blob: addeef1a5b4ac3d64d1f3f1fb6ddd322b84b30e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// @docImport 'package:flutter/material.dart';
/// @docImport 'message_codecs.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'message_codec.dart';
import 'system_channels.dart';
export 'dart:ui' show Offset, Size, TextDirection, VoidCallback;
export 'package:flutter/gestures.dart' show PointerEvent;
export 'message_codec.dart' show MessageCodec;
/// Converts a given point from the global coordinate system in logical pixels
/// to the local coordinate system for a box.
/// Used by [AndroidViewController.pointTransformer].
typedef PointTransformer = Offset Function(Offset position);
/// The [PlatformViewsRegistry] responsible for generating unique identifiers for platform views.
final PlatformViewsRegistry platformViewsRegistry = PlatformViewsRegistry._instance();
/// A registry responsible for generating unique identifier for platform views.
/// A Flutter application has a single [PlatformViewsRegistry] which can be accesses
/// through the [platformViewsRegistry] getter.
class PlatformViewsRegistry {
// Always non-negative. The id value -1 is used in the accessibility bridge
// to indicate the absence of a platform view.
int _nextPlatformViewId = 0;
/// Allocates a unique identifier for a platform view.
/// A platform view identifier can refer to a platform view that was never created,
/// a platform view that was disposed, or a platform view that is alive.
/// Typically a platform view identifier is passed to a platform view widget
/// which creates the platform view and manages its lifecycle.
int getNextPlatformViewId() {
// On the Android side, the interface exposed to users uses 32-bit integers.
// See for more details.
// We can safely assume that a Flutter application will not require more
// than MAX_INT32 platform views during its lifetime.
const int MAX_INT32 = 0x7FFFFFFF;
assert(_nextPlatformViewId <= MAX_INT32);
return _nextPlatformViewId++;
/// Callback signature for when a platform view was created.
/// The `id` parameter is the platform view's unique identifier.
typedef PlatformViewCreatedCallback = void Function(int id);
/// Provides access to the platform views service.
/// This service allows creating and controlling platform-specific views.
class PlatformViewsService {
PlatformViewsService._() {
static final PlatformViewsService _instance = PlatformViewsService._();
Future<void> _onMethodCall(MethodCall call) {
switch (call.method) {
case 'viewFocused':
final int id = call.arguments as int;
if (_focusCallbacks.containsKey(id)) {
throw UnimplementedError("${call.method} was invoked but isn't implemented by PlatformViewsService");
return Future<void>.value();
/// Maps platform view IDs to focus callbacks.
/// The callbacks are invoked when the platform view asks to be focused.
final Map<int, VoidCallback> _focusCallbacks = <int, VoidCallback>{};
/// {@template}
/// Creates a controller for a new Android view.
/// The `id` argument is an unused unique identifier generated with
/// [platformViewsRegistry].
/// The `viewType` argument is the identifier of the Android view type to be
/// created, a factory for this view type must have been registered on the
/// platform side. Platform view factories are typically registered by plugin
/// code. Plugins can register a platform view factory with
/// [PlatformViewRegistry#registerViewFactory](/javadoc/io/flutter/plugin/platform/PlatformViewRegistry.html#registerViewFactory-java.lang.String-io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewFactory-).
/// The `creationParams` argument will be passed as the args argument of
/// [PlatformViewFactory#create](/javadoc/io/flutter/plugin/platform/PlatformViewFactory.html#create-android.content.Context-int-java.lang.Object-)
/// The `creationParamsCodec` argument is the codec used to encode
/// `creationParams` before sending it to the platform side. It should match
/// the codec passed to the constructor of
/// [PlatformViewFactory](/javadoc/io/flutter/plugin/platform/PlatformViewFactory.html#PlatformViewFactory-io.flutter.plugin.common.MessageCodec-).
/// This is typically one of: [StandardMessageCodec], [JSONMessageCodec],
/// [StringCodec], or [BinaryCodec].
/// The `onFocus` argument is a callback that will be invoked when the Android
/// View asks to get the input focus.
/// The Android view will only be created after
/// [AndroidViewController.setSize] is called for the first time.
/// If `creationParams` is non null then `creationParamsCodec` must not be
/// null.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// This attempts to use the newest and most efficient platform view
/// implementation when possible. In cases where that is not supported, it
/// falls back to using Virtual Display.
static AndroidViewController initAndroidView({
required int id,
required String viewType,
required TextDirection layoutDirection,
dynamic creationParams,
MessageCodec<dynamic>? creationParamsCodec,
VoidCallback? onFocus,
}) {
assert(creationParams == null || creationParamsCodec != null);
final TextureAndroidViewController controller = TextureAndroidViewController._(
viewId: id,
viewType: viewType,
layoutDirection: layoutDirection,
creationParams: creationParams,
creationParamsCodec: creationParamsCodec,
_instance._focusCallbacks[id] = onFocus ?? () {};
return controller;
/// {@macro}
/// This attempts to use the newest and most efficient platform view
/// implementation when possible. In cases where that is not supported, it
/// falls back to using Hybrid Composition, which is the mode used by
/// [initExpensiveAndroidView].
static SurfaceAndroidViewController initSurfaceAndroidView({
required int id,
required String viewType,
required TextDirection layoutDirection,
dynamic creationParams,
MessageCodec<dynamic>? creationParamsCodec,
VoidCallback? onFocus,
}) {
assert(creationParams == null || creationParamsCodec != null);
final SurfaceAndroidViewController controller = SurfaceAndroidViewController._(
viewId: id,
viewType: viewType,
layoutDirection: layoutDirection,
creationParams: creationParams,
creationParamsCodec: creationParamsCodec,
_instance._focusCallbacks[id] = onFocus ?? () {};
return controller;
/// {@macro}
/// When this factory is used, the Android view and Flutter widgets are
/// composed at the Android view hierarchy level.
/// Using this method has a performance cost on devices running Android 9 or
/// earlier, or on underpowered devices. In most situations, you should use
/// [initAndroidView] or [initSurfaceAndroidView] instead.
static ExpensiveAndroidViewController initExpensiveAndroidView({
required int id,
required String viewType,
required TextDirection layoutDirection,
dynamic creationParams,
MessageCodec<dynamic>? creationParamsCodec,
VoidCallback? onFocus,
}) {
final ExpensiveAndroidViewController controller = ExpensiveAndroidViewController._(
viewId: id,
viewType: viewType,
layoutDirection: layoutDirection,
creationParams: creationParams,
creationParamsCodec: creationParamsCodec,
_instance._focusCallbacks[id] = onFocus ?? () {};
return controller;
/// Factory method to create a `UiKitView`.
/// The `id` parameter is an unused unique identifier generated with
/// [platformViewsRegistry].
/// The `viewType` parameter is the identifier of the iOS view type to be
/// created, a factory for this view type must have been registered on the
/// platform side. Platform view factories are typically registered by plugin
/// code.
/// The `onFocus` parameter is a callback that will be invoked when the UIKit
/// view asks to get the input focus. If `creationParams` is non null then
/// `creationParamsCodec` must not be null.
/// See:
static Future<UiKitViewController> initUiKitView({
required int id,
required String viewType,
required TextDirection layoutDirection,
dynamic creationParams,
MessageCodec<dynamic>? creationParamsCodec,
VoidCallback? onFocus,
}) async {
assert(creationParams == null || creationParamsCodec != null);
// TODO(amirh): pass layoutDirection once the system channel supports it.
final Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{
'id': id,
'viewType': viewType,
if (creationParams != null) {
final ByteData paramsByteData = creationParamsCodec!.encodeMessage(creationParams)!;
args['params'] = Uint8List.view(
await SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod<void>('create', args);
if (onFocus != null) {
_instance._focusCallbacks[id] = onFocus;
return UiKitViewController._(id, layoutDirection);
// TODO(cbracken): Write and link website docs.
/// Factory method to create an `AppKitView`.
/// The `id` parameter is an unused unique identifier generated with
/// [platformViewsRegistry].
/// The `viewType` parameter is the identifier of the iOS view type to be
/// created, a factory for this view type must have been registered on the
/// platform side. Platform view factories are typically registered by plugin
/// code.
/// The `onFocus` parameter is a callback that will be invoked when the UIKit
/// view asks to get the input focus. If `creationParams` is non null then
/// `creationParamsCodec` must not be null.
static Future<AppKitViewController> initAppKitView({
required int id,
required String viewType,
required TextDirection layoutDirection,
dynamic creationParams,
MessageCodec<dynamic>? creationParamsCodec,
VoidCallback? onFocus,
}) async {
assert(creationParams == null || creationParamsCodec != null);
// TODO(amirh): pass layoutDirection once the system channel supports it.
final Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{
'id': id,
'viewType': viewType,
if (creationParams != null) {
final ByteData paramsByteData = creationParamsCodec!.encodeMessage(creationParams)!;
args['params'] = Uint8List.view(
await SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod<void>('create', args);
if (onFocus != null) {
_instance._focusCallbacks[id] = onFocus;
return AppKitViewController._(id, layoutDirection);
/// Properties of an Android pointer.
/// A Dart version of Android's [MotionEvent.PointerProperties](
class AndroidPointerProperties {
/// Creates an [AndroidPointerProperties] object.
const AndroidPointerProperties({
required this.toolType,
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerProperties#id](
final int id;
/// The type of tool used to make contact such as a finger or stylus, if known.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerProperties#toolType](
final int toolType;
/// Value for `toolType` when the tool type is unknown.
static const int kToolTypeUnknown = 0;
/// Value for `toolType` when the tool type is a finger.
static const int kToolTypeFinger = 1;
/// Value for `toolType` when the tool type is a stylus.
static const int kToolTypeStylus = 2;
/// Value for `toolType` when the tool type is a mouse.
static const int kToolTypeMouse = 3;
/// Value for `toolType` when the tool type is an eraser.
static const int kToolTypeEraser = 4;
List<int> _asList() => <int>[id, toolType];
String toString() {
return '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'AndroidPointerProperties')}(id: $id, toolType: $toolType)';
/// Position information for an Android pointer.
/// A Dart version of Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords](
class AndroidPointerCoords {
/// Creates an AndroidPointerCoords.
const AndroidPointerCoords({
required this.orientation,
required this.pressure,
required this.size,
required this.toolMajor,
required this.toolMinor,
required this.touchMajor,
required this.touchMinor,
required this.x,
required this.y,
/// The orientation of the touch area and tool area in radians clockwise from vertical.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords#orientation](
final double orientation;
/// A normalized value that describes the pressure applied to the device by a finger or other tool.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords#pressure](
final double pressure;
/// A normalized value that describes the approximate size of the pointer touch area in relation to the maximum detectable size of the device.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords#size](
final double size;
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords#toolMajor](
final double toolMajor;
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords#toolMinor](
final double toolMinor;
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords#touchMajor](
final double touchMajor;
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords#touchMinor](
final double touchMinor;
/// The X component of the pointer movement.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords#x](
final double x;
/// The Y component of the pointer movement.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords#y](
final double y;
List<double> _asList() {
return <double>[
String toString() {
return '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'AndroidPointerCoords')}(orientation: $orientation, pressure: $pressure, size: $size, toolMajor: $toolMajor, toolMinor: $toolMinor, touchMajor: $touchMajor, touchMinor: $touchMinor, x: $x, y: $y)';
/// A Dart version of Android's [MotionEvent](
/// This is used by [AndroidViewController] to describe pointer events that are forwarded to a platform view
/// when Flutter receives an event that it determines is to be handled by that platform view rather than by
/// another Flutter widget.
/// See also:
/// * [AndroidViewController.sendMotionEvent], which can be used to send an [AndroidMotionEvent] explicitly.
class AndroidMotionEvent {
/// Creates an AndroidMotionEvent.
required this.downTime,
required this.eventTime,
required this.action,
required this.pointerCount,
required this.pointerProperties,
required this.pointerCoords,
required this.metaState,
required this.buttonState,
required this.xPrecision,
required this.yPrecision,
required this.deviceId,
required this.edgeFlags,
required this.source,
required this.flags,
required this.motionEventId,
}) : assert(pointerProperties.length == pointerCount),
assert(pointerCoords.length == pointerCount);
/// The time (in ms) when the user originally pressed down to start a stream of position events,
/// relative to an arbitrary timeline.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getDownTime](
final int downTime;
/// The time this event occurred, relative to an arbitrary timeline.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getEventTime](
final int eventTime;
/// A value representing the kind of action being performed.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getAction](
final int action;
/// The number of pointers that are part of this event.
/// This must be equivalent to the length of `pointerProperties` and `pointerCoords`.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getPointerCount](
final int pointerCount;
/// List of [AndroidPointerProperties] for each pointer that is part of this event.
final List<AndroidPointerProperties> pointerProperties;
/// List of [AndroidPointerCoords] for each pointer that is part of this event.
final List<AndroidPointerCoords> pointerCoords;
/// The state of any meta / modifier keys that were in effect when the event was generated.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getMetaState](
final int metaState;
/// The state of all buttons that are pressed such as a mouse or stylus button.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getButtonState](
final int buttonState;
/// The precision of the X coordinates being reported, in physical pixels.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getXPrecision](
final double xPrecision;
/// The precision of the Y coordinates being reported, in physical pixels.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getYPrecision](
final double yPrecision;
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getDeviceId](
final int deviceId;
/// A bit field indicating which edges, if any, were touched by this MotionEvent.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getEdgeFlags](
final int edgeFlags;
/// The source of this event (e.g a touchpad or stylus).
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getSource](
final int source;
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getFlags](
final int flags;
/// Used to identify this [MotionEvent]( uniquely in the Flutter Engine.
final int motionEventId;
List<dynamic> _asList(int viewId) {
return <dynamic>[
pointerCount,<List<int>>((AndroidPointerProperties p) => p._asList()).toList(),<List<double>>((AndroidPointerCoords p) => p._asList()).toList(),
String toString() {
return 'AndroidPointerEvent(downTime: $downTime, eventTime: $eventTime, action: $action, pointerCount: $pointerCount, pointerProperties: $pointerProperties, pointerCoords: $pointerCoords, metaState: $metaState, buttonState: $buttonState, xPrecision: $xPrecision, yPrecision: $yPrecision, deviceId: $deviceId, edgeFlags: $edgeFlags, source: $source, flags: $flags, motionEventId: $motionEventId)';
enum _AndroidViewState {
// Helper for converting PointerEvents into AndroidMotionEvents.
class _AndroidMotionEventConverter {
final Map<int, AndroidPointerCoords> pointerPositions =
<int, AndroidPointerCoords>{};
final Map<int, AndroidPointerProperties> pointerProperties =
<int, AndroidPointerProperties>{};
final Set<int> usedAndroidPointerIds = <int>{};
late PointTransformer pointTransformer;
int? downTimeMillis;
void handlePointerDownEvent(PointerDownEvent event) {
if (pointerProperties.isEmpty) {
downTimeMillis = event.timeStamp.inMilliseconds;
int androidPointerId = 0;
while (usedAndroidPointerIds.contains(androidPointerId)) {
pointerProperties[event.pointer] = propertiesFor(event, androidPointerId);
void updatePointerPositions(PointerEvent event) {
final Offset position = pointTransformer(event.position);
pointerPositions[event.pointer] = AndroidPointerCoords(
orientation: event.orientation,
pressure: event.pressure,
size: event.size,
toolMajor: event.radiusMajor,
toolMinor: event.radiusMinor,
touchMajor: event.radiusMajor,
touchMinor: event.radiusMinor,
x: position.dx,
y: position.dy,
void _remove(int pointer) {
if (pointerProperties.isEmpty) {
downTimeMillis = null;
void handlePointerUpEvent(PointerUpEvent event) {
void handlePointerCancelEvent(PointerCancelEvent event) {
// The pointer cancel event is handled like pointer up. Normally,
// the difference is that pointer cancel doesn't perform any action,
// but in this case neither up or cancel perform any action.
AndroidMotionEvent? toAndroidMotionEvent(PointerEvent event) {
final List<int> pointers = pointerPositions.keys.toList();
final int pointerIdx = pointers.indexOf(event.pointer);
final int numPointers = pointers.length;
// This value must match the value in engine's
// This flag indicates whether the original Android pointer events were batched together.
const int kPointerDataFlagBatched = 1;
// Android MotionEvent objects can batch information on multiple pointers.
// Flutter breaks these such batched events into multiple PointerEvent objects.
// When there are multiple active pointers we accumulate the information for all pointers
// as we get PointerEvents, and only send it to the embedded Android view when
// we see the last pointer. This way we achieve the same batching as Android.
if (event.platformData == kPointerDataFlagBatched ||
(isSinglePointerAction(event) && pointerIdx < numPointers - 1)) {
return null;
final int? action = switch (event) {
PointerDownEvent() when numPointers == 1 => AndroidViewController.kActionDown,
PointerUpEvent() when numPointers == 1 => AndroidViewController.kActionUp,
PointerDownEvent() => AndroidViewController.pointerAction(pointerIdx, AndroidViewController.kActionPointerDown),
PointerUpEvent() => AndroidViewController.pointerAction(pointerIdx, AndroidViewController.kActionPointerUp),
PointerMoveEvent() => AndroidViewController.kActionMove,
PointerCancelEvent() => AndroidViewController.kActionCancel,
_ => null,
if (action == null) {
return null;
return AndroidMotionEvent(
downTime: downTimeMillis!,
eventTime: event.timeStamp.inMilliseconds,
action: action,
pointerCount: pointerPositions.length,
pointerProperties: pointers
.map<AndroidPointerProperties>((int i) => pointerProperties[i]!)
pointerCoords: pointers
.map<AndroidPointerCoords>((int i) => pointerPositions[i]!)
metaState: 0,
buttonState: 0,
xPrecision: 1.0,
yPrecision: 1.0,
deviceId: 0,
edgeFlags: 0,
source: _AndroidMotionEventConverter.sourceFor(event),
flags: 0,
motionEventId: event.embedderId,
static int sourceFor(PointerEvent event) {
return switch (event.kind) {
PointerDeviceKind.touch => AndroidViewController.kInputDeviceSourceTouchScreen,
PointerDeviceKind.trackpad => AndroidViewController.kInputDeviceSourceTouchPad,
PointerDeviceKind.mouse => AndroidViewController.kInputDeviceSourceMouse,
PointerDeviceKind.stylus => AndroidViewController.kInputDeviceSourceStylus,
PointerDeviceKind.invertedStylus => AndroidViewController.kInputDeviceSourceStylus,
PointerDeviceKind.unknown => AndroidViewController.kInputDeviceSourceUnknown,
AndroidPointerProperties propertiesFor(PointerEvent event, int pointerId) {
return AndroidPointerProperties(id: pointerId, toolType: switch (event.kind) {
PointerDeviceKind.touch => AndroidPointerProperties.kToolTypeFinger,
PointerDeviceKind.trackpad => AndroidPointerProperties.kToolTypeFinger,
PointerDeviceKind.mouse => AndroidPointerProperties.kToolTypeMouse,
PointerDeviceKind.stylus => AndroidPointerProperties.kToolTypeStylus,
PointerDeviceKind.invertedStylus => AndroidPointerProperties.kToolTypeEraser,
PointerDeviceKind.unknown => AndroidPointerProperties.kToolTypeUnknown,
bool isSinglePointerAction(PointerEvent event) =>
event is! PointerDownEvent && event is! PointerUpEvent;
class _CreationParams {
const _CreationParams(, this.codec);
final dynamic data;
final MessageCodec<dynamic> codec;
/// Controls an Android view that is composed using a GL texture.
/// Typically created with [PlatformViewsService.initAndroidView].
// TODO(bparrishMines): Remove abstract methods that are not required by all subclasses.
abstract class AndroidViewController extends PlatformViewController {
required this.viewId,
required String viewType,
required TextDirection layoutDirection,
dynamic creationParams,
MessageCodec<dynamic>? creationParamsCodec,
}) : assert(creationParams == null || creationParamsCodec != null),
_viewType = viewType,
_layoutDirection = layoutDirection,
_creationParams = creationParams == null ? null : _CreationParams(creationParams, creationParamsCodec!);
/// Action code for when a primary pointer touched the screen.
/// Android's [MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN](
static const int kActionDown = 0;
/// Action code for when a primary pointer stopped touching the screen.
/// Android's [MotionEvent.ACTION_UP](
static const int kActionUp = 1;
/// Action code for when the event only includes information about pointer movement.
/// Android's [MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE](
static const int kActionMove = 2;
/// Action code for when a motion event has been canceled.
/// Android's [MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL](
static const int kActionCancel = 3;
/// Action code for when a secondary pointer touched the screen.
/// Android's [MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN](
static const int kActionPointerDown = 5;
/// Action code for when a secondary pointer stopped touching the screen.
/// Android's [MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP](
static const int kActionPointerUp = 6;
/// Android's [View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR]( value.
static const int kAndroidLayoutDirectionLtr = 0;
/// Android's [View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL]( value.
static const int kAndroidLayoutDirectionRtl = 1;
/// Android's [InputDevice.SOURCE_UNKNOWN](
static const int kInputDeviceSourceUnknown = 0;
/// Android's [InputDevice.SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN](
static const int kInputDeviceSourceTouchScreen = 4098;
/// Android's [InputDevice.SOURCE_MOUSE](
static const int kInputDeviceSourceMouse = 8194;
/// Android's [InputDevice.SOURCE_STYLUS](
static const int kInputDeviceSourceStylus = 16386;
/// Android's [InputDevice.SOURCE_TOUCHPAD](
static const int kInputDeviceSourceTouchPad = 1048584;
/// The unique identifier of the Android view controlled by this controller.
final int viewId;
final String _viewType;
// Helps convert PointerEvents to AndroidMotionEvents.
final _AndroidMotionEventConverter _motionEventConverter =
TextDirection _layoutDirection;
_AndroidViewState _state = _AndroidViewState.waitingForSize;
final _CreationParams? _creationParams;
final List<PlatformViewCreatedCallback> _platformViewCreatedCallbacks =
static int _getAndroidDirection(TextDirection direction) {
return switch (direction) {
TextDirection.ltr => kAndroidLayoutDirectionLtr,
TextDirection.rtl => kAndroidLayoutDirectionRtl,
/// Creates a masked Android MotionEvent action value for an indexed pointer.
static int pointerAction(int pointerId, int action) {
return ((pointerId << 8) & 0xff00) | (action & 0xff);
/// Sends the message to dispose the platform view.
Future<void> _sendDisposeMessage();
/// True if [_sendCreateMessage] can only be called with a non-null size.
bool get _createRequiresSize;
/// Sends the message to create the platform view with an initial [size].
/// If [_createRequiresSize] is true, `size` is non-nullable, and the call
/// should instead be deferred until the size is available.
Future<void> _sendCreateMessage({required covariant Size? size, Offset? position});
/// Sends the message to resize the platform view to [size].
Future<Size> _sendResizeMessage(Size size);
bool get awaitingCreation => _state == _AndroidViewState.waitingForSize;
Future<void> create({Size? size, Offset? position}) async {
assert(_state != _AndroidViewState.disposed, 'trying to create a disposed Android view');
assert(_state == _AndroidViewState.waitingForSize, 'Android view is already sized. View id: $viewId');
if (_createRequiresSize && size == null) {
// Wait for a setSize call.
_state = _AndroidViewState.creating;
await _sendCreateMessage(size: size, position: position);
_state = _AndroidViewState.created;
for (final PlatformViewCreatedCallback callback in _platformViewCreatedCallbacks) {
/// Sizes the Android View.
/// [size] is the view's new size in logical pixel. It must be greater than
/// zero.
/// The first time a size is set triggers the creation of the Android view.
/// Returns the buffer size in logical pixel that backs the texture where the platform
/// view pixels are written to.
/// The buffer size may or may not be the same as [size].
/// As a result, consumers are expected to clip the texture using [size], while using
/// the return value to size the texture.
Future<Size> setSize(Size size) async {
assert(_state != _AndroidViewState.disposed, 'Android view is disposed. View id: $viewId');
if (_state == _AndroidViewState.waitingForSize) {
// Either `create` hasn't been called, or it couldn't run due to missing
// size information, so create the view now.
await create(size: size);
return size;
} else {
return _sendResizeMessage(size);
/// Sets the offset of the platform view.
/// [off] is the view's new offset in logical pixel.
/// On Android, this allows the Android native view to draw the a11y highlights in the same
/// location on the screen as the platform view widget in the Flutter framework.
Future<void> setOffset(Offset off);
/// Returns the texture entry id that the Android view is rendering into.
/// Returns null if the Android view has not been successfully created, if it has been
/// disposed, or if the implementation does not use textures.
int? get textureId;
/// True if the view requires native view composition rather than using a
/// texture to render.
/// This value may change during [create], but will not change after that
/// call's future has completed.
bool get requiresViewComposition => false;
/// Sends an Android [MotionEvent](
/// to the view.
/// The Android MotionEvent object is created with [MotionEvent.obtain](,%20long,%20int,%20float,%20float,%20float,%20float,%20int,%20float,%20float,%20int,%20int)).
/// See documentation of [MotionEvent.obtain](,%20long,%20int,%20float,%20float,%20float,%20float,%20int,%20float,%20float,%20int,%20int))
/// for description of the parameters.
/// See [AndroidViewController.dispatchPointerEvent] for sending a
/// [PointerEvent].
Future<void> sendMotionEvent(AndroidMotionEvent event) async {
await SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod<dynamic>(
/// Converts a given point from the global coordinate system in logical pixels
/// to the local coordinate system for this box.
/// This is required to convert a [PointerEvent] to an [AndroidMotionEvent].
/// It is typically provided by using [RenderBox.globalToLocal].
PointTransformer get pointTransformer => _motionEventConverter.pointTransformer;
set pointTransformer(PointTransformer transformer) {
_motionEventConverter.pointTransformer = transformer;
/// Whether the platform view has already been created.
bool get isCreated => _state == _AndroidViewState.created;
/// Adds a callback that will get invoke after the platform view has been
/// created.
void addOnPlatformViewCreatedListener(PlatformViewCreatedCallback listener) {
assert(_state != _AndroidViewState.disposed);
/// Removes a callback added with [addOnPlatformViewCreatedListener].
void removeOnPlatformViewCreatedListener(PlatformViewCreatedCallback listener) {
assert(_state != _AndroidViewState.disposed);
/// The created callbacks that are invoked after the platform view has been
/// created.
List<PlatformViewCreatedCallback> get createdCallbacks => _platformViewCreatedCallbacks;
/// Sets the layout direction for the Android view.
Future<void> setLayoutDirection(TextDirection layoutDirection) async {
_state != _AndroidViewState.disposed,
'trying to set a layout direction for a disposed Android view. View id: $viewId',
if (layoutDirection == _layoutDirection) {
_layoutDirection = layoutDirection;
// If the view was not yet created we just update _layoutDirection and return, as the new
// direction will be used in _create.
if (_state == _AndroidViewState.waitingForSize) {
await SystemChannels.platform_views
.invokeMethod<void>('setDirection', <String, dynamic>{
'id': viewId,
'direction': _getAndroidDirection(layoutDirection),
/// Converts the [PointerEvent] and sends an Android [MotionEvent](
/// to the view.
/// This method can only be used if a [PointTransformer] is provided to
/// [AndroidViewController.pointTransformer]. Otherwise, an [AssertionError]
/// is thrown. See [AndroidViewController.sendMotionEvent] for sending a
/// `MotionEvent` without a [PointTransformer].
/// The Android MotionEvent object is created with [MotionEvent.obtain](,%20long,%20int,%20float,%20float,%20float,%20float,%20int,%20float,%20float,%20int,%20int)).
/// See documentation of [MotionEvent.obtain](,%20long,%20int,%20float,%20float,%20float,%20float,%20int,%20float,%20float,%20int,%20int))
/// for description of the parameters.
Future<void> dispatchPointerEvent(PointerEvent event) async {
if (event is PointerHoverEvent) {
if (event is PointerDownEvent) {
final AndroidMotionEvent? androidEvent =
if (event is PointerUpEvent) {
} else if (event is PointerCancelEvent) {
if (androidEvent != null) {
await sendMotionEvent(androidEvent);
/// Clears the focus from the Android View if it is focused.
Future<void> clearFocus() {
if (_state != _AndroidViewState.created) {
return Future<void>.value();
return SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod<void>('clearFocus', viewId);
/// Disposes the Android view.
/// The [AndroidViewController] object is unusable after calling this.
/// The identifier of the platform view cannot be reused after the view is
/// disposed.
Future<void> dispose() async {
final _AndroidViewState state = _state;
_state = _AndroidViewState.disposed;
if (state == _AndroidViewState.creating || state == _AndroidViewState.created) {
await _sendDisposeMessage();
/// Controls an Android view that is composed using a GL texture.
/// This controller is created from the [PlatformViewsService.initSurfaceAndroidView] factory,
/// and is defined for backward compatibility.
class SurfaceAndroidViewController extends AndroidViewController {
required super.viewId,
required super.viewType,
required super.layoutDirection,
}) : super._();
// By default, assume the implementation will be texture-based.
_AndroidViewControllerInternals _internals = _TextureAndroidViewControllerInternals();
bool get _createRequiresSize => true;
Future<bool> _sendCreateMessage({required Size size, Offset? position}) async {
assert(!size.isEmpty, 'trying to create $TextureAndroidViewController without setting a valid size.');
final dynamic response = await _AndroidViewControllerInternals.sendCreateMessage(
viewId: viewId,
viewType: _viewType,
hybrid: false,
hybridFallback: true,
layoutDirection: _layoutDirection,
creationParams: _creationParams,
size: size,
position: position,
if (response is int) {
(_internals as _TextureAndroidViewControllerInternals).textureId = response;
} else {
// A null response indicates fallback to Hybrid Composition, so swap out
// the implementation.
_internals = _HybridAndroidViewControllerInternals();
return true;
int? get textureId {
return _internals.textureId;
bool get requiresViewComposition {
return _internals.requiresViewComposition;
Future<void> _sendDisposeMessage() {
return _internals.sendDisposeMessage(viewId: viewId);
Future<Size> _sendResizeMessage(Size size) {
return _internals.setSize(size, viewId: viewId, viewState: _state);
Future<void> setOffset(Offset off) {
return _internals.setOffset(off, viewId: viewId, viewState: _state);
/// Controls an Android view that is composed using the Android view hierarchy.
/// This controller is created from the [PlatformViewsService.initExpensiveAndroidView] factory.
class ExpensiveAndroidViewController extends AndroidViewController {
required super.viewId,
required super.viewType,
required super.layoutDirection,
}) : super._();
final _AndroidViewControllerInternals _internals = _HybridAndroidViewControllerInternals();
bool get _createRequiresSize => false;
Future<void> _sendCreateMessage({required Size? size, Offset? position}) async {
await _AndroidViewControllerInternals.sendCreateMessage(
viewId: viewId,
viewType: _viewType,
hybrid: true,
layoutDirection: _layoutDirection,
creationParams: _creationParams,
position: position,
int? get textureId {
return _internals.textureId;
bool get requiresViewComposition {
return _internals.requiresViewComposition;
Future<void> _sendDisposeMessage() {
return _internals.sendDisposeMessage(viewId: viewId);
Future<Size> _sendResizeMessage(Size size) {
return _internals.setSize(size, viewId: viewId, viewState: _state);
Future<void> setOffset(Offset off) {
return _internals.setOffset(off, viewId: viewId, viewState: _state);
/// Controls an Android view that is rendered as a texture.
/// This is typically used by [AndroidView] to display a View in the Android view hierarchy.
/// The platform view is created by calling [create] with an initial size.
/// The controller is typically created with [PlatformViewsService.initAndroidView].
class TextureAndroidViewController extends AndroidViewController {
required super.viewId,
required super.viewType,
required super.layoutDirection,
}) : super._();
final _TextureAndroidViewControllerInternals _internals = _TextureAndroidViewControllerInternals();
bool get _createRequiresSize => true;
Future<void> _sendCreateMessage({required Size size, Offset? position}) async {
assert(!size.isEmpty, 'trying to create $TextureAndroidViewController without setting a valid size.');
_internals.textureId = await _AndroidViewControllerInternals.sendCreateMessage(
viewId: viewId,
viewType: _viewType,
hybrid: false,
layoutDirection: _layoutDirection,
creationParams: _creationParams,
size: size,
position: position,
) as int;
int? get textureId {
return _internals.textureId;
bool get requiresViewComposition {
return _internals.requiresViewComposition;
Future<void> _sendDisposeMessage() {
return _internals.sendDisposeMessage(viewId: viewId);
Future<Size> _sendResizeMessage(Size size) {
return _internals.setSize(size, viewId: viewId, viewState: _state);
Future<void> setOffset(Offset off) {
return _internals.setOffset(off, viewId: viewId, viewState: _state);
// The base class for an implementation of AndroidViewController.
// Subclasses should correspond to different rendering modes for platform
// views, and match different mode logic on the engine side.
abstract class _AndroidViewControllerInternals {
// Sends a create message with the given parameters, and returns the result
// if any.
// This uses a dynamic return because depending on the mode that is selected
// on the native side, the return type is different. Callers should cast
// depending on the possible return types for their arguments.
static Future<dynamic> sendCreateMessage({
required int viewId,
required String viewType,
required TextDirection layoutDirection,
required bool hybrid,
bool hybridFallback = false,
_CreationParams? creationParams,
Size? size,
Offset? position}) {
final Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{
'id': viewId,
'viewType': viewType,
'direction': AndroidViewController._getAndroidDirection(layoutDirection),
if (hybrid) 'hybrid': hybrid,
if (size != null) 'width': size.width,
if (size != null) 'height': size.height,
if (hybridFallback) 'hybridFallback': hybridFallback,
if (position != null) 'left': position.dx,
if (position != null) 'top': position.dy,
if (creationParams != null) {
final ByteData paramsByteData = creationParams.codec.encodeMessage(!;
args['params'] = Uint8List.view(
return SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod<dynamic>('create', args);
int? get textureId;
bool get requiresViewComposition;
Future<Size> setSize(
Size size, {
required int viewId,
required _AndroidViewState viewState,
Future<void> setOffset(
Offset offset, {
required int viewId,
required _AndroidViewState viewState,
Future<void> sendDisposeMessage({required int viewId});
// An AndroidViewController implementation for views whose contents are
// displayed via a texture rather than directly in a native view.
// This is used for both Virtual Display and Texture Layer Hybrid Composition.
class _TextureAndroidViewControllerInternals extends _AndroidViewControllerInternals {
/// The current offset of the platform view.
Offset _offset =;
int? textureId;
bool get requiresViewComposition => false;
Future<Size> setSize(
Size size, {
required int viewId,
required _AndroidViewState viewState,
}) async {
assert(viewState != _AndroidViewState.waitingForSize, 'Android view must have an initial size. View id: $viewId');
final Map<Object?, Object?>? meta = await SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMapMethod<Object?, Object?>(
<String, dynamic>{
'id': viewId,
'width': size.width,
'height': size.height,
assert(meta != null);
return Size(meta!['width']! as double, meta['height']! as double);
Future<void> setOffset(
Offset offset, {
required int viewId,
required _AndroidViewState viewState,
}) async {
if (offset == _offset) {
// Don't set the offset unless the Android view has been created.
// The implementation of this method channel throws if the Android view for this viewId
// isn't addressable.
if (viewState != _AndroidViewState.created) {
_offset = offset;
await SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod<void>(
<String, dynamic>{
'id': viewId,
'top': offset.dy,
'left': offset.dx,
Future<void> sendDisposeMessage({required int viewId}) {
return SystemChannels
.platform_views.invokeMethod<void>('dispose', <String, dynamic>{
'id': viewId,
'hybrid': false,
// An AndroidViewController implementation for views whose contents are
// displayed directly in a native view.
// This is used for Hybrid Composition.
class _HybridAndroidViewControllerInternals extends _AndroidViewControllerInternals {
int get textureId {
throw UnimplementedError('Not supported for hybrid composition.');
bool get requiresViewComposition => true;
Future<Size> setSize(
Size size, {
required int viewId,
required _AndroidViewState viewState,
}) {
throw UnimplementedError('Not supported for hybrid composition.');
Future<void> setOffset(
Offset offset, {
required int viewId,
required _AndroidViewState viewState,
}) {
throw UnimplementedError('Not supported for hybrid composition.');
Future<void> sendDisposeMessage({required int viewId}) {
return SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod<void>('dispose', <String, dynamic>{
'id': viewId,
'hybrid': true,
/// Base class for iOS and macOS view controllers.
/// View controllers are used to create and interact with the UIView or NSView
/// underlying a platform view.
abstract class DarwinPlatformViewController {
/// Public default for subclasses to override.
TextDirection layoutDirection,
) : _layoutDirection = layoutDirection;
/// The unique identifier of the iOS view controlled by this controller.
/// This identifier is typically generated by
/// [PlatformViewsRegistry.getNextPlatformViewId].
final int id;
bool _debugDisposed = false;
TextDirection _layoutDirection;
/// Sets the layout direction for the iOS UIView.
Future<void> setLayoutDirection(TextDirection layoutDirection) async {
assert(!_debugDisposed, 'trying to set a layout direction for a disposed iOS UIView. View id: $id');
if (layoutDirection == _layoutDirection) {
_layoutDirection = layoutDirection;
// TODO(amirh): invoke the iOS platform views channel direction method once available.
/// Accept an active gesture.
/// When a touch sequence is happening on the embedded UIView all touch events are delayed.
/// Calling this method releases the delayed events to the embedded UIView and makes it consume
/// any following touch events for the pointers involved in the active gesture.
Future<void> acceptGesture() {
final Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{
'id': id,
return SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod('acceptGesture', args);
/// Rejects an active gesture.
/// When a touch sequence is happening on the embedded UIView all touch events are delayed.
/// Calling this method drops the buffered touch events and prevents any future touch events for
/// the pointers that are part of the active touch sequence from arriving to the embedded view.
Future<void> rejectGesture() {
final Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{
'id': id,
return SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod('rejectGesture', args);
/// Disposes the view.
/// The [UiKitViewController] object is unusable after calling this.
/// The `id` of the platform view cannot be reused after the view is
/// disposed.
Future<void> dispose() async {
_debugDisposed = true;
await SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod<void>('dispose', id);
/// Controller for an iOS platform view.
/// View controllers create and interact with the underlying UIView.
/// Typically created with [PlatformViewsService.initUiKitView].
class UiKitViewController extends DarwinPlatformViewController {
/// Controller for a macOS platform view.
class AppKitViewController extends DarwinPlatformViewController {
/// An interface for controlling a single platform view.
/// Used by [PlatformViewSurface] to interface with the platform view it embeds.
abstract class PlatformViewController {
/// The viewId associated with this controller.
/// The viewId should always be unique and non-negative.
/// See also:
/// * [PlatformViewsRegistry], which is a helper for managing platform view IDs.
int get viewId;
/// True if [create] has not been successfully called the platform view.
/// This can indicate either that [create] was never called, or that [create]
/// was deferred for implementation-specific reasons.
/// A `false` return value does not necessarily indicate that the [Future]
/// returned by [create] has completed, only that creation has been started.
bool get awaitingCreation => false;
/// Dispatches the `event` to the platform view.
Future<void> dispatchPointerEvent(PointerEvent event);
/// Creates the platform view with the initial [size].
/// [size] is the view's initial size in logical pixel.
/// [size] can be omitted if the concrete implementation doesn't require an initial size
/// to create the platform view.
/// [position] is the view's initial position in logical pixels.
/// [position] can be omitted if the concrete implementation doesn't require
/// an initial position.
Future<void> create({Size? size, Offset? position}) async {}
/// Disposes the platform view.
/// The [PlatformViewController] is unusable after calling dispose.
Future<void> dispose();
/// Clears the view's focus on the platform side.
Future<void> clearFocus();