blob: 0183f843bbf6f6951509e69f8325495769977d7b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:package_config/package_config_types.dart';
import '../asset.dart';
import '../base/common.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../build_info.dart';
import '../bundle_builder.dart';
import '../devfs.dart';
import '../device.dart';
import '../globals.dart' as globals;
import '../native_assets.dart';
import '../project.dart';
import '../runner/flutter_command.dart';
import '../runner/flutter_command_runner.dart';
import '../test/coverage_collector.dart';
import '../test/event_printer.dart';
import '../test/runner.dart';
import '../test/test_time_recorder.dart';
import '../test/test_wrapper.dart';
import '../test/watcher.dart';
import '../web/compile.dart';
import '../web/web_constants.dart';
/// The name of the directory where Integration Tests are placed.
/// When there are test files specified for the test command that are part of
/// this directory, *relative to the package root*, the files will be executed
/// as Integration Tests.
const String _kIntegrationTestDirectory = 'integration_test';
/// A command to run tests.
/// This command has two modes of execution:
/// ## Unit / Widget Tests
/// These tests run in the Flutter Tester, which is a desktop-based Flutter
/// embedder. In this mode, tests are quick to compile and run.
/// By default, if no flags are passed to the `flutter test` command, the Tool
/// will recursively find all files within the `test/` directory that end with
/// the `*_test.dart` suffix, and run them in a single invocation.
/// See:
/// -
/// -
/// ## Integration Tests
/// These tests run in a connected Flutter Device, similar to `flutter run`. As
/// a result, iteration is slower because device-based artifacts have to be
/// built.
/// Integration tests should be placed in the `integration_test/` directory of
/// your package. To run these tests, use `flutter test integration_test`.
/// See:
/// -
class TestCommand extends FlutterCommand with DeviceBasedDevelopmentArtifacts {
bool verboseHelp = false,
this.testWrapper = const TestWrapper(),
this.testRunner = const FlutterTestRunner(),
this.verbose = false,
}) {
addNullSafetyModeOptions(hide: !verboseHelp);
usesFrontendServerStarterPathOption(verboseHelp: verboseHelp);
usesTrackWidgetCreation(verboseHelp: verboseHelp);
addEnableExperimentation(hide: !verboseHelp);
addEnableImpellerFlag(verboseHelp: verboseHelp);
negatable: false,
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Run each test in a separate lightweight Flutter Engine to speed up testing.'
help: 'A regular expression matching substrings of the names of tests to run.',
valueHelp: 'regexp',
splitCommas: false,
help: 'A plain-text substring of the names of tests to run.',
valueHelp: 'substring',
splitCommas: false,
abbr: 't',
help: 'Run only tests associated with the specified tags. See:',
abbr: 'x',
help: 'Run only tests that do not have the specified tags. See:',
negatable: false,
help: 'Start in a paused mode and wait for a debugger to connect.\n'
'You must specify a single test file to run, explicitly.\n'
'Instructions for connecting with a debugger are printed to the '
'console once the test has started.',
help: 'Stop running tests after the first failure.',
help: 'Run skipped tests instead of skipping them.',
negatable: false,
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: '(deprecated) Allow connections to the VM service without using authentication codes. '
'(Not recommended! This can open your device to remote code execution attacks!)'
negatable: false,
help: 'Whether to collect coverage information.',
negatable: false,
help: 'Whether to merge coverage data with "coverage/".\n'
'Implies collecting coverage data. (Requires lcov.)',
negatable: false,
help: 'Whether to collect branch coverage information. '
'Implies collecting coverage data.',
negatable: false,
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Whether to use IPv6 for the test harness server socket.',
defaultsTo: 'coverage/',
help: 'Where to store coverage information (if coverage is enabled).',
help: 'A regular expression matching packages names '
'to include in the coverage report (if coverage is enabled). '
'If unset, matches the current package name.',
valueHelp: 'package-name-regexp',
splitCommas: false,
hide: !verboseHelp,
negatable: false,
help: 'Handle machine structured JSON command input '
'and provide output and progress in machine friendly format.',
negatable: false,
help: 'Whether "matchesGoldenFile()" calls within your test methods should ' // flutter_ignore: golden_tag (see analyze.dart)
'update the golden files rather than test for an existing match.',
abbr: 'j',
help: 'The number of concurrent test processes to run. This will be ignored '
'when running integration tests.',
valueHelp: 'jobs',
defaultsTo: true,
help: 'Whether to build the assets bundle for testing. '
'This takes additional time before running the tests. '
'Consider using "--no-test-assets" if assets are not required.',
// --platform is not supported to be used by Flutter developers. It only
// exists to test the Flutter framework itself and may be removed entirely
// in the future. Developers should either use plain `flutter test`, or
// `package:integration_test` instead.
allowed: const <String>['tester', 'chrome'],
hide: !verboseHelp,
defaultsTo: 'tester',
help: 'Selects the test backend.',
allowedHelp: <String, String>{
'tester': 'Run tests using the VM-based test environment.',
'chrome': '(deprecated) Run tests using the Google Chrome web browser. '
'This value is intended for testing the Flutter framework '
'itself and may be removed at any time.',
help: 'The seed to randomize the execution order of test cases within test files. '
'Must be a 32bit unsigned integer or the string "random", '
'which indicates that a seed should be selected randomly. '
'By default, tests run in the order they are declared.',
help: 'Tests can be sharded with the "--total-shards" and "--shard-index" '
'arguments, allowing you to split up your test suites and run '
'them separately.'
help: 'Tests can be sharded with the "--total-shards" and "--shard-index" '
'arguments, allowing you to split up your test suites and run '
'them separately.'
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Enables the VM service without "--start-paused". This flag is '
'intended for use with tests that will use "dart:developer" to '
'interact with the VM service at runtime.\n'
'This flag is ignored if "--start-paused" or coverage are requested, as '
'the VM service will be enabled in those cases regardless.'
abbr: 'r',
help: 'Set how to print test results. If unset, value will default to either compact or expanded.',
allowed: <String>['compact', 'expanded', 'failures-only', 'github', 'json', 'silent'],
allowedHelp: <String, String>{
'compact': 'A single line, updated continuously (the default).',
'expanded': 'A separate line for each update. May be preferred when logging to a file or in continuous integration.',
'failures-only': 'A separate line for failing tests, with no output for passing tests.',
'github': 'A custom reporter for GitHub Actions (the default reporter when running on GitHub Actions).',
'json': 'A machine-readable format. See:',
'silent': 'A reporter with no output. May be useful when only the exit code is meaningful.'
help: 'Enable an additional reporter writing test results to a file.\n'
'Should be in the form <reporter>:<filepath>, '
'Example: "json:reports/tests.json".'
help: 'The default test timeout, specified either '
'in seconds (e.g. "60s"), '
'as a multiplier of the default timeout (e.g. "2x"), '
'or as the string "none" to disable the timeout entirely.',
help: 'Compile to WebAssembly rather than JavaScript.\n$kWasmMoreInfo',
negatable: false,
addDdsOptions(verboseHelp: verboseHelp);
addServeObservatoryOptions(verboseHelp: verboseHelp);
usesFatalWarningsOption(verboseHelp: verboseHelp);
/// The interface for starting and configuring the tester.
final TestWrapper testWrapper;
/// Interface for running the tester process.
final FlutterTestRunner testRunner;
final TestCompilerNativeAssetsBuilder? nativeAssetsBuilder;
final bool verbose;
bool get isIntegrationTest => _isIntegrationTest;
bool _isIntegrationTest = false;
final Set<Uri> _testFileUris = <Uri>{};
bool get isWeb => stringArg('platform') == 'chrome';
bool get useWasm => boolArg(FlutterOptions.kWebWasmFlag);
Future<Set<DevelopmentArtifact>> get requiredArtifacts async {
final Set<DevelopmentArtifact> results = _isIntegrationTest
// Use [DeviceBasedDevelopmentArtifacts].
? await super.requiredArtifacts
: <DevelopmentArtifact>{};
if (isWeb) {
return results;
String get name => 'test';
String get description => 'Run Flutter unit tests for the current project.';
String get category => FlutterCommandCategory.project;
Future<FlutterCommandResult> verifyThenRunCommand(String? commandPath) {
final List<Uri> testUris = argResults!;
if (testUris.isEmpty) {
// We don't scan the entire package, only the test/ subdirectory, so that
// files with names like "hit_test.dart" don't get run.
final Directory testDir ='test');
if (!testDir.existsSync()) {
throwToolExit('Test directory "${testDir.path}" not found.');
if (_testFileUris.isEmpty) {
'Test directory "${testDir.path}" does not appear to contain any test files.\n'
'Test files must be in that directory and end with the pattern "_test.dart".'
} else {
for (final Uri uri in testUris) {
// Test files may have query strings to support name/line/col:
// flutter test test/foo.dart?name=a&line=1
String testPath = uri.replace(query: '').toFilePath();
testPath = globals.fs.path.absolute(testPath);
testPath = globals.fs.path.normalize(testPath);
if (globals.fs.isDirectorySync(testPath)) {
} else {
_testFileUris.add(Uri.file(testPath).replace(query: uri.query));
// This needs to be set before [super.verifyThenRunCommand] so that the
// correct [requiredArtifacts] can be identified before [run] takes place.
final List<String> testFilePaths = uri) => uri.replace(query: '').toFilePath()).toList();
_isIntegrationTest = _shouldRunAsIntegrationTests(globals.fs.currentDirectory.absolute.path, testFilePaths);
'Found ${_testFileUris.length} files which will be executed as '
'${_isIntegrationTest ? 'Integration' : 'Widget'} Tests.',
return super.verifyThenRunCommand(commandPath);
WebRendererMode get webRenderer => WebRendererMode.fromCliOption(
useWasm: useWasm
Future<FlutterCommandResult> runCommand() async {
if (!globals.fs.isFileSync('pubspec.yaml')) {
'Error: No pubspec.yaml file found in the current working directory.\n'
'Run this command from the root of your project. Test files must be '
"called *_test.dart and must reside in the package's 'test' "
'directory (or one of its subdirectories).');
final FlutterProject flutterProject = FlutterProject.current();
final bool buildTestAssets = boolArg('test-assets');
final List<String> names = stringsArg('name');
final List<String> plainNames = stringsArg('plain-name');
final String? tags = stringArg('tags');
final String? excludeTags = stringArg('exclude-tags');
final BuildInfo buildInfo = await getBuildInfo(
forcedBuildMode: BuildMode.debug,
forcedUseLocalCanvasKit: true
TestTimeRecorder? testTimeRecorder;
if (verbose) {
testTimeRecorder = TestTimeRecorder(globals.logger);
if (buildInfo.packageConfig['test_api'] == null) {
'Error: cannot run without a dependency on either "package:flutter_test" or "package:test". '
'Ensure the following lines are present in your pubspec.yaml:'
' flutter_test:\n'
' sdk: flutter\n',
bool experimentalFasterTesting = boolArg('experimental-faster-testing');
if (experimentalFasterTesting) {
if (_isIntegrationTest || isWeb) {
experimentalFasterTesting = false;
'--experimental-faster-testing was parsed but will be ignored. This '
'option is not supported when running integration tests or web tests.',
} else if (_testFileUris.length == 1) {
experimentalFasterTesting = false;
'--experimental-faster-testing was parsed but will be ignored. This '
'option should not be used when running a single test file.',
final bool startPaused = boolArg('start-paused');
if (startPaused && _testFileUris.length != 1) {
'When using --start-paused, you must specify a single test file to run.',
exitCode: 1,
final DebuggingOptions debuggingOptions = DebuggingOptions.enabled(
startPaused: startPaused,
disableServiceAuthCodes: boolArg('disable-service-auth-codes'),
serveObservatory: boolArg('serve-observatory'),
// On iOS >=14, keeping this enabled will leave a prompt on the screen.
disablePortPublication: true,
enableDds: enableDds,
nullAssertions: boolArg(FlutterOptions.kNullAssertions),
usingCISystem: usingCISystem,
enableImpeller: ImpellerStatus.fromBool(argResults!['enable-impeller'] as bool?),
debugLogsDirectoryPath: debugLogsDirectoryPath,
webRenderer: webRenderer,
printDtd: boolArg(FlutterGlobalOptions.kPrintDtd, global: true),
webUseWasm: useWasm,
String? testAssetDirectory;
if (buildTestAssets) {
await _buildTestAsset(
flavor: buildInfo.flavor,
impellerStatus: debuggingOptions.enableImpeller,
buildMode: debuggingOptions.buildInfo.mode,
packageConfigPath: buildInfo.packageConfigPath,
testAssetDirectory = globals.fs.path.
join(, 'build', 'unit_test_assets');
final String? concurrencyString = stringArg('concurrency');
int? jobs = concurrencyString == null ? null : int.tryParse(concurrencyString);
if (jobs != null && (jobs <= 0 || !jobs.isFinite)) {
'Could not parse -j/--concurrency argument. It must be an integer greater than zero.'
if (_isIntegrationTest || isWeb) {
if (argResults!.wasParsed('concurrency')) {
'-j/--concurrency was parsed but will be ignored, this option is not '
'supported when running Integration Tests or web tests.',
// Running with concurrency will result in deploying multiple test apps
// on the connected device concurrently, which is not supported.
jobs = 1;
} else if (experimentalFasterTesting) {
if (argResults!.wasParsed('concurrency')) {
'-j/--concurrency was parsed but will be ignored. This option is not '
'compatible with --experimental-faster-testing.',
final int? shardIndex = int.tryParse(stringArg('shard-index') ?? '');
if (shardIndex != null && (shardIndex < 0 || !shardIndex.isFinite)) {
'Could not parse --shard-index=$shardIndex argument. It must be an integer greater than -1.');
final int? totalShards = int.tryParse(stringArg('total-shards') ?? '');
if (totalShards != null && (totalShards <= 0 || !totalShards.isFinite)) {
'Could not parse --total-shards=$totalShards argument. It must be an integer greater than zero.');
if (totalShards != null && shardIndex == null) {
'If you set --total-shards you need to also set --shard-index.');
if (shardIndex != null && totalShards == null) {
'If you set --shard-index you need to also set --total-shards.');
final bool enableVmService = boolArg('enable-vmservice');
if (experimentalFasterTesting && enableVmService) {
'--enable-vmservice was parsed but will be ignored. This option is not '
'compatible with --experimental-faster-testing.',
final bool ipv6 = boolArg('ipv6');
if (experimentalFasterTesting && ipv6) {
// [ipv6] is set when the user desires for the test harness server to use
// IPv6, but a test harness server will not be started at all when
// [experimentalFasterTesting] is set.
'--ipv6 was parsed but will be ignored. This option is not compatible '
'with --experimental-faster-testing.',
final bool machine = boolArg('machine');
CoverageCollector? collector;
if (boolArg('coverage') || boolArg('merge-coverage') ||
boolArg('branch-coverage')) {
final Set<String> packagesToInclude = _getCoveragePackages(
collector = CoverageCollector(
verbose: !machine,
libraryNames: packagesToInclude,
packagesPath: buildInfo.packageConfigPath,
resolver: await CoverageCollector.getResolver(buildInfo.packageConfigPath),
testTimeRecorder: testTimeRecorder,
branchCoverage: boolArg('branch-coverage'),
TestWatcher? watcher;
if (machine) {
watcher = EventPrinter(parent: collector, out: globals.stdio.stdout);
} else if (collector != null) {
watcher = collector;
if (!isWeb && useWasm) {
throwToolExit('--wasm is only supported on the web platform');
if (webRenderer == WebRendererMode.skwasm && !useWasm) {
throwToolExit('Skwasm renderer requires --wasm');
if (webRenderer.isDeprecated) {
Device? integrationTestDevice;
if (_isIntegrationTest) {
integrationTestDevice = await findTargetDevice();
// Disable reporting of test results to native test frameworks. This isn't
// needed as the Flutter Tool will be responsible for reporting results.
if (integrationTestDevice == null) {
'No devices are connected. '
'Ensure that `flutter doctor` shows at least one connected device',
if (integrationTestDevice.platformType == PlatformType.web) {
// TODO(jiahaog): Support web.
throwToolExit('Web devices are not supported for integration tests yet.');
if (buildInfo.packageConfig['integration_test'] == null) {
'Error: cannot run without a dependency on "package:integration_test". '
'Ensure the following lines are present in your pubspec.yaml:'
' integration_test:\n'
' sdk: flutter\n',
if (stringArg('flavor') != null && !integrationTestDevice.supportsFlavors) {
throwToolExit('--flavor is only supported for Android, macOS, and iOS devices.');
final Stopwatch? testRunnerTimeRecorderStopwatch = testTimeRecorder?.start(TestTimePhases.TestRunner);
final int result;
if (experimentalFasterTesting) {
assert(!isWeb && !_isIntegrationTest && _testFileUris.length > 1);
result = await testRunner.runTestsBySpawningLightweightEngines(
debuggingOptions: debuggingOptions,
names: names,
plainNames: plainNames,
tags: tags,
excludeTags: excludeTags,
machine: machine,
updateGoldens: boolArg('update-goldens'),
concurrency: jobs,
testAssetDirectory: testAssetDirectory,
flutterProject: flutterProject,
randomSeed: stringArg('test-randomize-ordering-seed'),
reporter: stringArg('reporter'),
fileReporter: stringArg('file-reporter'),
timeout: stringArg('timeout'),
failFast: boolArg('fail-fast'),
runSkipped: boolArg('run-skipped'),
shardIndex: shardIndex,
totalShards: totalShards,
testTimeRecorder: testTimeRecorder,
nativeAssetsBuilder: nativeAssetsBuilder,
} else {
result = await testRunner.runTests(
debuggingOptions: debuggingOptions,
names: names,
plainNames: plainNames,
tags: tags,
excludeTags: excludeTags,
watcher: watcher,
enableVmService: collector != null || startPaused || enableVmService,
machine: machine,
updateGoldens: boolArg('update-goldens'),
concurrency: jobs,
testAssetDirectory: testAssetDirectory,
flutterProject: flutterProject,
web: isWeb,
randomSeed: stringArg('test-randomize-ordering-seed'),
reporter: stringArg('reporter'),
fileReporter: stringArg('file-reporter'),
timeout: stringArg('timeout'),
failFast: boolArg('fail-fast'),
runSkipped: boolArg('run-skipped'),
shardIndex: shardIndex,
totalShards: totalShards,
integrationTestDevice: integrationTestDevice,
integrationTestUserIdentifier: stringArg(FlutterOptions.kDeviceUser),
testTimeRecorder: testTimeRecorder,
nativeAssetsBuilder: nativeAssetsBuilder,
buildInfo: buildInfo,
testTimeRecorder?.stop(TestTimePhases.TestRunner, testRunnerTimeRecorderStopwatch!);
if (collector != null) {
final Stopwatch? collectTimeRecorderStopwatch = testTimeRecorder?.start(TestTimePhases.CoverageDataCollect);
final bool collectionResult = await collector.collectCoverageData(
mergeCoverageData: boolArg('merge-coverage'),
testTimeRecorder?.stop(TestTimePhases.CoverageDataCollect, collectTimeRecorderStopwatch!);
if (!collectionResult) {
if (result != 0) {
return FlutterCommandResult.success();
Set<String> _getCoveragePackages(
List<String> packagesRegExps,
FlutterProject flutterProject,
PackageConfig packageConfig,
) {
final String projectName = flutterProject.manifest.appName;
final Set<String> packagesToInclude = <String>{
if (packagesRegExps.isEmpty) projectName,
try {
for (final String regExpStr in packagesRegExps) {
final RegExp regExp = RegExp(regExpStr);
.map((Package e) =>
.where((String e) => regExp.hasMatch(e)),
} on FormatException catch (e) {
throwToolExit('Regular expression syntax is invalid. $e');
return packagesToInclude;
/// Parses a test file/directory target passed as an argument and returns it
/// as an absolute file:/// [URI] with optional querystring for name/line/col.
Uri _parseTestArgument(String arg) {
// We can't parse Windows paths as URIs if they have query strings, so
// parse the file and query parts separately.
final int queryStart = arg.indexOf('?');
String filePart = queryStart == -1 ? arg : arg.substring(0, queryStart);
final String queryPart = queryStart == -1 ? '' : arg.substring(queryStart + 1);
filePart = globals.fs.path.absolute(filePart);
filePart = globals.fs.path.normalize(filePart);
return Uri.file(filePart)
.replace(query: queryPart.isEmpty ? null : queryPart);
Future<void> _buildTestAsset({
required String? flavor,
required ImpellerStatus impellerStatus,
required BuildMode buildMode,
required String packageConfigPath,
}) async {
final AssetBundle assetBundle = AssetBundleFactory.instance.createBundle();
final int build = await
packageConfigPath: packageConfigPath,
flavor: flavor,
if (build != 0) {
throwToolExit('Error: Failed to build asset bundle');
if (_needsRebuild(assetBundle.entries, flavor)) {
await writeBundle('build', 'unit_test_assets')),
targetPlatform: TargetPlatform.tester,
impellerStatus: impellerStatus,
processManager: globals.processManager,
fileSystem: globals.fs,
artifacts: globals.artifacts!,
logger: globals.logger,
projectDir: globals.fs.currentDirectory,
buildMode: buildMode,
final File cachedFlavorFile = globals.fs.file(
globals.fs.path.join('build', 'test_cache', 'flavor.txt'),
if (cachedFlavorFile.existsSync()) {
await cachedFlavorFile.delete();
if (flavor != null) {
cachedFlavorFile.createSync(recursive: true);
bool _needsRebuild(Map<String, AssetBundleEntry> entries, String? flavor) {
// TODO(andrewkolos): This logic might fail in the future if we change the
// schema of the contents of the asset manifest file and the user does not
// perform a `flutter clean` after upgrading.
// See
final File manifest = globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join('build', 'unit_test_assets', 'AssetManifest.bin'));
if (!manifest.existsSync()) {
return true;
final DateTime lastModified = manifest.lastModifiedSync();
final File pub = globals.fs.file('pubspec.yaml');
if (pub.lastModifiedSync().isAfter(lastModified)) {
return true;
final Iterable<DevFSFileContent> files = entries.values
.map((AssetBundleEntry asset) => asset.content)
for (final DevFSFileContent entry in files) {
// Calling isModified to access file stats first in order for isModifiedAfter
// to work.
if (entry.isModified && entry.isModifiedAfter(lastModified)) {
return true;
final File cachedFlavorFile = globals.fs.file(
globals.fs.path.join('build', 'test_cache', 'flavor.txt'),
final String? cachedFlavor = cachedFlavorFile.existsSync()
? cachedFlavorFile.readAsStringSync()
: null;
if (cachedFlavor != flavor) {
return true;
return false;
/// Searches [directory] and returns files that end with `_test.dart` as
/// absolute paths.
Iterable<String> _findTests(Directory directory) {
return directory.listSync(recursive: true, followLinks: false)
.where((FileSystemEntity entity) => entity.path.endsWith('_test.dart') &&
.map((FileSystemEntity entity) => globals.fs.path.absolute(entity.path));
/// Returns true if there are files that are Integration Tests.
/// The [currentDirectory] and [testFiles] parameters here must be provided as
/// absolute paths.
/// Throws an exception if there are both Integration Tests and Widget Tests
/// found in [testFiles].
bool _shouldRunAsIntegrationTests(String currentDirectory, List<String> testFiles) {
final String integrationTestDirectory = globals.fs.path.join(currentDirectory, _kIntegrationTestDirectory);
if (testFiles.every((String absolutePath) => !absolutePath.startsWith(integrationTestDirectory))) {
return false;
if (testFiles.every((String absolutePath) => absolutePath.startsWith(integrationTestDirectory))) {
return true;
'Integration tests and unit tests cannot be run in a single invocation.'
' Use separate invocations of `flutter test` to run integration tests'
' and unit tests.'