blob: 5c07a281dccd4a2730e98fc8946d9f4a241a5a57 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// @docImport 'editable_text.dart';
/// @docImport 'scroll_view.dart';
/// @docImport 'table.dart';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show clampDouble;
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/physics.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart' show Matrix4, Quad, Vector3;
import 'basic.dart';
import 'framework.dart';
import 'gesture_detector.dart';
import 'layout_builder.dart';
import 'ticker_provider.dart';
// Examples can assume:
// late BuildContext context;
// late Offset? _childWasTappedAt;
// late TransformationController _transformationController;
// Widget child = const Placeholder();
/// A signature for widget builders that take a [Quad] of the current viewport.
/// See also:
/// * [InteractiveViewer.builder], whose builder is of this type.
/// * [WidgetBuilder], which is similar, but takes no viewport.
typedef InteractiveViewerWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Quad viewport);
/// A widget that enables pan and zoom interactions with its child.
/// {@youtube 560 315}
/// The user can transform the child by dragging to pan or pinching to zoom.
/// By default, InteractiveViewer clips its child using [Clip.hardEdge].
/// To prevent this behavior, consider setting [clipBehavior] to [Clip.none].
/// When [clipBehavior] is [Clip.none], InteractiveViewer may draw outside of
/// its original area of the screen, such as when a child is zoomed in and
/// increases in size. However, it will not receive gestures outside of its original area.
/// To prevent dead areas where InteractiveViewer does not receive gestures,
/// don't set [clipBehavior] or be sure that the InteractiveViewer widget is the
/// size of the area that should be interactive.
/// See also:
/// * The [Flutter Gallery's transformations demo](,
/// which includes the use of InteractiveViewer.
/// * The [flutter-go demo](, which includes robust positioning of an InteractiveViewer child
/// that works for all screen sizes and child sizes.
/// * The [Lazy Flutter Performance Session](, which includes the use of an InteractiveViewer to
/// performantly view subsets of a large set of widgets using the builder constructor.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This example shows a simple Container that can be panned and zoomed.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/interactive_viewer/interactive_viewer.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
class InteractiveViewer extends StatefulWidget {
/// Create an InteractiveViewer.
this.clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge,
this.panAxis =,
this.boundaryMargin =,
this.constrained = true,
// These default scale values were eyeballed as reasonable limits for common
// use cases.
this.maxScale = 2.5,
this.minScale = 0.8,
this.interactionEndFrictionCoefficient = _kDrag,
this.panEnabled = true,
this.scaleEnabled = true,
this.scaleFactor = kDefaultMouseScrollToScaleFactor,
this.trackpadScrollCausesScale = false,
required Widget this.child,
}) : assert(minScale > 0),
assert(interactionEndFrictionCoefficient > 0),
assert(maxScale > 0),
assert(maxScale >= minScale),
// boundaryMargin must be either fully infinite or fully finite, but not
// a mix of both.
&& boundaryMargin.vertical.isInfinite) || (
&& boundaryMargin.right.isFinite && boundaryMargin.bottom.isFinite
&& boundaryMargin.left.isFinite),
builder = null;
/// Creates an InteractiveViewer for a child that is created on demand.
/// Can be used to render a child that changes in response to the current
/// transformation.
/// See the [builder] attribute docs for an example of using it to optimize a
/// large child.
this.clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge,
this.panAxis =,
this.boundaryMargin =,
// These default scale values were eyeballed as reasonable limits for common
// use cases.
this.maxScale = 2.5,
this.minScale = 0.8,
this.interactionEndFrictionCoefficient = _kDrag,
this.panEnabled = true,
this.scaleEnabled = true,
this.scaleFactor = 200.0,
this.trackpadScrollCausesScale = false,
required InteractiveViewerWidgetBuilder this.builder,
}) : assert(minScale > 0),
assert(interactionEndFrictionCoefficient > 0),
assert(maxScale > 0),
assert(maxScale >= minScale),
// boundaryMargin must be either fully infinite or fully finite, but not
// a mix of both.
(boundaryMargin.horizontal.isInfinite && boundaryMargin.vertical.isInfinite) ||
( &&
boundaryMargin.right.isFinite &&
boundaryMargin.bottom.isFinite &&
constrained = false,
child = null;
/// The alignment of the child's origin, relative to the size of the box.
final Alignment? alignment;
/// If set to [Clip.none], the child may extend beyond the size of the InteractiveViewer,
/// but it will not receive gestures in these areas.
/// Be sure that the InteractiveViewer is the desired size when using [Clip.none].
/// Defaults to [Clip.hardEdge].
final Clip clipBehavior;
/// When set to [PanAxis.aligned], panning is only allowed in the horizontal
/// axis or the vertical axis, diagonal panning is not allowed.
/// When set to [PanAxis.vertical] or [PanAxis.horizontal] panning is only
/// allowed in the specified axis. For example, if set to [PanAxis.vertical],
/// panning will only be allowed in the vertical axis. And if set to [PanAxis.horizontal],
/// panning will only be allowed in the horizontal axis.
/// When set to [] panning is allowed in all directions.
/// Defaults to [].
final PanAxis panAxis;
/// A margin for the visible boundaries of the child.
/// Any transformation that results in the viewport being able to view outside
/// of the boundaries will be stopped at the boundary. The boundaries do not
/// rotate with the rest of the scene, so they are always aligned with the
/// viewport.
/// To produce no boundaries at all, pass infinite [EdgeInsets], such as
/// `EdgeInsets.all(double.infinity)`.
/// No edge can be NaN.
/// Defaults to [], which results in boundaries that are the
/// exact same size and position as the [child].
final EdgeInsets boundaryMargin;
/// Builds the child of this widget.
/// Passed with the [InteractiveViewer.builder] constructor. Otherwise, the
/// [child] parameter must be passed directly, and this is null.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This example shows how to use builder to create a [Table] whose cell
/// contents are only built when they are visible. Built and remove cells are
/// logged in the console for illustration.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/interactive_viewer/interactive_viewer.builder.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [ListView.builder], which follows a similar pattern.
final InteractiveViewerWidgetBuilder? builder;
/// The child [Widget] that is transformed by InteractiveViewer.
/// If the [InteractiveViewer.builder] constructor is used, then this will be
/// null, otherwise it is required.
final Widget? child;
/// Whether the normal size constraints at this point in the widget tree are
/// applied to the child.
/// If set to false, then the child will be given infinite constraints. This
/// is often useful when a child should be bigger than the InteractiveViewer.
/// For example, for a child which is bigger than the viewport but can be
/// panned to reveal parts that were initially offscreen, [constrained] must
/// be set to false to allow it to size itself properly. If [constrained] is
/// true and the child can only size itself to the viewport, then areas
/// initially outside of the viewport will not be able to receive user
/// interaction events. If experiencing regions of the child that are not
/// receptive to user gestures, make sure [constrained] is false and the child
/// is sized properly.
/// Defaults to true.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This example shows how to create a pannable table. Because the table is
/// larger than the entire screen, setting [constrained] to false is necessary
/// to allow it to be drawn to its full size. The parts of the table that
/// exceed the screen size can then be panned into view.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/interactive_viewer/interactive_viewer.constrained.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
final bool constrained;
/// If false, the user will be prevented from panning.
/// Defaults to true.
/// See also:
/// * [scaleEnabled], which is similar but for scale.
final bool panEnabled;
/// If false, the user will be prevented from scaling.
/// Defaults to true.
/// See also:
/// * [panEnabled], which is similar but for panning.
final bool scaleEnabled;
/// {@macro flutter.gestures.scale.trackpadScrollCausesScale}
final bool trackpadScrollCausesScale;
/// Determines the amount of scale to be performed per pointer scroll.
/// Defaults to [kDefaultMouseScrollToScaleFactor].
/// Increasing this value above the default causes scaling to feel slower,
/// while decreasing it causes scaling to feel faster.
/// The amount of scale is calculated as the exponential function of the
/// [PointerScrollEvent.scrollDelta] to [scaleFactor] ratio. In the Flutter
/// engine, the mousewheel [PointerScrollEvent.scrollDelta] is hardcoded to 20
/// per scroll, while a trackpad scroll can be any amount.
/// Affects only pointer device scrolling, not pinch to zoom.
final double scaleFactor;
/// The maximum allowed scale.
/// The scale will be clamped between this and [minScale] inclusively.
/// Defaults to 2.5.
/// Must be greater than zero and greater than [minScale].
final double maxScale;
/// The minimum allowed scale.
/// The scale will be clamped between this and [maxScale] inclusively.
/// Scale is also affected by [boundaryMargin]. If the scale would result in
/// viewing beyond the boundary, then it will not be allowed. By default,
/// boundaryMargin is, so scaling below 1.0 will not be
/// allowed in most cases without first increasing the boundaryMargin.
/// Defaults to 0.8.
/// Must be a finite number greater than zero and less than [maxScale].
final double minScale;
/// Changes the deceleration behavior after a gesture.
/// Defaults to 0.0000135.
/// Must be a finite number greater than zero.
final double interactionEndFrictionCoefficient;
/// Called when the user ends a pan or scale gesture on the widget.
/// At the time this is called, the [TransformationController] will have
/// already been updated to reflect the change caused by the interaction,
/// though a pan may cause an inertia animation after this is called as well.
/// {@template flutter.widgets.InteractiveViewer.onInteractionEnd}
/// Will be called even if the interaction is disabled with [panEnabled] or
/// [scaleEnabled] for both touch gestures and mouse interactions.
/// A [GestureDetector] wrapping the InteractiveViewer will not respond to
/// [GestureDetector.onScaleStart], [GestureDetector.onScaleUpdate], and
/// [GestureDetector.onScaleEnd]. Use [onInteractionStart],
/// [onInteractionUpdate], and [onInteractionEnd] to respond to those
/// gestures.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// See also:
/// * [onInteractionStart], which handles the start of the same interaction.
/// * [onInteractionUpdate], which handles an update to the same interaction.
final GestureScaleEndCallback? onInteractionEnd;
/// Called when the user begins a pan or scale gesture on the widget.
/// At the time this is called, the [TransformationController] will not have
/// changed due to this interaction.
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.InteractiveViewer.onInteractionEnd}
/// The coordinates provided in the details' `focalPoint` and
/// `localFocalPoint` are normal Flutter event coordinates, not
/// InteractiveViewer scene coordinates. See
/// [TransformationController.toScene] for how to convert these coordinates to
/// scene coordinates relative to the child.
/// See also:
/// * [onInteractionUpdate], which handles an update to the same interaction.
/// * [onInteractionEnd], which handles the end of the same interaction.
final GestureScaleStartCallback? onInteractionStart;
/// Called when the user updates a pan or scale gesture on the widget.
/// At the time this is called, the [TransformationController] will have
/// already been updated to reflect the change caused by the interaction, if
/// the interaction caused the matrix to change.
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.InteractiveViewer.onInteractionEnd}
/// The coordinates provided in the details' `focalPoint` and
/// `localFocalPoint` are normal Flutter event coordinates, not
/// InteractiveViewer scene coordinates. See
/// [TransformationController.toScene] for how to convert these coordinates to
/// scene coordinates relative to the child.
/// See also:
/// * [onInteractionStart], which handles the start of the same interaction.
/// * [onInteractionEnd], which handles the end of the same interaction.
final GestureScaleUpdateCallback? onInteractionUpdate;
/// A [TransformationController] for the transformation performed on the
/// child.
/// Whenever the child is transformed, the [Matrix4] value is updated and all
/// listeners are notified. If the value is set, InteractiveViewer will update
/// to respect the new value.
/// {@tool dartpad}
/// This example shows how transformationController can be used to animate the
/// transformation back to its starting position.
/// ** See code in examples/api/lib/widgets/interactive_viewer/interactive_viewer.transformation_controller.0.dart **
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [ValueNotifier], the parent class of TransformationController.
/// * [TextEditingController] for an example of another similar pattern.
final TransformationController? transformationController;
// Used as the coefficient of friction in the inertial translation animation.
// This value was eyeballed to give a feel similar to Google Photos.
static const double _kDrag = 0.0000135;
/// Returns the closest point to the given point on the given line segment.
static Vector3 getNearestPointOnLine(Vector3 point, Vector3 l1, Vector3 l2) {
final double lengthSquared = math.pow(l2.x - l1.x, 2.0).toDouble()
+ math.pow(l2.y - l1.y, 2.0).toDouble();
// In this case, l1 == l2.
if (lengthSquared == 0) {
return l1;
// Calculate how far down the line segment the closest point is and return
// the point.
final Vector3 l1P = point - l1;
final Vector3 l1L2 = l2 - l1;
final double fraction = clampDouble( / lengthSquared, 0.0, 1.0);
return l1 + l1L2 * fraction;
/// Given a quad, return its axis aligned bounding box.
static Quad getAxisAlignedBoundingBox(Quad quad) {
final double minX = math.min(
final double minY = math.min(
final double maxX = math.max(
final double maxY = math.max(
return Quad.points(
Vector3(minX, minY, 0),
Vector3(maxX, minY, 0),
Vector3(maxX, maxY, 0),
Vector3(minX, maxY, 0),
/// Returns true iff the point is inside the rectangle given by the Quad,
/// inclusively.
/// Algorithm from
static bool pointIsInside(Vector3 point, Quad quad) {
final Vector3 aM = point - quad.point0;
final Vector3 aB = quad.point1 - quad.point0;
final Vector3 aD = quad.point3 - quad.point0;
final double aMAB =;
final double aBAB =;
final double aMAD =;
final double aDAD =;
return 0 <= aMAB && aMAB <= aBAB && 0 <= aMAD && aMAD <= aDAD;
/// Get the point inside (inclusively) the given Quad that is nearest to the
/// given Vector3.
static Vector3 getNearestPointInside(Vector3 point, Quad quad) {
// If the point is inside the axis aligned bounding box, then it's ok where
// it is.
if (pointIsInside(point, quad)) {
return point;
// Otherwise, return the nearest point on the quad.
final List<Vector3> closestPoints = <Vector3>[
InteractiveViewer.getNearestPointOnLine(point, quad.point0, quad.point1),
InteractiveViewer.getNearestPointOnLine(point, quad.point1, quad.point2),
InteractiveViewer.getNearestPointOnLine(point, quad.point2, quad.point3),
InteractiveViewer.getNearestPointOnLine(point, quad.point3, quad.point0),
double minDistance = double.infinity;
late Vector3 closestOverall;
for (final Vector3 closePoint in closestPoints) {
final double distance = math.sqrt(
math.pow(point.x - closePoint.x, 2) + math.pow(point.y - closePoint.y, 2),
if (distance < minDistance) {
minDistance = distance;
closestOverall = closePoint;
return closestOverall;
State<InteractiveViewer> createState() => _InteractiveViewerState();
class _InteractiveViewerState extends State<InteractiveViewer> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
late TransformationController _transformer = widget.transformationController
?? TransformationController();
final GlobalKey _childKey = GlobalKey();
final GlobalKey _parentKey = GlobalKey();
Animation<Offset>? _animation;
Animation<double>? _scaleAnimation;
late Offset _scaleAnimationFocalPoint;
late AnimationController _controller;
late AnimationController _scaleController;
Axis? _currentAxis; // Used with panAxis.
Offset? _referenceFocalPoint; // Point where the current gesture began.
double? _scaleStart; // Scale value at start of scaling gesture.
double? _rotationStart = 0.0; // Rotation at start of rotation gesture.
double _currentRotation = 0.0; // Rotation of _transformationController.value.
_GestureType? _gestureType;
// TODO(justinmc): Add rotateEnabled parameter to the widget and remove this
// hardcoded value when the rotation feature is implemented.
final bool _rotateEnabled = false;
// The _boundaryRect is calculated by adding the boundaryMargin to the size of
// the child.
Rect get _boundaryRect {
assert(_childKey.currentContext != null);
final RenderBox childRenderBox = _childKey.currentContext!.findRenderObject()! as RenderBox;
final Size childSize = childRenderBox.size;
final Rect boundaryRect = widget.boundaryMargin.inflateRect( & childSize);
"InteractiveViewer's child must have nonzero dimensions.",
// Boundaries that are partially infinite are not allowed because Matrix4's
// rotation and translation methods don't handle infinites well.
boundaryRect.isFinite ||
&& boundaryRect.right.isInfinite
&& boundaryRect.bottom.isInfinite),
'boundaryRect must either be infinite in all directions or finite in all directions.',
return boundaryRect;
// The Rect representing the child's parent.
Rect get _viewport {
assert(_parentKey.currentContext != null);
final RenderBox parentRenderBox = _parentKey.currentContext!.findRenderObject()! as RenderBox;
return & parentRenderBox.size;
// Return a new matrix representing the given matrix after applying the given
// translation.
Matrix4 _matrixTranslate(Matrix4 matrix, Offset translation) {
if (translation == {
return matrix.clone();
final Offset alignedTranslation;
if (_currentAxis != null) {
alignedTranslation = switch (widget.panAxis){
PanAxis.horizontal => _alignAxis(translation, Axis.horizontal),
PanAxis.vertical => _alignAxis(translation, Axis.vertical),
PanAxis.aligned => _alignAxis(translation, _currentAxis!), => translation,
} else {
alignedTranslation = translation;
final Matrix4 nextMatrix = matrix.clone()..translate(
// Transform the viewport to determine where its four corners will be after
// the child has been transformed.
final Quad nextViewport = _transformViewport(nextMatrix, _viewport);
// If the boundaries are infinite, then no need to check if the translation
// fits within them.
if (_boundaryRect.isInfinite) {
return nextMatrix;
// Expand the boundaries with rotation. This prevents the problem where a
// mismatch in orientation between the viewport and boundaries effectively
// limits translation. With this approach, all points that are visible with
// no rotation are visible after rotation.
final Quad boundariesAabbQuad = _getAxisAlignedBoundingBoxWithRotation(
// If the given translation fits completely within the boundaries, allow it.
final Offset offendingDistance = _exceedsBy(boundariesAabbQuad, nextViewport);
if (offendingDistance == {
return nextMatrix;
// Desired translation goes out of bounds, so translate to the nearest
// in-bounds point instead.
final Offset nextTotalTranslation = _getMatrixTranslation(nextMatrix);
final double currentScale = matrix.getMaxScaleOnAxis();
final Offset correctedTotalTranslation = Offset(
nextTotalTranslation.dx - offendingDistance.dx * currentScale,
nextTotalTranslation.dy - offendingDistance.dy * currentScale,
// TODO(justinmc): This needs some work to handle rotation properly. The
// idea is that the boundaries are axis aligned (boundariesAabbQuad), but
// calculating the translation to put the viewport inside that Quad is more
// complicated than this when rotated.
final Matrix4 correctedMatrix = matrix.clone()..setTranslation(Vector3(
// Double check that the corrected translation fits.
final Quad correctedViewport = _transformViewport(correctedMatrix, _viewport);
final Offset offendingCorrectedDistance = _exceedsBy(boundariesAabbQuad, correctedViewport);
if (offendingCorrectedDistance == {
return correctedMatrix;
// If the corrected translation doesn't fit in either direction, don't allow
// any translation at all. This happens when the viewport is larger than the
// entire boundary.
if (offendingCorrectedDistance.dx != 0.0 && offendingCorrectedDistance.dy != 0.0) {
return matrix.clone();
// Otherwise, allow translation in only the direction that fits. This
// happens when the viewport is larger than the boundary in one direction.
final Offset unidirectionalCorrectedTotalTranslation = Offset(
offendingCorrectedDistance.dx == 0.0 ? correctedTotalTranslation.dx : 0.0,
offendingCorrectedDistance.dy == 0.0 ? correctedTotalTranslation.dy : 0.0,
return matrix.clone()..setTranslation(Vector3(
// Return a new matrix representing the given matrix after applying the given
// scale.
Matrix4 _matrixScale(Matrix4 matrix, double scale) {
if (scale == 1.0) {
return matrix.clone();
assert(scale != 0.0);
// Don't allow a scale that results in an overall scale beyond min/max
// scale.
final double currentScale = _transformer.value.getMaxScaleOnAxis();
final double totalScale = math.max(
currentScale * scale,
// Ensure that the scale cannot make the child so big that it can't fit
// inside the boundaries (in either direction).
_viewport.width / _boundaryRect.width,
_viewport.height / _boundaryRect.height,
final double clampedTotalScale = clampDouble(totalScale,
final double clampedScale = clampedTotalScale / currentScale;
return matrix.clone()..scale(clampedScale);
// Return a new matrix representing the given matrix after applying the given
// rotation.
Matrix4 _matrixRotate(Matrix4 matrix, double rotation, Offset focalPoint) {
if (rotation == 0) {
return matrix.clone();
final Offset focalPointScene = _transformer.toScene(focalPoint);
return matrix.clone()
..translate(focalPointScene.dx, focalPointScene.dy)
..translate(-focalPointScene.dx, -focalPointScene.dy);
// Returns true iff the given _GestureType is enabled.
bool _gestureIsSupported(_GestureType? gestureType) {
return switch (gestureType) {
_GestureType.rotate => _rotateEnabled,
_GestureType.scale => widget.scaleEnabled,
_GestureType.pan || null => widget.panEnabled,
// Decide which type of gesture this is by comparing the amount of scale
// and rotation in the gesture, if any. Scale starts at 1 and rotation
// starts at 0. Pan will have no scale and no rotation because it uses only one
// finger.
_GestureType _getGestureType(ScaleUpdateDetails details) {
final double scale = !widget.scaleEnabled ? 1.0 : details.scale;
final double rotation = !_rotateEnabled ? 0.0 : details.rotation;
if ((scale - 1).abs() > rotation.abs()) {
return _GestureType.scale;
} else if (rotation != 0.0) {
return _GestureType.rotate;
} else {
return _GestureType.pan;
// Handle the start of a gesture. All of pan, scale, and rotate are handled
// with GestureDetector's scale gesture.
void _onScaleStart(ScaleStartDetails details) {
if (_controller.isAnimating) {
_animation = null;
if (_scaleController.isAnimating) {
_scaleAnimation = null;
_gestureType = null;
_currentAxis = null;
_scaleStart = _transformer.value.getMaxScaleOnAxis();
_referenceFocalPoint = _transformer.toScene(details.localFocalPoint);
_rotationStart = _currentRotation;
// Handle an update to an ongoing gesture. All of pan, scale, and rotate are
// handled with GestureDetector's scale gesture.
void _onScaleUpdate(ScaleUpdateDetails details) {
final double scale = _transformer.value.getMaxScaleOnAxis();
_scaleAnimationFocalPoint = details.localFocalPoint;
final Offset focalPointScene = _transformer.toScene(
if (_gestureType == _GestureType.pan) {
// When a gesture first starts, it sometimes has no change in scale and
// rotation despite being a two-finger gesture. Here the gesture is
// allowed to be reinterpreted as its correct type after originally
// being marked as a pan.
_gestureType = _getGestureType(details);
} else {
_gestureType ??= _getGestureType(details);
if (!_gestureIsSupported(_gestureType)) {
switch (_gestureType!) {
case _GestureType.scale:
assert(_scaleStart != null);
// details.scale gives us the amount to change the scale as of the
// start of this gesture, so calculate the amount to scale as of the
// previous call to _onScaleUpdate.
final double desiredScale = _scaleStart! * details.scale;
final double scaleChange = desiredScale / scale;
_transformer.value = _matrixScale(_transformer.value, scaleChange);
// While scaling, translate such that the user's two fingers stay on
// the same places in the scene. That means that the focal point of
// the scale should be on the same place in the scene before and after
// the scale.
final Offset focalPointSceneScaled = _transformer.toScene(
_transformer.value = _matrixTranslate(
focalPointSceneScaled - _referenceFocalPoint!,
// details.localFocalPoint should now be at the same location as the
// original _referenceFocalPoint point. If it's not, that's because
// the translate came in contact with a boundary. In that case, update
// _referenceFocalPoint so subsequent updates happen in relation to
// the new effective focal point.
final Offset focalPointSceneCheck = _transformer.toScene(
if (_round(_referenceFocalPoint!) != _round(focalPointSceneCheck)) {
_referenceFocalPoint = focalPointSceneCheck;
case _GestureType.rotate:
if (details.rotation == 0.0) {
final double desiredRotation = _rotationStart! + details.rotation;
_transformer.value = _matrixRotate(
_currentRotation - desiredRotation,
_currentRotation = desiredRotation;
case _GestureType.pan:
assert(_referenceFocalPoint != null);
// details may have a change in scale here when scaleEnabled is false.
// In an effort to keep the behavior similar whether or not scaleEnabled
// is true, these gestures are thrown away.
if (details.scale != 1.0) {
_currentAxis ??= _getPanAxis(_referenceFocalPoint!, focalPointScene);
// Translate so that the same point in the scene is underneath the
// focal point before and after the movement.
final Offset translationChange = focalPointScene - _referenceFocalPoint!;
_transformer.value = _matrixTranslate(
_referenceFocalPoint = _transformer.toScene(details.localFocalPoint);
// Handle the end of a gesture of _GestureType. All of pan, scale, and rotate
// are handled with GestureDetector's scale gesture.
void _onScaleEnd(ScaleEndDetails details) {
_scaleStart = null;
_rotationStart = null;
_referenceFocalPoint = null;
if (!_gestureIsSupported(_gestureType)) {
_currentAxis = null;
switch (_gestureType) {
case _GestureType.pan:
if (details.velocity.pixelsPerSecond.distance < kMinFlingVelocity) {
_currentAxis = null;
final Vector3 translationVector = _transformer.value.getTranslation();
final Offset translation = Offset(translationVector.x, translationVector.y);
final FrictionSimulation frictionSimulationX = FrictionSimulation(
final FrictionSimulation frictionSimulationY = FrictionSimulation(
final double tFinal = _getFinalTime(
_animation = Tween<Offset>(
begin: translation,
end: Offset(frictionSimulationX.finalX, frictionSimulationY.finalX),
parent: _controller,
curve: Curves.decelerate,
_controller.duration = Duration(milliseconds: (tFinal * 1000).round());
case _GestureType.scale:
if (details.scaleVelocity.abs() < 0.1) {
_currentAxis = null;
final double scale = _transformer.value.getMaxScaleOnAxis();
final FrictionSimulation frictionSimulation = FrictionSimulation(
widget.interactionEndFrictionCoefficient * widget.scaleFactor,
details.scaleVelocity / 10
final double tFinal = _getFinalTime(details.scaleVelocity.abs(), widget.interactionEndFrictionCoefficient, effectivelyMotionless: 0.1);
_scaleAnimation = Tween<double>(
begin: scale,
end: frictionSimulation.x(tFinal)
parent: _scaleController,
curve: Curves.decelerate
_scaleController.duration = Duration(milliseconds: (tFinal * 1000).round());
case _GestureType.rotate || null:
// Handle mousewheel and web trackpad scroll events.
void _receivedPointerSignal(PointerSignalEvent event) {
final Offset local = event.localPosition;
final Offset global = event.position;
final double scaleChange;
if (event is PointerScrollEvent) {
if (event.kind == PointerDeviceKind.trackpad && !widget.trackpadScrollCausesScale) {
// Trackpad scroll, so treat it as a pan.
ScaleStartDetails(focalPoint: global, localFocalPoint: local),
final Offset localDelta = PointerEvent.transformDeltaViaPositions(
untransformedEndPosition: global + event.scrollDelta,
untransformedDelta: event.scrollDelta,
transform: event.transform,
if (!_gestureIsSupported(_GestureType.pan)) {
focalPoint: global - event.scrollDelta,
localFocalPoint: local - event.scrollDelta,
focalPointDelta: -localDelta,
final Offset focalPointScene = _transformer.toScene(local);
final Offset newFocalPointScene = _transformer.toScene(
local - localDelta,
_transformer.value = _matrixTranslate(
newFocalPointScene - focalPointScene,
focalPoint: global - event.scrollDelta,
localFocalPoint: local - localDelta,
focalPointDelta: -localDelta,
// Ignore left and right mouse wheel scroll.
if (event.scrollDelta.dy == 0.0) {
scaleChange = math.exp(-event.scrollDelta.dy / widget.scaleFactor);
else if (event is PointerScaleEvent) {
scaleChange = event.scale;
else {
ScaleStartDetails(focalPoint: global, localFocalPoint: local),
if (!_gestureIsSupported(_GestureType.scale)) {
focalPoint: global,
localFocalPoint: local,
scale: scaleChange,
final Offset focalPointScene = _transformer.toScene(local);
_transformer.value = _matrixScale(_transformer.value, scaleChange);
// After scaling, translate such that the event's position is at the
// same scene point before and after the scale.
final Offset focalPointSceneScaled = _transformer.toScene(local);
_transformer.value = _matrixTranslate(
focalPointSceneScaled - focalPointScene,
focalPoint: global,
localFocalPoint: local,
scale: scaleChange,
void _handleInertiaAnimation() {
if (!_controller.isAnimating) {
_currentAxis = null;
_animation = null;
// Translate such that the resulting translation is _animation.value.
final Vector3 translationVector = _transformer.value.getTranslation();
final Offset translation = Offset(translationVector.x, translationVector.y);
_transformer.value = _matrixTranslate(
_transformer.toScene(_animation!.value) - _transformer.toScene(translation),
void _handleScaleAnimation() {
if (!_scaleController.isAnimating) {
_currentAxis = null;
_scaleAnimation = null;
final double desiredScale = _scaleAnimation!.value;
final double scaleChange = desiredScale / _transformer.value.getMaxScaleOnAxis();
final Offset referenceFocalPoint = _transformer.toScene(
_transformer.value = _matrixScale(_transformer.value, scaleChange);
// While scaling, translate such that the user's two fingers stay on
// the same places in the scene. That means that the focal point of
// the scale should be on the same place in the scene before and after
// the scale.
final Offset focalPointSceneScaled = _transformer.toScene(
_transformer.value = _matrixTranslate(
focalPointSceneScaled - referenceFocalPoint,
void _handleTransformation() {
// A change to the TransformationController's value is a change to the
// state.
setState(() {});
void initState() {
_controller = AnimationController(vsync: this);
_scaleController = AnimationController(vsync: this);
void didUpdateWidget(InteractiveViewer oldWidget) {
final TransformationController? newController = widget.transformationController;
if (newController == oldWidget.transformationController) {
if (oldWidget.transformationController == null) {
_transformer = newController ?? TransformationController();
void dispose() {
if (widget.transformationController == null) {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Widget child;
if (widget.child != null) {
child = _InteractiveViewerBuilt(
childKey: _childKey,
clipBehavior: widget.clipBehavior,
constrained: widget.constrained,
matrix: _transformer.value,
alignment: widget.alignment,
child: widget.child!,
} else {
// When using InteractiveViewer.builder, then constrained is false and the
// viewport is the size of the constraints.
assert(widget.builder != null);
child = LayoutBuilder(
builder: (BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) {
final Matrix4 matrix = _transformer.value;
return _InteractiveViewerBuilt(
childKey: _childKey,
clipBehavior: widget.clipBehavior,
constrained: widget.constrained,
alignment: widget.alignment,
matrix: matrix,
child: widget.builder!(
_transformViewport(matrix, & constraints.biggest),
return Listener(
key: _parentKey,
onPointerSignal: _receivedPointerSignal,
child: GestureDetector(
behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque, // Necessary when panning off screen.
onScaleEnd: _onScaleEnd,
onScaleStart: _onScaleStart,
onScaleUpdate: _onScaleUpdate,
trackpadScrollCausesScale: widget.trackpadScrollCausesScale,
trackpadScrollToScaleFactor: Offset(0, -1/widget.scaleFactor),
child: child,
// This widget allows us to easily swap in and out the LayoutBuilder in
// InteractiveViewer's depending on if it's using a builder or a child.
class _InteractiveViewerBuilt extends StatelessWidget {
const _InteractiveViewerBuilt({
required this.child,
required this.childKey,
required this.clipBehavior,
required this.constrained,
required this.matrix,
required this.alignment,
final Widget child;
final GlobalKey childKey;
final Clip clipBehavior;
final bool constrained;
final Matrix4 matrix;
final Alignment? alignment;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Widget child = Transform(
transform: matrix,
alignment: alignment,
child: KeyedSubtree(
key: childKey,
child: this.child,
if (!constrained) {
child = OverflowBox(
alignment: Alignment.topLeft,
minWidth: 0.0,
minHeight: 0.0,
maxWidth: double.infinity,
maxHeight: double.infinity,
child: child,
return ClipRect(
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
child: child,
/// A thin wrapper on [ValueNotifier] whose value is a [Matrix4] representing a
/// transformation.
/// The [value] defaults to the identity matrix, which corresponds to no
/// transformation.
/// See also:
/// * [InteractiveViewer.transformationController] for detailed documentation
/// on how to use TransformationController with [InteractiveViewer].
class TransformationController extends ValueNotifier<Matrix4> {
/// Create an instance of [TransformationController].
/// The [value] defaults to the identity matrix, which corresponds to no
/// transformation.
TransformationController([Matrix4? value]) : super(value ?? Matrix4.identity());
/// Return the scene point at the given viewport point.
/// A viewport point is relative to the parent while a scene point is relative
/// to the child, regardless of transformation. Calling toScene with a
/// viewport point essentially returns the scene coordinate that lies
/// underneath the viewport point given the transform.
/// The viewport transforms as the inverse of the child (i.e. moving the child
/// left is equivalent to moving the viewport right).
/// This method is often useful when determining where an event on the parent
/// occurs on the child. This example shows how to determine where a tap on
/// the parent occurred on the child.
/// ```dart
/// @override
/// Widget build(BuildContext context) {
/// return GestureDetector(
/// onTapUp: (TapUpDetails details) {
/// _childWasTappedAt = _transformationController.toScene(
/// details.localPosition,
/// );
/// },
/// child: InteractiveViewer(
/// transformationController: _transformationController,
/// child: child,
/// ),
/// );
/// }
/// ```
Offset toScene(Offset viewportPoint) {
// On viewportPoint, perform the inverse transformation of the scene to get
// where the point would be in the scene before the transformation.
final Matrix4 inverseMatrix = Matrix4.inverted(value);
final Vector3 untransformed = inverseMatrix.transform3(Vector3(
return Offset(untransformed.x, untransformed.y);
// A classification of relevant user gestures. Each contiguous user gesture is
// represented by exactly one _GestureType.
enum _GestureType {
// Given a velocity and drag, calculate the time at which motion will come to
// a stop, within the margin of effectivelyMotionless.
double _getFinalTime(double velocity, double drag, {double effectivelyMotionless = 10}) {
return math.log(effectivelyMotionless / velocity) / math.log(drag / 100);
// Return the translation from the given Matrix4 as an Offset.
Offset _getMatrixTranslation(Matrix4 matrix) {
final Vector3 nextTranslation = matrix.getTranslation();
return Offset(nextTranslation.x, nextTranslation.y);
// Transform the four corners of the viewport by the inverse of the given
// matrix. This gives the viewport after the child has been transformed by the
// given matrix. The viewport transforms as the inverse of the child (i.e.
// moving the child left is equivalent to moving the viewport right).
Quad _transformViewport(Matrix4 matrix, Rect viewport) {
final Matrix4 inverseMatrix = matrix.clone()..invert();
return Quad.points(
// Find the axis aligned bounding box for the rect rotated about its center by
// the given amount.
Quad _getAxisAlignedBoundingBoxWithRotation(Rect rect, double rotation) {
final Matrix4 rotationMatrix = Matrix4.identity()
..translate(rect.size.width / 2, rect.size.height / 2)
..translate(-rect.size.width / 2, -rect.size.height / 2);
final Quad boundariesRotated = Quad.points(
rotationMatrix.transform3(Vector3(rect.left,, 0.0)),
rotationMatrix.transform3(Vector3(rect.right,, 0.0)),
rotationMatrix.transform3(Vector3(rect.right, rect.bottom, 0.0)),
rotationMatrix.transform3(Vector3(rect.left, rect.bottom, 0.0)),
return InteractiveViewer.getAxisAlignedBoundingBox(boundariesRotated);
// Return the amount that viewport lies outside of boundary. If the viewport
// is completely contained within the boundary (inclusively), then returns
Offset _exceedsBy(Quad boundary, Quad viewport) {
final List<Vector3> viewportPoints = <Vector3>[
viewport.point0, viewport.point1, viewport.point2, viewport.point3,
Offset largestExcess =;
for (final Vector3 point in viewportPoints) {
final Vector3 pointInside = InteractiveViewer.getNearestPointInside(point, boundary);
final Offset excess = Offset(
pointInside.x - point.x,
pointInside.y - point.y,
if (excess.dx.abs() > largestExcess.dx.abs()) {
largestExcess = Offset(excess.dx, largestExcess.dy);
if (excess.dy.abs() > largestExcess.dy.abs()) {
largestExcess = Offset(largestExcess.dx, excess.dy);
return _round(largestExcess);
// Round the output values. This works around a precision problem where
// values that should have been zero were given as within 10^-10 of zero.
Offset _round(Offset offset) {
return Offset(
// Align the given offset to the given axis by allowing movement only in the
// axis direction.
Offset _alignAxis(Offset offset, Axis axis) {
return switch (axis) {
Axis.horizontal => Offset(offset.dx, 0.0),
Axis.vertical => Offset(0.0, offset.dy),
// Given two points, return the axis where the distance between the points is
// greatest. If they are equal, return null.
Axis? _getPanAxis(Offset point1, Offset point2) {
if (point1 == point2) {
return null;
final double x = point2.dx - point1.dx;
final double y = point2.dy - point1.dy;
return x.abs() > y.abs() ? Axis.horizontal : Axis.vertical;
/// This enum is used to specify the behavior of the [InteractiveViewer] when
/// the user drags the viewport.
enum PanAxis{
/// The user can only pan the viewport along the horizontal axis.
/// The user can only pan the viewport along the vertical axis.
/// The user can pan the viewport along the horizontal and vertical axes
/// but not diagonally.
/// The user can pan the viewport freely in any direction.