) {
shouldDispatch = false;
bool handled = true;
if (shouldDispatch) {
// The following `handleRawKeyEvent` will call `_convertRawEventAndStore`
// unless the event is not dispatched.
handled = _rawKeyboard.handleRawKeyEvent(rawEvent);
for (final KeyEvent event in _keyEventsSinceLastMessage) {
handled = _hardwareKeyboard.handleKeyEvent(event) || handled;
if (_transitMode == KeyDataTransitMode.rawKeyData) {
assert(setEquals(_rawKeyboard.physicalKeysPressed, _hardwareKeyboard.physicalKeysPressed),
'RawKeyboard reported ${_rawKeyboard.physicalKeysPressed}, '
'while HardwareKeyboard reported ${_hardwareKeyboard.physicalKeysPressed}');
handled = _dispatchKeyMessage(_keyEventsSinceLastMessage, rawEvent) || handled;
return <String, dynamic>{ 'handled': handled };
ui.KeyEventDeviceType _convertDeviceType(RawKeyEvent rawEvent) {
final RawKeyEventData data =;
// Device type is only available from Android.
if (data is! RawKeyEventDataAndroid) {
return ui.KeyEventDeviceType.keyboard;
switch (data.eventSource) {
case 0x00000101:
return ui.KeyEventDeviceType.keyboard;
case 0x00000201:
return ui.KeyEventDeviceType.directionalPad;
case 0x00000401:
return ui.KeyEventDeviceType.gamepad;
case 0x01000010:
return ui.KeyEventDeviceType.joystick;
case 0x02000001:
return ui.KeyEventDeviceType.hdmi;
return ui.KeyEventDeviceType.keyboard;
// Convert the raw event to key events, including synthesizing events for
// modifiers, and store the key events in `_keyEventsSinceLastMessage`.
// This is only called when `_transitMode` is `rawKeyEvent` and if the raw
// event should be dispatched.
void _convertRawEventAndStore(RawKeyEvent rawEvent) {
final PhysicalKeyboardKey physicalKey = rawEvent.physicalKey;
final LogicalKeyboardKey logicalKey = rawEvent.logicalKey;
final Set<PhysicalKeyboardKey> physicalKeysPressed = _hardwareKeyboard.physicalKeysPressed;
final List<KeyEvent> eventAfterwards = <KeyEvent>[];
final KeyEvent? mainEvent;
final LogicalKeyboardKey? recordedLogicalMain = _hardwareKeyboard.lookUpLayout(physicalKey);
final Duration timeStamp = ServicesBinding.instance.currentSystemFrameTimeStamp;
final String? character = rawEvent.character == '' ? null : rawEvent.character;
final ui.KeyEventDeviceType deviceType = _convertDeviceType(rawEvent);
if (rawEvent is RawKeyDownEvent) {
if (recordedLogicalMain == null) {
mainEvent = KeyDownEvent(
physicalKey: physicalKey,
logicalKey: logicalKey,
character: character,
timeStamp: timeStamp,
deviceType: deviceType,
} else {
mainEvent = KeyRepeatEvent(
physicalKey: physicalKey,
logicalKey: recordedLogicalMain,
character: character,
timeStamp: timeStamp,
deviceType: deviceType,
} else {
assert(rawEvent is RawKeyUpEvent, 'Unexpected subclass of RawKeyEvent: ${rawEvent.runtimeType}');
if (recordedLogicalMain == null) {
mainEvent = null;
} else {
mainEvent = KeyUpEvent(
logicalKey: recordedLogicalMain,
physicalKey: physicalKey,
timeStamp: timeStamp,
deviceType: deviceType,
for (final PhysicalKeyboardKey key in physicalKeysPressed.difference(_rawKeyboard.physicalKeysPressed)) {
if (key == physicalKey) {
// Somehow, a down event is dispatched but the key is absent from
// keysPressed. Synthesize a up event for the key, but this event must
// be added after the main key down event.
physicalKey: key,
logicalKey: logicalKey,
timeStamp: timeStamp,
synthesized: true,
deviceType: deviceType,
} else {
physicalKey: key,
logicalKey: _hardwareKeyboard.lookUpLayout(key)!,
timeStamp: timeStamp,
synthesized: true,
deviceType: deviceType,
for (final PhysicalKeyboardKey key in _rawKeyboard.physicalKeysPressed.difference(physicalKeysPressed)) {
physicalKey: key,
logicalKey: _rawKeyboard.lookUpLayout(key)!,
timeStamp: timeStamp,
synthesized: true,
deviceType: deviceType,
if (mainEvent != null) {
/// Reset the inferred platform transit mode and related states.
/// This method is only used in unit tests. In release mode, this is a no-op.
void clearState() {
assert(() {
_transitMode = null;
return true;
static KeyEvent _eventFromData(ui.KeyData keyData) {
final PhysicalKeyboardKey physicalKey =
PhysicalKeyboardKey.findKeyByCode(keyData.physical) ??
final LogicalKeyboardKey logicalKey =
LogicalKeyboardKey.findKeyByKeyId(keyData.logical) ??
final Duration timeStamp = keyData.timeStamp;
switch (keyData.type) {
case ui.KeyEventType.down:
return KeyDownEvent(
physicalKey: physicalKey,
logicalKey: logicalKey,
timeStamp: timeStamp,
character: keyData.character,
synthesized: keyData.synthesized,
deviceType: keyData.deviceType,
case ui.KeyEventType.up:
assert(keyData.character == null);
return KeyUpEvent(
physicalKey: physicalKey,
logicalKey: logicalKey,
timeStamp: timeStamp,
synthesized: keyData.synthesized,
deviceType: keyData.deviceType,
case ui.KeyEventType.repeat:
return KeyRepeatEvent(
physicalKey: physicalKey,
logicalKey: logicalKey,
timeStamp: timeStamp,
character: keyData.character,
deviceType: keyData.deviceType,