blob: dba4b5f3441164024dad48e8468502ad31cc6c73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:js_interop';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:matcher/expect.dart' show fail;
import 'goldens.dart';
import 'web.dart' as web;
/// An unsupported [GoldenFileComparator] that exists for API compatibility.
class LocalFileComparator extends GoldenFileComparator {
Future<bool> compare(Uint8List imageBytes, Uri golden) {
throw UnsupportedError('LocalFileComparator is not supported on the web.');
Future<void> update(Uri golden, Uint8List imageBytes) {
throw UnsupportedError('LocalFileComparator is not supported on the web.');
/// Returns whether [test] and [master] are pixel by pixel identical.
/// This method is not supported on the web and throws an [UnsupportedError]
/// when called.
Future<ComparisonResult> compareLists(List<int> test, List<int> master) async {
throw UnsupportedError('Golden testing is not supported on the web.');
/// The default [WebGoldenComparator] implementation for `flutter test`.
/// This comparator will send a request to the test server for golden comparison
/// which will then defer the comparison to [goldenFileComparator].
/// See also:
/// * [matchesGoldenFile], the function from [flutter_test] that invokes the
/// comparator.
class DefaultWebGoldenComparator extends WebGoldenComparator {
/// Creates a new [DefaultWebGoldenComparator] for the specified [testFile].
/// Golden file keys will be interpreted as file paths relative to the
/// directory in which [testFile] resides.
/// The [testFile] URL must represent a file.
/// The test file currently being executed.
/// Golden file keys will be interpreted as file paths relative to the
/// directory in which this file resides.
Uri testUri;
Future<bool> compare(double width, double height, Uri golden) async {
final String key = golden.toString();
final web.Response response = await web.window.fetch(
method: 'POST',
body: json.encode(<String, Object>{
'testUri': testUri.toString(),
'key': key,
'width': width.round(),
'height': height.round(),
final String responseText = (await response.text().toDart).toDart;
if (responseText == 'true') {
return true;
Future<void> update(double width, double height, Uri golden) async {
// Update is handled on the server side, just use the same logic here
await compare(width, height, golden);
Future<bool> compareBytes(Uint8List bytes, Uri golden) async {
final String key = golden.toString();
final String bytesEncoded = base64.encode(bytes);
final web.Response response = await web.window.fetch(
method: 'POST',
body: json.encode(<String, Object>{
'testUri': testUri.toString(),
'key': key,
'bytes': bytesEncoded,
final String responseText = (await response.text().toDart).toDart;
if (responseText == 'true') {
return true;
Future<void> updateBytes(Uint8List bytes, Uri golden) async {
// Update is handled on the server side, just use the same logic here
await compareBytes(bytes, golden);